Fructose Is The Only Sugar Associated With Body Weight And Bone Health (in Infants)


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Another study suggesting fructose is probably not the villain we are led to believe it is, at least in infants.

Fructose in Breast Milk Is Positively Associated with Infant Body Composition at 6 Months of Age

"...Dietary sugars have been shown to promote excess adiposity among children and adults; however, no study has examined fructose in human milk and its effects on body composition during infancy. Twenty-five mother–infant dyads attended clinical visits to the Oklahoma Health Sciences Center at 1 and 6 months of infant age. Infants were exclusively breastfed for 6 months and sugars in breast milk (i.e., fructose, glucose, lactose) were measured by Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and glucose oxidase. Infant body composition was assessed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at 1 and 6 months. Multiple linear regression was used to examine associations between breast milk sugars and infant body composition at 6 months of age. Fructose, glucose, and lactose were present in breast milk and stable across visits (means = 6.7 μg/mL, 255.2 μg/mL, and 7.6 g/dL, respectively). Despite its very low concentration, fructose was the only sugar significantly associated with infant body composition. A 1-μg/mL higher breast milk fructose was associated with a 257 g higher body weight (p = 0.02), 170 g higher lean mass (p = 0.01), 131 g higher fat mass (p = 0.05), and 5 g higher bone mineral content (p = 0.03). In conclusion, fructose is detectable in human breast milk and is positively associated with all components of body composition at 6 months of age."


Jun 18, 2015
They interprete this as a positive ...many sites used this research to blame sugar for later obesity

..but aren t babies in ketosis during breast feeding....??.


Aren t the vegetable oils responsible maybe for this or....maybe because fructose have this effect because babies are in ketosis during breast feeding,......???

---- several sitess you can see how many people interprete this study and talk about this as "a sign " and a cause of obesity and mental disorders later in life.........because it is not " naturally occurring sugar" in breast milk...and is responsible for Hereditary fructose intolerance - Wikipedia

From various sites. That used this to paint sugar in black... :D

"It is clear though that obesity starts with non-volitional exposure to sugar in the womb and during critical periods of development"

" From an evolutionary perspective fructose is not naturally present in breast milk and infants are not designed to handle it"
"A child can easily grow up in an environment loaded with sugar creating a foundation for obesity
And associated risk of disease."

" In an animal study conducted by our collaborators at the University of Southern California , we found that higher levels of fructose consumption caused cognitive impairments and inflammation in the brain
From various site interpretations- but only when sugar were consumed during the animals adolescent growth period."

"It was possible, said the researchers that fructose was instructing pre-fat storage cells to become fat cells, raising the baby's risk of one day becoming overweight."

The “secondhand sugar” is derived from a mom’s diet, said Michael Goran, lead author of the new study published in February in the journal Nutrients.

Exposing infants and children to higher amounts of sugar during growth and development can produce problems with cognitive development and learning as well as create lifelong risk for obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease and heart disease, said Goran, founding director of the Childhood Obesity Research Center at the Keck School of Medicine."


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
They interprete this as a positive ...many sites used this research to blame sugar for later obesity

..but aren t babies in ketosis during breast feeding....??.


Aren t the vegetable oils responsible maybe for this or....maybe because fructose have this effect because babies are in ketosis during breast feeding,......???

---- several sitess you can see how many people interprete this study and talk about this as "a sign " and a cause of obesity and mental disorders later in life.........because it is not " naturally occurring sugar" in breast milk...and is responsible for Hereditary fructose intolerance - Wikipedia

From various sites. That used this to paint sugar in black... :D

"It is clear though that obesity starts with non-volitional exposure to sugar in the womb and during critical periods of development"

" From an evolutionary perspective fructose is not naturally present in breast milk and infants are not designed to handle it"
"A child can easily grow up in an environment loaded with sugar creating a foundation for obesity
And associated risk of disease."

" In an animal study conducted by our collaborators at the University of Southern California , we found that higher levels of fructose consumption caused cognitive impairments and inflammation in the brain
From various site interpretations- but only when sugar were consumed during the animals adolescent growth period."

"It was possible, said the researchers that fructose was instructing pre-fat storage cells to become fat cells, raising the baby's risk of one day becoming overweight."

The “secondhand sugar” is derived from a mom’s diet, said Michael Goran, lead author of the new study published in February in the journal Nutrients.

Exposing infants and children to higher amounts of sugar during growth and development can produce problems with cognitive development and learning as well as create lifelong risk for obesity, diabetes, fatty liver disease and heart disease, said Goran, founding director of the Childhood Obesity Research Center at the Keck School of Medicine."

The primary sugar in amniotic fluid, which babies swim in and swallow all the time, is fructose. So, the talk about babies not being exposed to it is bunk.


Jan 6, 2015
Thanks for post!

1mcg/ml is small but the difference it makes is really big!

170g lean body mass, and again fructose is linked to stronger bones.

That is impressive.

But I can't understand why they put poor babies under x-rays.


Apr 26, 2014
So Fructose = Growth. In all aspects, i.e lean mass and fat mass.

Could this be due to thr fructose in itself or the combination of saturated fat and fructose in the babies diet?
Other studies suggest saturated fat causes insulin resistance perhaps that is a mechanism at play in babies - helping them to gain weight for early life. Fat mass being protective in this instance.
Seems anecdotally in line with experiences on this forum of weight gain on peat; usually these diets consist of both fructose and saturated fat. All speculation of course

@haidut apologies in advance if you have posted this elsewhere but what is the upper limit for fructose in a human being before it becomes detrimental to health markers. Is there a general limit in which you are aware?


