Garrett Is Garretting Once Again: The Questionable Practitioners (rant)


Apr 30, 2015
Last time I checked, haidut also engages in critical discussion about the studies and opinions he posts. Good guy Garret Smith doesn't even allow comments and locks his content so that people have to copy his nonsense letter by letter. He knows that he can only fool uneducated and desperate people, and since he doesn't want to let go of their money, he avoids subjecting his "ideas" to the criticism of intelligent, honest people. He is a classical snake oil salesman.
That's weird about his site for sure. I follow him on facebook and have had some interactions with him where we disagreed and it was cordial. I don't visit his site often and would say any positive interaction I have had with him has been on facebook.

Lustig reads and writes studies, but I am not going to follow his work. So does that Rhonda Patrick, and she megadoses fish oil.
Yeah but Lustig is the same all the time. Sugar sugar sugar. Smith at least comes up with something new. If Lustig came out and said he was wrong and is working on something new, I would check it out. I'm sure you would too, even if just to dismiss it.

Out of curiosity, what points/topics do you disagree with Haidut on?

Just off the top of my head, that supplemental glutathione is bad. I think he gets extreme on "bad" things and puts them into the "never take this," category...but some of those things are working out. Pectin is another one that I have seen some people get great results from.

I agree with you all that Smith is a bit of a wackjob, but I like that he is a wackjob. He is trying things and is pragmatic in his approach. I admire anyone who is willing to put themselves on the line like that, including people on this forum who experiment on themselves. And you kind of HAVE to be crazy or desperate to experiment on your clients. It's like Magellan, you have to be unstable/arrogant to get in a wooden boat and sail around the world.

I can sample his output, put away what I dislike and research more of what I do, like a buffet.

You don't have to like him to benefit from his experiments.


Apr 30, 2015
We need more people like Smith on these forums. People who will come in and say:

"Guys guys guys, I figured it out. The key to health. Niacin+Lemon Juice. Rectally. I read an obscure reference from 1962 that it works and am doing it this weekend. Get onboard now or you'll miss out"

Followed a week later by



Dec 10, 2016
with magnesium chloride that on the best case scenario of skin uptake being decent, affects acid-base balance in a way that's difficult to compensate.
Is this really enough chloride to have a significant effect on acid-base balance?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
If you're not confident about the current range deemed adequate for bloody killcidiol (schultz, 2019), you can rely on your values from a period of the year where they is supposed to be peaking, define a limit, and try to stay below it when supplementing. It's just for a notion..

- Vitamin D: A Narrative Review Examining the Evidence for Ten Beliefs

"Routine 25-OHD testing is not recommended, for several reasons. Vitamin D assays can vary by as much as 10–20%, even when repeating the test in the same person at the same time.[5] Therefore, changes in levels may not be discernable in individuals at doses of 800 IU/day, as this dose on average changes the serum vitamin D about as much as the variance in assay.[81]"​

Regarding the artificial improvement of environment, I would be mindful to avoid confusing signals when you interfere with factos that have a broad activity and can be important regulators. You could be lifting only one of the suppressing components, yet them together might be working in cooperation to get you through the less prosperous times, you'd be then removing an hybernating cue without providing adequate support. For example, there can be a mismatch between stimulation and availability of food where you live, or you could be barely getting enough red light while shining on skin an intense narrow-band UV lamp, and it can be made worse if you do at a time of the day where it would be impossible to be exposed to that much radiation, you could also be wearing blue-blocking glasses for most of your day when using it, etc. So it's really, really, reeeally important to attempt to be holistic in your approach to steer clear of unnecessary disruption and instant death. Getting poison A out of the system and avoiding it indefinitely is only half of the battle.

Is this really enough chloride to have a significant effect on acid-base balance?
Mito, I understand that it takes time to put on make-up, yet it is not convincing that you're a mitochondria, it's difficult to tell your identity, you look like clouds to me. No offense. Why not owning it? Can you spot Zeus near you?

