Finally Cured From Post Finasteride Syndrome


Aug 12, 2020
New update from a guy on the pfs hcg whatsapp group;

"Hey guys it's been 24 weeks of my HCG pct I was taking 250 iu every 2nd day and from the past around 45 days I've been experiencing orgasm almost everytime not a consistent erection quality but orgasm is there ( so in a way i feel anhedonia is fading away ) and from the past 30 days I've changed the regiment a little due to hectic work, 500 iu every 4th day. So the update goes like this

1.) Better erections but not consistent
2.) Have morning wood 5 out of 10 days
3.) kegels are being benefitial now whereeas earlier it used to make things worse
4.) Overall better pelvic health ( i now realise that i might need pelvic rehab as well ), have started farting like a normal person almost, earlier I used to fart a lot.
5.) Have been experiencing libido in the real sence ( feel excitement and wanna get into a ***** ) like once in a week bases
6.) Mentally I'm like almost like normal again ( that's a big one cause earlier I was functioning at 30-40% ig ) but there are bad days as well, i think when HCG fades away in like the 4th day
7.) Social anxiety is gone feel like my old personality traits are almost 100% back.
8.) Able to function on less sleep and digestion is overall better almost like recovered haven't been bloated in months irrespective of what i eat
9) face has changed I saw a photo of myself before I started pct it looks like I'm half asleep in that with a bloated face.
10) able to enjoy things like drinking with friends or watching sports, basically able to have feelings like live anger or happiness which were non existent before ( was living like a zombie )
11) semen sometimes watery sometimes okay
12) able to feel orgasm and that lust sometimes, anhedonia is almost gine
13) sleep is better almost like normal
14) able to thrust out semen ( I don't know how to explain this one but ig it could be because of kegels this has been constant )
15) penile atrophy is something that hasn't recovered consistently somedays it seems okay someday it seems not,
16) rotation in axis of the penis isn't present in most days but comes back on few days but it seems to be getting better
17) suppliments and substances have effects on me now, eg tamox, melatonin, alcohol etc
18) only thing that has remained constant is if I'm dehydrated I can't have good erection ( and I do get dehydrated easily this is a big one )
The things I've mentioned that are now almost like normal or almost recovered like sleep and brain functions etc have been consistent from the past month. I have 4 weeks left of HCG hope to see further recovery in the sexual sides.

I think my body is in a better place now but do not think it will maintain this state without HCG, i think I need a break from HCG now i only have like 2 500 iu shots left, I'm far from recovered but need a month of break, i have no clue what to do next, how to get better further down the line, help me out with suggestions, I'm gonna go with tamox for a month. If I'm not able to figure out how to go further ahead in progress I'm gonna with the second round of 6 month oct but this time will take a 5000 iu shot once per month like my doctor suggested."


Aug 12, 2020
New Melcangi study:



Post-finasteride syndrome and post-SSRI sexual dysfunction, are two poorly explored clinical conditions in which men treated for androgenetic alopecia with finasteride or for depression with SSRI antidepressants show persistent side effects despite drug suspension (e.g., sexual dysfunction, psychological complaints, sleep disorders). Because of some similarities in the symptoms, common pathological mechanisms are proposed here. Indeed, as discussed, clinical studies and preclinical data obtained so far suggest an important role for brain modulators (i.e., neuroactive steroids), neurotransmitters (i.e., serotonin, and cathecolamines), and gut microbiota in the context of the gut-brain axis. In particular, the observed interconnections of these signals in these two clinical conditions may suggest similar etiopathogenetic mechanisms, such as the involvement of the enzyme converting norepinephrine into epinephrine (i.e., phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase). However, despite the current efforts, more work is still needed to advance the understanding of these clinical conditions in terms of diagnostic markers and therapeutic strategies.


Sep 20, 2023
I too have tried everything to naturally cure PFS over the years. In recent times I stumbled across the concept of supplementing with prohormones.... I can say that one prohormone has cured my PFS and that is Androsterone. I only take 1mg a day, but that's been enough to do the trick.
How did you take this? Topically?
Is it the idealab's product?
In the morning?
I happen to have PFS and androsterone.


Aug 12, 2020
New vid from Russo talking about DHB


Skip to 8:10, he says he had a client with PFS who got cured with VPA and DHB combo just like it helped Russo himself with his Lion's mane/pfs.

Was reading this thread about androgen receptor overexpression and hdac inhibitors and read a comment from Awor that he used VPA (valproate) but it made him worse. It seems he only took VPA and didn't take it with another steroid or dht derivative hence why it didn't help imo. Just taking a hdaci isn't enough you need something to push you in that "androgenic state". (But Awor was also an extreme and unusual pfs case looking at his posts and he was on TRT for 7 years before taking fina becaus he had primary hypogonadism)

Anyway this VPA (strong hdaci) + DHT derivative combo makes a lot of sense.

