Greetings from AUS. Where to start


Sep 10, 2014
Hi guys,

Young, fit, active, healthy (apart from current issues) 22yo male.
I came here from suffering and screwing up my body, digestion and thyroid on a high fat diet and high iodine dosages suggested on curezone.
I do highly credit liver flushes though.

The things I picked up from here so far and have started implementing are basically drinking 2L low fat milk with sugar (with lactaid or whatever, the easy to digest one because normal milk causes inflammation in my body and makes my hair fall out), 1L fresh OJ, lots of gelatin, cottage cheese before bed, 4g MSM daily (not something from here, but its a great supp), liver once a week, fresh coffee after meals, grass fed organic red meat most days, buckwheat for breakfast, taking baking soda before working out, vit k2 + vit e supps.

Im easy going and looking for a general solution, I want to be the best I can be.

Ive spent countless days looking around this stuff and need some help with some questions :

1) Will thyroid extract do anything good for me? My TSH was 0.95 2 months ago (I was taking 50mg iodine daily at the time)
2) Prognenolone? I read this peaks at 25yo so I assume I dont need to touch this stuff? Also something about it being steroidal etc? Will it make me massive ??? hehe
3) Aspirin? doesnt sound natural to be taking this and I dont reeeaaallly see the point. Ill carry some around with me incase I have a cheat meal and need something to stop inflammation, is this correct?
4) Im currently looking into the red light + altitude masks. Is the red light just something you can buy at a hardware store i.e. bunnings (if AUS) ?
5) There is a lack of discussion about herbs here I think? Peat talks about Cascara as one but there are HUNDREDS of others with what could be amazing benefits? Id love to know if there is more info on this stuff written somewhere
6) Any other recommendations regarding health, fitness, and/or increasing performance or anything ive missed recommended :)


Sep 10, 2014
Also for the sake of monitoring pulse/heart rate, does anyone have any experiences/ratings for any of the smart/health watches that do this?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Welcome Echo. I use regular incandescent bulbs in the summer and brooding lamp bulbs (2-250 watt) in the winter for red light. I know some people use LED but I don't have any personal experience with those.
Pregnenolone and aspirin are tools that some use but not necessarily everyone.
For 'cheat meals' (im assuming you mean high pufa?)vitamin E would probably be a better choice than aspirin. In a recent thread forum member haidut pointed out that we want to burn those fats (pufa)rather than store them so while taking aspirin (if tolerated) is fine in a low pufa environment it might not be the best tool if you are actually eating large amounts of pufa because of inhibiting lipolysis. RP has written that vitamin E should give some protection for the occasional restaurant meal.
I have used a pulse oximeter that clips on the finger for monitoring the pulse. I'm sure a watch would be fine though if that works better for your lifestyle.
The TSH number looks great but there are other forum members with much more thyroid knowledge than I have that may have some input on this topic. Iodine is not necessary to supplement on a Peat Inspired approach and including some low fat seafood such as shrimp (actually from the sea) is wise.
As far as a physical training regimen for a young man I will have to defer completely to others on that.


Sep 10, 2014
Thanks Blossom :)

Sorry to dumb it down even more because I know nothing of light bulbs etc. I have a lamp stand, if i go to the hardware store and get a red light bulb/heat bulb whatever i will be able to screw it into this lamp stand and thats it?

What about my lava lamp? its red too hehe, really dont get this light concept


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Echo said:
Thanks Blossom :)

Sorry to dumb it down even more because I know nothing of light bulbs etc. I have a lamp stand, if i go to the hardware store and get a red light bulb/heat bulb whatever i will be able to screw it into this lamp stand and thats it?

What about my lava lamp? its red too hehe, really dont get this light concept
Nothing's dumbed down too much for me :lol: . I can put incandescent bulbs into my regular lamps but I bought specific brooding lamp bases at the farm supply store for those bulbs. They probably work in a regular lamp but they get very hot and you can accidentally burn yourself if your not careful. I Wil try to upload an image in the morning. There is some in-depth discussion on the forum if you search red light. I don't actually consider it an area I have tons of knowledge about. I just basically figured out what bulbs to get and now I turn them on an sit under them daily. One thing you want to do is make sure the glass is clear and not frosted. Red tinted glass is not as good as clear glass either because it will filter out some of the light you want if I remember correctly. We call it red light but the appearance of the light is more yellow visually. Hopefully more people will chime in on the scientific details.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
This is an example of a brooding lamp aka infrared heat lamp.


  • IMG_0176.jpg
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Mar 29, 2014
I don't think you can safely put a heat lamp in a standard lamp fitting because they get too hot. Do your lamp fittings show how many watts they are rated for? My bedside lamp is only good for 40 watts, which wouldn't be much use. I think my ceiling fittings are good for up to 100 watts. You want higher than 100 watts of incandescent to make much difference (unless you are very close to it, I guess).


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
tara said:
I don't think you can safely put a heat lamp in a standard lamp fitting because they get too hot. Do your lamp fittings show how many watts they are rated for? My bedside lamp is only good for 40 watts, which wouldn't be much use. I think my ceiling fittings are good for up to 100 watts. You want higher than 100 watts of incandescent to make much difference (unless you are very close to it, I guess).
I just use incandescent in my regular lamp base. Sorry if I was unclear on that point. I do use 150 watts in the standard light base. The above photo is what I use for the brooding lamps.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
My first red light was similar to the photos in your link with the red tinted glass. It was better than nothing. After I consulted with a Peat practitioner I was advised to try the lights with the clear glass as shown above. I bought them at a farm supply store and they are usually used for farm animals. I was only using 1-250 watt initially but after adding a second light I felt a more beneficial effect. I only use them in cooler/cold times of the year because they get so hot. I think you can get a small benefit from the red tinted glass but a much better result from the clear bulbs in my experience. I haven't grown scales yet! :lol:
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