Famotidine For COVID-19?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Maybe carbonic anhyrdase inhibition, maybe lowering serotonin
Serotonin antagonists as treatment for COVID-19 / SARS – To Extract Knowledge from Matter
, and also maybe other interesting properties.

Famotidine, an Antiulcer Agent, Strongly Inhibits Helicobacter pylori and Human Carbonic Anhydrases. - PubMed - NCBI
"The high resolution X-ray structures of famotidine bound to hCA I and II revealed interesting aspects related to its CA inhibition mechanism, offering the possibility to develop antibacterials with a novel mechanism of action."

Here is @nullredvector 's thread/reference
Famotidine Has Antibiotic Actions, Esp Against E. Coli

Famotidine complexes with cobalt, maybe it complexes with other minerals ?
Famotidine, an Antiulcer Agent, Strongly Inhibits Helicobacter pylori and Human Carbonic Anhydrases. - PubMed - NCBI
"Antibacterial and antifungal activity of famotidine and its newly synthesized complex against representative bacteria: Escherichia coli, Staphilococcus aureus and Micrococcus lysodeikticus and fungi: Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans were examined. The results indicate a higher selectivity of the famotidine-Co(III) complex, as well as better growth inhibitory activity (lower MIC values (MIC, minimal inhibitory concentration)) in comparison with the drug alone."

Maybe famotidine keeps antiviral compounds from being excreted too quickly by its renal action
Effect of famotidine on ciprofloxacin pharmacokinetics after single intravenous and oral doses in rats. - PubMed - NCBI,
"These results suggest a possible reduction in the total clearance of ciprofloxacin, owing to inhibition of its renal tubular excretion by famotidine."

Maybe famotidine also is liver protective, adding to anti-shock properties in severe COVID events:
Hepatoprotective, antinociceptive and antioxidant activities of cimetidine, ranitidine and famotidine as histamine H2 receptor antagonists. - PubMed - NCBI
"...antioxidant activities of H(2) blockers have an analgesic activity and protective effect on CCl(4)-induced hepatotoxicity in mice."

Thanks. I just remembered that I had a thread on CA. The combination of anti-serotonin and CA inhibition is a rather rare property. Don't know of any other drug that has it. Let's hope famotidine production rights do not get bought out by Mr. Shkreli (or one of his non-incarcerated associates) and then get re-introduced at the low price of $999 for a box of 20 pills...
Famotidine Inhibits Carbonic Anhydrase (CA)


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
Thanks. I just remembered that I had a thread on CA. The combination of anti-serotonin and CA inhibition is a rather rare property. Don't know of any other drug that has it. Let's hope famotidine production rights do not get bought out by Mr. Shkreli (or one of his non-incarcerated associates) and then get re-introduced at the low price of $999 for a box of 20 pills...
Famotidine Inhibits Carbonic Anhydrase (CA)
Yeah. It seems like a wonder drug, in S tier along with aspirin. Unlike aspirin, I'm finding it hard to find drawbacks. As @ecstatichamster noted it can cause low stomach acid, are there other things to worry about?

Coffee and protein, maybe bromelain and papain, can offset its negatives long term?

Pepcid AC is 20mg famotidine, the most potent one most commonly available. It has quite a few toxic excipients though, like titanium and talc.

Pepcid Complete is 10mg famotidine, with additional calcium carbonate and magnesium, with fewer if any toxic excipients. It seems to be the winner.
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Nov 22, 2017
For what it's worth I had quite severe breathing symptoms and fever in March and I used Pepcid and Benadryl (among others) to get over it.


Apr 19, 2017
Yeah. It seems like a wonder drug, in S tier along with aspirin. Unlike aspirin, I'm finding it hard to find drawbacks. As @ecstatichamster noted it can cause low stomach acid, are there other things to worry about?

Coffee and protein, maybe bromelain and papain, can offset its negatives long term?

Pepcid AC is 20mg famotidine, the most potent one most commonly available. It has quite a few toxic excipients though, like titanium and talc.

Pepcid Compete is 10mg famotidine, with additional calcium carbonate and magnesium, with fewer if any toxic excipients. It seems to be the winner.
You don’t want to take too much Pepcid complete at once because of the calcium and magnesium.


Mar 2, 2016
I've been meaning to make a thread on famotidine and how incredible its been for (what I believe are) its glycogen store enhancing effects. 40mg and I can go an entire day on only breakfast, not thinking about food, which is a novel experience for me.

That said @haidut could its protection against covid be due to carbonic anhydrase inhibition? Ray mentioned acetazolamide as useful for covid symptoms which has this effect potently IIRC.

