How I wrecked my health, seeking advice



Hello everyone, I’m new here but I’ve been browsing the forum for a while now and have learned a great deal about serotonin, estrogen, the gut, and other peaty endeavors. The following is a lengthy explanation of what’s going on with me.

There was a point in my life where my health was pretty normal. My diet was average but not full blown western diet (occasional fast food) but overall I felt, normal I guess.

Two and a half years ago I made the stupid decision to use anabolic steroids, specifically 500 mg of Testosterone Enanthate a week for 4 months, then a cruise at TRT doses for 2 months and then a blast again at 500 mg for 3 months. Total time of HPTA shutdown was around 9 months. I used an AI during this obviously and tracked Estradiol through blood work. Towards the end, I used HCG to resensitize the old Leydig cells and followed with a “half PCT” consisting of 20mg of a SERM called Nolvadex for 14 days and dropped it because the estrogenic side effects got to me and I couldn’t study for my exams.

Not long after, my Testosterone levels recovered exactly where they were prior to steroids: mid 500s on average and over two years of blood work it always landed in that range. Other parameters like SHBG, prolactin, free/total T, progesterone were all seriously perfect on paper. Sounds normal right? Obviously not optimal but definitely enough to avoid low T symptoms. Except… I never regained my libido and spent two years of my life with a half working p*nis. In fact, I also became incredibly robotic and could barely enjoy anything. Previously being extroverted, I became very anti-social but still forced myself into social situations, you know being in college and all. But I could never feel comfortable around people anymore. During steroids I never lost any hair, the year following I shed a bunch of hair in a diffuse manner. Constant constipation that relieves every 2-3 days but never any normal stool, cold hands and feet, etc. Eating carbs made be very very lethargic.

Anyways, some things stuck out to me in my blood work during these last two and a half years: my E2 was consistently in the single digits on a sensitive test. On the other hand, I had a mix of both low E2 and high E2 symptoms. I agree with the peat view on E2 being a bad thing but here’s the thing: from my experience with steroids I know what low, medium, and high E2 feels like. One key high E2 symptom for me was very high hanging (or not hanging) testicles. During these two years, while having extremely low E2 my testicles hung very high and were still smaller than usual. My gyno was puffy during this entire time where when I was on steroids they would go days almost being nonexistent and only puffed up when my E2 ran high. Somehow it got worse after steroids (my DHT never tanked by the way, maybe for a week or two during PCT.) My TSH is 0.77 as of last week, in fact all of my thyroid parameters are basically perfect. Yet I still have cold hands and feet. I’ve tried iodine and selenium and they provided temporary relief (hands and feet heated up and improvement in all symptoms) in the beginning but that died off. I have spent two and a half years trying to regain my cognitive function, emotions, mental clarity, clear speech, energy (big one,) and libido. I have lost any sort of mental drive.

I’ve tried hundreds of supplements and protocols and nothing worked (maybe, see the next paragraph). I discovered RP and decided to see things his way. So I decided to try to ramp up my metabolism in hopes of repairing whatever broke in my body.

I have good thyroid function on paper, but my metabolism and morning temps (usually 96ish) are not reflective of that. For the first time I felt improvement from something: 500 mg of Thiamine HCL, Riboflavin and Niacin. Within a week I felt a familiar pain (like when I started HCG) in my testicles followed by growth and they hang lower now. Libido went from almost nonexistent to almost normal and has since been maintained during these two weeks, longer than anything I’ve ever taken. I can eat carbs and feel myself almost heating up after eating them. Mentally I improved across the board but never fully got there, you know? Still, it has been a very profound change and hopefully that continues.

THEN, I started taking 500 mg of Calcium carbonate per Peats suggestion over email and this brought back a very very familiar feeling in my mental state. Quieter mental chatter, increased emotion, lessened ADD symptoms, and brought me even closer to my old self. I took 300-350 mg Mag Glycinate with this then hit a point where I got horrible RLS in bed, anxiety, and insomnia and felt extremely fidgety in what I was describe as a massive spike in serotonin. I dropped the magnesium two days ago and today I’m starting to feel normal again, as in I regained the benefits of this protocol again. No idea why magnesium did that to me considering it’s important role in all of this especially with regards to B1. I figured I’d really need magnesium with all this ATP production but it just makes me very fidgety, makes me very ADD, and I have to constantly shake my leg. I can very confidently say it was the magnesium as counter intuitive as it sounds. Also, I should mention I get plenty of sun, I hit my potassium and sodium RDAs too.

