Heart Pain - Why?


Sep 13, 2012
Sugarbabe, your opinion is pulled out of your ****, so please don't try to advise those of us who have spent way more time researching these issues than you have.
Actually don't tell me where my opinion comes from, I have all the books on germ theory and did all the studying at the beginning of this fake pandemic. I also have been studying vaccines for 12yrs. Stopped in the last year when I realized it's a waste of time. Don't get the vaccine, stay far enough away from cell towers but beyond that it's fruitless to worry. Look into brain retraining. We are programming our cells based on what we worry about. I lived that hell just recently after a stint of spending hours a day on this forum. I had all the symptoms here, shortness of breath, sharp stabbing chest pain making me think I'm having heart attacks, debilitating fatigue. I am coming out of it by getting away from this ideology of fear and worry.


Mar 29, 2016
Actually don't tell me where my opinion comes from, I have all the books on germ theory and did all the studying at the beginning of this fake pandemic. I also have been studying vaccines for 12yrs. Stopped in the last year when I realized it's a waste of time. Don't get the vaccine, stay far enough away from cell towers but beyond that it's fruitless to worry. Look into brain retraining. We are programming our cells based on what we worry about. I lived that hell just recently after a stint of spending hours a day on this forum. I had all the symptoms here, shortness of breath, sharp stabbing chest pain making me think I'm having heart attacks, debilitating fatigue. I am coming out of it by getting away from this ideology of fear and worry.

pleomorphism and terrain theory - have you looked into it?


May 16, 2018
Actually don't tell me where my opinion comes from, I have all the books on germ theory and did all the studying at the beginning of this fake pandemic. I also have been studying vaccines for 12yrs. Stopped in the last year when I realized it's a waste of time. Don't get the vaccine, stay far enough away from cell towers but beyond that it's fruitless to worry. Look into brain retraining. We are programming our cells based on what we worry about. I lived that hell just recently after a stint of spending hours a day on this forum. I had all the symptoms here, shortness of breath, sharp stabbing chest pain making me think I'm having heart attacks, debilitating fatigue. I am coming out of it by getting away from this ideology of fear and worry.
Sugarbabe, you have a remarkable level of ignorance and myopia for someone who's supposedly studied these things. First you try to gaslight us by saying our pericarditis and myocarditis are anxiety, then you totally ignore the huge body of information linking both vaccines and 5G to heart problems. So yeah, you opinion is pulled straight out of your ****. And your advice is useless. Of course no one wants to be near a cell tower, and I'm certainly not vaccinated, but I can't avoid being around vaccinated people, and vaccine shedding is a real and documented thing, and 5G is hitting us from satellites now whether we want it or not. As for brain retraining, this is one of the services I offer in my integrative private practice, so don't tell me to "look into it" -- I do this professionally. I suggest you attend to your anxiety by going back to avoiding this forum. Or at least this thread. You're not helping anyone, and you're behaving like a troll.


Dec 8, 2016

Did you read the Katharina Dalton link I left back on January 26th?
It’s helpful data and I left it there intentionally; not half azzed.

I haven’t read this complete thread; but no one has inquired about your daily diet?
Did I miss that?
That data is paramount.
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Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
Thanx, all. I found out I have pericarditis as a result of being exposed to vaccinated people who are shedding. I'm not vaccinated, but I'm very sensitive to whatever the vaxxies are shedding.
Maybe you could edit the title of the thread to include your diagnosis so that people will know you have pericarditis.


Dec 8, 2016
Maybe you could edit the title of the thread to include your diagnosis so that people will know you have pericarditis.
I have tried to edit titles before but couldn’t.
However- yes. I missed this data from not reading the complete thread. Thx @Dolomite


May 16, 2018
Maybe you could edit the title of the thread to include your diagnosis so that people will know you have pericarditis.
Thanx, Dolomite. When I first started the thread, I didn't know it was pericarditis, but now I do, and I don't know how to edit it.


May 16, 2018

Did you read the Katharina Dalton link I left back on January 26th?
It’s helpful data and I left it there intentionally; not half azzed.

I haven’t read this complete thread; but no one has inquired about your daily diet?
Did I miss that?
That data is paramount.
Peatful, yes, thank you, I did. It's a good article. And I already follow those guidelines.


Dec 8, 2016
Peatful, yes, thank you, I did. It's a good article. And I already follow those guidelines.