PS - how long can one safely take famotidine? Should it be cycled, used intermittently?
when/what time do you take the famotidine?


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
You don’t want to take too much Pepcid complete at once because of the calcium and magnesium.
I've been in and out of washrooms all day... slowly learning... lol

when/what time do you take the famotidine?
Mornings, which is when I remember. Think any time it doesn't upset stomach is fine, sometimes I have in evenings, some days I skip

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
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David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Feb 18, 2017
It has long list of possible bad effects...like liver disfunction and acute pancreatitis though...
Here's a case report of vision loss from famotidine:
Famotidine-induced retinopathy

"A 57-year-old man was referred to our clinic with the complaint of sudden visual loss in both eyes after taking two doses of famotidine (20 mg/tab bid)."

"Visual function had not improved 6 months after the cessation of famotidine."

He went from 20/15 on a recent eye exam to 20/40 in one eye and 20/200 in the other. I experienced similar vision loss, though in my case it didn't come on as quickly. I stopped taking it several weeks ago and, luckily, my vision has finally begun to improve.

I really liked famotidine, and this appears to be a rare side-effect. I had read about it before trying but took the risk. We all have our own tolerance for risk but it's something to consider.


Hate to throw a wrench in things but famotidine was one of the most toxic drugs I have ever taken and I am still recovering from its side effects. It's all related to histamine for me as it definitely unleashed a pandora's box of histamine. I suspect that it blocks DAO like its counterpart, cimetidine (which is a big DAO blocker). But IF and that's a big IF you have excellent DAO production and histamine regulation, you MIGHT possibly avoid negative reactions. But copper is very typically depleted by acid reduction and acid reducing drugs are notorious for interfering with copper which is essential for the production of DAO - hence the counter effect of increasing histamine by these drugs; but famotidine is many times stronger than cimetidine (7.5) or rinitidine (20) so you are getting a pretty hefty concentration even at smaller dosages.


Nov 22, 2017
Hate to throw a wrench in things but famotidine was one of the most toxic drugs I have ever taken and I am still recovering from its side effects. It's all related to histamine for me as it definitely unleashed a pandora's box of histamine. I suspect that it blocks DAO like its counterpart, cimetidine (which is a big DAO blocker). But IF and that's a big IF you have excellent DAO production and histamine regulation, you MIGHT possibly avoid negative reactions. But copper is very typically depleted by acid reduction and acid reducing drugs are notorious for interfering with copper which is essential for the production of DAO - hence the counter effect of increasing histamine by these drugs; but famotidine is many times stronger than cimetidine (7.5) or rinitidine (20) so you are getting a pretty hefty concentration even at smaller dosages.

Was it the famotidine, or the (MANY) many toxic excipients in Pepcid? Not to downplay your story, but Famotidine was soooo helpful for me. It's easy to blame the medicinal compound, but in my experience it's always the other ingredients that are problematic.


Jun 26, 2017
I have taken all three H2-blockers at different points in time. They were all much easier on me than the PPIs, and they are in fact quite helpful for my chronic cough (together with H1 blocker during allergy seasons). The worst PPI was Nexium - I've seldom had such severe abdominal cramps after a single dose of any med.


Was it the famotidine, or the (MANY) many toxic excipients in Pepcid? Not to downplay your story, but Famotidine was soooo helpful for me. It's easy to blame the medicinal compound, but in my experience it's always the other ingredients that are problematic.
I'm glad it worked for you. It's really not a debatable issue for me as to why it produced the reactions it did. Also I took it compounded so it was just the chemical structure.
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Nov 22, 2017
I'm glad it worked for you. It's really not a debatable issue for me as to why it produced the reactions it did. Also I took it compounded so it was just the chemical structure.

Ok no worries, as I said, not trying to downplay anyone's perspective. Thanks for sharing.


Jan 2, 2015
Famotidine study shows Covid-19 patients who took heartburn drug were less likely to die, but researchers caution more research is needed - CNN

HAHA! I love how they are trying to down play it's potential and play up it's danger! Yet remdesivir is treated like a miracle with less benefit and a lot more danger (and cost).

By the way I am a long time user of Famotidine when needed and well aware of it's potential benefits and cross over to other conditions. I didn't mean to ignore everyones helpful posts after starting the thread, it was just less of a question and more of a heads up. I generally don't have time to keep up on message boards, so I just don't.

Thanks for all the interesting links and ideas!


Whenever i took famotidine i would get sleeping issues and yeast overgrowth, my tongue would get so white. I think its due to lowering stomach acid which in my case is no good.
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