How do you heal the liver?


May 10, 2022
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These are my hepatic function test results. My bilirubin would normally be slightly out of the range but on this one it is within it, but barely. The high albumin is confusing me. Does it mean albumin is high because there are a lot of toxins leaching out that don't get detoxified in the liver and so albumin rises along with lipoproteins as a protective measure, meaning high blood albumin is actually not good and is indicative of a overburdened liver? My lipoproteins were also over the range on a different test (lipoprotein A).

This is the part im still learning, how to know the specifics of liver markers. I do not know, only that high albumin shows damage. So this is not fatty liver disease, so you must have taken something that damaged it.
You might try some vitamin E, its good for your liver. It should soothe the inflammation and help it heal some. (From experience) But, speaking of albumin. A good liver health diet you should try is egg whites. Get the cartons of egg whites at the store. And eat just egg whites. Its a better form of protein for your hurt liver to heal with.


Feb 4, 2019
Need some help to address the liver issues, any tips are really appreciated and are very helpful, so please share!
Lots of good things you can discover by doing a bit of online searching. A top supplement for liver health is silymarin. It's usually extracted from milk thistle seeds. If you wanted to just get it from the seeds (which I do), you could buy it buy the pound on Amazon and add it to smoothies. So many thing for you to avail yourself of; just need to do some searching. Check out Dr. Berg's videos on YouTube. I feel quite certain he'll have a good video on liver health.

Also, the below-linked video is very informational, and gives a good overview of coffee enemas and their potential role in any number of GI issues. I think the video is the most useful one I've watched on CEs (and I've watched a LOT!). I now have extensive experience with CEs, and have incorporated using various kinds of therapeutic retention enemas with them. I've added things like organic wheatgrass powder, Vit. C, etc. Most recently I added a few drops of Methylene Blue, and believe it cleared out a low-grade candida infection, and gave me a great energy boost at the same time.

How I Reversed Chronic Constipation Using Coffee Enemas! | SIBO IBS-C Gallstones
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Feb 20, 2021
Didn’t realise high quinine doses were bad for the liver. I was just about to trial some higher doses. Do you know roughly where the point of diminishing returns would be?
TBD. That is, it's your response that counts. Probably PMC guidelines.
Nov 21, 2015
Choline may be low. You may want to get more cholin—containing foods. Choline deficiency seems to be almost a prerequisite for liver damage.


Apr 19, 2020
Hep or chronic liver issues show the yellow colour. I know, I had hep in Nepal, and almost died. Then when I was well enough to walk down to the towns (from the mountains), a Dutch nurse said that I was 'Jallo", and she took me to a mirror and said that again. Yes, Yellow!... I was heading back to the ?USA, as this was 1986 or so, and my Naturopath (in Oregon) helped me and also suggested Acupuncture. I did that route 3x week for 2 weeks, and I was 75% better. Literally back from the almost dead. So, I do recommend that route, as mentioned before. You can surely get the liver panel done as suggested above too. Follow up soon as this is not OK, and you probably are not digesting well. At least not digesting any fats well. How is your transit time? Mostly loose stools? or ? Acu and TCM herbs are great, as well as strong herbal supplements directed at the liver health. Psilybym Marianum, etc... . Do it.


Jun 6, 2023
United States
Hep or chronic liver issues show the yellow colour. I know, I had hep in Nepal, and almost died. Then when I was well enough to walk down to the towns (from the mountains), a Dutch nurse said that I was 'Jallo", and she took me to a mirror and said that again. Yes, Yellow!... I was heading back to the ?USA, as this was 1986 or so, and my Naturopath (in Oregon) helped me and also suggested Acupuncture. I did that route 3x week for 2 weeks, and I was 75% better. Literally back from the almost dead. So, I do recommend that route, as mentioned before. You can surely get the liver panel done as suggested above too. Follow up soon as this is not OK, and you probably are not digesting well. At least not digesting any fats well. How is your transit time? Mostly loose stools? or ? Acu and TCM herbs are great, as well as strong herbal supplements directed at the liver health. Psilybym Marianum, etc... . Do it.
I tested negative for hep.


