First post. Seeking resources for pediatric seizures


Dec 7, 2022
Arlington MA, USA
Hello all.
I came upon this work several years ago postpartum with twins and made leaps and bounds of progress with my own hypothyroid perimenopausal state. This August one of my three year old twins began having tonic clonic seizures and I was in the belly of the beast of allopathic medicine and seizure meds ( Keppra) in what seemed like the blink of a fear induced moment. I have been reading since then, attempting to reverse engineer our way off of these meds if possible, and see what a bioenergetic viewpoint would be to the situation. My daughter is a modi twin “identical” and her sister has not had seizures. She had almost 3 months seizure free on 200 MG Keppra 2 x’s daily.

She had two breakthrough seizures around Thanksgiving that then amplified into a day this past week where she had three in one day that increased in intensity and were almost entirely in her brain/head. It was terrifying. We ended up at Children’s Hospital via ambulance and with an intense increase in the meds, of course. She had an upper respiratory infection at the time. About 12 days before this, I had replaced her prescribed b6 pyridoxine 50 mg. Daily with P5P ( I was dosing it under 50 but between 25-35) now that I have learned more about that I realize it was way too high. They hand out this B6 suggestion as a blanket solution to the mood changes with the anti-seizure meds.

I have been a bit in a frozen state with what to give her but have been intermittently giving vitamin E, C, probiotic, beef liver freeze dried, magnesium bicarbonate.

So far I have done an HTMA, GMAP, homeopathic protocol, she is seeing a chiropractor twice a week. We consulted with a “Peatish” pediatric functional nutrition coach and I have seen some nutrition folks who are more in the typical no sugar/ no dairy for seizures camp. I have had a consult with someone who specializes in CBD/THC for pediatric epilepsy in the UK Who claims/seems to have helped many families.
I’ve been waiting until I was more clearheaded to post here but given the sleep deprivation and extreme anxiety of the situation that may take a minute. I’m doing my best to keep myself energetically strong and balanced to be there for my family. Thank you to those who have shared a very detailed accounts of their healing. I will keep reading. Our next step is waiting for the results of our genetic test ( taking all of that with a grain of salt of course) and going through with a sedated MRI so we can see if there is a structural piece to any of this. She did have a substantial injury one year ago where a wine bottle fell from the top of the fridge and hit her ( and her sister) in the head. They both had bruises on their temple area. I gave Arnica for several days and she seemed to have no signs of concussion. She’s also had lead exposure from the house we live in. we medicate it as much as possible as we attempt to move to a new place. She is showing high for lead and traces of aluminum and cadmium on her HTMA. Her blood lead is showing 2 d/ cl. The snapshot shows a kid with low stomach acid, sluggish gallbladder, high toxicity, H pylori, candida. She is already going through so much. If I knew that these intense diets of no sugar and no dairy with the whole day I would do it. I just instinctually don’t think that is the way. She intensely craves honey, sweets which I stick to berries, figs and as clean of carbs as I can get her to do. She does a good bit of grass fed beef, eggs, butter and some goat yogurt. She’s less into smoothies and getting more picky so it’s hard to get vitamin E, magnesium, D, C in the way that I was used to being able to sneak it in.
Thanks for reading and for any thoughts.
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Nov 8, 2021
Missouri, USA
Hello all.
I came upon this work several years ago postpartum with twins and made leaps and bounds of progress with my own hypothyroid perimenopausal state. This August one of my three year old twins began having tonic clonic seizures and I was in the belly of the beast of allopathic medicine and seizure meds ( Keppra) in what seemed like the blink of a fear induced moment. I have been reading since then, attempting to reverse engineer our way off of these meds if possible, and see what a bioenergetic viewpoint would be to the situation. My daughter is a modi twin “identical” and her sister has not had seizures. She had almost 3 months seizure free on 200 MG Keppra 2 x’s daily.

