If I Could Start Implementing Peats Work Again 6 Years Ago, Here’s What I Would Do


Feb 5, 2015
Good question.

As my main reason for following this way of living was excessive urination, I let that be my guide. Therefore, since working out still increases it, i only do 5-10 minutes of ELDOA stretches per day + light walks. So my case is unique and I’ve accepted the extra weight I carry.

For you personally, you need to follow based on how you feel, and you feel alone. I do believe that apart of this journey goes deeper than just nutrition, it’s really about becoming more comfortable in your own path. From a metabolic perspective, I support Dr. Peat’s wisdom on this. But most importantly, if you use logic. I think you need to prepare the body for what it needs, not what other people think. So, if you need to be running from a lion in the jungle often for whatever reason, then most likely you should be training for that scenario. If you need to pick up heavy loads to get by in life, then you probably should do some lifting.

if you feel that working out however you normally choose to gives you peace of mind with how you look, then you should examine your reasons.

Currently, I’ve tested my brains work capacity on some entrepreneur intensive ventures, and I’ll tell you this, I’ve had to increase my calories immensely because of how much energy I expend through my mind. So, if I crave more food, and my brain is being utilized more, I’m not worried about exercise, I’m worried about feeding my body the energy it needs to meet the demand of what’s being presented to me.

hope this helpful.

P.S. I do believe that exploring range of motion exercises for the sake of mobility is important for people to consider on this path. But for the sake of range, not increasing lactic acid.
A very well written response, thanks for taking your time!

I really love the idea you laid you - feed yourself according to environment you're in. Brick layer will have different "Peat" version vs IT specialist.


Feb 4, 2021
Good question.

As my main reason for following this way of living was excessive urination, I let that be my guide. Therefore, since working out still increases it, i only do 5-10 minutes of ELDOA stretches per day + light walks. So my case is unique and I’ve accepted the extra weight I carry.

For you personally, you need to follow based on how you feel, and you feel alone. I do believe that apart of this journey goes deeper than just nutrition, it’s really about becoming more comfortable in your own path. From a metabolic perspective, I support Dr. Peat’s wisdom on this. But most importantly, if you use logic. I think you need to prepare the body for what it needs, not what other people think. So, if you need to be running from a lion in the jungle often for whatever reason, then most likely you should be training for that scenario. If you need to pick up heavy loads to get by in life, then you probably should do some lifting.

if you feel that working out however you normally choose to gives you peace of mind with how you look, then you should examine your reasons.

Currently, I’ve tested my brains work capacity on some entrepreneur intensive ventures, and I’ll tell you this, I’ve had to increase my calories immensely because of how much energy I expend through my mind. So, if I crave more food, and my brain is being utilized more, I’m not worried about exercise, I’m worried about feeding my body the energy it needs to meet the demand of what’s being presented to me.

hope this helpful.

P.S. I do believe that exploring range of motion exercises for the sake of mobility is important for people to consider on this path. But for the sake of range, not increasing lactic acid.
Damn that was the perfect answer. I actually need to thank you for posting here about FPS. I took the dive and am on week 6 right now. It was the best decision I ever made. I already healed 95% of my restless leg syndrome. But overall I am learning how to think differently about energy. That's why your answer hit home and helped me understand that my energetic needs, not only short term, but also long term, should drive my decisions based on what I'm really trying to accomplish. I have a lot to think about for sure. I have already experienced what it feels like when your energy is depleted by your thoughts and emotions. I experienced how even having will power requires energy. I am on week 3 of a gabapentin withdrawal that I attempted twice before and couldn't follow through because it was so intense. This time I can actually see with my thermometer how my withdrawal is battling my metabolism. As I feel withdrawal getting stronger my temp would drop almost a whole degree. I would slam some metabolics and watch my temp go up only to be pushed back down. It was an energy war. I am still fighting it but this time around I know I am going to beat it thanks to what I understand now. I agree with you that Ray Peat's philosophies are about way more than nutrition. I feel like every aspect of my life is about to change for the better. I'm gonna use all my energy to do things I enjoy and even find new things to enjoy. Take my energy in new directions. I used to use the term "wasted energy" but I never really understood how literal it was. Now, I really will not ever again waste energy. I work hard for my energy, and I'm gonna use it to be exactly who i want to be. Thanks again for your contribution here brother. Once again you pointed me in the right direction.


