I Cured My Insomnia By Minimizing EMF Exposure


Jan 21, 2015
The Short Version

I minimized EMF (electro-magnetic field) exposure by turning off the electricity to my house at the main circuit breaker and turning off and/or physically distancing myself from all battery-powered electrical devices.

This is the surest way to eliminate as much EMF as possible, because it is easy to unknowingly expose yourself to EMF, since its sources are not always obvious.

Before, I was constantly fighting a vicious cycle of "later to sleep, later to wake". Now I get tired and fall asleep easily around 11 or 12pm and wake up (without an alarm) around 9 or 10 AM — which for me, is a huge improvement.

This only took a few days to "cure" it, and I've been sleeping in this healthy pattern for a several weeks now.

The simple version of the theory is this:

It's not just visible light and blue light keeping you awake, it's also invisible electro-magnetic fields, some of which probably have a similar biological effect as blue light.

The Long Version

I think the technical term for what I had might be "Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder".

Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder - Wikipedia

It's when you can't get tired / fall asleep early enough and then you can't wake up early enough either (without it being a miserable experience). And then if you let yourself sleep in, you end up staying up later the following night, resulting in a vicious cycle of staying up later and waking up later each day.

Previously, if I let things happen "naturally" I'd end up falling asleep about 0.5 or 1 hour later each day, then waking up an later, and so on. And it would get to the point where I'd be staying up till 5 or 6 AM and sleeping in till around 1 or 2 PM. And it would just keep going like this later and later unless I did something drastic to try to "reset".

Some people even try to keep that cycle going — later to sleep, later to wake — or to stay awake all night to "reset" and get back to a normal bedtime, but it doesn't seem to work because you still have the problem of not being able to get to sleep when you want to.

The Cure

Now when I intend to go to sleep, I eliminate as much EMF (aka "Electrosmog") as possible by cutting off all electrical power (except to my refrigerator and AC/furnace) at the main circuit breaker and turning off or physically distancing myself from all battery powered electrical devices like phones and tablets and laptops.

I recommend trying the circuit breaker method rather than just manually unplugging and turning things off because A) you don't always realize the EMF being generated by various devices or appliances and B) and some devices are putting out EMF even when you think they are "off".

To wake me up, I left the curtains of a window open so that the natural sunlight would be my alarm clock. Within a few days and for a few weeks now, I have gotten tired around midnight and have woken up slowly around 9 or 10 but not later than 11 AM — and this in mid-winter and the time the sunlight wakes me up tends to correlate with how sunny or overcast it is (just as you'd expect: the brighter the day, the early it wakes me).

This may not seem like "getting up early" to some, but for a former "night owl" insomniac this is a huge improvement. I consider myself cured.

In the past, I've tried using sunlight to wake me up in the morning, and it worked in terms of waking me up, but I'd feel miserable because I did not get enough sleep. And it was not a cure because I'd still have trouble getting to sleep at night (because I still hadn't addressed the original cause of the problem: the "Electrosmog" of EMF).


Here's a video of a guy measuring magnetic fields generated by various devices in a home:

Some examples of things generating magnetic fields that you may not realize:

Magnetic fields can be generated by electrical current running through the wiring in your home which can happen even when devices are switched off or not being used.

Example: The AC to DC power supply that charges my MacBook generates a strong magnetic field even when the charger is not plugged into the computer (but is still plugged into the electrical outlet, of course).

You may be surprised to discover which "background" technologies in your home generate magnetic fields, including: refrigerators (the compressor), air conditioners, furnaces (the fan), electric fans, dishwashers, dryers, ovens, dimmer switches.

So, for example, you could remove all computer-like devices from your room, but then not get the full effect if there is a fridge on the other side of the wall from your bed generating a strong magnetic field.

The other kind of EMF to consider (aside from the magnetic fields) are the radio/microwave type. Examples within your household being: wireless routers, cordless phones, cell phones and baby monitors.

I turned off the WiFi feature of my internet router and just use wired internet at all times. And I used aluminum foil on the inner wall adjacent to my home's "smart meter" to hopefully reflect away the radiation it emits. These additional steps or may not have been essential to preventing this problem.

Also, on the outside of your house there could be "smart meters" for your household utilities, which are a bigger problem, because you can't (easily/legally) turn them off.

Other sources outside your home include: nearby cellular towers, nearby WiFi from neighbors or other hotspots, broadcast television and radio signals from towers and satellites.

If just addressing the EMF sources inside your house doesn't work, you may have to do further research and address all of these sources of EMF.

The Theory

I think the biggest problem was the exposure to the strong magnetic fields being generated by my laptop and/or iPad (often held right on top of my torso while lying in bed waiting to get tired).

I've been avoiding visible blue light at night for years but that alone never did the trick. I used red light bulbs and the flux app to turn my device screens to red light, and even covered my device screens with physical red filter gels (for theater lights), and even though it was easier on my eyes, it never solved the insomnia problem (not getting tired or being able to fall asleep).

