Is this forum Highjacked?


Apr 17, 2019
+ language is so limited by it's very nature. Everybody has a unique complex context for even perceiving a single word. We need to be careful not to get carried away by the first impression we get, and to try to get to know the individual and where he/she is coming from, instead of attacking a fixed image that may or may not be close to the real thing. That's a foundation for conversation.

I'm learning to do this as well and I always try to learn from really nasty comments too, if I've gotten the wrong image about something, how to communicate better etc.

To me, it's obvious that some here don't try at all. Making sarcastic remarks intended only to ridicule and hurt feelings is to me evidence of this. Attacks which keep the conversation from emerging.
To me it's very odd that you saw only bad intent from the attackees, but not so from the attacker. If you desire to learn more from nasty comments, maybe another read thru of the OP.
May 21, 2015
To me it's very odd that you saw only bad intent from the attackees, but not so from the attacker. If you desire to learn more from nasty comments, maybe another read thru of the OP.
I have read it again because people got so different impression about it then me. And who told you from whom I got only bad intent?


Dec 17, 2018
True maybe this place is increasing my serotonin after all hahah.

Either way i didn't mean to startle you fellas i think that at least my post made a small impact here and people may start noticing more and more the phenomena of which i talk about, it would really be a disgrace for the ideas of a very fine researcher like peat to end up getting distorted and misused and end up hurting people instead of helping them, i am not saying that this is what's happening i'm just saying that according to my understanding this is where i see this going.

Also keep in mind that English isn't my mother tongue so maybe i come off as arrogant without intending to.

Also psychedelics taught me that sharing your opinion about things and debating is a great way for everyone to learn more about themselves, self exploration doesn't mean you have to live alone in the woods.

This was exactly my intention and i was greatly disappointed when it turned into a conflict.

Maybe all those drugs really destroyed your logical reasoning, so let me break it down for you. Yes you can have any opinion you want, but why do you think an opinion of a forum as whole cannot be insulting or better yet why did you think you can make a thread about your insulting opinon without facing the consequences? Are you really that slow in the head nowadays from your drug use?

You really think so highly of yourself that you thought you could get away with saying whatever terrible opinion you had of this community and everyone would just applaud you and tell you how enlightened and insightful you are? Clearly these drugs have negatively impacted your perception of yourself and others. This entire thread of yours insulting a community turned into exactly what anyone would expect it to. But you are so deluded you continue to participate, further embarrassing yourself. Daily microdosing LSD? Lol are you okay? No wonder you were not even aware enough to understand what would happen if you made a thread like this.


Jul 24, 2018
Agree that many topics have become political, which has clouded the forum homepage and shifted the focus away from health. I understand why this has happened, but this stuff could be discussed elsewhere as it is not very productive to improve health and generally does not generate new ideas, rather leading people to project and argue.
May 21, 2015
I never got the impression that he (or she) meant the whole community, that everybody here is dogmatic, aggressive, intolerant authoritarian etc and wanted to rub it in our faces from a high horse. Just that there's a fair bit of that kinda thing going on nowadays. And I would agree that I see a lot of lack of respect for individualism, and a lot of restless negative attacks.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Of course I'm gonna put my findings from psychedelic research up for debate but I am looking for the right forum to do it, since it will take a lot of time and I want good results, and this forum doesn't seem like the place for it anymore.

You keep saying that, yet keep engaging. How can we miss you if you don't go away?
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Apr 17, 2019
I never got the impression that he (or she) meant the whole community, that everybody here is dogmatic, aggressive, intolerant authoritarian etc and wanted to rub it in our faces from a high horse. Just that there's a fair bit of that kinda thing going on nowadays. And I would agree that I see a lot of lack of respect for individualism, and a lot of restless negative attacks.
Lack of respect for individualism? I don't get it. Oh, I see. The person who went ahead and attacked the whole group must be looking for respect. That it? Yeah, could be problematic. Restless negative attacks? Haven't seen one here. Oh, I think I get it again. If we don't all agree with the original insulter, we're attacking. Restlessly and negatively.
Sad, isn't it?

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Also psychedelics taught me that sharing your opinion about things and debating is a great way for everyone to learn more about themselves, self exploration doesn't mean you have to live alone in the woods.

This was exactly my intention and i was greatly disappointed when it turned into a conflict.

