Low Toxin Logs InChristAlone's log



Sep 13, 2012
I spray it right on my face, eyes closed of course, and pretty much the rest of my body too.
Wow I may have to work up to that!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Sep 13, 2012
Hmmm maybe getting off the juice was what allowed my intestines to be able to tolerate the beans. Found this thread which is gold:
There are 2 enzymes in the body that break down acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde scavengers? What is it?

AO and ALDH are the 2 enzymes.. B6 is not a part of any of those. What B6 does is it lowers zinc, when zinc goes down ethanol cant be turned into acetaldehyde.(Alcohol dehydrogenase ) This is not scavenging anything. This makes you toxic in alcohols. Candida ferments sugar into ethanol.

B2 and molybdenum = AO


end result is acetic acid for both enzymes, and if you are in acidosis both will be inhibited.

Georgi, this is another example of how reading studies does not give the proper picture.

This is exactly why b2 and magnesium are used for migraines. Since magnesium lowers zinc, so your production of acetyldehyde goes down, and b2 breaks down acetaldehyde into acetic acid. This is a wrong regimen though. You dont want to be left toxic in alcohols.

Guys, regarding this type of intestinal fermentation, and as mentioned on the other thread: it's mostly a problem with fructose that escapes digestion, all depending on digestive capability, microbial composition and especially transit time. Many indigestible carbs have plenty of fructose in their fiber (even if not stated on nutritional labels) and are more troubling in general for obvious reasons. But the amount of sugars that someone can tolerate varies, so even from balanced sources such as fruits they can become a problem if you exceed your ability or ignore bad reactions; since fruits have an abundance of fructose, they can be particularly troubling when exceeded. Starches such as rice and white potatoes, which lack fructose in their composition, won't provide substrate for alcoholic fermentation because to reach that point, they require a much stabler environment, such as extreme constipation. It's all about intuition and tolerance.

Fructose And Endotoxin [edwardjedmonds]
Sorbitol, Xylitol, Mannitol
I didn't have any obvious signs I wasn't tolerating juice or fruit or even soda... until I tried to add in any beans, nuts or whole grains. Then all hell would break loose.


Feb 20, 2021
Fructose monosaccharide present in polysaccharides is not functional fructose until and unless separated in the lower GI tract.


Sep 13, 2012
Fructose monosaccharide present in polysaccharides is not functional fructose until and unless separated in the lower GI tract.
I'm unsure what that means in terms of what I posted? I always thought fructose was easily absorbed high up in the digestive system.


Feb 20, 2021
I'm unsure what that means in terms of what I posted? I always thought fructose was easily absorbed high up in the digestive system.
Fructose as the monomer, the separate molecule is the readily absorbed problematic sugar.
Fructose bound to other sugars as in FOS, and other polysaccharides, is not usually digested or absorbed in the small intestine and therefore is designated dietary fiber.


Sep 13, 2012
Doing very well. Day 29 of my menstrual cycle so I'm a day late, but not surprising as I've made such drastic changes in the last month or so, the cycle is sensitive to changes. But I can tell my estrogen is dropping (mood is great) so it should arrive tomorrow.

Temp is 98.8 before dinner with a pulse of 79 feet were starting to get a little chilly as I went 4.5 hours between meals. I think my metabolism is waking up from the niacin. Excellent!

All I ate today was a banana, bowl of Rao's linguine pasta with a pat of butter, then for lunch and dinner jasmine rice, black beans and ground beef (we get the organic 85% from costco), I will need a snack before bed as that is not enough calories. I am thinking I need some meat with breakfast. My appetite for ground beef is definitely way better than it was a month ago. I was usually gagging on it. I started adding apple cider vinegar to it and somehow that makes it taste pretty good.

I'm taking a little zinc now haven't noticed anything bad so far.

So it's been a month of beans and I'm still amazed about it! Zero IBS! I think I want to ramp up to eating them more frequently as per the bean protocol.

And I'm already forgetting what things have went away. My acid reflux which was getting really bad last year, is mostly gone!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Doing very well. Day 29 of my menstrual cycle so I'm a day late, but not surprising as I've made such drastic changes in the last month or so, the cycle is sensitive to changes. But I can tell my estrogen is dropping (mood is great) so it should arrive tomorrow.

Temp is 98.8 before dinner with a pulse of 79 feet were starting to get a little chilly as I went 4.5 hours between meals. I think my metabolism is waking up from the niacin. Excellent!