Best to you

Jul 17, 2021
I (male, 23) hope my heart is doing fine, as I got myocarditis diagnosed in december. The doc said it could be retraced to my first COVID infection, 3 months prior to the diagnosis.
Now I am having my second infection (probably with omicron.)

I noticed that my blood pressure is tweaked and my heart rate is excessively high the last week, but we‘ll see. Infection is definitely a big stressor for the heart.

Even while having vitamin D at 50ng/ml, using USP grade ivermectin and eating a nutritious diet.
I’m not a doctor of course, but I would start taking bioflavonoid supplements, eat lots of food with bioflavonoids and antioxidants, and take supplements that thin the blood.
Sep 28, 2020
The last few days, I've been having heart pain. Kind of feels like my heart is being squeezed. I am NOT vaccinated. I stopped using estrogen about 3 months ago, so I'm detoxing from that, and I've been having horrible hot flashes and adrenaline surges (I'm a 51-yr-old female). I'm using plenty of progesterone.
The same thing happened to me 3-4 months before I got covid - So I know my symptoms are not related to the covid infection.

My symptoms started happening after supplementing D3. [Bleeding again, now after D3 supplement - SUPER CONFUSED]
I got some mast cell activation symptoms, peeling skin, chalk-like scalp and some pressure in my heart. And mast cells and histamine are known to cause many cardiovascular diseases:

Blood histamine is associated with coronary artery disease, cardiac events and severity of inflammation and atherosclerosis
Mast Cells in Cardiovascular Disease: From Bench to Bedside
Histamine Blood Concentration in Ischemic Heart Disease Patients

"We found evidence that the histamine blood level is associated with different types of ischemic heart disease."

I also think this is the mechanism that causes heart problems after covid. High histamine and all the accompanying stress mediators.

After D3 fiasco I tried to repair the damage by taking high doses of VIT K2 mk-4 [45mg] , VIT E [1.5g health natura's whole VIT E] and occasional progesterone and thyroid. After a month or so I started experiencing some heart pressure and heart pain. I tried to figure out what was causing that and I've removed all the supplements except VIT K2. The problem not only kept happening but got worse. The moment I stopped using it, things got just a bit better. After that I experienced a lot of renal issues, kidney issues, headaches while also continuing to have really bad heart pressure. I started noticing some blood clots which appeared on my skin all over the body. [The thread about it. ]

There was a time when the pressure in the heart and kidneys was so bad I couldn't sleep or function. I tried using progesterone and it helped. Probably by thinning the blood because of VIT E and progesteron's blood thinning nature. So I had to use progesterone every night for a month to be able to sleep. The amount required to relieve my symptoms were from 15mg to 35mg. Problem usually worsend at night. I was a mess and still am. Maybe just a bit better.

At the moment I cannot even use pogesterone or VIT E because it exacerbate my symptoms. Any blood thinning/coagulating substances messes with some sort of homeostasis and I get worse.

I cannot workout or run or do anything labor intensive. I did some blood work and it didn't show anything out of the ordinary but I should definitely go to cardiologist and check ECG and some other tests to check the function of the heart.
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May 16, 2018
The same thing happened to me 3-4 months before I got covid - So I know my symptoms are not related to the covid infection.

My symptoms started happening after supplementing D3. [Bleeding again, now after D3 supplement - SUPER CONFUSED]
I got some mast cell activation symptoms, peeling skin, chalk-like scalp and some pressure in my heart. And mast cells and histamine are known to cause many cardiovascular diseases:

Blood histamine is associated with coronary artery disease, cardiac events and severity of inflammation and atherosclerosis
Mast Cells in Cardiovascular Disease: From Bench to Bedside
Histamine Blood Concentration in Ischemic Heart Disease Patients

"We found evidence that the histamine blood level is associated with different types of ischemic heart disease."

I also think this is the mechanism that causes heart problems after covid. High histamine and all the accompanying stress mediators.

After D3 fiasco I tried to repair the damage by taking high doses of VIT K2 mk-4 [45mg] , VIT E [1.5g health natura's whole VIT E] and occasional progesterone and thyroid. After a month or so I started experiencing some heart pressure and heart pain. I tried to figure out what was causing that and I've removed all the supplements except VIT K2. The problem not only kept happening but got worse. The moment I stopped using it, things got just a bit better. After that I experienced a lot of renal issues, kidney issues, headaches while also continuing to have really bad heart pressure. I started noticing some blood clots which appeared on my skin all over the body. [The thread about it. ]

There was a time when the pressure in the heart and kidneys was so bad I couldn't sleep or function. I tried using progesterone and it helped. Probably by thinning the blood because of VIT E and progesteron's blood thinning nature. So I had to use progesterone every night for a month to be able to sleep. The amount required to relieve my symptoms were from 15mg to 35mg. Problem usually worsend at night. I was a mess and still am. Maybe just a bit better.