You started it with your passive-aggressive attack. Why not hang up the phone and dial again to start the conversation you say you want to have?
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May 21, 2015
Why you yourself. "Making sarcastic remarks INTENDED only to ridicule and hurt feelings"
I meant I didn't say the sarcastic ridiculers etc had only bad intent in everything they said, or that the OP or anyone else is a perfect saint with zero bad intent in their heart.


Jun 5, 2019
Maybe all those drugs really destroyed your logical reasoning, so let me break it down for you. Yes you can have any opinion you want, but why do you think an opinion of a forum as whole cannot be insulting or better yet why did you think you can make a thread about your insulting opinon without facing the consequences? Are you really that slow in the head nowadays from your drug use?

You really think so highly of yourself that you thought you could get away with saying whatever terrible opinion you had of this community and everyone would just applaud you and tell you how enlightened and insightful you are? Clearly these drugs have negatively impacted your perception of yourself and others. This entire thread of yours insulting a community turned into exactly what anyone would expect it to. But you are so deluded you continue to participate, further embarrassing yourself. Daily microdosing LSD? Lol are you okay? No wonder you were not even aware enough to understand what would happen if you made a thread like this.
Interesting How experimenting with LSD is consider taking "All those Drugs" but if anyone looks at your history, you seem to recommend supplementation with dozens of different substances to people here as a way to "correct" a deficiency or some other imbalance theory.

Also my research is based on solid evidence of LSD and similar substances having serotonin blocking effects while you seem to recommend dozens of substances without any actual evidence, apart from some wild theories that you seem to make up on the spot.

How is one well researched substance with a lot of evidence of serotonin antagonism that Peat himself recommends destroying my reasoning ability exactly.


Jul 29, 2019
In my experience, high serotonin just feels very "narrow" with unhealthy reactivity. Everything that may challenge or get in the way of what you see or have seen, is ignored or attacked. High serotonin is the epitome of living in a small bubble with no desire to branch out and the will to keep it the way it is. There's no strength or growth in that state, just insecurities, reactivity, and pointing fingers. Thoughts/beliefs are inherited and aren't really questioned objectively (in my experience)

I have no test to confirm high serotonin in the past but we can all usually agree or identify with a certain "personality or mindset" that's experienced in a state of greater serotonin activity. I really liked Hans article on it (search up the high serotonin personality on men-elite). I do see the behavior associated with that personality type in this forum more than I thought I would. But it makes sense, as others pointed out that individuals with suboptimal health would be looking for help and therefore be dominant in a forum like this.

I found it takes an "open mind"(less serotonin) to be able to truly listen or see what someone else perceives from their shoes and be objective/honest with yourself in how that changes what you think you know. It takes less ego and attachment. Usually results in greater ability to control your emotions so they don't alter what you perceive and think. I've never seen Dr. Peat lose his cool when discussing. He's open minded, patient, thoughtful, and respectful


Jul 29, 2019
I saw posts that were just flat out rude, aggressive, apathetic, and self serving above all. But of course, there were/are plenty of really kind and helpful members. I think we can agree that behavior isn't consistent and depends on circumstances. I've seen members that are kind/generous on one subject and disrespectful on another. The kindness and understanding is normally in the health topics and the rudeness/discrimination is usually seen when discussing politics/ideologies

I didn't take offense to OP's post. I don't 100% agree with it but others here clearly did take offense and it does confirm some of his points


Dec 17, 2018
Interesting How experimenting with LSD is consider taking "All those Drugs" but if anyone looks at your history, you seem to recommend supplementation with dozens of different substances to people here as a way to "correct" a deficiency or some other imbalance theory.

Also my research is based on solid evidence of LSD and similar substances having serotonin blocking effects while you seem to recommend dozens of substances without any actual evidence, apart from some wild theories that you seem to make up on the spot.

How is one well researched substance with a lot of evidence of serotonin antagonism that Peat himself recommends destroying my reasoning ability exactly.

Evidence that you lack reasoning is your OP. Let's emphasize:

Hello Guys i came back to the forum after a break and damn...

I left the forum for a while, because of my suspicions of it turning into a really toxic place full of authoritarians, which is really ironic.

Anyway, i stopped focusing so much on diet for a while and instead i started experimenting with psychedelics as i am a firm believer that the psychedelic experience is in part a phenomenon of
serotonin blocking.

