Catamenial Seizures And Progesterone Therapy


Dec 31, 2012
Not sure if there is any additional info here, but RP talked about this issue on a Herb Doctor episode- starts at around 28 mins.


Jan 1, 2013
The Chlorella detox reputation is a myth.

Not only does it's outer shell naturally adsorb heavy metals from it's growing medium ( meaning that commercially sold chlorella will most of the time INCREASE the mercury burden in the body; the quality controls advertized by the vendors are absolute BUNK) but it has no way of chelating the mercury inside the cells .

All the hundred scientific studies advertized by conmens like KLINGHARDT relate to chelating of ALIMENTARY MERCURY, inside the digestive tract.

But he won't tell you that.

Chlorella remains sequestred inside the digestive tract, and has absolutely no way of chelating the mercury that has found it's way into all the body's cells ( brain, kidneys, muscles, etc...) through blood absorbtion.

The only way to evaluate the heavy metal body load is through a DMPS (synthetic chelator) urinary test.

If the results show you naturally cannot evacuate heavy metals, you will need to use synthetic chelators like DMPS .

All the cilantro, chlorella, garlic and others "natural" remedies advertized by naturopaths are a monetary scam.


Apr 5, 2014
Thank you everyone for your help! It is so nice to feel like you've finally found something where people get what you are talking about and can give you some 'sound' advice! We are definitely dealing with 2 different issues for my daughter, however we are seeing how related they really are. She has done the DMSA challenge test, and was off the charts with mercury and aluminum, and high on lead. We are aware of the dangers/risks with detox, yet we have found the chlorella (clean chlorella - you do need to be careful not to just use any old thing), along with cilantro protocol to be very effective. Detox can not be taken/done lightly -- research and a proper protocol (replacing lost minerals, supporting liver, resting periods, etc.) is critical.
The most interesting connection that we have made is that although her metal load has been gradually diminishing over the last 3 years, there does seem to be a definite connection to how the particular detox she has been involved in has been affecting her hormone balance.
We will be discontinuing the detox protocol as the progesterone therapy is of foremost concern. As her progesterone levels get to where they need to be when they need to be, and we see a reduction (better yet, elimination) of seizure activity, we will be able to better deal with any toxic metals through diet and the other things we have been learning here as well as through our own research. I will keep all posted as we progress so that we all may learn and be helped with each others experiences.
I appreciate you all very much and am grateful for your submissions here as they have helped me tremendously! I have actually been brought to tears, fealing like we are finally seeing a light at the end of what has been a very long and scary tunnel! I'm going to see if I can somehow get ahold of progest-e yet in the meantime will continue her with the progendo --
Blessings to all of you --- keep the info coming, please!!!!


Jan 1, 2013
chelle86 said:
We are aware of the dangers/risks with detox, yet we have found the chlorella (clean chlorella - you do need to be careful not to just use any old thing), along with cilantro protocol to be very effective.

One other question that seems to be related to my daughter's condition is to whether or not a heavy metal detox protocol (cilantro and chlorella) could contribute to depletion of progesterone. The last 3 episodes coincided with the previous week being a detox week.

If i was you, i would test the chlorella in an independent lab...


Apr 5, 2014
That's a good idea --- thanks! Then we would know for sure ---

Do you think that detoxing can deplete progesterone?, or are you thinking the seizures are solely related to the detox apart from progesterone levels being low?


Jan 1, 2013
chelle86 said:
Do you think that detoxing can deplete progesterone?,

I have no clue about that.
But i strongly suspect what you're calling "detox effect" is simply the vitamin/ mineral boost effect contained in the chlorella.
If you're luckily buying uncontaminated chlorella, you will feel better , but as soon as you stop it, the heavy metal symptoms will resume, because the mercury is still lodged in your tissues.
( many people have documented their personal failures with chlorella)
There isn't to my knowledge any scientific study proving chlorella is able to fetch the mercury in muscles, brain, kidneys, etc...

chelle86 said:
are you thinking the seizures are solely related to the detox apart from progesterone levels being low?

It's a strong possibility.
There's very few labs with a standard high enough to correctly detect heavy metal contamination.
I'm sure you've come across these independent labs advertising on the internet their detection procedures, often for a very low price; it's completely unreliable and untrustworthy.

Mercury contamination of chlorella is rampant; realise even polar bears are gettingt mercury poisonning originating from chinese coal burning plants, releasing huge mercury vapours into the athmosphere.
Whatever arguments chlorella vendors use to claim their chlorella is clean is simply cynical marketing.
There's many individual who have come down with mercury poisonning by eating huge quantities of chlorella.