Some have suggested that it's the mental stimulation of the act of using these devices but I don't think that alone explains it.

I can still use my laptop at night, but I use a wired mouse and keyboard and keep the laptop as physically far away from my body as possible (3 or 4 feet from the screen). This seems to be enough to avoid the insomnia-producing effect, and does not prevent me from getting tired.

The theory for why this works is that the invisible EMF being put out by our electrical devices are causing an effect similar to the "awakening" effect of visible blue light, and there are some studies about the effect of EMF on melatonin production to back this up. Here's one:

Static and extremely low frequency electromagnetic field exposure: reported effects on the circadian production of melatonin. - PubMed - NCBI

The proximity to your body is what really matters because the strength of the field correlates with distance. The strength of the magnetic field can drop by an order of magnitude in a matter of inches.

One of the keys may actually be the local effect of EMF on your skin — so if you keep your face/eyes away from the screen, the magnetic field may still being having a biochemical effect if your hands are holding a phone/tablet or resting on a keyboard (where the laptop's magnetic field is strongest).

It seems like a very plausible theory to me. Visible light is just EMF of a certain range, and light is nature's alarm clock (it's both the wake-up clock and, with its absence, the go-to-sleep clock). So why shouldn't or couldn't invisible EMF have a similar biological effect? In my experience, it does.


If you're new to all this EMF stuff, here's a good introductory video:

Jul 6, 2016
Hey, it's Klinghardt! Cool link.

I sleep right under a wifi router. Separated by maybe 4-5 meters and a thin wooden floor board.

So there's distance at least.

Not to mention everything else - my air purifier, my computer, my cell phone (which I always keep off).

My entire life has been around technology so far.

I need to get my own living space and purify it.

Interesting experience.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Fantastic! Thank you for sharing. :emoji_thumbsup:
Jul 6, 2016
Fantastic interview.

I don't agree that EMF is the main cause of modern illness, but I agree it's a big one, and it synergizes with other poisons.

The "German method" of removing a smart meter is hilarious :tearsofjoy:

His talk about mushrooms protecting against EMF, and about fungus growing readily in heavy EMF, is really interesting.

I wonder if you could collect "free energy" using that graphite wall paint he mentioned.

Looks like you can.

That's a win-win.

I don't know how much you could collect though.

Overall great talk.


Nov 2, 2016
This idea that household level EMF is highly disruptive seems like it should be rather easy to demonstrate via animal experiments. Has it been? Color me skeptical.

I mean, I see the rat melatonin thing linked above, but that's not a whole lot to go on. If it's as big a deal as these people are claiming park some rats next to a field and prove elevated mortality. Has this been done?


May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
Thank you for sharing and congratulations! Few understand how horribly disruptive this is to our lives. Family don't know what to think. Doctor's don't seem to be any idea what this is. Most sleep docs just want to run sleep studies to find sleep apnea and sell you on something. Anything else they just refer to a behavioral psychologist. I think someone else on this forum referred to this as DSPD Delayed sleep phase disorder - Wikipedia, which appears to be very similar to Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder - Wikipedia.

I know they have done research showing a spell of camping fixes people's sleep schedule (pretty much what you are doing in your own home), but people with this can't keep the schedule is the problem. I always assumed it was due to light because it "fixed" me for a few weeks when I first introduced bright lights in the morning and reds at night. I just couldn't be disciplined enough with it (or it's too hard to be strict with it because life keeps getting in the way and it only takes one night to get off track for weeks).

Maybe it's the EMF, idk. I'd heard of people doing this for EMF concerns, but considering how it effected you I'm gonna have to figure out how I can do this in my own home now. Finally getting this settled in my life would be a absolute life changer.


Feb 25, 2017
I have been unplugging my electrical devices before going to bed for about a year. I notice it improves my sleep a bit aswell. For me I can hear/feel a very high pitch sound coming from a lot of electrical devices that annoys me (my parents cannot hear it).

Just did a hit on Google and seems more people have this:
I can "Hear" when electronics are on? - Straight Dope Message Board

Someone also described:
"When I was younger I somehow developed this weird ability to "sense" when I was getting a text message or a phone call. I would dig in my bag for my phone because I thought I felt it vibrate, and just as I flicked it open, then I would get the text/call."

I have the same really often, I just feel the desire to look at my phone, and within a few seconds get a text message / someone calls me. I think there is definately some very low frequency something coming off those devices.
Nov 26, 2013
If you trip the circuit breaker... you will also be in the dark. You sure this isn't what's doing the trick? Also it will remove any buzzing from transformers. You should try an earplug-face mask combination as a control experiment.


Apr 6, 2016
EMF avoidance is supportive, not curative for dealing with insomnia if something is fundamentally wrong with your stress/energy levels.

Same goes for "get some sunlight", "wear orange glasses at night", "eat x at y time", "meditate", etc. If your state of being includes stress way too high or metabolism way too low, forget it. You'll stare at the ceiling until 5 am, ready to punch the next sleep doctor who delivers the novel suggestion that you should totally try f.lux.