It's a matter of being at the latency of acidosis due to metabolic issues, the proneness to sodium loss and both having to be in balance (with the potential of magnesium being flushed out in the process, leaving you worse each time), and the attempt to bypass the aborrent taste or inefficiency of intestinal absorption by using it topically. Transdermal absorption efficiency isn't impressive either, but since there's no palate control, people tend to overcompensate; the traditional transdermal magnesium salts can't be used regularly without being taxing. Just like with the issues of table salt, you can minimize the problems if you increase everything that's missing along, but it's not too common.
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Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
@Amazoniac wrote:
"It's the combination of incompetence with an off-putting conduct on a level that's not admissible for a doctor."

I don't look at his website but I did when it was possible to just read it. Now it seems like I have to go directly to the store. But how is his conduct worse than the majority of doctors who push prescription medicine for which they receive incentives from pharmaceutical companies?


Sep 13, 2012
@Amazoniac wrote:
"It's the combination of incompetence with an off-putting conduct on a level that's not admissible for a doctor."

I don't look at his website but I did when it was possible to just read it. Now it seems like I have to go directly to the store. But how is his conduct worse than the majority of doctors who push prescription medicine for which they receive incentives from pharmaceutical companies?
Yeah I don't think Garrett is causing the kind of harm regular doctors do when all they do is prescribe is drugs to their patients. Not to mention the amount of deaths that have occurred through medical error. I don't think anyone will die eating beef, rice, beans, bananas, apples, cauliflower, and potatoes.


Jan 25, 2014
For laymen who are too confused by the science of human nutrition and health,a simple guideline on food will give some ease.Foods are categorised as
1.Tranquilizing food
Cacao foods
Fenugreek leaves

2.Calming/anti stress foods

3.Body rebuilding foods
Milk and dairy
Well cooked and soaked lentils

4.Destructive foods
Meat,fish and seafood

Conditionally calming foods: meaning if you are humble or relatively free of hatred

Coffee with milk


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
@Amazoniac wrote:
"It's the combination of incompetence with an off-putting conduct on a level that's not admissible for a doctor."

I don't look at his website but I did when it was possible to just read it. Now it seems like I have to go directly to the store. But how is his conduct worse than the majority of doctors who push prescription medicine for which they receive incentives from pharmaceutical companies?
Yeah I don't think Garrett is causing the kind of harm regular doctors do when all they do is prescribe is drugs to their patients. Not to mention the amount of deaths that have occurred through medical error. I don't think anyone will die eating beef, rice, beans, bananas, apples, cauliflower, and potatoes.
You can't go by this judgment because you'll always find professionals doing worse (no matter how low you go) that can be used to exempt the other of their responsibility.

Mito has just posted something about a doctor that pushes a carnivore diet. If a person improves their condition temporarily under his guidance, would you call it a success?

By the way, if anything odd happens to my PC for the next months, I'll have a suspect. Be careful Garrett, there are probably members living nearby and I can try to pay them to pass as clients; as soon as you meet and shake hands, you'll sense something strange from the hand moisturizer, what you'll be experiencing is immediate transdermal repletion.
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Jul 29, 2014
We need more people like Smith on these forums. People who will come in and say:

"Guys guys guys, I figured it out. The key to health. Niacin+Lemon Juice. Rectally. I read an obscure reference from 1962 that it works and am doing it this weekend. Get onboard now or you'll miss out"

Followed a week later by


I do not feel as though we need this type of person on the forum. This kind of bombastic hyperbole just serves to muddy the conversation. Just my opinion though.

(schultz, 2019)

Aug 14, 2015
Mito, I understand that it takes time to put on make-up, yet it is not convincing that you're a mitochondria, it's difficult to tell your identity, you look like clouds to me. No offense. Why not owning it? Can you spot Zeus near you?
. :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
I thought his avatar was shepherds pie.
No offence @Mito
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Apr 30, 2015
I do not feel as though we need this type of person on the forum. This kind of bombastic hyperbole just serves to muddy the conversation. Just my opinion though.

I would have agreed with you a few years ago, but I have come to respect those who experiment/are entrepreneurs in a mighty way, and am willing to overlook personality traits that I normally would find off putting.