You can find all this info in the book by a french lady who came within an inch of dying from her amalgam fillings, Francoise Cambayrac, titled "Vérités sur les maladies émergentes"; ( only in french). ... 284939047X

The book is online if you know where to look for it.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I had testing that showed high levels of mercury and cadmium prior to discovering the work of Peat. I opted to focus on diet and hormonal balancing first to get myself in a better physical state. Now that I'm doing much better and have spent time reading everything from Peat that I've been able to get my hands on I no longer feel that the metal issue is really an issue for me after all. As others have pointed out, the body will naturally and safely detoxify itself with the proper environmental input. Diet and hormonal balancing seem to be the input your daughter currently needs. This is just my personal perspective but in light of your daughter doing worse when the detoxification was going on I would at least consider stabilizing the hormonal situation first. To me a Peat inspired approach is a restorative approach and this detox doesn't seem very restorative for your daughter at least at this time. If nothing else the focus on optimizing diet, hormones and metabolism will buy you some time to further research the detox issue. I feel pretty optimistic that an 18 year old person can detoxify readily with a Peat inspired approach and not really require much more than optimal nutrition to do so. This is solely and completely my opinion, I hope you don't mind me sharing it.


Apr 5, 2014
Do I mind you all sharing? Oh my ---- I am beyond grateful! I have been dealing with this for so long, and to have other people's input other than drug-pushing and the 'there's nothing wrong' conversations with the myriads of 'doctors' we have seen! I cherish all of the input and it is really helping us gain some perspective as many times it just seems overwhelming when you are trying so hard to do the right thing and you are watching your child suffer!
She's definitely excited to not do detox anymore as well --- we are totally encouraged and confident that we are on the right track with the progesterone - just fine tuning which method will work quickest and best for her (as well as getting the right product!) --- and changing the diet is nothing new! Can't say that ice cream and coffee is going to make her cry at all :) .... I will admit I'm a little leary of some parts of the diet, as it seems to go against all other things we've tried, but like you say, Blossom, hormonal balancing and the right diet is what she needs right now --- you have been so encouraging and I feel like you really understand what I'm talking about and what she's going through! Our bodies are amazing and created to heal miraculously if supported correctly -- it's just making our way through the maze of info and 'disinfo' to get things back in line after being put out in a 'war zone' against our health.
Burtlancast, I appreciate your insight with the detox aspect --- the initial damage heavy metal wise with her was originally from a vaccine injury when she was young (before I knew better), and so our focus has been on that for so long, that when things switched to the grand mal seizures and discovering the progesterone issue, it took us a while to change gears and see the forest through the trees --- thank you for your help, thoughts, and info as well ---- you guys are awesome!


Jan 1, 2013
chelle86 said:
Burtlancast, I appreciate your insight with the detox aspect --- the initial damage heavy metal wise with her was originally from a vaccine injury when she was young (before I knew better),

So , after all these years, her high mercury readings come from the vaccine, not amalgam fillings ?

We're very unequal when it comes to natural capacity for mercury detox .
Some people will get horribly sick from just 2 amalgam fillings, while others won't with even 10 of them.

I suggest you contact Ray about it and see what measures he proposes.


Apr 5, 2014
Correct. She has never had fillings, and we have stayed away the best that we can from all things mercury since the injury .... all vaccine related .... she had an immediate reaction, so no doubt in our minds whatsoever.

It is absolutely true that we are unequal in our natural capacity to detox ... mercury being a very difficult one.

Is there a special way to go about contacting him directly?

The most difficult part has been that we seem to be dealing with 2 different things, but they each effect each other! It seems as if after talking to all of you and researching more of Ray's articles and such, that the support of the progesterone for the seizures with progest-e and diet may very well address both issues.

Thank you so much for your time!


Apr 5, 2014
Although she had began having petite-mal seizures periodically (especially when tired, stressed, or hungry) upon the very afternoon of her last vaccine, the monthly (sometimes just every other month) grand-mal seizures began when she hit puberty as the petite mal's were fewer and fewer. Now the petite mal have basically diminished (except if a bad day begins to ramp-up). We have tracked her daily since the first grand mal, and they are definitely, without hesitation in saying it, catamenial -- completely related to her menstrual cycle. As we have begun to narrow things down and have gotten her serum progesterone level tested each month (day 1 and day 22), when she had a bad seizure day, the levels were below .01 ng/ml and 4.0 - significant for sure .... Dr. Herzog with his use of progesterone trials for catamenials only took women whose serum was below 5 ng/ml (if I remember correctly), so that seems to be a significant number. I'm sure that everyone has a different threshold, so we are hoping to narrow down what my daughter's is.
It is seeming to us to be more clear that the progesterone therapy and diet is possibly even a bigger issue than continuing to detox, especially with some of the information being shared about detoxing mercury. The diet and hormonal support looks as if it is the way for us to head and to back off and refrain from more 'chelator' detoxing and let her body re-adjust with the hormone/diet support and more naturally clean out her system, cells and brain. Although her diet has always been careful for what we are dealing with, we will begin with the Peat diet to see what kind of changes (positive I'm praying) we will see from that as well.
Blossom, I am so encourage as well as happy for you that you are seeing positive results and no longer having heavy metal issues! That just gives me that much more hope!