With all of this, I still don’t feel 100% unless I’m taking the thiamine, b2, b3, and calcium AND my body is warm. Like there are some days where I take everything I talked about here and my hands and feet are warm and I actually feel 90-95%. But there was days where I’m on the same stack but my extremities are freezing cold (like it shocks people) and I’m 50% of the way there. Still better than baseline.

Some extra stuff:
- my face would bloat especially after carbs (and very especially after eating carbs while on steroids), thiamine may have just fixed that. Calcium took it further it seems like and my face is slim for once
- thiamine and calcium made my face look years younger
- Calcium is normal on paper (yes I’m aware of how that’s almost useless)
- I’ve gotten Vit D as high as 60 with no improvement in anything at all
- I haven’t had a normal stool yet but the thiamine let’s me go every single day now amazingly
- one of my blood works from a few months ago shows DHEA-S above the ref range, haven’t tested it since and doc said it’s not clinically significant
- sometimes my stool is very pale (bile?) but usually it goes back to normal
- my last doctor told me estrogen doesn’t really have a function in men (lol)
- I am 21 years old (18 is young for steroids haha)
- A specific strain of bacteria called L. Reuteri 6475 have me very good improvements a while back and then stopped working. Increased libido, mood, etc. but the effects were transient. I even cultured it myself by the way. I’m starting to think my issues may be primarily gut related and serotonin.
- I secretly exhibit some autistic symptoms like an urge to do repetitive hand movements while walking around and daydreaming which nobody knows about and this is the first time I’ve ever mentioned it. I’ve done this since I was a kid but sometimes the urge gets worse I’m assuming when my serotonin gets high. Always hid it from people.
- drinking pink Himalayan salt sometimes heats me up and makes me feel better (emphasis on sometimes)
- I do very high intensity weight lifting primarily for strength
- while I still can’t fully enjoy music like I used to, calcium improved that for me
- also I lost the ability to dream after the steroids, calcium brought it back and with great detail. I actually love it.
maybe relevant but any time I take over 1 gram of ascorbic acid I feel a potent increase in focus

I ate like sh*t when I was on steroids, built up a crazy amount of mass during this. Besides HPTA suppression I guess this whole thing wrecked my nutrient and electrolyte stores considering building 30-40 lbs of mass in months probably requires an insane amount of energy and nutrients. Probably an extreme amount of oxidative stress. But then again, it’s been 2.5 years. Who knows…

I’m sorry for a massive post but I’m now just seeking some guidance. Why would these things benefit me? Why calcium works and why is magnesium hurting me? Any clue on what the hell is going on in my body? Any suggestions? I seriously appreciate you if you read this entire post. The past two years of my life I’ve been clueless and struggling to heal myself. RP asked me about my calcium and that was incredibly beneficial. Thank you.
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Feb 3, 2020
Calcium deficiency causes erectile problems for me and in fact high amounts of magnesium can cause similar problems. There is a magical range where calcium really perks up life in me. (so to say)

I think 1 to 1.5 g of elemental calcium is what I personally need on a daily basis.

Experimentation is the true path to knowledge.


Calcium deficiency causes erectile problems for me and in fact high amounts of magnesium can cause similar problems. There is a magical range where calcium really perks up life in me. (so to say)

I think 1 to 1.5 g of elemental calcium is what I personally need on a daily basis.

Experimentation is the true path to knowledge.
What form of calcium do you consume? Supplemental? I want to try going over 500mg but I don’t see why I’d be deficient. It’s obviously helping me so I probably was but still I never completely avoided dairy or other calcium sources. But then again I probably ended up having dairy 1-2 times a week. It’s a little hard to remember my eating habits.

Do you supplement magnesium at all?


Feb 3, 2020
What form of calcium do you consume? Supplemental? I want to try going over 500mg but I don’t see why I’d be deficient. It’s obviously helping me so I probably was but still I never completely avoided dairy or other calcium sources. But then again I probably ended up having dairy 1-2 times a week. It’s a little hard to remember my eating habits.

Do you supplement magnesium at all?
I have a calcium-rich mineral water that is available in Germany. It contains 600mg of elemental calcium per liter.

I cannot tolerate dairy. But if you can handle it, it would be the best source.
Calcium carbonate can be used also.