She had two breakthrough seizures around Thanksgiving that then amplified into a day this past week where she had three in one day that increased in intensity and were almost entirely in her brain/head. It was terrifying. We ended up at Children’s Hospital via ambulance and with an intense increase in the meds, of course. She had an upper respiratory infection at the time. About 12 days before this, I had replaced her prescribed b6 pyridoxine 50 mg. Daily with P5P ( I was dosing it under 50 but between 25-35) now that I have learned more about that I realize it was way too high. They hand out this B6 suggestion as a blanket solution to the mood changes with the anti-seizure meds.

I have been a bit in a frozen state with what to give her but have been intermittently giving vitamin E, C, probiotic, beef liver freeze dried, magnesium bicarbonate.

So far I have done an HTMA, GMAP, homeopathic protocol, she is seeing a chiropractor twice a week. We consulted with a “Peatish” pediatric functional nutrition coach and I have seen some nutrition folks who are more in the typical no sugar/ no dairy for seizures camp. I have had a consult with someone who specializes in CBD/THC for pediatric epilepsy in the UK Who claims/seems to have helped many families.
I’ve been waiting until I was more clearheaded to post here but given the sleep deprivation and extreme anxiety of the situation that may take a minute. I’m doing my best to keep myself energetically strong and balanced to be there for my family. Thank you to those who have shared a very detailed accounts of their healing. I will keep reading. Our next step is waiting for the results of our genetic test ( taking all of that with a grain of salt of course) and going through with a sedated MRI so we can see if there is a structural piece to any of this. She did have a substantial injury one year ago where a wine bottle fell from the top of the fridge and hit her ( and her sister) in the head. They both had bruises on their temple area. I gave Arnica for several days and she seemed to have no signs of concussion. She’s also had lead exposure from the house we live in. we medicate it as much as possible as we attempt to move to a new place. She is showing high for lead and traces of aluminum and cadmium on her HTMA. Her blood lead is showing 2 d/ cl. The snapshot shows a kid with low stomach acid, sluggish gallbladder, high toxicity, H pylori, candida. She is already going through so much. If I knew that these intense diets of no sugar and no dairy with the whole day I would do it. I just instinctually don’t think that is the way. She intensely craves honey, sweets which I stick to berries, figs and as clean of carbs as I can get her to do. She does a good bit of grass fed beef, eggs, butter and some goat yogurt. She’s less into smoothies and getting more picky so it’s hard to get vitamin E, magnesium, D, C in the way that I was used to being able to sneak it in.
Thanks for reading and for any thoughts.
For whatever this is worth, I was on 3000mg Keppra and 600mg of Lamictal for seven years for seizures after a pre-eclamptic pregnancy that resulted in a seizure disorder. Anyway, I hated being on the meds but didn't feel I had a choice. I stumbled upon something that for me, anyway, resulted in me being able to wean off both of them completely. I started taking glucosamine hcl for a separate issue (joint pain) and weirdly noticed a decrease in seizure activity and auras. I looked it up and found out it was being STUDIED for seizures at the time! I increased my dosage of the glucosamine hcl to 1000mg per day, (once before bed, when my seizures were more frequent). They went away completely. So I slooowly weaned off my meds (over about 3-4 months) and never even noticed an increase in seizures doing that. So now, years later, I do still take the glucosamine at night and only experience auras every great now and then.
I obviously have no idea if this will help your daughter but thought I'd mention it. I took it at the same time as my meds at first and didn't notice any interaction but that didn't mean there couldn't have been an interaction.

For gallbladder issues, I've taken Rowachol and it's helped tremendously, keeping me from surgery. It's basically peppermint oil in a capsule. Peppermint tea may help, too.



