Can someone explain serotonin in the gut vs in the brain and how they interact


Mar 21, 2021
I have trying to convince my mom to stop taking Prozac which she on now for probably 20 years and she is not the happy people you see riding on bikes in those pharmaceutical commercials. She is Quite the opposite.

I was getting her to consider it , but she was doing her own research with all the propaganda out there she believes serotonin in the brain isn’t bad , but does agree that in the gut isn’t so good and she has a history of intestinal issues. But she said that the research she did says serotonin in the gut does not cross the blood brain barrier so it is two separate issues.

So I do understand serotonin in the gut effects gut issues and serotonin in the brain put you more into hibernation metabolism and makes see the world as a threat.

But I wondering how gut serotonin and serotonin in the brain interact on each other and there are many drugs and supplements that are serotonin antagonist, but do some work better in the gut and some that work better in the brain.

I’m just trying to get better understanding and any knowledge in the subject would be appreciated.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
95% of 5-HT is made in the gut. Fluoxetine increases serotonin presence in the gut by inhibiting reuptake via SERT.

Fluoxetine doubled the compression-evoked and steady-state 5-HT levels in control and DSS mice.

SSRIs are 5-HT2B agonists that promote fibrosis, eg, interstitial lung disease

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