Low Toxin Logs Everything that has helped my health in the last 6 months - diet, exercise, hygiene, remedies - pics, many links

Apr 22, 2019
Hello forum. Stoked about the "low-toxin" movement. Special thanks to @charlie_ and @Blossom for preserving the spirit of the forum beyond Ray Peat.

Index -

By my own perception, I feel as though my current state of health is the best that it's ever been and continues to progress. This is largely thanks to Garrett Smith's suggestions in his "love your liver" program which has turned into more than just a breath of fresh air amidst the chaotic realm of holistic health. I have been following his dietary & supplemental guidelines for the last 6-8 weeks, of which I now consider to be more precious than diamonds.

Health "progress" includes a common list: decreased food sensitivities, improved skin complexion, ability to digest bigger meals with less of an energetic dip, more stable body temperature regulation in all climates, better sleep quality, easier strength progression, fewer tongue abnormalities (coating, cracks, scallops, etc), well-formed and more frequent bowel movements, less joint pain (including knee and sacroiliac), less tooth and gum pain, fewer blood vessels in the sclera of the eye, less light sensitivity, fewer mood swings, fewer 'stress'/adrenaline responses, more gratitude for all things... so on and so forth.

Like many other health seekers, I burned myself on low-carb dieting (for about 1.5 years), foolish enema concoctions, supplement stacks, fasting variations, excessive sauna use, excessive exercise, and several other nuanced protocols that aren't worth recollecting here.

To assert one of Garret Smith's ideas, just about every dietary or lifestyle amendment I made for myself would either immediately hurt me further or provide some relief as it temporarily stopped bile production while incoming toxicity was being stored instead of excreted. Unless a recent change resulted in substantial bowel purging (indicating a removal of 'toxic' bile), my health would invariably degrade further.

Before jumping on board with Smith's guidelines, grape fasting and milk fasting were the only two strict dietary measures which offered me miraculous (and perhaps essential) intestinal improvement.

Though these events took place a few years ago now, I hold a belief that the fruit fasting - combined with various herbs - was how I initially expelled some bigger parasites and then the milk fasting which I did several months later was what regulated a SIBO infection such that some obstructive candida living in the upper intestine were removed and the flora of the lower intestine was simultaneously restored to some semblance of normalcy. I never did any testing or took any pictures regarding this... I can just say that I had a few unique bowel movements that gave immediate and indescribable relief which occurred in short order after each of these dietary restrictions.

Of note, I self-diagnosed myself with zinc deficiency after about 3 weeks of each fruit and milk fasting at their respective times. A bit of supplemental zinc course-corrected some extreme lethargy that I was facing when consuming either milk or fruit.

In present day - based on my experience with Smith's guidelines - I am inclined to believe that I not only made myself zinc deficient, but additionally potassium, magnesium, selenium, and molybdenum deficient as he regularly cites research for. I'm under the impression that each of those 4 nutrients have been the largest missing puzzle pieces in the order that I listed them.

Smith's assertion that topical magnesium is better utilized by "95% of people" also seems to be true for myself and indeed has a direct impact on potassium supplementation. According to Smith, if topical magnesium gives a sensation of anxiety, this indicates a lack of potassium. Trying to perceive this simple reaction to topical magnesium application has guided my potassium supplementation. Within the first week I supplemented the "big 5" minerals with increasing generosity only to feel better and better each day.

The food list I've stuck with recently has been:


Apple (1-2/day most days)
Banana (1-2/day most days)
Cucumber (1/day most days)
Strawberry (average of 1 pound/day for 3 days/week)

Lean ground beef
Chicken breast (about once every 4 days)
*Meats are usually 1 pound/day for 5-6 days/week

Maple syrup [call the manganese police] (usually 1-3 teaspoons with coffee and sometimes an extra 3 tablespoons added to oats or bread)
Olive oil (usually about 1 tbsp with red meat to bring up the MUFA:saturated fat ratio) *seems to offer a better health benefit when added -after- cooking food

Coffee (3-4 cups in the morning put through a paper filter from 2-3 tablespoons of grounds)

Heavy whipping cream (1-2 tablespoons added to coffee)

>>> I'm really only using 3 RECIPES:

[Breakfast] 1) a) make coffee with traditional paper filter coffee-maker... b) add heavy whipping cream and maple syrup to coffee as desired... c) dip bread in coffee

[Lunch or Dinner] 2) a) cook meat to about 80% done in a pan with some water added... b) strain fat from pan... c) add beans, desired fruits, and/or bread... d) cook on 'low' for another 10 minutes... e) pull off heat and add potassium chloride, sodium chloride, olive oil, and/or hydrolyzed collagen as desired.