Tripping really made me realize many things about experiencing the world.

Apart from tripping i also tried microdosing, i experimented a bit and found that microdosing every day works best for me. 5mcg of lsd every single day just after waking up makes the day very interesting.

One thing that i realized is that society is serotonin driven. There is nothing healthy about building societies, the way i see it society is the equivalent of hibernation for animals that build groups instead of living alone.

Bears deal with environmental stress by hibernating, humans build societies instead.

Society building is a stress reaction to danger and lack of resources,

This much was crystal clear while tripping which is a state which i believe reflects a low serotonin state.

Other things that where very clear to me is that language is very limiting just like doctor Peat said.

Authoritarianism and being stuck in a certain perspective about the world along with failure to realize that every creatures experiences the world very differently than you is also a symptom of high serotonin the way i see it.

Maybe the most important thing about high serotonin is how it makes you think you know everything, in low serotonin states you realize you don't know jack ***t about the universe, which is
so unbelievably amazing.

Back to the forum now, after coming back and browsing through some posts, all i could find was dogma ,authoritarianism, aggression, insults ,supporting the idea of society, racism , bigotry,
homophobia, inability to understand that every creature experiences the world differently, inability to understand the importance of freedom etc.

Also i found many people where pushing organized religion on other members etc.

This forum is probably highjacked by people who think they have it all figured out, because this is not really a forum reflecting the antiauthoritarian child like behaviour.

High metabolism low serotonin means , Empathy , courage , love , the ability to dream while awake, supporting others instead of putting others down, etc.

This forum is full of serotonin dominant authoritarians, who turned Doctor Peats ideas into a Dogma, and now they just walk around with their jaws clenched seeing enemies everywhere,
This is exactly the opposite of what i understand peat philosophy ais.

Anyway long post lol , i dont even know why i cared to write this , maybe i just wanted to put my ideas out there for debate.

Just remember being fearful of anything different than what you are used too is probably serotonin paranoia so when someone presents a new reality to you explore it before attacking the poor fella. :)))

Multiple times you attack this community, making broad judgements about the members here. You try and come from a higher place (drugged up delusion) thinking you are more enlightened than everyone. I thought this was obvious. What kind of person needs this explained to them?

The substances I recommend sharpen the mind, make it more conscious/aware, improve its function with the idea of making us better thinkers and motivated individuals. I don't ever recommend psychedelics or things that warp our perception of reality. LSD may do some good for some people in rare, one time occasions, but you are a druggie microdosing hallucinogen daily. Saying society is serotonin driven just adds to evidence of your inability to reason. Society and its advancement is driven by dopamine. It always was. Its the main neurotransmitter that makes us want more, want to improve ourselves and the things around us, dream big and actualize our dreams. If you don't understand that you are off the deep end.

Your gut reaction of "serotonin = bad" is laughable. You should know LSD is not candy, no drug is. When you treat it like candy you end up doing stupid things such as making threads like this. We don't want high serotonin usually, but artificially lowering serotonin especially the way you do can unironically make you more dense than you were before.


Jun 5, 2019
Evidence that you lack reasoning is your OP. Let's emphasize:

Multiple times you attack this community, making broad judgements about the members here. You try and come from a higher place (drugged up delusion) thinking you are more enlightened than everyone. I thought this was obvious. What kind of person needs this explained to them?

The substances I recommend sharpen the mind, make it more conscious/aware, improve its function with the idea of making us better thinkers and motivated individuals. I don't ever recommend psychedelics or things that warp our perception of reality. LSD may do some good for some people in rare, one time occasions, but you are a druggie microdosing hallucinogen daily. Saying society is serotonin driven just adds to evidence of your inability to reason. Society and its advancement is driven by dopamine. It always was. Its the main neurotransmitter that makes us want more, want to improve ourselves and the things around us, dream big and actualize our dreams. If you don't understand that you are off the deep end.

Your gut reaction of "serotonin = bad" is laughable. You should know LSD is not candy, no drug is. When you treat it like candy you end up doing stupid things such as making threads like this. We don't want high serotonin usually, but artificially lowering serotonin especially the way you do can unironically make you more dense than you were before

LSD and similar hallucinogens make you a delusional druggie based on what ? baseless claims biased by the war on drugs that unintelligent authoritarians like nixon started based on lies, scare tactics and propaganda.

