Brain Damage


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I would do exactly as Dr Peat says.
For the D and E give topically if you can. @haidut has good topicals but not sure about shipping internationally?
Healing for your little one - and may you not grow weary or discouraged along the way. A Fathers love is a powerful thing.

We ship worldwide and so far no country has blocked a package, even though they have returned a few if they did not think the customs form was accurate.
Jul 6, 2016
Progesterone with 1/5 the amount in pregnenolone. Pregablin/gabapentin. Phenibut would probably help too but seems sketchier as it’s not prescribed.

I don’t like the idea of prescribing children medications like that, but considering the doctors are gonna try to do it anyways and arguably do a far worse job, you might as well do it too to an extent.


Jun 26, 2022
Hi everybody,

I am new forum member and this is my first post. I am desperately looking for your help and any advice you could give me.
Six months ago in a tragic car accident I have lost my wife and our little baby girl suffered severe brain damage( difusse axonal injury III) and due to injury she developed epilepsy. She is having from 3 to 10 seizures per day and her medicine is Levetiracetam 2ml two times daily. Unforunately medicine is working so next week we have termin doctor to change it.
Till now I have bought many books, read so many on internet but still most of things that people recomend I am scared to give her because she is just 1 year old. I am cooking fruits and vegetables and meat and trying to feed her as good as possible. Because of occipital lobe injury doctors are not sure if she can see what makes feeding her quite difficult. One of the advice was to give her high dose of fish oil and she was on that high dose for maybe 2 months till I discoved Ray Peat forum. The biggest problem is that most of the suplements and alternative medicine therapies to mention so small children which makes my battle very difficult. It is not a problem to find infants RDA for example magnesium but which one? Malate, theornate ,citrate etc. Some of the suplements that are really good when your brain is damaged are not good to use if you have seizures( example Acety L Carnitine). Beacause she is baby her brain is still developing and thing that are good for adults may be very harmfull for her. She needs fats, sugars, cholesterol etc.
I am really sad and desperated because I have only her and would do everything I can to help her to recover as good as possible.
Dear forum members I am begging you to join this topic and if you have any advice would be much appriciated.
Sorry for my english.
Many thanks in advance!!!
I am SO sorry for your loss.. but I do not think this is a situation where you want to be asking strangers on an internet forum for advice!!! I have a niece and 2 nephews and know dozens of other children with seizure disorders.. and yes, sometimes they are tricky to manage.. and you might have to go through many meds, and combinations.. ALSO there are a lot of children with seizures getting relief from CBD oil.. a special kind that was named after the girl a special strain was developed for: Charlotte's Web - after Charlotte Figi - who was having seizures every 30 minutes until her treatment with CBD oil. She recently died. . however, she would never have lived had all if her seizures were never controlled. And there are now thousands and thousands. It does not help everyone... my niece has used CBD and regular marijuana with good luck. Please find a doctor who will help you - f you don't have one in your country, start searching on the the Stanley Brothers in Colorado, or one of the advocacy groups of parents of children with these disorders.. many of them are more knowledgeable than the doctors and can help you with dosing, etc. if you can't find a doctor, but you should still work with a doctor even if they won't do that part. There are many medications,, too. No disrespect, but you need more than sunshine. I am all for 'experimenting' , but not in this case. You can find 100s of videos of children helped, and info on the internet.

Of course they interview the fool MDs, and remember they will downplay anything not 'traditional'. You used to have to be on a waiting list to get Charlotte's Web, now you can buy it over the counter. Don't give up.
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