All I ate today was a banana, bowl of Rao's linguine pasta with a pat of butter, then for lunch and dinner jasmine rice, black beans and ground beef (we get the organic 85% from costco), I will need a snack before bed as that is not enough calories. I am thinking I need some meat with breakfast. My appetite for ground beef is definitely way better than it was a month ago. I was usually gagging on it. I started adding apple cider vinegar to it and somehow that makes it taste pretty good.

I'm taking a little zinc now haven't noticed anything bad so far.

So it's been a month of beans and I'm still amazed about it! Zero IBS! I think I want to ramp up to eating them more frequently as per the bean protocol.

And I'm already forgetting what things have went away. My acid reflux which was getting really bad last year, is mostly gone!
Awesome!! :woo


Sep 13, 2012
So this toxic bile theory is really making more and more sense to me. I wonder if the benefits of fasting come down to intaking less toxins and getting rid of them as well? I had always thought I could never fast I would probably die lol. But maybe my body was telling me something. I WAS toxic, so fasting might have been dangerous.

I also struggled to stop doing things that were harming me. Like a drug addict. The more toxic you are the more toxins you want. I see how common this is all around me. Not necessarily that the person is spiritually toxic, but if their body is imbalanced and stressed out then it needs stimulants to keep going.

Let's imagine would you ever give a 6 month old baby coffee or nicotine? Heck no!! Then why do we think it's so acceptable as adults?? Peat said caffeine is a vitamin like nutrient lol. But would he give a child coffee? Actually now that I think about it, he might. But no good parent would do that. We realize that a child is so pure and so sensitive. But as we get older we aren't so pure we aren't so sensitive. That's the problem. The less sensitive you are to toxins the more you take in! So a shot of espresso to get you going in the morning, turns into a pot a day. And then they wonder why they act bipolar. Your body will survive for the most part, but you will need beta blockers by age 55 because your sympathetic nervous system will be in overdrive.

That's the other thing about using sugar, stimulants and hormones to keep going, it feels so good in the moment, but over time you need more and more. The receptors are getting less sensitive. This is what fasting can correct. I think there were people in the Peat community who warned about this many years ago but we did not heed the warnings. If we constantly knock down our stress with sugar and coffee over time you can't get off the couch! I don't want live that way. I was very bipolar on the Peat diet. One day I'd be taking selfies like a dopamine addict, the next day listening to sad songs and not wanting to get off the couch or talk to anyone. That's basically our society. Get high on pleasure, then suffer the down period until the down period becomes the norm.

This way of life eating beans, rice, oats, meat, some fruit is not going to be 'fun', you may feel less stimulated. But if you allow it all your trauma all your toxic emotions are still there under the surface wanting to come out and be healed. If you feel anhedonic it could mean there is a lot of grief underneath. For me it's always my parent's divorce and emotional neglect during that time of my life. Grieving/crying and forgiving them was probably the single greatest thing I ever did for my health. That's when I could finally let go of toxic things in my life. But it can work both ways, the less toxic your body is the more you are able to process trauma. Maybe I would never have been able to process this had I kept going on the path I was. There is much to look forward to!

Currently I am making sure I am not becoming b vitamin deficient from unfortified refined grains. Grant said only white rice could be dangerous, so I ate some brown rice yesterday. I slept pretty well! I will also test oats. We shall see, this is the true test! Whole grains were my nemesis since I was a child. I have always had toxic bile. My Mom gave me a lot of drugs when I was sick, I also was given growth hormone shots for 4 yrs. I developed IBS-C at like 12 or younger.

(Research came out saying it doesn't make a darn difference in the height of the child in the end, you can't overpower genetics with growth hormones, but it sure made a lot of money for the company who produced growth hormone! I ended up 5'2 like my Mom and I believe I would have either way, but they scared her that I wasn't growing)

I also stopped the coffee enemas. I am going to just do nicotinic acid plus sodium bicarbonate enemas if I need to. I have done two so far. Nothing much to report yet about them. Definitely way less stimulating than coffee. Didn't cause a flush.


Sep 13, 2012


Mar 21, 2014
I was reading the Nia-source telegram and Kelsey tested this one and it turned brown! This one is a no go! My bulk supps one had no ammonia when I buffered and it was confirmed it is good. Wow, can't believe everything you read! Sorry if anyone bought this.
Thanks for the update. So which would you recommend? I haven't bought any yet but planning to.


