High dose pregnenolone


Mar 19, 2013
Great news! Glad you are feeling better. Pregnenolone can potentiate the effects of TRT, both physiological and mental (antidepressant), so this may explain why you are feeling better on it. If the doctor ever stops your TRT but you continue the pregnenolone, then we will know better how much each steroid contributed to your health.
Btw, in regards to your statement above, do you mind sharing which markers improved on pregnenolone and by how much?
Great news! Glad you are feeling better. Pregnenolone can potentiate the effects of TRT, both physiological and mental (antidepressant), so this may explain why you are feeling better on it. If the doctor ever stops your TRT but you continue the pregnenolone, then we will know better how much each steroid contributed to your health.
Btw, in regards to your statement above, do you mind sharing which markers improved on pregnenolone and by how much?
TRT on and off for 9 years and still with poor sexual function and inability to lose weight. After reading your post regarding the combination of pregnenolone and low dose DHEA, I'm now doing that and stopping TRT, with labs in 6 to 8 weeks. I also take high dose T3 for depression(self treating). Concerned that preg and T3 will induce hyperthyroid state.


Dec 28, 2021
TRT on and off for 9 years and still with poor sexual function and inability to lose weight. After reading your post regarding the combination of pregnenolone and low dose DHEA, I'm now doing that and stopping TRT, with labs in 6 to 8 weeks. I also take high dose T3 for depression(self treating). Concerned that preg and T3 will induce hyperthyroid state.
What's your TRT dose?

I would try doses up to 500mg/week to see if at some point it resolves your issues.
Not necessarily to stay on a high dose for life, but at least to have answers.


Mar 19, 2013
What's your TRT dose?

I would try doses up to 500mg/week to see if at some point it resolves your issues.
Not necessarily to stay on a high dose for life, but at least to have answers.
100 mg, IM, weekly. Test E, prescribed. My urologist agrees that symptom resolution is the goal, not lab values and he's been doing this for over 30 years. I'm his problem patient. I'd been on other protocols. 30 mg, daily, which raised all levels but saw little improvement, just weight gain around the waist. Even tried 250 a week/125 mg E3.5 days. All that said, I've read posts and saw the one study where men were given 600 mg, weekly, and that's where the greatest improvements were observed. If I did that, I'd like my doctor onboard, so I don't jeopardize that relationship. Buying UGL gear, IMO, is risky, unless you know the vendor.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
The sarms didn't necessarily crash them more than TRT either.
You don't need PEDs to have low dhea & pregnenolone, just poor nutrition and a poor environment.
Going on TRT didn't prevent them from recovering either.
How come 3 weeks post Trt, they rose significantly?


Dec 28, 2021
Trt stops the entire cascade of hormones. You get the test exogenously of course . But shut off the HPTA and the rest of those hormones basically
That'd be relevant if pregnenolone and DHEA depended on the HPTA to be produced. That's not the case. They are mostly produced peripherally and in the adrenals.


Dec 28, 2021
100 mg, IM, weekly. Test E, prescribed. My urologist agrees that symptom resolution is the goal, not lab values and he's been doing this for over 30 years. I'm his problem patient. I'd been on other protocols. 30 mg, daily, which raised all levels but saw little improvement, just weight gain around the waist. Even tried 250 a week/125 mg E3.5 days. All that said, I've read posts and saw the one study where men were given 600 mg, weekly, and that's where the greatest improvements were observed. If I did that, I'd like my doctor onboard, so I don't jeopardize that relationship. Buying UGL gear, IMO, is risky, unless you know the vendor.
I'm on roughly 700mg/week with test base in DMSO.
It doesn't amount to the exact same values as if I were injecting, but you get the picture: 250mg/week is nowhere near enough for some people.


Feb 26, 2018
@tommyg130 do you still get the same results from pregnenolone?


Mar 19, 2013
I'm on roughly 700mg/week with test base in DMSO.
It doesn't amount to the exact same values as if I were injecting, but you get the picture: 250mg/week is nowhere near enough for some people.
I agree, but doubt if my doctor would prescribe that. He was willing to go to 250 mg per week. I've read the issue is regulatory(DEA, state medical board). Might be different if I paid out of pocket instead of using insurance but that would get expensive for me, quickly.


Dec 28, 2021
I agree, but doubt if my doctor would prescribe that. He was willing to go to 250 mg per week. I've read the issue is regulatory(DEA, state medical board). Might be different if I paid out of pocket instead of using insurance but that would get expensive for me, quickly.
In today's world it's very easy to buy raws and DMSO to design your own steroid regimen.