Ray recommends a 1:1 ratio of calcium:phosphate, so if you eat a lot of phosphate you need more calcium. (most people eat way more phosphate in relation to calcium and especially if you are on a high meat or bodybuilding diet)


I have a calcium-rich mineral water that is available in Germany. It contains 600mg of elemental calcium per liter.

I cannot tolerate dairy. But if you can handle it, it would be the best source.
Calcium carbonate can be used also.

Ray recommends a 1:1 ratio of calcium:phosphate, so if you eat a lot of phosphate you need more calcium. (most people eat way more phosphate in relation to calcium and especially if you are on a high meat or bodybuilding diet)
Yeah I probably consume a lot of phosphate. Do you take any Mg? Unless that’s in your mineral water, in that case how much does it have?

Also, any K2?
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Feb 3, 2020
Yeah I probably consume a lot of phosphate. Do you take any Mg? Unless that’s in your mineral water, in that case how much does it have?

Also, any K2?
I take roughly 300mg of magnesiumglycinate. Sometimes more if I am under more stress.

I take vitamin D3 and K2.


I take roughly 300mg of magnesiumglycinate. Sometimes more if I am under more stress.

I take vitamin D3 and K2.
I wonder what’s behind magnesium triggering all hell in me after a few days of use.


This might be explain the reaction
Yeah I read through the document and the gist is to slowly increase Mg intake. Who knows what the hell I need to detox coming from underground lab injectables.


Apr 30, 2015
There was a thread awhile back on post finasteride syndrome, I believe @sladerunner69 was in it. It was about using HCG, and some people were getting some amazing results. Obviously you haven't taken finasteride, but there were a lot of similar symptoms as what you have described. Have you looked into HCG?


There was a thread awhile back on post finasteride syndrome, I believe @sladerunner69 was in it. It was about using HCG, and some people were getting some amazing results. Obviously you haven't taken finasteride, but there were a lot of similar symptoms as what you have described. Have you looked into HCG?
There was a point where I felt like I had some sort of “PAIS” as in Post Aromatase Inhibitor Syndrome. Both Aromasin and Finasteride work similarly but obviously on different enzymes and could be why my serum E2 is so low. I found others online with similar experiences. The thing is my LH is actually already pretty high, and I also used higher doses of HCG towards the end of my steroid use.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Hello everyone, I’m new here but I’ve been browsing the forum for a while now and have learned a great deal about serotonin, estrogen, the gut, and other peaty endeavors. The following is a lengthy explanation of what’s going on with me.

There was a point in my life where my health was pretty normal. My diet was average but not full blown western diet (occasional fast food) but overall I felt, normal I guess.

Two and a half years ago I made the stupid decision to use anabolic steroids, specifically 500 mg of Testosterone Enanthate a week for 4 months, then a cruise at TRT doses for 2 months and then a blast again at 500 mg for 3 months. Total time of HPTA shutdown was around 9 months. I used an AI during this obviously and tracked Estradiol through blood work. Towards the end, I used HCG to resensitize the old Leydig cells and followed with a “half PCT” consisting of 20mg of a SERM called Nolvadex for 14 days and dropped it because the estrogenic side effects got to me and I couldn’t study for my exams.

Not long after, my Testosterone levels recovered exactly where they were prior to steroids: mid 500s on average and over two years of blood work it always landed in that range. Other parameters like SHBG, prolactin, free/total T, progesterone were all seriously perfect on paper. Sounds normal right? Obviously not optimal but definitely enough to avoid low T symptoms. Except… I never regained my libido and spent two years of my life with a half working p*nis. In fact, I also became incredibly robotic and could barely enjoy anything. Previously being extroverted, I became very anti-social but still forced myself into social situations, you know being in college and all. But I could never feel comfortable around people anymore. During steroids I never lost any hair, the year following I shed a bunch of hair in a diffuse manner. Constant constipation that relieves every 2-3 days but never any normal stool, cold hands and feet, etc. Eating carbs made be very very lethargic.

