I'll tell you why this forum is good

Oct 24, 2020
Patagonia, Argentina
Some people have been complaining about the conspiracy theories, JamesGatz, and I don't know what else.

But no, I'll tell you why this forum is good. And JamesGatz is one of those reasons.

This forum is good because firstly, there is free speech, which I know I cannot find practically anywhere. So it's not a minor detail this one.

Besides free speech, it's the information available here. Here we can find information about a wide range of things, gathering something that is way more important than to have money to then be paying medical insurance: knowledge.

Do you know how much money is spent in paying doctors for solutions and treatments that in lots of cases do nothing to improve the situation? Yet these white robes get themselves with the money and they spin the wheel of corruption.

So here we can learn from lots of contributions that Ray Peat has made to the world, regarding the true nature and function of serotonin, the dangerous effects of too much PUFA consumption, the understanding of the importance of proper salt intake, and some other things like the benefits of CO2 in the body.

These things the majority of white robes do not understand, and the worst is that a lot of them just don't care.

So see why this forum is important. Plus we've got some nice people here, and a good number.

And because of this knowledge lots of people that have come here have benefited, because here have come people at the brink of SSRI administration, and have been able to avoid it like the plague. And many others have been able to wean off these right on time. Besides, here they can learn what to grab instead of these, then finding relief in most of cases. Though I myself have seen some roof to this, but mainly because they are not told enough to quit vices like PMO and sexual immorality, which I can guarantee, are the kickstarters of lots of mental and physical problems. But now you know, and you have learnt this in this forum.

What else can I say? Here a lot of people have learnt about conspiracy theories too! Some may get annoyed by these, but others would find them helpful to understand the world better, or at least to have with what to compare, what to weigh on the scales along with what we are always told. And this is only available where there is free speech and good moderation, which are in this forum.

I invite anyone to share why this forum is good, what they have learnt here, and how they have been benefited by it.


Dec 8, 2016


Jun 22, 2021
Reasons why this forum is good:

1) You meet ACTUAL intelligent people here instead of the PUFA-ridden Pseudointellectuals

2) I also emphasize Freedom of Speech

3) When you use this forum - you are supporting REAL PEOPLE unlike Twitter/Facebook where you are supporting the same people who wish ill will towards you

4) We have a HUGE community of people that discuss things OUTSIDE of diet/health which the other Ray Peat Groups tend to NOT do because their serotonin is not low enough so their brains cannot tolerate such a thing

5) The Normies KNOW their place when they come here

6) Active BOT control (same cannot be said about the social media RP groups)

7) Theres A LOT more info here on diet/health that is easily searchable versus social media where things are a lot messier

8) Here we have taken Ray's work to the NEXT level - moving further past food/supplements to fix health and examining ALL aspects of lifestyle that influence metabolic health - the other RP groups are stuck on the same broken record talking about the same food/supplements on an endless loop

9) We are VERY open-minded - therefore have a tendency to find the truth about all topics we discuss - in the other groups you got high-serotonin normies shaming open discussions about topics that are not politically-correct


Sep 12, 2020
I am staying ! The more james's in here and crazy conspirators the better. Maybe someone needs to start a new forum the raypeat2.boring forum where the super sensitive can play or all agree to agree.


Sep 13, 2012
I would be fine with all users if they do not attack people. I was recently called all sorts of names for speaking about sexual immorality and quoting the Bible. @Makrosky compared me to a Nazi. Bullying should never be tolerated. Every forum needs abuse rules.


Aug 9, 2019
I'd argue that there is too much theory on this forum and not enough valuable practical advice, and straight to the point protocols. Especially when it comes to effectively healing digestive issues, allergies, the forum is lacking big in this department.
Way too many generalists and very few specialists.
Peat gives us the bigger picture, but we have to look elsewhere for healing. To listen to those who specialize in a certain niche of health. Leaky gut, heavy metals, autoimmune disease.


I wish I'd known about the conspiracy theory about depopulation and vaccines when i was getting a skin full of the stuff - imagine I would be probably be healthy today.


Sep 13, 2012
Reasons why this forum is good:

1) You meet ACTUAL intelligent people here instead of the PUFA-ridden Pseudointellectuals

2) I also emphasize Freedom of Speech

3) When you use this forum - you are supporting REAL PEOPLE unlike Twitter/Facebook where you are supporting the same people who wish ill will towards you

4) We have a HUGE community of people that discuss things OUTSIDE of diet/health which the other Ray Peat Groups tend to NOT do because their serotonin is not low enough so their brains cannot tolerate such a thing

5) The Normies KNOW their place when they come here

6) Active BOT control (same cannot be said about the social media RP groups)

7) Theres A LOT more info here on diet/health that is easily searchable versus social media where things are a lot messier

8) Here we have taken Ray's work to the NEXT level - moving further past food/supplements to fix health and examining ALL aspects of lifestyle that influence metabolic health - the other RP groups are stuck on the same broken record talking about the same food/supplements on an endless loop

9) We are VERY open-minded - therefore have a tendency to find the truth about all topics we discuss - in the other groups you got high-serotonin normies shaming open discussions about topics that are not politically-correct
I wish being able to discuss Christianity was in there because I am finding there are way more anti-christians in this group than I thought. Seems the freedom of speech stops when it comes to religion.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Apr 22, 2019
I would be fine with all users if they do not attack people. I was recently called all sorts of names for speaking about sexual immorality and quoting the Bible. @Makrosky compared me to a Nazi. Bullying should never be tolerated. Every forum needs abuse rules.
Harden up soldier.