Aug 7, 2014
A very well written response, thanks for taking your time!

I really love the idea you laid you - feed yourself according to environment you're in. Brick layer will have different "Peat" version vs IT specialist.

thanks for the kind note. I’m happy to help. And yes, understanding your environment is critical.


Aug 7, 2014
Damn that was the perfect answer. I actually need to thank you for posting here about FPS. I took the dive and am on week 6 right now. It was the best decision I ever made. I already healed 95% of my restless leg syndrome. But overall I am learning how to think differently about energy. That's why your answer hit home and helped me understand that my energetic needs, not only short term, but also long term, should drive my decisions based on what I'm really trying to accomplish. I have a lot to think about for sure. I have already experienced what it feels like when your energy is depleted by your thoughts and emotions. I experienced how even having will power requires energy. I am on week 3 of a gabapentin withdrawal that I attempted twice before and couldn't follow through because it was so intense. This time I can actually see with my thermometer how my withdrawal is battling my metabolism. As I feel withdrawal getting stronger my temp would drop almost a whole degree. I would slam some metabolics and watch my temp go up only to be pushed back down. It was an energy war. I am still fighting it but this time around I know I am going to beat it thanks to what I understand now. I agree with you that Ray Peat's philosophies are about way more than nutrition. I feel like every aspect of my life is about to change for the better. I'm gonna use all my energy to do things I enjoy and even find new things to enjoy. Take my energy in new directions. I used to use the term "wasted energy" but I never really understood how literal it was. Now, I really will not ever again waste energy. I work hard for my energy, and I'm gonna use it to be exactly who i want to be. Thanks again for your contribution here brother. Once again you pointed me in the right direction.

if you are in the FPS program then get ready my friend, you are in for a ride and you are going to be gaining a lot of knowledge. Give my regards to your coach! He changed my life.


Aug 7, 2014
Thought I’d give everyone another update, if I could do it over again 7 years ago, this is how I would start after experimenting more and looking back:

Top 10

1. Use low dose Clonidine Before bed time.
2. Eat gelatin + dark chocolate + vanilla ice cream + salt with Clonidine
3. Stop exercising completely
4. Tape my mouth shut while sleeping
5. Incline the head of my bed 2-6 inches - big shout out to Andrew k fletcher
6. Wear blue blocker glasses before bed time
7. Start experimenting with Niacinamide and OJ together during the day
8. Eliminate starch completely
9. Eliminate meat completely
10. Start eating mushrooms with butter and parmigiano Reggiano cheese

As I notice how much I am evolving with new experiences and having more awareness, I figure I’d keep this going and give everyone a new update. If I could do it over again starting 7+ years ago, here is something I would consider as my top 10 to start:

1. Low dose cyproheptadine before bed time. After some experiments with clonidine, it’s not my favorite.
2. Eat gelatin + dark chocolate + ice cream + salt + Kalona milk before bed time.
3. Start introducing NDT slowly with meals.
4. Stop exercising completely.
5. Drink OJ per day until satisfied.
6. Tape my mouth shut while sleeping.
7. Raw carrot salad or white button mushrooms every morning.
8. Eliminate Starch Comopletely.
9. Eliminate Meat except liver; 6-10oz per month.
10. Wear blue blocker glasses before bed time

After more experimentation and dealing with stress, I have found that NDT really is a game changer for me. I use to do it and stopped over the last year. Once I tried it again my sleep improved immensely and crazy serotonin thoughts have gone down.


Jan 18, 2020
3. Start introducing NDT slowly with meals.
Yes man.

I never could tolerate any thyroid meds due to high rt3, ever since started implementing 2g aspirin and coffee in divided doses along my NDT, it started working, coffee and aspirin essentially help me tolerate thyroid hormones.

Problem is that my sleep got really fragmented, wake up every 1.5h to void my bladder. Cypro before bed worked same as aspirin but quickly my body adapts and builds tolerance.

I might try maybe a high dose of cypro tonight? like 10mg? or 6mg maybe.
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Aug 7, 2014
A new update, if I could do it all over again I would start with EMDR first... for those that don’t know about it look it up. I’ve got a mentor I’ve been working with for 4 months now. It’s been more transformative so far than anything with nutrition or supplements.