[Lunch or Dinner] 3) a) bring 4 cups of water to a boil... b) add 2 cups of oats... c) reduce to simmer, wait 5 minutes... d) pull off heat, add desired fruit, beans, and/or bread... e) let sit for several minutes to cool... f) add potassium chloride, sodium chloride, hydrolyzed collagen, olive oil, and/or maple syrup as desired.

Activated charcoal (1/4-1/2 teaspoon taken 2-3x daily - 10 mins before coffee in the morning, before bed in the evening, and occasionally in the middle of the day, especially to combat odd symptoms such as body odor or nausea)
Sunfiber [partially hydrolyzed guar gum; PHGG] (3-14 grams/day)
Potassium chloride (1-1.5 teaspoons/day)
Magnesium chloride [topical] (15-30 'pumps'/day)
Salt (varies, usually just sprinkles and pinches)
Selenium [from yeast or as l-selenomethionine] (100-300mcg/day)
Molybdenum [as glycinate] (150-500mcg/day)
Zinc [as picolinate] (30mg/every 2-3 days)
Collagen peptides (2-4 tablespoons added to cooked meat or oats on most days)

Not myself nor anyone in my lineage (whom I'm aware of) has been blessed with 'God-given' strength. A bunch of toothpicks, the lot of us. Hardgainers, pittas, bird-chests, and the like.

I have great admiration and interest for athletes of all types. I have given a sizeable effort towards the realm of physical development, but due to no shortage of fasting, caffeine, and liver-damaging behavior, I have stayed underweight just about every day of my life. Even today I'm still about 140 lbs, standing at 5'7.

However, perhaps my favorite revelation about applying the "love your liver" guidelines is that it feels as though my potential for physical improvement directly correlates with the amount of fiber I take in on a daily basis. I can't say I've really "kicked my own ****" (as Garrett likes to say) yet with excessive fiber. I've gone as high as 80 grams/day with the only real problem being the feeling of satiety that comes from eating so much of it. Minor kickbacks are easily dealt with by taking 1/4 teaspoon of activated charcoal, drinking water, and going for a walk.

Beyond my capacity for progressive overload from one workout to the next, the fiber consumption seems to be the most critical part of assisting the diet to work. I'm sure someone could get a lot of benefit out of repleting their magnesium and potassium stores... and even more yet by repleting their zinc, selenium, and molybdenum stores... but the benefit of all of those things is either compounded or hamstrung by the rate limiting factor which is the amount of fiber being consumed from one day to the next. Fiber is like the glue that moderates the progress of the LYL program. To use another analogy, it's like the oil of the vehicle. Appropriately enough, it's the fiber which is used to escort the impure oil (bile) out of the body.

***Here are some fitness techniques that have helped me in a 'functional' way - to put back pain away in a more permanent manner, 'loosen up,' in general, and get more blood in my head.

The 4 exercise practices I'd like to share are:

1) Unilateral (focusing on 1 limb at a time) exercises
> Taken as a suggestion from Neal Hallinan, doing a single-limb version of any exercise will allow for 2 things:
a) more freedom to train the spine in a state of flexion (think about crunching your abs together) with less chance of injury and
b) more emphasis on strengthening the core which will ultimately go a long way towards alleviating back pain

>> Using the common double-limb versions of many exercises (for instance, all barbell exercises) will force the spine to stay in a state of extension (think of arching your shoulders and cocking your head back towards the ceiling). This is all fine and good, however as soon as the spine falls into substantial fatigue, it will contract downwards (spinal flexion) into a fetal position. With enough fatigue, this is what causes spinal discs to slip and back injury ensues. Double-limb exercises like the barbell squat, bench, deadlift, and military press will always have their place... I'm just here to say that since I've made the single-limb versions of these exercises about 70-80% of my strength training, it's the best/most functional I've ever felt. Damn near zero back pain ever these days.

***As a word of warning, if you're intending to train both styles in the same session, always start with double-limb (spinal extension) exercises first. Twice I made the mistake of properly exhausting myself on single-limb rows before transitioning into double-limb rows and it resulted in a disc strain both times. Had a nice week to think about my actions after each incident.
2) Shadow boxing
> Another suggestion by Neal Hallinan. I think that an improvised dance routine or an Ido Portal collage might carry similar benefit, however the major difference here is the intention of striking with a limb. When executing a strike with a hand or a foot, it requires a focused effort that tenses the entire body, chiefly the core. As looney as it sounds... trying to hit imaginary objects with a concerted effort will yield a by-product of a more relaxed body afterwards. I credit throwing imaginary punches to literally changing the gait of my walk within a few days' time. It has added more hip swivel to my walking cadence.
>> To say again more concisely: the contraction of the core exercising maximal force through the limbs will lead to a mobilization of the hips that then translates to greater motor awareness of the entire body. This might include a newfound sensation of how the weight of the body is distributed over the surface area of the bottom of the foot.