Also found another guy with PFS using VPA + TRT and HCG combo in one of the youtube comments, he says he's finally healing after 20 years of PFS. (one of the comments under this vid com/watch?v=mYstlDb89SE )


Aug 12, 2020
Update from Neelansh on the HCG Pfs recovery group:

"Have been 2 weeks off by doc said to slowly taper off ( 500 iu weekly (the HCG before going completely off for one month, will take a proper break for one month then will start the second cycle, so the first cycle in conclusion didn't cure me but I had a experience libido in long while and slowly slowly as the time passed with each month I was getting better, i would stay till now I feel I'm out of mental sides almost completely and as for the sexual sides, ED still remains and low libido ofcourse but one thing definitely is improved in the penile health and states my penis was shrivelled and testicles shrank, the glans was almost bloodless/ decolored and cold af, until now my **** feels okay, libido and erections have definitely gone down after reducing HCG, but last but the most rewarding part was that in the last month I was experiencing a real orgasm (after 3 years) almost everytime I masturbated. Things have taken a down turn though a little sexually as I stopped the pct and am on a very less HCG cycle, the doctor has given me cialis for take everyday 5mg for penile health and I've heard people have even been cured after taking cialis for a long time, I'm planning to take it for a month or two before starting my 2nd HCG cycle. So what the first cycle gave me i would say is it diminished my mental sides like brain fog, depression and also anhideina has faded away emotionally and even sexually for a while. I'm not sure right now whether these effects will stay or not, i think some of them will, some them won't, but that's the plan now, please anyone has any views or suggestions let me know"

Was on it for 6 months at around 1000UI/week.


Mar 22, 2022
I tried DHT cream awhile ago, with no luck. I don't seem to do worse on Androgen's. So I'm giving DHB a (pun intended) shot. I've done 50mg + 150mg of T, no PIP and nothing yet. But will slowly increase to 200mg/wk of DHB.


Aug 12, 2020
I tried DHT cream awhile ago, with no luck. I don't seem to do worse on Androgen's. So I'm giving DHB a (pun intended) shot. I've done 50mg + 150mg of T, no PIP and nothing yet. But will slowly increase to 200mg/wk of DHB.
Interesting, if the DHB doesn't seem to work maybe add VPA like Russo did. Keep us updated!
Last edited:


Aug 12, 2020

I experienced the same, very high libido/recovery for a few days after quitting finasteride and then crash/pfs state. Seems almost everyone experienced this, also read the same in other places.

Wonder why this happens, a theory is that our system gets overwhelmed with DHT after quitting fina and our androgen receptors get downregulated as a reaction to the massive amount of DHT. And/Or our receptors became hyper sensitive due to the lack of DHT for so long that now after quitting fin our receptors "crashed"? Just a theory, who knows...

But anyway, this is clearly an experience many pfs victims share.


Aug 12, 2020


Aug 12, 2020
New pssd recovery I found, fixed himself with test and estrogen.


"i had akathisia from psych drugs 7 years (only took them 2 weeks), cured with estradiol and T (but im a guy)

btw 'serotonin syndrome' is as meaningless as 'depression', its a dumb label for when doctors dont know whats wrong but want to sound smart anyway

you are NOT physically or permanently damaged, its just a hormonal disruption that your body cant snap out of for some reason (probably because it's artificially induced by modern psych drugs that we haven't evolved to prepare for), you have to 'reset' your HPTA by using hormones until your natural production stops, then stop taking the hormones, and as your natural production resumes your body should return to the correct homeostasis (your old self, working mom, loving your job, raising kids)"


Mar 22, 2022
New pssd recovery I found, fixed himself with test and estrogen.


"i had akathisia from psych drugs 7 years (only took them 2 weeks), cured with estradiol and T (but im a guy)

btw 'serotonin syndrome' is as meaningless as 'depression', its a dumb label for when doctors dont know whats wrong but want to sound smart anyway

you are NOT physically or permanently damaged, its just a hormonal disruption that your body cant snap out of for some reason (probably because it's artificially induced by modern psych drugs that we haven't evolved to prepare for), you have to 'reset' your HPTA by using hormones until your natural production stops, then stop taking the hormones, and as your natural production resumes your body should return to the correct homeostasis (your old self, working mom, loving your job, raising kids)"

The estrogen is really interesting. Personally I tried E2 and it made me super (more) depressed. With zero benefits on the rebound. I was too scared to do a larger dose after that. I'm also glad you're making all these posts to keep this thread going.


Oct 12, 2020
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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