Anyways, some things stuck out to me in my blood work during these last two and a half years: my E2 was consistently in the single digits on a sensitive test. On the other hand, I had a mix of both low E2 and high E2 symptoms. I agree with the peat view on E2 being a bad thing but here’s the thing: from my experience with steroids I know what low, medium, and high E2 feels like. One key high E2 symptom for me was very high hanging (or not hanging) testicles. During these two years, while having extremely low E2 my testicles hung very high and were still smaller than usual. My gyno was puffy during this entire time where when I was on steroids they would go days almost being nonexistent and only puffed up when my E2 ran high. Somehow it got worse after steroids (my DHT never tanked by the way, maybe for a week or two during PCT.) My TSH is 0.77 as of last week, in fact all of my thyroid parameters are basically perfect. Yet I still have cold hands and feet. I’ve tried iodine and selenium and they provided temporary relief (hands and feet heated up and improvement in all symptoms) in the beginning but that died off. I have spent two and a half years trying to regain my cognitive function, emotions, mental clarity, clear speech, energy (big one,) and libido. I have lost any sort of mental drive.

I’ve tried hundreds of supplements and protocols and nothing worked (maybe, see the next paragraph). I discovered RP and decided to see things his way. So I decided to try to ramp up my metabolism in hopes of repairing whatever broke in my body.

I have good thyroid function on paper, but my metabolism and morning temps (usually 96ish) are not reflective of that. For the first time I felt improvement from something: 500 mg of Thiamine HCL, Riboflavin and Niacin. Within a week I felt a familiar pain (like when I started HCG) in my testicles followed by growth and they hang lower now. Libido went from almost nonexistent to almost normal and has since been maintained during these two weeks, longer than anything I’ve ever taken. I can eat carbs and feel myself almost heating up after eating them. Mentally I improved across the board but never fully got there, you know? Still, it has been a very profound change and hopefully that continues.

THEN, I started taking 500 mg of Calcium carbonate per Peats suggestion over email and this brought back a very very familiar feeling in my mental state. Quieter mental chatter, increased emotion, lessened ADD symptoms, and brought me even closer to my old self. I took 300-350 mg Mag Glycinate with this then hit a point where I got horrible RLS in bed, anxiety, and insomnia and felt extremely fidgety in what I was describe as a massive spike in serotonin. I dropped the magnesium two days ago and today I’m starting to feel normal again, as in I regained the benefits of this protocol again. No idea why magnesium did that to me considering it’s important role in all of this especially with regards to B1. I figured I’d really need magnesium with all this ATP production but it just makes me very fidgety, makes me very ADD, and I have to constantly shake my leg. I can very confidently say it was the magnesium as counter intuitive as it sounds. Also, I should mention I get plenty of sun, I hit my potassium and sodium RDAs too.

With all of this, I still don’t feel 100% unless I’m taking the thiamine, b2, b3, and calcium AND my body is warm. Like there are some days where I take everything I talked about here and my hands and feet are warm and I actually feel 90-95%. But there was days where I’m on the same stack but my extremities are freezing cold (like it shocks people) and I’m 50% of the way there. Still better than baseline.

Some extra stuff:
- my face would bloat especially after carbs (and very especially after eating carbs while on steroids), thiamine may have just fixed that. Calcium took it further it seems like and my face is slim for once
- thiamine and calcium made my face look years younger
- Calcium is normal on paper (yes I’m aware of how that’s almost useless)
- I’ve gotten Vit D as high as 60 with no improvement in anything at all
- I haven’t had a normal stool yet but the thiamine let’s me go every single day now amazingly
- one of my blood works from a few months ago shows DHEA-S above the ref range, haven’t tested it since and doc said it’s not clinically significant
- sometimes my stool is very pale (bile?) but usually it goes back to normal
- my last doctor told me estrogen doesn’t really have a function in men (lol)
- I am 21 years old (18 is young for steroids haha)
- A specific strain of bacteria called L. Reuteri 6475 have me very good improvements a while back and then stopped working. Increased libido, mood, etc. but the effects were transient. I even cultured it myself by the way. I’m starting to think my issues may be primarily gut related and serotonin.
- I secretly exhibit some autistic symptoms like an urge to do repetitive hand movements while walking around and daydreaming which nobody knows about and this is the first time I’ve ever mentioned it. I’ve done this since I was a kid but sometimes the urge gets worse I’m assuming when my serotonin gets high. Always hid it from people.
- drinking pink Himalayan salt sometimes heats me up and makes me feel better (emphasis on sometimes)
- I do very high intensity weight lifting primarily for strength
- while I still can’t fully enjoy music like I used to, calcium improved that for me
- also I lost the ability to dream after the steroids, calcium brought it back and with great detail. I actually love it.
maybe relevant but any time I take over 1 gram of ascorbic acid I feel a potent increase in focus