May 26, 2021
Recommendations on brands of pregnenolone? I've tried life extension and klaire labs. Took these during graduate school and didn't notice much.

Just ordered 2 bottles of stressnon from idealabs.

:M :B.

Feb 17, 2022
Recommendations on brands of pregnenolone? I've tried life extension and klaire labs. Took these during graduate school and didn't notice much.

Just ordered 2 bottles of stressnon from idealabs.
I head a guy on the recent thermo diet podcast mention this brand that he is using. It say's it's for topical use, but he has been using it internally no problems.

BHRT Naturals Natural Topical Pregnenolone Oil – 30ml Hormone Balance Dietary Supplement – Premium Formula with Vitamin E, Coconut Oil – Enhanced Bioavailability – Adrenal Support (1 Bottle)​



Nov 29, 2022
here for some pregnenolone conversation. I’ve posted a handful of times on my situation here and gotten plenty of what would seem to be good help. But what has fixed me big time and FAST is high dose pregnenolone.

Quick background. I’m 25 year old male physically look healthy 6’3 215 lean muscular frame. (Im obviously not saying this to boast, it’s actually frustrating bc all doctors wouldn’t take me serious bc I look “healthy” meanwhile I’m really suffering inside)

I messed myself up terribly with an oral steroid and crashed my hormone profile, awful, mood, high blood pressure, dry skin SKY HIGH ADRENALINE. Feel very bipolar, so sensitive to artificial light.

Been 2 years and I’m on low dose TRT since but still never felt right. Low body temps like 96.5 . Pain everywhere. My youth hormones plummeted also , but I didn’t know to check them until Ray. I played around w all 3 in average doses and nothing changed really. The past week I’ve supplemented 300mg pregnenolone daily and good lord.

Every single blood marker improved dramatically. I’m now pooping 3 times a day. No more bloat. My TMJ and head pressure disappeared. Colors are brighter. Multiple ppl have commented on my skin. Temps are now at 98.6+ Even in morning. extreme blood sugar issues have stopped.

I can tolerate and utilize other supplements bc my nervous system has improved I believe .
Lot of ppl on the forum here say low dose is the best . But I’m feeling rly good. Just not sure if 300mg over time is safe. But ray has said he’s taken 4000mg daily for a year lol.

Thoughts on all of this?! ?
hey tommy.. how are you doing today? hoping your still feeling great


Apr 21, 2021
What's your TRT dose?

I would try doses up to 500mg/week to see if at some point it resolves your issues.
Not necessarily to stay on a high dose for life, but at least to have answers.
Hi @Matestube
Help me understand why 500mg/week can help someone who is struggling to lose weight on trt?
Being overweight, will there be no more aromatization?


Oct 15, 2019
here for some pregnenolone conversation. I’ve posted a handful of times on my situation here and gotten plenty of what would seem to be good help. But what has fixed me big time and FAST is high dose pregnenolone.

Quick background. I’m 25 year old male physically look healthy 6’3 215 lean muscular frame. (Im obviously not saying this to boast, it’s actually frustrating bc all doctors wouldn’t take me serious bc I look “healthy” meanwhile I’m really suffering inside)

I messed myself up terribly with an oral steroid and crashed my hormone profile, awful, mood, high blood pressure, dry skin SKY HIGH ADRENALINE. Feel very bipolar, so sensitive to artificial light.

Been 2 years and I’m on low dose TRT since but still never felt right. Low body temps like 96.5 . Pain everywhere. My youth hormones plummeted also , but I didn’t know to check them until Ray. I played around w all 3 in average doses and nothing changed really. The past week I’ve supplemented 300mg pregnenolone daily and good lord.

Every single blood marker improved dramatically. I’m now pooping 3 times a day. No more bloat. My TMJ and head pressure disappeared. Colors are brighter. Multiple ppl have commented on my skin. Temps are now at 98.6+ Even in morning. extreme blood sugar issues have stopped.

I can tolerate and utilize other supplements bc my nervous system has improved I believe .
Lot of ppl on the forum here say low dose is the best . But I’m feeling rly good. Just not sure if 300mg over time is safe. But ray has said he’s taken 4000mg daily for a year lol.

Thoughts on all of this?! ?
Great! How do you take it? On empty stomach, with food, divided doses, all at once? Are you still taking it?
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