@Amazoniac Remember this? Second comment is GOLD Garrett Smith: Iron Overload, Calcium Going Awry, And Mineral Balancing


Feb 20, 2013
Most of the things he says I feel are true. Vitamin D did feel very toxic to me when I experimented with it. I never got any of the amazing pro-thyroid benefits that were claimed on this forum and by Peat for vitamin D. Vitamin A never did anything good for me either. Garret smith has helped a lot of people get out of their misery. He might seem arrogant but at least his approach worked for me.
Oct 8, 2016
Colorado, USA
I think VAD might work for some people. You can try it if you want. But the proponents of VAD should be willing to admit that it might not work for everyone, because it doesn't.

I tried it for several months, nothing happened. In fact, bad things happened. One of my teeth disintegrated. The Smith ideology pushes a fear of not just A, but also D and even K. And I doubt this fear of fat solubles helped my dental health while I was also eating lots of starch and sugar, and not 'resetting' my mouth after every meal by brushing or using baking soda or something else.

Amazoniac, I love and respect you as a poster, but you just need to let it go. The other commenters are right, there are worse people out there. But because Garrett is in your information feed, you are bothered by him... and you're bothered by the fact that nobody else sees the bull****!

Familiarity breeds contempt.

Go hang out with normies. Go travel. See how little people care about any of this. And many of them are none the worse for it. In fact, the ones who do care are often the most misguided.

I checked out of the forum for several months and now I don't care about Smith the manic naturopath. He likes to be contrarian and on the edge, so maybe he will dig up something new in the future. Luckily the mania that had gripped this forum seems to have subsided. I found an interesting study a few weeks ago and I was going to post in the mega thread, but it wasn't stickied anymore.


Apr 30, 2015
I think VAD might work for some people. You can try it if you want. But the proponents of VAD should be willing to admit that it might not work for everyone, because it doesn't.

I tried it for several months, nothing happened. In fact, bad things happened. One of my teeth disintegrated. The Smith ideology pushes a fear of not just A, but also D and even K. And I doubt this fear of fat solubles helped my dental health while I was also eating lots of starch and sugar, and not 'resetting' my mouth after every meal by brushing or using baking soda or something else.

Amazoniac, I love and respect you as a poster, but you just need to let it go. The other commenters are right, there are worse people out there. But because Garrett is in your information feed, you are bothered by him... and you're bothered by the fact that nobody else sees the bull****!

Familiarity breeds contempt.

Go hang out with normies. Go travel. See how little people care about any of this. And many of them are none the worse for it. In fact, the ones who do care are often the most misguided.

I checked out of the forum for several months and now I don't care about Smith the manic naturopath. He likes to be contrarian and on the edge, so maybe he will dig up something new in the future. Luckily the mania that had gripped this forum seems to have subsided. I found an interesting study a few weeks ago and I was going to post in the mega thread, but it wasn't stickied anymore.

Nice post man


Jun 12, 2016
I dont think adding crack pots to the mix adds anything at all. Its not iron meeting iron and sharpening peoples understanding of truth. It just lowers the signal to noise ratio.

@Steven Bussinger youre quite cavalier for someone that lost a tooth...

Peats work is valuable. You should hope the forum remains a good resource for people. And imo, is only valuable to the extent it stays focused on Peat.

If amazoniacs obscure sarcasm and rhetoric makes him the best man for the job, who can say. I admit the handshake cream bit made me laugh.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I think VAD might work for some people. You can try it if you want. But the proponents of VAD should be willing to admit that it might not work for everyone, because it doesn't.

I tried it for several months, nothing happened. In fact, bad things happened. One of my teeth disintegrated. The Smith ideology pushes a fear of not just A, but also D and even K. And I doubt this fear of fat solubles helped my dental health while I was also eating lots of starch and sugar, and not 'resetting' my mouth after every meal by brushing or using baking soda or something else.

Amazoniac, I love and respect you as a poster, but you just need to let it go. The other commenters are right, there are worse people out there. But because Garrett is in your information feed, you are bothered by him... and you're bothered by the fact that nobody else sees the bull****!

Familiarity breeds contempt.

Go hang out with normies. Go travel. See how little people care about any of this. And many of them are none the worse for it. In fact, the ones who do care are often the most misguided.

I checked out of the forum for several months and now I don't care about Smith the manic naturopath. He likes to be contrarian and on the edge, so maybe he will dig up something new in the future. Luckily the mania that had gripped this forum seems to have subsided. I found an interesting study a few weeks ago and I was going to post in the mega thread, but it wasn't stickied anymore.
I also respect your opinions, but it's the same argument as always: there are people doing worse, so leave the guy alone doing his thing.

