Hormone Help


Aug 21, 2019
Hey all - Im a 30 yo female seeking some hormone level advice! I recently got back my 1 day saliva test ordered by my functional doc and he didnt help me interpret results so Im looking for some help.
I collected it on day 21 of cycle (Im usually 28 days, pretty regular BUT usually heavy, with clots, and quite long in duration. I have VERY low ferritin of 18 so I need to get this in order too)

Analyte Result Unit

Estradiol (E2) 2.3 pg/mL

Progesterone (Pg) 704 pg/mL

Pg/E2 Ratio 306

Testosterone 20 pg/mL


218 pg/mL

cortisol am 8.9 nmol/L

cortisol noon 2.0 nmol/L

cotrisol evening 1.0 nmol/L

cortisol night 0.66 nmol/

Can anyone help with this? I see a lot of people use progest-e but doc said my progesterone levels are actually not 'low'? I use Estroban, lapodin (to lower cortisol although Im wondering if my cortisol is actually fine?), and I have pansterone from Haidut . I have on going bladder sensitivities and issues too which some have mentioned progesterone cream COULD help with. The last thing I want to do is supplement progesterone and increase it too much as I hear it increases breast cancer risk which is in my family and also dont want to mess with my hormones unnecessarily.

Thanks in advance for the help!


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
Let’s forgot the supplements for now.. could you provide more information:

calorie intake
Foods being eaten
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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