There is zero evidence of LSD damaging the brain, while there is plenty of evidence of enhanced neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, also there is a lot of evidence of psychedelics reducing inflammatory markers, lowering the rates of depression , anxiety etc.

Many people had their lives completely changed by psychedelics in a positive way including myself.

Correct if i am wrong but i have never really heard of anyone changing his life for the better in any significant way by supplementing zinc or something.

The substances that you recommend make the brain sharper based on what?
Do you know how many hypochondriacs supplement every mineral and vitamin possible in an attempt to change something, if supplements made any significant difference we would have known by now.

Supplements are only making a significant difference when the diet is extremely deficient.
The supplement business is scamming desperate people for decades now, selling them overpriced snake oils that will supposedly heal them.

Society is a positive dopamine driven plan?

The only reason it hasn't collapsed yet is ssri's and antipsychotics making people obedient zombies by keeping them stuck in a submissive stress response.

Society is what desperate people cling to for resources ,in my experience everyone who has enough resources to thrive is staying as far as possible from society, usually in the company of a few close friends enjoying life away from the madness that is society.

i understand that we have very different takes on life, but dismissing what i said as "druggie gibberish" is completely dishonest and hypocritical.


Dec 17, 2018
LSD and similar hallucinogens make you a delusional druggie based on what ? baseless claims biased by the war on drugs that unintelligent authoritarians like nixon started based on lies, scare tactics and propaganda.

There is zero evidence of LSD damaging the brain, while there is plenty of evidence of enhanced neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, also there is a lot of evidence of psychedelics reducing inflammatory markers, lowering the rates of depression , anxiety etc.

Many people had their lives completely changed by psychedelics in a positive way including myself.

Correct if i am wrong but i have never really heard of anyone changing his life for the better in any significant way by supplementing zinc or something.

The substances that you recommend make the brain sharper based on what?
Do you know how many hypochondriacs supplement every mineral and vitamin possible in an attempt to change something, if supplements made any significant difference we would have known by now.

Supplements are only making a significant difference when the diet is extremely deficient.
The supplement business is scamming desperate people for decades now, selling them overpriced snake oils that will supposedly heal them.

Society is a positive dopamine driven plan?

The only reason it hasn't collapsed yet is ssri's and antipsychotics making people obedient zombies by keeping them stuck in a submissive stress response.

Society is what desperate people cling to for resources ,in my experience everyone who has enough resources to thrive is staying as far as possible from society, usually in the company of a few close friends enjoying life away from the madness that is society.

i understand that we have very different takes on life, but dismissing what i said as "druggie gibberish" is completely dishonest and hypocritical.

I have heard and read of plenty of people improving their quality of life once they start supplementing something they were not getting enough for a long time. I have no idea what you are talking about when you say based on what. Are you okay? There are studies, research, and knowledge on all these micronutrients such as zinc, iron, B vitamins, even certain foods, whatever and how they are involved in maintaining health, energy, cognition, motivation, hormones, etc. Its all there on the web. You just need to look for it and learn. Or don't, LSD is anti-serotonin thus solves all your problems lmao.

These things however do not fix a broken psychological profile, they only help fix broken/underperforming energy systems in the body so the individual can then help themselves. You are not supposed to take substances to change your life, you are supposed to improve your health (by whatever means, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, other supps, better food) so you yourself can have the motivation/drive/will and energy to change your own life and mindset.

Yes society is driven by dopamine. There is no progress, advancement without dopamine driving it all. If you think that's actually primarily serotonin then you clearly don't understand serotonin. Of course you don't understand, you see society as a bad thing lmao. Many millenia ago humans decided to come together and create civilization to make life easier, safer, and better.

Learn a little bit of ancient human history if you want to understand. I am not trying to debate the use of LSD I couldnt give less of a ***t of the drugs you use to get you through life. Point was it clearly has not been helpful to you because you spoke ill of an entire internet forum (you said this exactly as I already emphasized) based on the actions of a few while ironically criticizing us all for being toxic authoritarians.