Apr 5, 2014
ttramone said:
Not sure if there is any additional info here, but RP talked about this issue on a Herb Doctor episode- starts at around 28 mins.

I just finally got a chance to listen to this --- thank you so much!!! I can't believe how you knew exactly where to even listen to - amazing!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm so pleased you are finding some things that may help you help your daughter! I had been away for a bit since my last post and was very happy that you didn't mind my input. Although I had those prior test results I think the true problem was really impaired cellular metabolism/respiration. I have found Peat's work to be life changing and really nothing less than miraculous for my situation. I truly believe you can't go wrong studying his work and implementing changes based on his research. I'm all for sharing knowledge and experiences so please keep us posted on how thing go for your daughter. :D


Apr 5, 2014
Thanks Blossom -- means more to me than you know!

As far as her diet goes, we eat all organic, no processed foods, no additives, msg, aspartame's and the like -- lots of tropical fruits, alkaline diet as much as possible. She still craves bread/pastas so we try to be careful (she is only 18, after all!)
brkfst items: eggs, oj, coffee, sometimes cottage cheese, raw milk, turkey bacon (rarely, but she loves it) -

lunch: salad with organic cheese and olive oil/balsamic vinegar dressing, egg salad sandwich, fruit and cheese

dinner: rotating chicken, fish, beef, pork, broccoli, salad, potatoes (can't get russet here), white rice

snack: popcorn with sea salt, occasional ice cream or gelato

I need to start trying to make our own coconut oil - one more thing added to the 'make it for yourself' list

There are definitely things we need to adjust and change based on Ray Peat's eating guidelines, but it won't be a drastic change for her/us


Apr 5, 2014
Hello everyone - I just wanted to give a quick update to all of you who have been involved in helping me get the help that my daughter needed for her catamenial seizures...
Since my last post, we have been very serious and diligent to continue researching and implementing all of the things that we have learned from this forum and all the other places I have found Ray Peat info ..... what a miracle!!! We had just been missing a few puzzle pieces all of these years - pieces that were hidden by the 'establishment' yet pieces that have changed our lives for the better!
We have completely proven that high, frequent doses of oral micronized progesterone (progendo at first) with vitamin e as the carrier - (we have since been able to get ahold of progest-e and are using it in conjunction with progendo while we continue to lower her estrogen) - works almost immediately to stop seizures during the 'bad' days of her cycle - both petite mal and grand mals! We have experienced it first hand and want to share that taking progesterone in other forms (cream, suppository, etc.) never proved as effective nor as quick to heal as the oral liquid - don't just swallow a gel cap if that's what you have .... chew it and let the progesterone rub into your gums and under your tongue!
Thank you all as well for leading us in the direction of understanding the thyroid's role in basically EVERYTHING ... and how we are already seeing changes in her health by eating 'peatarean' and supplementing with thyroid glandular and cynomel .... for the first time in years I feel like I can breathe again, and we are seeing a light at the end of our tunnel!
We still have a road ahead of us to repair, heal, and restore everything to it's rightful place, but coffee is curing her headaches, oj and salt is lowering her very high pulse rate, and progesterone is the hidden seizure cure! Thank you - thank you to all of you and may we all be able to continue to help others who need this information to live full, strong and healthy lives!
God Bless you all!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Incredible. Just absolutely incredible. My mind continues to be blown here. Its so awesome your daughter is now getting relief.

chelle86 said:
God Bless you all!

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I suggest putting part of chelle86's post as member quote in the portal, maybe with this part in bold:

chelle86 said:
We have completely proven that high, frequent doses of oral micronized progesterone (progendo at first) with vitamin e as the carrier - (we have since been able to get ahold of progest-e and are using it in conjunction with progendo while we continue to lower her estrogen) - works almost immediately to stop seizures during the 'bad' days of her cycle -
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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