So Fructose = Growth. In all aspects, i.e lean mass and fat mass.

Could this be due to thr fructose in itself or the combination of saturated fat and fructose in the babies diet?
Other studies suggest saturated fat causes insulin resistance perhaps that is a mechanism at play in babies - helping them to gain weight for early life. Fat mass being protective in this instance.
Seems anecdotally in line with experiences on this forum of weight gain on peat; usually these diets consist of both fructose and saturated fat. All speculation of course
Interesting. I also have come to think along this line of thought...


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
So Fructose = Growth. In all aspects, i.e lean mass and fat mass.

Could this be due to thr fructose in itself or the combination of saturated fat and fructose in the babies diet?
Other studies suggest saturated fat causes insulin resistance perhaps that is a mechanism at play in babies - helping them to gain weight for early life. Fat mass being protective in this instance.
Seems anecdotally in line with experiences on this forum of weight gain on peat; usually these diets consist of both fructose and saturated fat. All speculation of course

@haidut apologies in advance if you have posted this elsewhere but what is the upper limit for fructose in a human being before it becomes detrimental to health markers. Is there a general limit in which you are aware?

I don't think there is an upper limit. In a 50%:50% ratio with glucose you can probably eat as much as you feel like. It helps metabolize glucose by activating the enzyme PDH.


Apr 26, 2014
Hadza people are lean despite high fructose intake.
could explain the fattening properties of Saturated Fat + Fructose.

I don't think there is an upper limit. In a 50%:50% ratio with glucose you can probably eat as much as you feel like. It helps metabolize glucose by activating the enzyme PDH.
I understand that glucose can refill muscle glycogen, but what about for Fructose? When the liver is replete with glycogen , from fructose, what is the fate of Fructose then?


Jun 18, 2015
The primary sugar in amniotic fluid, which babies swim in and swallow all the time, is fructose. So, the talk about babies not being exposed to it is bunk.

Yes .but .i just wanted to show how they still manipulate with evidences and interprete them in such a way that sugar appears as a real poison for the organism.
could explain the fattening properties of Saturated Fat + Fructose.

I understand that glucose can refill muscle glycogen, but what about for Fructose? When the liver is replete with glycogen , from fructose, what is the fate of Fructose then?

. This study is good....haidut is right

Fructose metabolism in humans – what isotopic tracer studies tell us

"...The mean oxidation rate of dietary fructose was 45.0% (ranged 30.5-59%) of ingested doses in normal subjects within a period of 3–6 hours. With exercise conditions, the mean oxidation rate of fructose came to 45.8% (ranged 37.5-62%) within 2–3 hours. When fructose was ingested together with glucose, the mean oxidation rate of the mixed sugars increased to 66.0% (ranged 52.2-73.6%) under similar exercise conditions. Secondly, the mean conversion rate from fructose to glucose was 41% (ranged 29-54%) of ingested dose in 3–6 hours after ingestion in normal non-exercise subjects.

When fructose is consumed as the sole carbohydrate source, it can be incompletely absorbed, and as a result, produces a hyperosmolar environment in the intestine. A high concentration of solute within the gut lumen draws fluid into the intestine which can produce feelings of malaise, stomachache or diarrhea [39], and results in decreased food intake. However, when glucose is also present, malabsorption is significantly attenuated."

------ And under excercise fructose is converted into lactate and oxidised by sceletal muscles.... ----

".....28% of fructose ingested was converted to lactate (35 micromol/kg-bw/min). Most of the converted lactate (25/28 or 89.3%) from fructose was oxidized mainly by working skeletal muscle (31 micromol/kg-bw/min). The non-oxidative fructose disposal was 0.52 grams per minute accounting for about 40% of the fructose ingested. The rate of appearance of glucose from fructose conversion was 19.8 micromol/kg-bw/min or 29% of the fructose dose. The authors also indicated that the increased lactate production and oxidation would be an essential explanation of faster oxidation of fructose + glucose co-ingested than glucose ingested alone."

"...Even though the reviewed tracer studies may not be fully representative of real-life diets and the obtained data are limited, this review provides a basic outline how fructose is utilized after it is consumed by humans."


I think that fructose(sucrose) with more than 10- 15 % calories from saturated fat is not so nice combo.

In low fat high carb diet it is probably far superior to glucose( starch). Even muscle glycogen is replenished better wiyh sucrose.


" Blom and colleagues [74] reported that dietary fructose could be about half as efficient as glucose or sucrose to replenish muscle glycogen after exercise. In that study, healthy young subjects exhaustively exercised on bicycle ergometers, and ingested 0.7 g/kg bw of fructose, glucose, or sucrose divided in 3 doses. The rates of glycogen synthesis in muscle corresponding to each sugar treatment were observed as 0.32, 0.58, and 0.62 mmol/kg per hour, respectively. The data indicate that energy status plays a role in how the body handles fructose distribution and conversion to glycogen. A more recent study reported that a part of dietary fructose was converted to glycogen based on surge of blood 13C-glucose concentration following a glucagon administration after 4 hours of 13C-labeled fructose intake (0.72 g/kg-bw) [75]."
Jun 16, 2017
Yes and their pufa intake is very low anyway.

@ShirtTieFitness thanks, I'm quiet impressed with their honey intake, some of them eat moren than 4,000 cal a day of honey!!!
Wow, that a ton of honey! Do you remember where you saw that info?
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