May 13, 2015
Our next step is waiting for the results of our genetic test ( taking all of that with a grain of salt of course) and going through with a sedated MRI so we can see if there is a structural piece to any of this. She did have a substantial injury one year ago where a wine bottle fell from the top of the fridge and hit her ( and her sister) in the head.
Please!! Whatever you do, DON'T let them use the MRI enhancer gadolinium. It is a heavy metal and will make your child's heavy metal toxicity issue worse.
She’s also had lead exposure from the house we live in. we medicate it as much as possible as we attempt to move to a new place. She is showing high for lead and traces of aluminum and cadmium on her HTMA.
I have lead poisoning. I've lived with it for many years. One of the things that lead does is that it gloms onto thiamine molecules and rips them apart in order to bond with the sulfur part of the thiamine molecule. Lead poisoning symptoms match exactly thiamine deficiency symptoms and supplementing thiamine resolves the symptoms of lead poisoning. You need to remove yourselves from the lead exposure immediately. Do not wait. Move into an apartment or in with family in the interim. Don't drink the water. Don't breath the dust. Get out of there.
The snapshot shows a kid with low stomach acid, sluggish gallbladder, high toxicity, H pylori, candida
This snapshot matches thiamine deficiency. I suggest getting this book: Thiamine Deficiency Disease, Dysautonomia, and High Calorie Malnutrition It is available via Amazon, etc. online. The author, Dr. Derrick Lonsdale was a pediatrician at the Cleveland Clinic for many years. He was given the most difficult cases that everybody else had given up on; he would cure them with high dose thiamine.

Articles about heavy metals and thiamine and more:

She intensely craves honey, sweets which I stick to berries, figs and as clean of carbs as I can get her to do.
If you have a thiamine deficiency your cells cannot make energy out of glucose so your cells scream for more sugar because oxidative metabolism is not working and they are starving for sugar (fuel). When you are in a thiamine deficient state, eating sweet things/carbs makes it worse. Correcting the thiamine deficiency is key.
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Sep 15, 2013
You need to look up Karen Hurd and potentially consult with her. Her daughter's seizures (brought about by a toxic chemical event) were cured with her protocols. You also need to read up on NBMI.


Nov 4, 2017
She intensely craves honey, sweets which I stick to berries, figs and as clean of carbs as I can get her to do. She does a good bit of grass fed beef, eggs, butter and some goat yogurt.
She instinctively knows what she needs, so let her have those things, especially honey.

Her cells are starving for energy, and I greatly agree with what mostlylurking said above RE thiamine deficiency, as well as general cellular energy deficiency. Heavy metal toxicity will cause all of these problems, and is probably more than just aluminum and lead. If your children had childhood vaxx then there is likely mercury involved as well. Getting things in the diet to bind these heavy metals and carry them out is important, and as you've probably already realized, you are going to have more success taking matters into your own hands. Anything modern medicine has to offer you is likely going to make the situation worse.

You said she had had an upper respiratory infection at the time of breakthrough seizures, was she on antibiotics for that prior to these seizures?


Dec 7, 2022
Arlington MA, USA
She instinctively knows what she needs, so let her have those things, especially honey.

Her cells are starving for energy, and I greatly agree with what mostlylurking said above RE thiamine deficiency, as well as general cellular energy deficiency. Heavy metal toxicity will cause all of these problems, and is probably more than just aluminum and lead. If your children had childhood vaxx then there is likely mercury involved as well. Getting things in the diet to bind these heavy metals and carry them out is important, and as you've probably already realized, you are going to have more success taking matters into your own hands. Anything modern medicine has to offer you is likely going to make the situation worse.

You said she had had an upper respiratory infection at the time of breakthrough seizures, was she on antibiotics for that prior to these seizures?
Thank you. Never any vaccines or antibiotics.


Dec 7, 2022
Arlington MA, USA
Please!! Whatever you do, DON'T let them use the MRI enhancer gadolinium. It is a heavy metal and will make your child's heavy metal toxicity issue worse.

