Income idea for anyone who's lost or may lose their job


Feb 25, 2021
At any given time I have 5-10 writing clients. Almost all of them are health/wellness/fitness companies.

Thank you for the awesome ideas! I don't love writing, but this is giving me some ideas for some other side projects I could do!

Out of curiosity, are you ever asked to write about things that you disagree with on the health stuff? Specifically around recommendations that go against a lot of what is recommended by the community on this forum?


Jun 22, 2021
If someone here can hook me up with a 100% remote job I would be very grateful - could be a minimum-wage entry position - I don't really mind I just could really use 100% remote

I have about 8ish years of seasoned work experience in the tech sector but I've done many odd jobs over the years so chances are I do have experience doing whatever the job entails - I have a remote job atm but they are not giving me enough hours!

I would literally give you a percentage of my salary as thanks plus I would be indebted to you - I would return a favor of similar magnitude if able


Jun 22, 2021
I've been creating my own school curriculum recently and next week I'm going to start contacting schools for business - It's what I've been doing a few years so I know the industry well --

Will I succeed? I have no idea but I'm in big trouble if I don't so best believe I will be busting my butt for this money

I've always been good at sales/talking to people believe it or not

I have a NEW FOUND DRIVE to get rich ASAP - I've always been a horrible employee and lazy about chasing a dollar but given that I know what the not-so-distant future holds - I know I'm a sitting duck unless I get financially free ASAP

Thats the good thing about being a DOOMER - nothing sparks that drive like knowing the end of my physical existence could be around the corner if I'm complacent

You could be optimistic about your future but don't let it make you complacent - you're running out of time


Jan 9, 2019
Hi all! This forum has really helped me with health stuff, & this may be the best way I'm able to give back to all you awesome folks here!

Here's an idea for anyone who's lost their job, or thinks they may lose it in the future. (I mentioned this in the log Blossom started but figured it might deserve a thread of its own.)

Anyways, the idea is freelance writing.

YOU NEED TO ENJOY WRITING FOR THIS TO WORK. You also need to be naturally good at it. For whatever reason, all good writers are intelligent...but not all intelligent people are good writers.

How it works

I've been a freelance writer/copywriter for 2 years now. I probably quit my 'real' job too early, but within the last 6 months my writing career has built some momentum and things are good.

At any given time I have 5-10 writing clients. Almost all of them are health/wellness/fitness companies. These clients give me regular assignments, or, in some cases, I develop content plans for them and then also write the content.

This work requires a love for writing, research, and more research. Researching a topic and then distilling info down into a helpful guide is almost like solving a puzzle.

These days most of my work is billed by the word @10-20 cents/word. I can write 2,000-3,000 words per day, so this is a pretty good rate, particularly if you're working 5+ days/week. Expenses are pretty low - just a computer, Grammarly, Copyscape, and maybe an SEO program - so net income is a large percentage of gross income. At a certain point starting an LLC and writing off stuff thru it is a good idea.

How to get started

If you're just starting out with writing, you may want to sign up as a freelancer on [JOB SITE]. You can apply for a wide variety of writing gigs there. You may have to start at a lower rate (like 5 cents/word) until you have a body of work built up. Over time you can move away from [JOB SITE] with long-term clients that pay better. This is exactly how I got started.

If you're interested in trying this then let me know and I can help more...I have a client account on [JOB SITE] that I could hire you thru solely to give you a first good review. With this review you should be able to attract bigger clients.

The key is to just practice practice practice. 1000 words a day or more, even if it's via this forum.

Also try to find a somewhat technical niche to write in. This will separate you from the non-English speakers (and their painfully low rates lol) who are also out there vying for jobs.

Freelance writing benefits

* Solid income potential (especially over time, and especially if you turn articles into assets via ebooks, blogs, etc)
* Freedom to work from anywhere, travel, spend time with family, spend plenty of time outside
* Freedom to fire stressful clients lol
* Freedom from certain 'vaccines'
* Ability to essentially get paid for your research
* Ability to build up a body of work - maybe better than a resume IMO
* Ability to sneakily share some of Dr. Peat's ideas via company blogs/sites :)

Please feel free to reach out here or via PMs if you'd like more info. Yah bless!
Hey @OccamzRazer could you privately message me so we can talk about this. Thank you.
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