Dec 28, 2021
I recently watched a Danny Roddy clip where he talked about 6 things he would have done if he could do it over again when it comes to Dr. Peats work.

Naturally, I started to reflect if I could have done it all over again after seeing what worked and what didn’t work, what would I have chosen?

As were always reading each other’s comments, looking for feedback, figured I’d shared this in case someone needs a frame of reference from my story.

6 years ago I started following peats work after sleeping in a bath tub 3 nights in a row. I was urinating 70x a day and so it was easier for me to pee and sleep at the same time. Then, after the 3rd night, enough was enough and I started learning from someone on peats work.

From the moment I made the decision to change, if I could do it again, below are the exact steps in order I would take if I knew what I know now. FYI, below is my path based on how my body responded. I would do this order to “stop the bleeding” so to speak; better yet, stop the damage I had done and start recovering. In my case, stop the urination and get out of the bath tub.

***all the implementations below are based on the most bang for buck that left lasting impressions of their power. I’ve experimented with other things... but these are the bang for buck that stick.

  1. Stop working out
  2. Start drinking orange juice/Red Bull combo to satisfaction - 8oz of OJ:1oz of RB ratio
  3. Add salt to OJ
  4. Add cyproheptadine before bed time (stop the stress response and put me to sleep)
  5. Wear blue blocker sunglasses before bed
  6. Inclining bed (cheap way to increase metabolism and decompress my back - resting heart rate on incline is 85-95 bpm currently; horizontal was 60-75)
  7. Eat OJ + parmigiano Reggiano cheese before bed
  8. Eliminate unsaturated oils, meat, starch, nuts, seeds, and thickening agents.
  9. Slowly add in calcium while aggressively lowering phosphate (head towards 1:1 ratio)
  10. Add theanine on a daily basis (most powerful stress reducer I’ve found for anxiety)
  11. Daily white button mushrooms (nothing increases my temperature more)
  12. Replace meat with gelatin (lower phosphate as much as possible); add gelatin to coffee
  13. Add sugar to coffee
  14. Add milk to coffee
  15. Add epsom salt/aspirin baths
  16. Add aspirin orally
  17. Daily Red light
  18. Add 4oz of liver per week
  19. Remove metal fillings in teeth (this dramatically increased body temperature)
  20. Start doing yoga nidra meditation before bed time.
  21. Start stretching lightly everyday - 3-5 minute work breaks
  22. Start mixing small doses of ice cream in my coffee.
  23. Start experimenting with pregnenolone if necessary (first time I tried it my pupils constricted so intensely that I could physically feel it. Was nuts.)
  24. Ice cream + dark chocolate before bed time.
  25. Leave former job.
  26. Move to sunny, warmer climate.

How were your teeth on Red Bull ?

I love the effects but I don't want cavities.


Aug 7, 2014
How were your teeth on Red Bull ?

I love the effects but I don't want cavities.
Sometimes tooth soreness but once I started brushing with charcoal and baking soda then I no longer have tooth soreness. With all that said I eventually stopped using Red Bull.


Feb 4, 2021
A new update, if I could do it all over again I would start with EMDR first... for those that don’t know about it look it up. I’ve got a mentor I’ve been working with for 4 months now. It’s been more transformative so far than anything with nutrition or supplements.
Interesting, can you elaborate specifically how it helped you?


Aug 7, 2014
Interesting, can you elaborate specifically how it helped you?

Our thought processes dictate our biological processes and create reactivity that further takes our physiology in the direction our brain wants us to go. Therefore, let’s say we’ve experienced stress, trauma, and negative believes the majority of our childhood, that’s how we’ve developed our strategies for life. With EMDR, you can change the beliefs that were embedded in your at a young age which could be causing tremendous stress underneath.

With me, I found that nutrition took me as far as I needed to go. The nutrition was reducing stress but it wasn’t changing my life strategies in how I gather my thoughts. As I developed thought processes based on shame, sadness, insecurity, anger, and others, I’ve always made my decisions in life based on these emotions. I would also react to things in life based on these emotions. Nutrition was not able to change this. With EMDR, you can use it to eliminate these thought processes based on memories and you can replace them with new beliefs. As a result, you can fast track your way to happiness because the thought processes don’t come up anymore.