This is my latest liver test. I actually think I am still constipated, I only have 1 bowel movement per day. Don't seem to know the cause as to why my liver is struggling. Been on a very restrictive diet for a couple months now, with the occasional cheat meals, but I have since stopped the cheat meals. It has been a month. Apparently the diet I am eating is not good for the liver. But things like starches and white rice seem to irritate my gut and skin, since I think both my liver and gut is bad, along with my thyroid. Still trying to hone in on my diet and what works for me.

In regards to herbs, any other herbs you recommend?


Jul 13, 2014
im doing large amounts of freshly squeezed organic lemon juice at the moment and its pretty incredible for liver cleansing. i would highly recommend.


Apr 19, 2020
As I said and Layne too above, silymarin, or the long name silybum marianum. Great stuff. The strongest extract of it I know that is available is from Marz Nutrition in Portland, but they only sell to ND, MDs, Acu, etc.. . See if you can get someone to order it for you. I have used the Oxyquench product, and the pure milk thistle seed extract caps to keep clients well with chronic hep, liver failure etc.. If you cant get this stuff, then some kind of extract of it is possible. A Chinese herbal formula you definitely want to see a qualified practitioner for your particular needs. It is not a universal medicine approach usually.


Mar 27, 2021
My bilirubin becomes elevated when I eat grains. Sometimes it’s better to remove irritants rather than adding random things in hopes it’s gonna fix everything.

“Since the 1940’s, James Breneman, MD reported that food allergies can initiate gallbladder attacks and gallbladder disease. One study found that 100 percent of a group of patients were symptom free after following an elimination diet. Dr. Breneman believes that food allergies cause inflammation and swelling of the bile duct, which restricts bile flow from the gallbladder.”


Forum Supporter
Jul 29, 2023
What’s this? Can you give us some details on these, thanks!
Check out Andreas Moritz, he has a book on it. I also have a course on it with some improvements, less dogmatic about the vegetarian stuff etc


Jul 21, 2023
South Carolina
So I have a liver issue I'm pretty sure, as well as thyroid issues. It is a bit of a chicken and the egg situation since I don't know if its the liver causing the thyroid issues or the other way around.

I have high bilirubin, which causes a slight yellow undertone to my skin, I also have other skin issues like skin texture, dryness, itchiness etc... Starches make me itch, which seems to be another indicator of liver issues. I would like to mention I am recovering from marihuana and nicotine addiction. I have been smoking for about 5 years, and my health noticeably declined during this time. My drug use I think sped up the timeline of when I would have normally experienced health issues. I am 19 and I am experiencing a good amount of health issues. I think if I hadn't smoked, that maybe these health issues would have come to light maybe in my mid 20s.

Anyways, here are some bloodwork/biomarkers I have-
Currently my TSH is 0.43 after 3 months of t3. I didn't notice a drastic increase in temps so I switched to t4/t3 and I have since noticed a drastic improvement in my temps and pulse and bowel movements. I now consistently have a bowel movement per day. My temps can get into the low 98s if I eat properly. My pulse is in the mid 80s which is where I wanted to be. My morning temps could improve, but I'm making progress in regards to thyroid health

Abnormal tests- Elevated DHEA-S levels. Possibly high tissue estrogen and prolactin since my serum levels were low. Estrogen is removed via the liver so if my liver is struggling, the elevated tissue estrogen makes sense. High bilirubin.

Current diet- 1 lb of grassfed beef, 2 apples or the equivalent of 2 apples in the form of other fruits, 3 cups of milk, 4-6 tbs of honey, 6 scoops of Great Lakes Gelatin Powder, coconut oil, 1 cup of mushrooms, 1-2 carrots per day cooked with mushrooms and meat, occasionally cheese. This has been my diet for almost 2 weeks. I think I've noticed a big improvement when eliminating starches, so I will continue to do that for the time being. @PeterSN How do I overcome the issue of low carbs in a diet? Specifically related to an overburdened liver due to low carbs?

Supplements- I have kept the list short- Cynoplus, vit k2, copper glycinate, vitamin b1. Vit E once or 2 times a week. That is it.

Need some help to address the liver issues, any tips are really appreciated and are very helpful, so please share!
Using Milk Thistle for a short period of time may be helpful.


Feb 20, 2021
NAC and selenium are said to support liver detox functions such as with acetaminophen poisoning. But for ER NAC is injected. Because oral NAC is poorly absorbed orally there are newer NAC forms such as NACET, ethyl ester. Nutriissa brand:
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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