I haven’t seen one healthy looking person since arriving back in london


Mar 26, 2014
People just don’t function well here, I think it’s the glyphosate in food chelating minerals, tap water used in cooking, PUFA consumption and possibly vaccine stuff too. A lot of people have the lifeless look in their eyes and that can be from magnesium deficiency causing low gaba.

When it’s sunny nearly everyone is wearing sunglasses and hiding from the sun as if they are scared of it. They are actually relieved they get to finally wear sunglasses so they can hide their anxious stressed faces from everyone else.

Hope I can get a remote job and move out of this place soon it’s a big trap that leads to an unfulfilling and unhealthy life.
I was always glad to get out of there at the end of the day when I was working there a few years ago.


People just don’t function well here, I think it’s the glyphosate in food chelating minerals, tap water used in cooking, PUFA consumption and possibly vaccine stuff too. A lot of people have the lifeless look in their eyes and that can be from magnesium deficiency causing low gaba.

When it’s sunny nearly everyone is wearing sunglasses and hiding from the sun as if they are scared of it. They are actually relieved they get to finally wear sunglasses so they can hide their anxious stressed faces from everyone else.

Hope I can get a remote job and move out of this place soon it’s a big trap that leads to an unfulfilling and unhealthy life.
Which part of London are you in? London is a big place.


Jan 10, 2023
the fact of the matter is this, when your stress hormones ARE LOW ENOUGH, many aspects of society become unbearable and if a person is ABLE TO TOLERATE these aspects, then they are not peating/low-stress

Living a normal life in Society and "Peating" are already nearly impossible to do, if you live in society - you probably aren't really peating that well and operating on a slightly evelated serotogenic level just to keep up, and it only gets worse from here, in 10 years peating in society will be impossible
Just found these in another thread. Based.
@IroquoisPliskin Big Facts


Jan 10, 2023
Probably the demographic that got jabbed for work. Radiation might be a factor too
I do think the lack of sun is a factor too, there was one sunny day since I’ve been back where people did look healthier, however it was also sunny today and I was back to seeing unhealthy people who aren’t functioning well.

The amount of people I see wearing sunglasses I find a bit concerning. Also the way some people walk with their hands out glued to their phones is comical.


I do think the lack of sun is a factor too, there was one sunny day since I’ve been back where people did look healthier, however it was also sunny today and I was back to seeing unhealthy people who aren’t functioning well.

The amount of people I see wearing sunglasses I find a bit concerning. Also the way some people walk with their hands out glued to their phones is comical.
It was very sunny today – lots of people out an about in tee-shirts. Today I was thinking people are looking pretty good, considering.

The phone thing is annoying. The airbuds are scary.
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Aug 21, 2020
I believe part of the reason for this impression is the gradual lowering of grooming standards. I watch a lot of older films and TV series from the sixties and onwards, and am always in awe at the sense of decency and style displayed by all types of characters.
A classy, fitting attire, a confident walk and a positive demeanour can make a world of difference, health issues notwithstanding.


[…]I frequently experience young men (especially of African descent) giving me death stares as I pass them and just doing things...
bro, same in America. even as a kid, Black and Hispanic dudes would give me a death stare.

Well, I’m a big 6 ft androgenic chunky boy now, and I absolutely stare them back down and they look away quick Hahah!

Most of all I’m unfortunately almost ready for a fight against anyone who could be so cruel to a completely innocent stranger.

The girls my age are all extremely mentally ill (every girl that I spoke to at my old uni accommodation had depression or worse) and some of walk around with a look of pure hatred in their eyes like they’re about to murder someone. I am weary of (mostly young) white and asian women because these treat me the most aggressively and are the ones who actually barge into me in the street.
Let’s pray for them, all we’ve got is each other!

Black women seem to be friendlier for some reason.
Black women got the freakin shortest end of the stick on earth and it’s wrong. More black men have sex with each other than would marry a black woman. The “ratchet” stereotype may be true for many, but for many more it’s not at all.
Some of the sweetest, most decent, sexy Christian women I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. They just need a manly man to feed their awesome passion — and black men stopped being that for their women and instead want this “snowbunnies” porn fantasy bullsh*.
Statistically only 1/4 of black women get married in America. If you can’t tell, it pisces me off.


Oct 5, 2014
I arrived back yesterday in London after being in Costa Rica for a month, I’ve been out a lot in the last day and have not seen even one healthy looking person. EVERY single person I have seen here (I’m not exaggerating this), looks pretty ill, stressed, depressed and running on stress hormones.

I noticed similar things here when I first started a Peat Diet.

PUFAs, cold winter/lack of sun, chemicals in foods and cosmetic products, Covid vaccines etc are really messing people up.

I think as one gets rid of their own toxicity eg: heavy metals, chemicals and PUFAs you begin to see how toxic and ill everyone else is. I’ve noticed similar things when I’ve been to a club and not drunk alcohol.

I plan to move back to the city of San Jose in Costa Rica which is high altitude after I’ve sorted some stuff out here in London , I actually felt a lot better there in the city of San Jose than the beach town I was in for a month. The high altitude helps my health and metabolism a lot I notice the difference instantly. Before I left Costa Rica I found a cheap apartment in a very nice area in SJ.
I notice this every time I come back to my home city (3M ppl) after a long stay in smaller/healthier areas.

I don't see them stressed or depressive at all. More like they are devitalized, sucked up of some kind of vibrant energy. Grey not in the sense of boring or depressed but like if life force has been sucked up from them.

After a while I don't see it, probably because I get into that state as well.

Terrible indeed.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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