To give you an example, I use to work out in the gym based out of shame. As a result, I ended up getting an excessive urination issue. If I did not have the shame, stress and worry, then I would not have driven myself in the way I did in the gym. If I always came from a place of gratefulness or unconditional love for myself, I would not have added stress unconsciously around an activity that is already stressful.

I realize what I just wrote is very complex. If I were to simplify it, EMDR erases all negative thoughts you don’t want. Period. It does not have respect for your traumas. For me, getting rid of my negative beliefs and memories behind them is changing me way more than nutrition ever did.

P.S. nutrition is extremely important. But there are happy people out there that eat like crap. The difference is that they had the right beliefs installed in them at a young age.
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Feb 4, 2021
Our thought processes dictate our biological processes and create reactivity that further takes our physiology in the direction our brain wants us to go. Therefore, let’s say we’ve experienced stress, trauma, and negative believes the majority of our childhood, that’s how we’ve developed our strategies for life. With EMDR, you can change the beliefs that were embedded in your at a young age which could be causing tremendous stress underneath.

With me, I found that nutrition took me as far as I needed to go. The nutrition was reducing stress but it wasn’t changing my life strategies in how I gather my thoughts. As I developed thought processes based on shame, sadness, insecurity, anger, and others, I’ve always made my decisions in life based on these emotions. I would also react to things in life based on these emotions. Nutrition was not able to change this. With EMDR, you can use it to eliminate these thought processes based on memories and you can replace them with new beliefs. As a result, you can fast track your way to happiness because the thought processes don’t come up anymore.

To give you an example, I use to work out in the gym based out of shame. As a result, I ended up getting an excessive urination issue. If I did not have the shame, stress and worry, then I would not have driven myself in the way I did in the gym. If I always came from a place of gratefulness or unconditional love for myself, I would not have added stress unconsciously around an activity that is already stressful.

I realize what I just wrote is very complex. If I were to simplify it, EMDR erases all negative thoughts you don’t want. Period. It does not have respect for your traumas. For me, getting rid of my negative beliefs and memories behind them is changing me way more than nutrition ever did.

P.S. nutrition is extremely important. But there are happy people out there that eat like crap. The difference is that they had the right beliefs installed in them at a young age.
thank you for this. The more i read about it the more I see people praising it. i do believe there is value in this for me


Feb 23, 2020
Our thought processes dictate our biological processes and create reactivity that further takes our physiology in the direction our brain wants us to go. Therefore, let’s say we’ve experienced stress, trauma, and negative believes the majority of our childhood, that’s how we’ve developed our strategies for life. With EMDR, you can change the beliefs that were embedded in your at a young age which could be causing tremendous stress underneath.

With me, I found that nutrition took me as far as I needed to go. The nutrition was reducing stress but it wasn’t changing my life strategies in how I gather my thoughts. As I developed thought processes based on shame, sadness, insecurity, anger, and others, I’ve always made my decisions in life based on these emotions. I would also react to things in life based on these emotions. Nutrition was not able to change this. With EMDR, you can use it to eliminate these thought processes based on memories and you can replace them with new beliefs. As a result, you can fast track your way to happiness because the thought processes don’t come up anymore.

To give you an example, I use to work out in the gym based out of shame. As a result, I ended up getting an excessive urination issue. If I did not have the shame, stress and worry, then I would not have driven myself in the way I did in the gym. If I always came from a place of gratefulness or unconditional love for myself, I would not have added stress unconsciously around an activity that is already stressful.

I realize what I just wrote is very complex. If I were to simplify it, EMDR erases all negative thoughts you don’t want. Period. It does not have respect for your traumas. For me, getting rid of my negative beliefs and memories behind them is changing me way more than nutrition ever did.

P.S. nutrition is extremely important. But there are happy people out there that eat like crap. The difference is that they had the right beliefs installed in them at a young age.
What issues/symptoms have you solved with this therapy? Something more harmful than excessive urination?


Aug 7, 2014
What issues/symptoms have you solved with this therapy? Something more harmful than excessive urination?