3) Handstands or headstands
> I usually try to do one 'set' of being upside down to failure each day.
>> I recall Atom Bergstrom stating that the increased blood flow to the brain by way of headstands is a way of improving brain health. For obvious reasons, it may help preventing neurological disease and clear iris lesions found in the upper eye of a person, if they exist.
>>> As a (vague) personal belief, I think there's something significant to be noted about people who do not have a large rush of blood go to the head when they find themselves upside down. Said another way, there are people who make themselves comfortable with being upside down, such as gymnasts, dancers, or Crossfit athletes. When the upside-down position is applied with a bit of effort on a daily basis, the blood-pooling effect which pressurizes the head will soon subside. Depending on the ease of how the blood moves in and out of the head, it stands to reason that this principle would have some application at all times... not just when someone is upside down. As an added point with respect to vanity: this might also be an explanation for the physical beauty exhibited by professional dancers, gymnast, and Crossfit athletes.

*The more diverse the movement patterns are with a sport, the less swollen and more symmetrical the entire physique shows. To prove the point, consider that powerlifters and bodybuilders with their short ranges of motion carry the most bloat while fighters and dancers carry the least bloat.

+ An inversion table is a comfortable way to progress this uh... skill, I guess. For the shameless, there are also gravity boots which can be fastened to a hanging bar.
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4) Omnidirectional running / barefoot field sprints
> Pretty straightforward. If you're able, I'd suggest going out in a field with your bare feet to execute running drills in every direction for a workout session. Side-steps and backwards running are great for giving the knees a different impact than the usual sagittal plane we're constantly living in. Besides that, a barefoot forward sprint is (arguably) the most primal exercise we're capable of!
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Until the age of 25, I had my share of dental work done. Having no root canals, bridges, or metal fillings, the only problem (besides a cracked tooth on a black walnut) I've been left with in the present day are holes in my teeth where plastic fillings previously fell out of.
I'm currently 31 years old and the last two times I visited a dental hygienist, I was around the age of 28. Both gals did a doubly fine job of not only scaling the plaque off my teeth but also quoting me for an additional $20,000 USD of dental work.
It might yet bite me in the arse, but I believe that cavities exist as a defense mechanism just like every other service my body offers me. Call it a belief in God or a vested interest in mother nature, but I'm under the impression that when my biology is trending in the correct direction, the health of my mouth will remain in a pleasant stasis - if not repair itself in some fashion.

To frame this inside Smith's toxic bile theory here, my oral health has only regressed when my bile flow was being stagnated by something such as: high intake of sulfurous vegetables, green vegetable juice, eggs, dairy, liver, sweet potato, carrots, beets, etc. Not too long ago I was consuming a foolish amount of a sports beverage with a sizeable dose of vitamin A on top of pounds of gummy bears with food colorings (carotenes). Resultingly, I had a handful of waves of diarrhea which appeared as the fascinating color of bile yellow.

During this time of bile expenditure, my cavitations worsened and my gums were more sensitive than usual (surprise, surprise).

At that time all I really knew for sure was that if I cleaned my teeth thoroughly that 1) the redness of the blemishes on my face would be reduced and 2) my sleep quality would be 20-30% better.
As for the redness, it probably has something to do with a localized inflammation that the blood is dealing with.
As for the sleep, it helped me to relax my my jaw before dozing off. If I felt as though my teeth were unclean in any way, it felt impossible to relax completely.

So then, without belaboring this section any longer, this is my entire dental toolkit:

1) Standard brush with a fluoride-free toothpaste.
> Electric brushes are cool, but unnecessary in light of a twinge of elbow grease.
>> Activated charcoal, baking soda, and green clay are all suitable for tooth polishing, but I often find them to be too soon abrasive when used for multiple days in a row.

2) Standard string floss.
> Pull around the corners of the teeth, too.

3) Professional-grade, handheld dental scaler.
> This is serves two purposes: to a) scrape tough plaque around the gumline and b) offer a means of (gently) removing food debris that gets stuck in the holes of afflicted teeth. Emphasis on "gently" when using it in similar patterns every day for the removal of foodstuffs.