Luke 6:22
[22] Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

2 Corinthians 6:17-18
[17] Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
[18] And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

Exodus 15:3
[3] The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.

1 Peter 1:15-16
[15] But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;
[16] Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.


Sep 13, 2012
Harden up soldier.

Luke 6:22
[22] Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

2 Corinthians 6:17-18
[17] Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
[18] And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

Exodus 15:3
[3] The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.

1 Peter 1:15-16
[15] But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation;
[16] Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
Amen!! And another one that gave me so much peace over persecution:
Matthew 5:10
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.


Aug 30, 2017
Because serotonin bad, dopamine good. And because Facebook is way to broad now for discussion and ads suck. I'm liking all topics here. RPF feels like an actual debate with points and counter points
Mar 10, 2021
Some people have been complaining about the conspiracy theories, JamesGatz, and I don't know what else.

But no, I'll tell you why this forum is good. And JamesGatz is one of those reasons.

This forum is good because firstly, there is free speech, which I know I cannot find practically anywhere. So it's not a minor detail this one.

Besides free speech, it's the information available here. Here we can find information about a wide range of things, gathering something that is way more important than to have money to then be paying medical insurance: knowledge.

Do you know how much money is spent in paying doctors for solutions and treatments that in lots of cases do nothing to improve the situation? Yet these white robes get themselves with the money and they spin the wheel of corruption.

So here we can learn from lots of contributions that Ray Peat has made to the world, regarding the true nature and function of serotonin, the dangerous effects of too much PUFA consumption, the understanding of the importance of proper salt intake, and some other things like the benefits of CO2 in the body.

These things the majority of white robes do not understand, and the worst is that a lot of them just don't care.

So see why this forum is important. Plus we've got some nice people here, and a good number.

And because of this knowledge lots of people that have come here have benefited, because here have come people at the brink of SSRI administration, and have been able to avoid it like the plague. And many others have been able to wean off these right on time. Besides, here they can learn what to grab instead of these, then finding relief in most of cases. Though I myself have seen some roof to this, but mainly because they are not told enough to quit vices like PMO and sexual immorality, which I can guarantee, are the kickstarters of lots of mental and physical problems. But now you know, and you have learnt this in this forum.

What else can I say? Here a lot of people have learnt about conspiracy theories too! Some may get annoyed by these, but others would find them helpful to understand the world better, or at least to have with what to compare, what to weigh on the scales along with what we are always told. And this is only available where there is free speech and good moderation, which are in this forum.

I invite anyone to share why this forum is good, what they have learnt here, and how they have been benefited by it.
This forum is an intelligent place to try and find answer and see the other side of the coin. If people thought for themselves like people did 50+ years ago they wouldn’t be so sick at such early ages. Doctors aren’t health guru’s, they just “practice” on people what they were taught, which is what governments control. Doctors are wonderful for saving lives in emergencies, but as far as health, they are not. Most doctors I saw 15+ years ago were not looking too good themselves by the time they were fifty, and even younger. That show “My 700 Pound Life” is a perfect example of that, with the fat doctor scolding his patients on not eating right. It is easy for someone to dole out health advice when they are under fifty and have some of their resilient youth still, but that resilience finally succumbs to unhealthy habit, so the proof on whether that advice is right doesn’t come until much later. The creams I used assuming they were good and foods I ate assuming the same, had me eventually waking up to realizing I was all wrong. I like this forum because there are so many intelligent people and mostly because people on the forum care enough about their health or the health of someone else to spend their spare time learning, rather than just entertaining themselves watching mindless television. I really respect that.


Mar 31, 2021
I've never seen anyone be super disrespectful or aggressive on this forum, while people seem to speak with a lot of freedom. I think that's what makes it such a good forum. Also the amount of spam/crap is very low. Every topic has something interesting going on. People talk with passion here, speak without hesitation and put their thoughts out there. That's what we should hope for in a free society.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
What can I say? I’ve been here 10 years now (joined in November 2013) and have stayed because it’s a great place to learn, grow and find interesting and thought provoking information that you really don’t normally find elsewhere. Life isn’t perfect of course but Peat taught resilience and not giving up in the face of adversity. We also have his example of selflessness in helping others to guide us in our interactions here (and hopefully life in general). Many members genuinely care, have a desire to continue to learn and are willing to share their experiences and perspectives. After all this time I can honestly say this forum has had a huge impact on my life by teaching me to truly dig deep, continue to research, believe in my inner guidance, experiment, adjust course when necessary and figure out what works best for me. Thank you @charlie!
Mar 10, 2021
Stories like these are why I like this forum.….

“The costs for expensive supplements, diet plans, and health courses... yet none of them helped. The doctors started to think I was crazy. Discussions on this forum solved my problem in just two days, and it barely cost me 2 euros! Just by switching to simple table salt, my heart palpitations completely stopped - and I mean completely. I've now switched to Celtic sea salt,
I threw out the Himalayan salt, which I had used for maybe 15 years. I spent two years living with constant palpitations and irregular heart rhythms and everyone was telling me it was stress. How could that be? I am the happiest person in the world!Yes, my ferritin levels were low, but even after significantly improving them, I couldn't climb stairs (my legs were so heavy) or exercise without fear. It was terrifying!”

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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