As the world has evolved dramatically in the last 2 years, I couldn’t help but research as to what’s really been going on. Eventually I dug so deep that I became triggered by basically everything in daily life; as a result, I basically had what my mentor called a spiritual collapse. It’s very hard to explain, but with EMDR I have the ability to erase thoughts that I don’t want so I am no longer triggered by the things I learned about the world. I have even erased parts of my memory with it. I still have more to go, but it’s truly a miracle tool.

It also lowers major stress hormones immensely!


Aug 7, 2014
thank you for this. The more i read about it the more I see people praising it. i do believe there is value in this for me
I believe most people should learn the tool and at the very least, start using it on their own everyday in some type of practice.


Apr 21, 2014
@Velve921 I thought i would try and switch out beef for gelatin after reading what worked for you. I have no problems getting to sleep, but I cant ever get more than 4 or 5 hours of sleep and have to take a nap during the day so i thought this might help. How much gelatin would you recommend? Any new updates that seem to be working for you?


Aug 9, 2019
If I were to start again, I would treat Peat's work more in terms of principles to be aware of and loosely apply, instead of literal guidelines.

NO: I would simply not add loads of sugar/ carbs into my diet, without regard for caloric intake, liver health. I certainly would not jump on eating refined sugar without achieving stellar health first.
YES: I would be aware that carbs/ sugar are supportive of a higher metabolism, but that does not mean that simply adding them to diet is going to bring benefits. Because it will not.

I would also realize that while Peat's advice regarding digestive health may bring some short-term relief, Peat is not and never was the specialist to go-to when it came to actually fixing digestive issues, healing and getting to the root cause,


Aug 7, 2014
@Velve921 I thought i would try and switch out beef for gelatin after reading what worked for you. I have no problems getting to sleep, but I cant ever get more than 4 or 5 hours of sleep and have to take a nap during the day so i thought this might help. How much gelatin would you recommend? Any new updates that seem to be working for you?

I started with 2 tbsp before bed time with sweet foods like ice cream and/or fruit, milk. Every couple weeks I would add another tbsp until eventually I eat between 15-20 tbsp per day.

I’ve been mentored in EMDR for the last year. I wish I would have started q applying this at age 15-18 years old. What I’ve learned is that most people are moving through life with the beliefs they are given to them at a young age. The beliefs drive the metabolism more than I ever would have imagined. EMDR can be potently used to heal beliefs that can negatively be affecting a person.

Since using EMDR I’m seeing massive changes in my body’s metabolism and eventually I belief my nutrient requirements will be radically different. I’m only 1 year into it but each year from here on out the effects will compound.


Apr 21, 2014
9. Eliminate Meat except liver; 6-10oz per month.
Ive heard a lot of good things about programs like edmr, but i was thinkin that i should probably get my diet on point and see how things go and then move onto things of that nature. Can i ask what your diet looks like in a day? Like breakfast lunch and dinner?

Also, i was looking up more on gelatin on this forum and it looked like quite a few people had issues with it. Was just wondering if that was the reason why you started out with a lower dose and then gradually increased it?
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Aug 7, 2014
Ive heard a lot of good things about programs like edmr, but i was thinkin that i should probably get my diet on point and see how things go and then move onto things of that nature. Can i ask what your diet looks like in a day? Like breakfast lunch and dinner?

Also, i was looking up more on gelatin on this forum and it looked like quite a few people had issues with it. Was just wondering if that was the reason why you started out with a lower dose and then gradually increased it?

I do 3 shakes a day of:

Decaf coffee
Ice cream

2-3 cups of OJ randomly when thirsty.
I add a lot of baking soda and chase it with my OJ

Before bed time:

I have one of my shakes with dark chocolate to nibble on

In the middle of the night if I wake up I sip on a little bit more of one of my shakes then go back to sleep.

As you can see my diet is very very simple and boring, but after 8 years this seems to be the best as of now.

Like I said though, with EMDR eventually I see myself eventually needing less food and I’ll be able to have more variety again.

Most people choose to start diet first which I can understand. Going down the path of EMDR can be more painful for many people if they are not ready to face their negative beliefs that rule them. But, it’s worth it because most people can see amazing metabolic changes and not have to worry about food near as much. As you know, food takes money, budgeting, and planning. Once you develop your EMDR practice then all you need are your eye balls.
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