Jun 5, 2019
I have heard and read of plenty of people improving their quality of life once they start supplementing something they were not getting enough for a long time. I have no idea what you are talking about when you say based on what. Are you okay? There are studies, research, and knowledge on all these micronutrients such as zinc, iron, B vitamins, even certain foods, whatever and how they are involved in maintaining health, energy, cognition, motivation, hormones, etc. Its all there on the web. You just need to look for it and learn. Or don't, LSD is anti-serotonin thus solves all your problems lmao.

These things however do not fix a broken psychological profile, they only help fix broken/underperforming energy systems in the body so the individual can then help themselves. You are not supposed to take substances to change your life, you are supposed to improve your health (by whatever means, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, other supps, better food) so you yourself can have the motivation/drive/will and energy to change your own life and mindset.

Yes society is driven by dopamine. There is no progress, advancement without dopamine driving it all. If you think that's actually primarily serotonin then you clearly don't understand serotonin. Of course you don't understand, you see society as a bad thing lmao. Many millenia ago humans decided to come together and create civilization to make life easier, safer, and better.

Learn a little bit of ancient human history if you want to understand. I am not trying to debate the use of LSD I couldnt give less of a ***t of the drugs you use to get you through life. Point was it clearly has not been helpful to you because you spoke ill of an entire internet forum (you said this exactly as I already emphasized) based on the actions of a few while ironically criticizing us all for being toxic authoritarians.
I understand supplementation improving health in severely deficient states, I said it probably does nothing when you eat enough food everyday,
you didn't address my point on that at all.

Then you claim that you shouldn't take any substances and immediately dispute yourself by saying you should take amino acids, vitamin, supplements for drive and energy.

Then you claim society doesn't result from stress and serotonin because people came together before millennia to make life easier which is exactly what i am saying as i claim society to be an adaptation to the stress of lack of resources, so i don't understand how you disagree as my main point is that society is a stress response.

Then you ask me if i am okay, thank you very much i am feeling ok but i can't see how that is relevant.

And then you somehow bring up ancient human history which by the way was an era that psychedelic use was really common, for someone claiming to be sober, your response seems a bit all over the place.

Then you claim that LSD use was not helpful for me because i called you an authoritarian ?
I am literally unable to understand how any of this follows a logical construct, are you sure you are not the one abusing narcotics here.


Dec 17, 2018
I understand supplementation improving health in severely deficient states, I said it probably does nothing when you eat enough food everyday,
you didn't address my point on that at all.

Then you claim that you shouldn't take any substances and immediately dispute yourself by saying you should take amino acids, vitamin, supplements for drive and energy.

Then you claim society doesn't result from stress and serotonin because people came together before millennia to make life easier which is exactly what i am saying as i claim society to be an adaptation to the stress of lack of resources, so i don't understand how you disagree as my main point is that society is a stress response.

Then you ask me if i am okay, thank you very much i am feeling ok but i can't see how that is relevant.

And then you somehow bring up ancient human history which by the way was an era that psychedelic use was really common, for someone claiming to be sober, your response seems a bit all over the place.

Then you claim that LSD use was not helpful for me because i called you an authoritarian ?
I am literally unable to understand how any of this follows a logical construct, are you sure you are not the one abusing narcotics here.

I do not contradict myself. Its just clearly very difficult for you to follow along. You take substances/eat better quality to improve your many aspects of your health so you THEN can help yourself and improve your own quality of life. So simple and yet you tell me I am contradicting myself. Those substances should be mainly micronutrients, macronutrients, with emphasis on the best quality foods you can consume. You also need knowledge to apply these changes. Thus you need to learn.
I am literally unable to understand how any of this follows a logical construct, are you sure you are not the one abusing narcotics here.
Well I can see now your attention is clearly all over the place and you can't concentrate for very long. LSD is clearly not doing any favors. Do you even know what my main problem I brought up was? You think you can state generalizing opinions that are insulting, untrue, and unfair to the majority of the people on this forum and thinking you will be able to do so in your OP without negative consequences. To make it worse you double down when you are called out for it by the members here. Next time you actually want to have a discussion in a thread, do not start the OP with judging everyone. It's really not that hard but you couldn't even do that.


Jan 1, 2020
I personally think this forum is great and I don't mind that some people here are reactive or emotional or dogmatic. A forum full of virtuous and overly polite people reminds me of some psychedelic forums I used to visit. Try hard and very boring. Competing ideas is a good thing even if that means sparks fly. As long it's not spammers or 4chan tier posting I'm good.


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