I have lead poisoning. I've lived with it for many years. One of the things that lead does is that it gloms onto thiamine molecules and rips them apart in order to bond with the sulfur part of the thiamine molecule. Lead poisoning symptoms match exactly thiamine deficiency symptoms and supplementing thiamine resolves the symptoms of lead poisoning. You need to remove yourselves from the lead exposure immediately. Do not wait. Move into an apartment or in with family in the interim. Don't drink the water. Don't breath the dust. Get out of there.

This snapshot matches thiamine deficiency. I suggest getting this book: Thiamine Deficiency Disease, Dysautonomia, and High Calorie Malnutrition It is available via Amazon, etc. online. The author, Dr. Derrick Lonsdale was a pediatrician at the Cleveland Clinic for many years. He was given the most difficult cases that everybody else had given up on; he would cure them with high dose thiamine.

Articles about heavy metals and thiamine and more:

If you have a thiamine deficiency your cells cannot make energy out of glucose so your cells scream for more sugar because oxidative metabolism is not working and they are starving for sugar (fuel). When you are in a thiamine deficient state, eating sweet things/carbs makes it worse. Correcting the thiamine deficiency is key.
Thank you for all of this. I will be looking into it ASAP. Definitely no contrast / enhancers happening on the MRI.


May 13, 2015
Thank you for all of this. I will be looking into it ASAP. Definitely no contrast / enhancers happening on the MRI.
You're welcome. Glad to try to help.

The house I grew up in with my two siblings was built in 1950 and had copper plumbing (with lead solder). Both of my siblings became mentally incapacitated in their teens and both were diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in their early twenties. I don't wish that family disaster on anyone.


Nov 4, 2017
Thank you. Never any vaccines or antibiotics.
That's great, you can definitely get this situation under control then. Can you get her to eat anything with soluble fiber in it? Cooked apples, carrots, pumpkin, really well cooked oats, squash, sweet potato?? In my experience the goat dairy, eggs, honey, etc is great nutritionally, but there does need to be something to help bind the toxic elements and carry them out in the stool.

Silica is great to help remove aluminum. Fiji brand water has silica in it and is useful, and bamboo shoots are very high in silica. Asparagus, green beans, bananas and oats also contain small amounts of silica.

Do you feel like you are managing the lead detoxification? I'm sure it's been addressed at this point, but just making sure you feel you have useful strategies.


Dec 7, 2022
Arlington MA, USA
That's great, you can definitely get this situation under control then. Can you get her to eat anything with soluble fiber in it? Cooked apples, carrots, pumpkin, really well cooked oats, squash, sweet potato?? In my experience the goat dairy, eggs, honey, etc is great nutritionally, but there does need to be something to help bind the toxic elements and carry them out in the stool.

Silica is great to help remove aluminum. Fiji brand water has silica in it and is useful, and bamboo shoots are very high in silica. Asparagus, green beans, bananas and oats also contain small amounts of silica.

Do you feel like you are managing the lead detoxification? I'm sure it's been addressed at this point, but just making sure you feel you have useful strategies.
She does eat all you suggest for soluble fiber. Thanks for the other suggestions. Honestly, I have been more focused on building her gut and balancing nutrients first. With the seizures starting last August. I’ve been afraid to push any kind of strong detox. I don’t want to aggravate the seizures that are already uncontrolled. we take every precaution possible within this old house but we just have to get out of here. By spring is our plan.


Nov 4, 2017
She does eat all you suggest for soluble fiber. Thanks for the other suggestions. Honestly, I have been more focused on building her gut and balancing nutrients first. With the seizures starting last August. I’ve been afraid to push any kind of strong detox. I don’t want to aggravate the seizures that are already uncontrolled. we take every precaution possible within this old house but we just have to get out of here. By spring is our plan.
I completely agree with you RE detox. I don't ever believe in "detox". As the body gets healthier, I think it slowly gets rid of the toxins. Binders will simply aid in removal of anything in the digestive tract so that the bile doesn't get reabsorbed (enterohepatic recirculation). A lot of those toxins exit the body through the bile, so fiber is helpful in this regard, but specific binders have a stronger affinity for positive charged ions like aluminum and lead. They don't pull toxins or cause a harsh detox, simply bind the ones the body is getting rid of. Silica, bentonite and activated charcoal are harmless and will likely help with this process.