At the moment I cannot even use pogesterone or VIT E because it exacerbate my symptoms. Any blood thinning/coagulating substances messes with some sort of homeostasis and I get worse.

I cannot workout or run or do anything labor intensive. I did some blood work and it didn't show anything out of the ordinary but I should definitely go to cardiologist and check ECG and some other tests to check the function of the heart.

Krishnamurti, that's terrible! Have you tried aspirin or do you think that would just make it worse since it's a blood thinner?


May 30, 2018
Maybe supplementing with an osmolyte like betaine (trimethylglycine) could be helpful.

Data support an osmotic adaptation mechanism in which osmotic and hemostatic instability induced by Ang II-activated ENaC is counterbalanced by an influx of organic osmolytes and Na+ through the ACE2 complex. We propose a paradigm for the two-site attack of SARS-CoV-2 leading to ENaC hyperactivation and inactivation of the ACE2 complex, which collapses cell osmolality and leads to rupture and/or necrotic death of swollen pulmonary, endothelial, and cardiac cells, thrombosis in infected and non-infected tissues, and aberrant sensory and neurological perception in COVID-19 patients.


May 16, 2018
Maybe supplementing with an osmolyte like betaine (trimethylglycine) could be helpful.

Llight, I don't understand this. What is an osmolyte and why would it be helpful?


May 30, 2018
Llight, I don't understand this. What is an osmolyte and why would it be helpful?
Please note that this is an hypothesis (and interesting if you think your issue is stemming from the spike protein).

Osmolytes are molecules (proteins like proline or taurine, some sugars or ions like sodium or potassium) that allows cells to survive osmotic stress / hyperosmolarity, which is a difference of osmolarity between extracellular and intracellular compartments.

The publication makes the hypothesis that the spike protein has for effect to "collapse cell osmolality" and that "to address osmotic crisis, adjuvant supplementation with neutral amino acids could be implemented to replenish organic osmolytes and stabilize intracellular osmolality when the ACE2 complex is disabled".

Betaine is taken up by the tissues when consumed. So it accumulates there and tend to have an anti-inflammatory effect:
Betaine is known to function physiologically as an important osmoprotectant and methyl group donor. Accumulating evidence has shown that betaine has anti-inflammatory functions in numerous diseases. Mechanistically, betaine ameliorates sulfur amino acid metabolism against oxidative stress, inhibits nuclear factor-κB activity and NLRP3 inflammasome activation, regulates energy metabolism, and mitigates endoplasmic reticulum stress and apoptosis.

Some scientists think that hyperosmolarity and inflammation are almost the same phenomenon:
The present study further suggests inflammation and hyperosmolarity are closely related phenomena if not synonymous.


May 16, 2018
Please note that this is an hypothesis (and interesting if you think your issue is stemming from the spike protein).

Osmolytes are molecules (proteins like proline or taurine, some sugars or ions like sodium or potassium) that allows cells to survive osmotic stress / hyperosmolarity, which is a difference of osmolarity between extracellular and intracellular compartments.

The publication makes the hypothesis that the spike protein has for effect to "collapse cell osmolality" and that "to address osmotic crisis, adjuvant supplementation with neutral amino acids could be implemented to replenish organic osmolytes and stabilize intracellular osmolality when the ACE2 complex is disabled".

Betaine is taken up by the tissues when consumed. So it accumulates there and tend to have an anti-inflammatory effect:

Some scientists think that hyperosmolarity and inflammation are almost the same phenomenon:

That's fascinating -- thank you!
Jul 17, 2021
I just posted this thread:

It *may be helpful to some who are experiencing heart issues
Sep 28, 2020
Krishnamurti, that's terrible! Have you tried aspirin or do you think that would just make it worse since it's a blood thinner?
Aspirin gives me kidney pain and increase my tinnitus to like 10/10.

It was like that even before I experienced these specific problems which probably meant that I had some blood vessels, renal damage/problems even before all these.

I just posted this thread:

It *may be helpful to some who are experiencing heart issues
Thanks I do lots of fruits and juices for a long time. It surely is helpful.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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