Familiarity may also breed this, and speaking up can be helpful for others in countering the articulate speech, so that they weigh decisions better. I could travel the world backpacking without internet and on my return the guy will be selling a new story, this has been going for years. There are others like him, but he's the one vulturing the community.

I'm not trying to play a savior here, the reason it bothers me is because for quite a while I was tricked. The assertive tone and lengthy posts are impressive at first, but once you start refusing to accept the information passively and examining it carefully, the cluelessness is evident, it's almost humorous how dots are connected and everything distorted.

I do not feel as though we need this type of person on the forum. This kind of bombastic hyperbole just serves to muddy the conversation. Just my opinion though.

Frederico said:
One is punished best for one's virtues.
Passion is an admirable trait, but without composure it takes over and we start going irrational.

Let's say that you lived in a small town and there was a scammer around. One of your relatives ends up being a victim and you seek judicial means of solving it. When you is in court with the criminal, he claims innocence (most do)..
Fred again said:
The criminal, often is not equal to his act; he diminishes and debases it.
..and uses an isolated case of murder to justify that what he's doing is nothing in comparison. A group of people that you're familiar with invades the session asking the judge to let him go because the focus should be on assassins instead. The judge is tired and decides with the crew to accept the request and neglect from now on all crimes that are not murders. After the green light for non-violent crimes, the scammer is one of those that starts feasting, and every time of being cornered, people are told that it's for a greater purpose such as helping others, points the finger to the murder, and gets away with it. Then, a journalist picks up on what's happening and decides to write about it, after all, it's what's not explicit that needs more attentive consideration; there is no question for example that a rapialist is wrong. However, the same group of people reappears with the same speech, telling the journalist not to do it since there was a worse case for him to address, and it would be unjust if he did otherwise.

How would you feel about it? Can the group of people be held partially responsible for what happens to the scammed due to condonement? If something bad occurs to them in the long-term stemming from it, would they stick to the serenade or silently disappear?

I'm not implying that his acts are deliberately evil or dishonest, but at times what he does bears irresponsibility.

Anyway, why this thread has so many views?
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Apr 30, 2015
I also respect your opinions, but it's the same argument as always: there are people doing worse, so leave the guy alone doing his thing.

Familiarity may also breed this, and speaking up can be helpful for others in countering the articulate speech, so that they weigh decisions better. I could travel the world backpacking without internet and on my return the guy will be selling a new story, this has been going for years. There are others like him, but he's the one vulturing the community.

I'm not trying to play a savior here, the reason it bothers me is because for quite a while I was tricked. The assertive tone and lengthy posts are impressive at first, but once you start refusing to accept the information passively and examining it carefully, the cluelessness is evident, it's almost humorous how dots are connected and everything distorted.

Passion is an admirable trait, but without composure it takes over and we start going irrational.

Let's say that you lived in a small town and there was a scammer around. One of your relatives ends up being a victim and you seek judicial means of solving it. When you is in court with the criminal, he claims innocence (most do)..
..and uses an isolated case of murder to justify that what he's doing is nothing in comparison. A group of people that you're familiar with invades the session asking the judge to let him go because the focus should be on assassins instead. The judge is tired and decides with the crew to accept the request and neglect from now on all crimes that are not murders. After the green light for non-violent crimes, the scammer is one of those that starts feasting, and every time of being cornered, people are told that it's for a greater purpose such as helping others, points the finger to the murder, and gets away with it. Then, a journalist picks up on what's happening and decides to write about it, after all, it's what's not explicit that needs more attentive consideration; there is no question for example that a rapialist is wrong. However, the same group of people reappears with the same speech, telling the journalist not to do it since there was a worse case for him to address, and it would be unjust if he did otherwise.

How would you feel about it? Can the group of people be held partially responsible for what happens to the scammed due to condonement? If something bad occurs to them in the long-term stemming from it, would they stick to the serenade or silently disappear?

I'm not implying that his acts are deliberately evil or dishonest, but at times what he does bears irresponsibility.

Anyway, why this thread has so many views?
Did you really use a murder analogy to make your argument?
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