I ate like sh*t when I was on steroids, built up a crazy amount of mass during this. Besides HPTA suppression I guess this whole thing wrecked my nutrient and electrolyte stores considering building 30-40 lbs of mass in months probably requires an insane amount of energy and nutrients. Probably an extreme amount of oxidative stress. But then again, it’s been 2.5 years. Who knows…

I’m sorry for a massive post but I’m now just seeking some guidance. Why would these things benefit me? Why calcium works and why is magnesium hurting me? Any clue on what the hell is going on in my body? Any suggestions? I seriously appreciate you if you read this entire post. The past two years of my life I’ve been clueless and struggling to heal myself. RP asked me about my calcium and that was incredibly beneficial. Thank you.
I wonder what’s behind magnesium triggering all hell in me after a few days of use.

I have actually heard it is very important to be careful about the calcium to magnesium ratio. Magnesium and calcium require one another to work properly, so if you take supplemental magnesium it is important to be getting enough calcium. Also the form of magnesium is important, If you can't digest it then it will increase your serotonin and make you feel irritable. I was never personally able to tolerate any form except for magnesium carbonate and I only take a small dose at bedtime. If I take it in the morning I feel lethargic and unmotivated, not only does it have a GABA effect it has its own independent effect which is sedative.

Taking a synthetic aromatase inhibitor is actually more risky than most guys think. Coming from the PFS community, there are many guys who try clomid but at a very small dose to help inch things in a more androgenic direction. There are some horror stories of guys who took clomid and ended up with more severe side effects, bone pain, depression, etc.

My view is that most people rely a good deal on estrogen, cortisol and adrenaline for motivation and drive through the day. If these people do not have strong thyroid function to provide good energy, then they will have none and it is probably a very depressing feeling. Even myself, taking lots of supplemental thyroid helps but is still not the same as the kind of energy spurred on by e2. Sometimes drinking a little beer or having soy sauce gives me a giant mood boost, but if I have too much I eventually feel weak and anxious.

When I eat perfectly peaty and take various anti-estrogen/pro thyroid supplements like vitamin e, k2, D, aspirin, progesterone, androsterone/ DHT I do feel good and solid, but have little drive and motivation and would be just as content laying on my bed reading and listening to music all day as I would be pursuing my ambitions and goals.

So anyways, taking a low dose HCG might be one thing to try to bring estrogen up a bit. You may need it just as I did. Or you can try the more Peat-recommended route and take pregnenelone/dhea and see if that helps replace what you are missing (sounds like testosterone/estrogen). You could try thyroid as well, just start small and build up gradually. Mainly, though you are going to have to be patient and maintain consistency. You will gradually climb your way out of the hole, and will inevitably experience a set back here and there-just don't let that setback become terminal.


I have actually heard it is very important to be careful about the calcium to magnesium ratio. Magnesium and calcium require one another to work properly, so if you take supplemental magnesium it is important to be getting enough calcium. Also the form of magnesium is important, If you can't digest it then it will increase your serotonin and make you feel irritable. I was never personally able to tolerate any form except for magnesium carbonate and I only take a small dose at bedtime. If I take it in the morning I feel lethargic and unmotivated, not only does it have a GABA effect it has its own independent effect which is sedative.

Taking a synthetic aromatase inhibitor is actually more risky than most guys think. Coming from the PFS community, there are many guys who try clomid but at a very small dose to help inch things in a more androgenic direction. There are some horror stories of guys who took clomid and ended up with more severe side effects, bone pain, depression, etc.

My view is that most people rely a good deal on estrogen, cortisol and adrenaline for motivation and drive through the day. If these people do not have strong thyroid function to provide good energy, then they will have none and it is probably a very depressing feeling. Even myself, taking lots of supplemental thyroid helps but is still not the same as the kind of energy spurred on by e2. Sometimes drinking a little beer or having soy sauce gives me a giant mood boost, but if I have too much I eventually feel weak and anxious.

When I eat perfectly peaty and take various anti-estrogen/pro thyroid supplements like vitamin e, k2, D, aspirin, progesterone, androsterone/ DHT I do feel good and solid, but have little drive and motivation and would be just as content laying on my bed reading and listening to music all day as I would be pursuing my ambitions and goals.