It sounds like you are doing all of the right things, your mom instincts are spot on! Are you supplementing any B vitamins?


Dec 7, 2022
Arlington MA, USA
I completely agree with you RE detox. I don't ever believe in "detox". As the body gets healthier, I think it slowly gets rid of the toxins. Binders will simply aid in removal of anything in the digestive tract so that the bile doesn't get reabsorbed (enterohepatic recirculation). A lot of those toxins exit the body through the bile, so fiber is helpful in this regard, but specific binders have a stronger affinity for positive charged ions like aluminum and lead. They don't pull toxins or cause a harsh detox, simply bind the ones the body is getting rid of. Silica, bentonite and activated charcoal are harmless and will likely help with this process.

It sounds like you are doing all of the right things, your mom instincts are spot on! Are you supplementing any B vitamins?
Wow. Thank you. I am fully focused on this. At this point I started off giving her b6 as pyridoxine 50 mg. Daily and then switched to P5P 30-40. That was right before she had three intense and very different seizures so I dialed back the P5P and went back to pyridoxine 25. She gets red meat a few times a week but I am considering adding in a big complex. She’s not into smoothies which is my main way to deliver things so I’m puzzled about how to get all these supplements in, in addition to the anti-seizure meds.


May 22, 2021
Thank you, yes. Puzzling about what this might look like for a 3 year old. Testing these in January.
Oh, how I do wish we could still e-mail dear Dr. Peat...

I found this discussion re progesterone in children and it seems that Dr. Peat has discussed it some, if it is any help...

ETA: There's some good stuff he writes about progesterone here.

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Jun 20, 2015
Taurine and epilepsy

Treatment with taurine showed mixed results. It alleviated seizures in a subpopulation of patients, but its efficacy tends to vanish with time.

Taurine may treat seizure-associated brain damage.


Jun 20, 2015
She’s less into smoothies and getting more picky so it’s hard to get vitamin E, magnesium, D, C in the way that I was used to being able to sneak it in.

Magnesium carbonate doesn't have the unpleasant taste other forms of magnesium have. I buy it as a powder, and when I mix it with food, I do not notice the taste at all. Another way to help her with the magnesium are epsom salt baths. Vitamin E and vitamin D if you buy it in bottles can be mixed with food too, though I think I would try the transdermal route with the little girl.


Dec 7, 2022
Arlington MA, USA
For whatever this is worth, I was on 3000mg Keppra and 600mg of Lamictal for seven years for seizures after a pre-eclamptic pregnancy that resulted in a seizure disorder. Anyway, I hated being on the meds but didn't feel I had a choice. I stumbled upon something that for me, anyway, resulted in me being able to wean off both of them completely. I started taking glucosamine hcl for a separate issue (joint pain) and weirdly noticed a decrease in seizure activity and auras. I looked it up and found out it was being STUDIED for seizures at the time! I increased my dosage of the glucosamine hcl to 1000mg per day, (once before bed, when my seizures were more frequent). They went away completely. So I slooowly weaned off my meds (over about 3-4 months) and never even noticed an increase in seizures doing that. So now, years later, I do still take the glucosamine at night and only experience auras every great now and then.
I obviously have no idea if this will help your daughter but thought I'd mention it. I took it at the same time as my meds at first and didn't notice any interaction but that didn't mean there couldn't have been an interaction.

For gallbladder issues, I've taken Rowachol and it's helped tremendously, keeping me from surgery. It's basically peppermint oil in a capsule. Peppermint tea may help, too.

I am sorry you had to go through that. It’s amazing that you discovered this solution. Thank you for this information.
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