Oct 11, 2016
There are many supposed types of EMF exposure. The type you cut down on seems to be "dirty electricity." Some electricians seem to test for this when wiring a house. Also, there are supposedly little plugs (forgot what they're called, but easy to google) that eliminate dirty electricity in your house. I would prefer not to use such a technology, and merely install an electrical system that doesn't suffer from this phenomena.

What would be a great business model is hiring a qualified tester to give your living space an analysis. Then they could come with all the right tools properly calibrated (instead of just buying an trifield like a hobbyist). Then they could give you a reading from your possibly leaky microwave, electrical system, poorly placed wifi router, nearby high powered gear, and local cell and radio towers - and could make small optimizations for you on the fly. Free business model for anyone who wants to start that ;)
Nov 26, 2013
There are many supposed types of EMF exposure. The type you cut down on seems to be "dirty electricity." Some electricians seem to test for this when wiring a house. Also, there are supposedly little plugs (forgot what they're called, but easy to google) that eliminate dirty electricity in your house. I would prefer not to use such a technology, and merely install an electrical system that doesn't suffer from this phenomena.

What would be a great business model is hiring a qualified tester to give your living space an analysis. Then they could come with all the right tools properly calibrated (instead of just buying an trifield like a hobbyist). Then they could give you a reading from your possibly leaky microwave, electrical system, poorly placed wifi router, nearby high powered gear, and local cell and radio towers - and could make small optimizations for you on the fly. Free business model for anyone who wants to start that ;)

Or you can just buy a trifield :ss


Oct 11, 2016
Or you can just buy a trifield :ss
As always, hard to tell whether you're sarcastic, trying to add to the convo, or what... But a trifield doesn't cover everything. So I figure instead of owning one of the tools outright, one could pay the same price for an expert to use the right tools and cover all areas of bothersome EMF.


Jun 23, 2015
If you trip the circuit breaker... you will also be in the dark. You sure this isn't what's doing the trick? Also it will remove any buzzing from transformers. You should try an earplug-face mask combination as a control experiment.
The first time I turned off all the electricity in my house with the circuit breaker, I literally felt so tired that I thought I was gonna pass out. Like immediately went from tense / jumpy / having to run around and do ***t, to feeling so relaxed, and needing to lay down, and remember just lying down feeling kind of happy for no reason.


Jun 23, 2015
As always, hard to tell whether you're sarcastic, trying to add to the convo, or what... But a trifield doesn't cover everything. So I figure instead of owning one of the tools outright, one could pay the same price for an expert to use the right tools and cover all areas of bothersome EMF.
What doesn't a trifield cover? Doesn't it have RF, magnetic, and electric fields?
Nov 26, 2013
What doesn't a trifield cover? Doesn't it have RF, magnetic, and electric fields?

It's electric, magnetic home frequencies, and some microwave. Then they have a blue version for DC as well as other cheap tools for "dirty electricity".


Jan 25, 2014
For something much simpler......

I had heard the problem was mainly from electrical wiring in the wall, being at approximately at the height of your head while you sleep. Since my current bedroom is rather big, I moved the bed about 3 feet from the wall. Sleep quality seemed to improve from that point forward.


Apr 30, 2015
I struggled with this stuff a lot. 2016 was like the EMF chaos year. I finally got into a house that is surrounded by old people who don't have wifi and no cell towers in sight. Such a vast improvement in sleep. It's really changed my life. I still get exposed to blue light at night from a screen but it's seriously not a big deal unless it's very close to your face and for more then an hour. It's the invisible stuff that is killer.

Edit: oh, and airports are really bad. Stay as far away as possible. Regular radio frequency meters do not pick up their Doppler radar either. It's like super high frequency compared to wifi and cellular. I learned that seriously the hard way. Cost me a lot of money to get out of a lease.


Aug 5, 2015
San Francisco
I've struggled very much with getting to bed early lately and I wonder if this is related. I have a ton of electronics in my room (including a smart meter opposite one wall).

I've noticed people I know who wake up very early and sleep very early seem to derive some benefit. Maybe it relates to circadian insulin sensitivity that tyw believes is very powerful.

Anyways I am starting a new job and will need to be up at 5am every day starting next week. I plan to start tripping the breaker tonight to give it a shot. Thanks!


Jun 23, 2015
It's electric, magnetic home frequencies, and some microwave. Then they have a blue version for DC as well as other cheap tools for "dirty electricity".
Ohh interesting. Definitely want to look in the DC thing, because in my home I am convinced I feel something weird but nothing shows up magnetic / electric field wise. Didn't know DC was separate.
Nov 26, 2013
Ohh interesting. Definitely want to look in the DC thing, because in my home I am convinced I feel something weird but nothing shows up magnetic / electric field wise. Didn't know DC was separate.

What are you measuring with? The DC version is advertised for ghost hunting actually. But to be honest it didn't even detect my own body in any of the settings (they sent it to me by accident instead of trifield).
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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