
  1. AlphaCog

    Effects of honey, glucose, and fructose on the enamel demineralization depth

    Abstract Background/purpose Caries prevention is an important strategy in many countries. Honey has antibacterial activity against cariogenic bacteria and therefore may have less caries activity than other sugars. This study was conducted to compare the cariogenic effect of honey with those of...
  2. Mauritio

    Lack of liver steatosis in germ-free mice following hypercaloric diets, serotonin causative

    This is such an interesting study, once again underlining something RP has said for decades. Rats that have a bacteria-free gut (germ free) dont experience the same weight gain that they normally experience on a "western" a.k.a. high PUFA diet. Not only that, but feeding them high fructose...
  3. cs3000

    Sucrose/fructose intake raises lactate in humans, glucose intake doesn't

    Feeding decently high amounts of sugar water vs "glucose" (as 60% dextrose/40% maltodextrin) to people. post-exercise. 1.5g/kg per hour Plasma glucose is similar for both. insulin is a lot higher from the 60% dextrose...
  4. cs3000

    50g Fructose gives only a mild increase in blood sugar / blood glucose They gave 50g sugar, glucose or fructose water to humans. Fructose showed a mild increase in blood sugar levels within a 2 hour window, where the others raised it a lot Same here...
  5. youngsinatra

    Biotin ameliorates high-fructose-induced metabolic syndrome in rats

    Ray has repeatedly spoken about the benefits of biotin on glucose oxidation and insulin sensitivity. Link: „…A significant increase in hepatic triglyceride and cholesterol content, plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, transaminases, low-density...
  6. JCastro

    Fructose augments synthesis and release of free fatty acids and lactate

    Metabolic fate of fructose in human adipocytes: a targeted 13C tracer fate association study ”This study demonstrated that fructose stimulates anabolic processes in adipocytes robustly, including glutamate and de novo fatty acid synthesis. Furthermore, fructose also augments the release of free...
  7. Hans

    Fructose series part 1: fructose depletes ATP?

    Every heard that fructose might deplete ATP? That's one silly argument that I debunk here.
  8. Re.Generate

    Anti -Peat - Fructose Increases Endotoxin?

    Hi ya'll I'm not posting in terms of my own opposition to Peat - but rather a finding I have had - If this article has already been discussed somewhere else then appologies. I have had various problems with bloating and water retention for a while now - aware they could come from various...
  9. Q

    Is Peat wrong on fructose?

    Fructose consumed with glucose in small amounts from raw honey seem to be fine. However, excessive fructose consumption appears to be extremely negative. A very recent study "Fructose stimulated de novo lipogenesis is promoted by inflammation" shows that fructose causes inflammation and liver...
  10. A

    Visceral Fat Due To Impaired Metabolism/Fatty Liver

    Any ideas how people on this forum have succeeded in getting rid of Visceral Fat with Diet or Supplements? Would also be good to know how long it took to do this?
  11. Hans

    Fruit Juice And Triglycerides

    Hi all, A lot of people are concerned about the possibility that sugar/fructose can increase triglycerides and this is worsened when doctors tell their patients to stay away from ALL sugar when their triglycerides are elevated. I decided to write an article on whether fruit juice contributes...
  12. Mauritio

    Fructose Is NOT Metabolized By The Liver But The Small Intestines

    This should give food for thought to people (e.g. Lustig)that say fructose is almost exactly metabolized like alcohol and hence is as toxic as alcohol. Most fructose doesn't even reach the liver ,says this study. Mouse study reveals what happens in the gut after too much fructose Researchers...
  13. P

    Glucose Plus Fructose Ingestion For Post-Exercise Recovery—Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts?

    Nutrients. 2017 Apr; 9(4): 344. Published online 2017 Mar 30. doi: 10.3390/nu9040344 PMCID: PMC5409683 PMID: 28358334 Glucose Plus Fructose Ingestion for Post-Exercise Recovery—Greater than the Sum of Its Parts? Abstract Carbohydrate availability in the form of muscle and liver glycogen is...
  14. Mito

    The Small Intestine Converts Dietary Fructose Into Glucose And Organic Acids Summary Excessive consumption of sweets is a risk factor for metabolic syndrome. A major chemical feature of sweets is fructose. Despite strong ties between fructose and disease, the metabolic fate of fructose in mammals remains...
  15. Mito

    Fructose: Back To The Future?

    Sugars have emerged as the dominant nutrient of concern. Attention has focused squarely on the fructose moiety as the main bad actor in sugars due to its unique set of biochemical, metabolic, and endocrine responses. Fructose is increasingly being regarded as the principal driver of obesity...
  16. Mito

    Relation Of Total Sugars, Fructose And Sucrose With Incident Type 2 Diabetes

    BACKGROUND: Sugar-sweetened beverages are associated with type 2 diabetes. To assess whether this association holds for the fructose-containing sugars they contain, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. INTERPRETATION: Current evidence does not allow...
  17. Mito

    Chronic Fructose Substitution For Glucose Or Sucrose In Food Or Beverages Has Little Effect On Fasti

    Conclusions: The evidence suggests that the substitution of fructose for glucose or sucrose in food or beverages may be of benefit to individuals, particularly those with impaired glucose tolerance or type 2 diabetes. However, additional high-quality studies in these populations are required...
  18. P

    Fructose And Sucrose Intake Increase Exogenous Carbohydrate Oxidation During Exercise

    Fructose and Sucrose Intake Increase Exogenous Carbohydrate Oxidation during Exercise Abstract Peak exogenous carbohydrate oxidation rates typically reach ~1 g·min−1 during exercise when ample glucose or glucose polymers are ingested. Fructose co-ingestion has been shown to further increase...
  19. haidut

    Fructose Is The Only Sugar Associated With Body Weight And Bone Health (in Infants)

    Another study suggesting fructose is probably not the villain we are led to believe it is, at least in infants. Fructose in Breast Milk Is Positively Associated with Infant Body Composition at 6 Months of Age "...Dietary sugars have been shown to promote excess adiposity among children and...
  20. ecstatichamster

    Calcium Speeds Up Prostate Cancer (but Fructose Slows It Down)

    An interesting study Laboratory and clinical data indicate an antitumor effect of 1,25(OH)2 vitamin I) 11.25i()1h ,l)i on...
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