Sep 13, 2012
I am astonished. My buttcrack is clearing up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously thought I'd have to live with this thing for the rest of my life. I was thinking I'd be a little ol' grandma still scratching at my butt. So I took a pic of it on the 9th which was a few days after starting buffered niacin on it. I applied it about once a day. I did notice less flaking after this but I didn't see any obvious signs it was going away yet. Then yesterday I watched a podcast Dr. Smith did about skin health and he made a connection between selenium and fungal infections of the skin because that's what they put in dandruff shampoo. He said he took a lot of selenium for about a month and his tinea went away. I don't think I have tinea but I always suspected some kind of fungus that wouldn't respond to anything including zinc creams. So yesterday I took selenium with maybe about 5 mg zinc picolinate (I dump out some from a 50mg capsule). I didn't sleep that well. Woke up with a headache I would usually get if I was clenching my teeth. So something was being stirred up!

So today when I did I an enema I took another pic, I literally could not even believe it. I saw spots that were NORMAL colored skin! I have never seen this since this began many yrs ago. I thought no way is it gone because the skin still feels abnormal and it was itchy last night. Well I think I am finally conquering the buttcrack rash! I am so excited! I do think it's mostly the niacin, but I will keep up with the selenium. And I have also been trying to really stay on the beef beans and rice diet without cheating with ice cream. It's getting easier and easier not to turn to high fat foods. There is evidence poor fat metabolism plays a role in fungal infections. And slow oxidizers generally cant handle tons of cream and butter.


Sep 13, 2012
Thanks for the update. So which would you recommend? I haven't bought any yet but planning to.
So far it's looking like bulk supps is good. Pure bulk too.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
I am astonished. My buttcrack is clearing up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously thought I'd have to live with this thing for the rest of my life. I was thinking I'd be a little ol' grandma still scratching at my butt. So I took a pic of it on the 9th which was a few days after starting buffered niacin on it. I applied it about once a day. I did notice less flaking after this but I didn't see any obvious signs it was going away yet. Then yesterday I watched a podcast Dr. Smith did about skin health and he made a connection between selenium and fungal infections of the skin because that's what they put in dandruff shampoo. He said he took a lot of selenium for about a month and his tinea went away. I don't think I have tinea but I always suspected some kind of fungus that wouldn't respond to anything including zinc creams. So yesterday I took selenium with maybe about 5 mg zinc picolinate (I dump out some from a 50mg capsule). I didn't sleep that well. Woke up with a headache I would usually get if I was clenching my teeth. So something was being stirred up!

Good news on the skin rash! I hope it completely clears up. How much selenium did you take?


Sep 13, 2012
Good news on the skin rash! I hope it completely clears up. How much selenium did you take?
Thanks! I am taking the thorne selenomethionine 200 mcg.


Dec 29, 2015
I was reading the Nia-source telegram and Kelsey tested this one and it turned brown! This one is a no go! My bulk supps one had no ammonia when I buffered and it was confirmed it is good. Wow, can't believe everything you read! Sorry if anyone bought this.
Dang, well thanks for posting this. I have this one. It gives a strong flush and does seem pure. It dissolves in water. However , I havent tested it like Kelsey, and I will trash it.


Sep 13, 2012
Dang, well thanks for posting this. I have this one. It gives a strong flush and does seem pure. It dissolves in water. However , I havent tested it like Kelsey, and I will trash it.
Before trashing it, try buffering it and see if you smell ammonia or whether it turns brown. Maybe she got a bad batch?


Sep 13, 2012
So, I was doing great until dinner last night, my husband wanted to make a new recipe: beef steak with gravy. He used over a TABLESPOON of powdered garlic. Which is like 20 garlic cloves. So I basically had 4 or 5 garlic cloves along with onions. The smell was already nauseating but I ate it because I never had an issue with garlic in the past. I did use one capsule betaine hcl because I felt like my digestion was slower. So before I went to sleep I started having a very bad feeling in my gut, like I was going to vomit but I knew I wouldn't as I am afraid of puking. I also had anxiety like I was going to have a panic attack. Woke up at 2 am still feeling that way. This morning my guts still feel bad.
So now I'm looking for a consensus on garlic and onions. I will make a new post about it.

In other news I'm getting really dry peeling skin on my face. But no where else. I think I'm high in retinoic acid right now. And I don't think there's any strategy to lower it other than getting it moving out. I think this is where detox can be a little risky as to get the retinol out, some will come out as retinoic acid. Zinc sufficiency may be necessary on vitamin A detox diets. Zinc and protein is needed to make retinol binding protein which gobbles up the entire retinol molecule to prevent it from doing any harm.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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