So anyways, taking a low dose HCG might be one thing to try to bring estrogen up a bit. You may need it just as I did. Or you can try the more Peat-recommended route and take pregnenelone/dhea and see if that helps replace what you are missing (sounds like testosterone/estrogen). You could try thyroid as well, just start small and build up gradually. Mainly, though you are going to have to be patient and maintain consistency. You will gradually climb your way out of the hole, and will inevitably experience a set back here and there-just don't let that setback become terminal.
Thorough response. Thank you.

So I may end up trying HCG again but in the meantime I do feel better right now, with the thiamine and calcium. Again, not 100% but definitely better.

And maybe I also can’t digest those Mg Glycinate pills like you, so I’ll have to try other forms of magnesium.

Estradiol is extremely powerful in mood, it can make you feel incredible when it’s dialed in right. Now my goal is to keep my metabolism high, but the engine shuts off a few times a day for some reason. Has anyone actually raised their metabolism and maintained it?

Nowadays my body “kicks on” at least once a day and for a little while, then the cold hands and feet come back. Thyroid is perfect so it’s gotta be something else.


Sep 13, 2012
For me cold hands and feet signify I am just not eating enough like going too long in between meals. It happened to me today after a long time of not, I usually just jump in a hot shower because during this my digestion slows way down due to the adrenaline. Then I feel mostly normal again and can continue eating.


Mar 27, 2018
Do you have a Blood Sugar meter?

You should test your waking blood sugar, wait an hour before eating and then retest after eating. High morning blood sugar definitely indicates high cortisol.

Reactive Hypoglycemia, diabetes and poor blood sugar control are linked to ED.


Do you have a Blood Sugar meter?

You should test your waking blood sugar, wait an hour before eating and then retest after eating. High morning blood sugar definitely indicates high cortisol.

Reactive Hypoglycemia, diabetes and poor blood sugar control are linked to ED.
Starting the thiamine thing fixed the carb issues for me. Now all that’s left is some anhedonia, but not as bad as before. Erections are noticeably better now too, just not absolute 100%


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Thorough response. Thank you.

So I may end up trying HCG again but in the meantime I do feel better right now, with the thiamine and calcium. Again, not 100% but definitely better.

And maybe I also can’t digest those Mg Glycinate pills like you, so I’ll have to try other forms of magnesium.

Estradiol is extremely powerful in mood, it can make you feel incredible when it’s dialed in right. Now my goal is to keep my metabolism high, but the engine shuts off a few times a day for some reason. Has anyone actually raised their metabolism and maintained it?

Nowadays my body “kicks on” at least once a day and for a little while, then the cold hands and feet come back. Thyroid is perfect so it’s gotta be something else.

Thyroid is perfect based on blood tests? I have seen people have all hypo-thyroid symptoms (lethargy, low mood, cold hands etc) but have good t3/t4 levels in blood, and only get better after taking a lot of t3.

My temps and pulse are always high and I'm able to maintain that through the day by keeping my blood sugar stable, and drinking coffee every 3 or 4 hours. I eat a lot of fruit and drink a fair amount of juice and lowfat milk. I have eggs in the morning and meat for dinner. I take t3 after breakfast and lunch, and t3/4 after dinner and before bed. I also have a bright light I use in the morning and at night. Diet is probably the most important, then sleep for me. The days I get a full 8 hours from 12pm-8am are noticably better in all symptoms.


Thyroid is perfect based on blood tests? I have seen people have all hypo-thyroid symptoms (lethargy, low mood, cold hands etc) but have good t3/t4 levels in blood, and only get better after taking a lot of t3.

My temps and pulse are always high and I'm able to maintain that through the day by keeping my blood sugar stable, and drinking coffee every 3 or 4 hours. I eat a lot of fruit and drink a fair amount of juice and lowfat milk. I have eggs in the morning and meat for dinner. I take t3 after breakfast and lunch, and t3/4 after dinner and before bed. I also have a bright light I use in the morning and at night. Diet is probably the most important, then sleep for me. The days I get a full 8 hours from 12pm-8am are noticably better in all symptoms.
Yeah I know that it's possible to be hypo with normal thyroid results, that's why I'm trying to see if I can raise my metabolism without going straight for T3/4. Forgive me for being weary of exogenous hormones because of my past lol. It's not completely off the table, though.

I can get my TSH pretty low and get T4 and T3 high by upping my Iodine (T4 goes up) and Selenium (T3 goes up from the increased conversion) but obviously my issue isn't my body's production of these hormones, they're just not being 'used' I guess.
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