4) Water flosser that shoots a pressurized stream of water.
> These are primarily designed for cleaning gum pockets. On top of this use, they do a great job of clearing out any remaining food debris which was previously 'broken up' by the gentle movement of the dental scaler within tooth holes/gaps/nooks, etc.
>> I find that using distilled water in the water flosser is ideal. Using water that is warmer or close to room temperature will reduce potential pain on teeth which are sensitive to cold exposure.
>>> Adding a small portion of a fluoride-free mouthwash and a drop of essential oil (such as rosemary, tea tree, peppermint, etc) increases effectiveness.
>>>> Adding hydrogen peroxide will provide a mild, temporary whitening effect to the teeth. In my experience, when using hydrogen peroxide for several days in a row, the integrity of my enamel begins to weaken. Weakened integrity is always promptly restored within 3 days of ceasing hydrogen peroxide use.

5) Fluoride-free mouthwash.
> At the very least, this is the lazy-man's version of the water flosser. Add a drop of essential oil, do some swishing, and you might jostle a few more pieces of food on your final spit.
>> Some fluoride-free mouthwashes contain xylitol. Some contain aloe vera. Many have both. There are several herbs which can be used for the prevention of plaque and gingivitis... a quick PubMed search will reveal this to anyone who is curious.

+ As a proper addendum I'd like to say that although I still often follow these 5 steps on a daily basis, given my stellar sensation of dental health recently, I sometimes only spend 5 minutes on my teeth in the evening instead of the 30 I was spending on them not too long ago. Hallelujah.

Being someone who has preoccupied themselves with a skin condition for a decade, you might think I'd have a wide list of suggestions... but as I contemplate the matter, I really only have a short list of 'useful' items.

The critical point of the topic is that the skin is chiefly reliant upon the diet, a small amount of sun exposure, and some water intake throughout the day. If a person is following the "love your liver" guidelines, I'm confident that this will improve the quality of their skin in steady fashion.

In short, the dietary and supplemental measures of the LYL program has given my skin a new sensation of hydration whereby it's not easily irritated. Smith surmises that bile acids which sit on the skin are what aggravate skin conditions, and so thus they should be washed off with soap or charcoal. The only time this happens is when a "bile dump" is taking place.

Previously, the dryness of my skin would make using soap and water twice a day rather uncomfortable... and so I turned to alternative methods which are thought to better preserve the oil of the skin while removing the problematic portions.

The only two alternatives which come to mind that I always had a positive experience with are:

1) green clay mixed with apple cider vinegar in a 1:1 ratio and

2) raw egg, especially when used as a shampoo

3) Lotion + activated charcoal
> Smith's suggestion of 1 teaspoon lotion to 1/2 teaspoon charcoal is certainly useful... but I find that the effort it takes to scrub away the charcoal from the sensitive area it was applied to almost defeats the therapeutic effect on account of the physical damage which takes place as I have to rub the same spot 20 times to get that last fleck of charcoal.

4) Petrolatum moisturizers
>> As an honorable mention, I occasionally use the product, "Aquaphor" which is a common petrolatum-based moisturizer. It just feels nice every once in a while and is worthy of more experimentation, but for all I know it's probably an estrogen bomb.

5) Shower filter & head
> For a less chlorinated shower experience, I'd further suggest getting a charcoal shower filter and shower head.

6) Foot pumice
> I recall reading a mercury chelation document which instructed a patient to titrate chlorella and cilantro upwards in unison over the course of 2 weeks leading up to a large kidney chelation event. On the day of the chelation, there was an instruction to thoroughly scrub the patient's feet with a foot pumice so that the dead skin of the feet didn't prevent mercury from being excreted.
Whether this was true or not, the thought stuck with me and so I bought a foot pumice. I use it in the shower once every couple of weeks. It is especially useful for breaking up any rough sensations that surround the heel of the foot.

7) Dry brush + Sauna
> On a similar note, I also have a dry brush which sees occasional use while I sit in the sauna. In the last several months, there have been a few times in which I used conventional sunblock for multiple days that resulted in a sensation of general fatigue and acute congestion under the skin, especially around the head. Twice this was also accompanied by a swelling in my right-side tonsil. A full-body dry brush routine in the order of Perry Nickelston's Big 6 lymph routine worked a miracle in both instances to alleviate my cloudy malaise in short order.

-Molybdenum is critical for both xanthine and purine breakdown.
> For many years my red meat tolerance has been very low, but I'm now able to digest it comfortably.
>> Red meat digestion used to feel as though it would digest super slowly while causing a bunch of red, acne-like bumps to appear on my upper body for about 72 hours each time I ate it.
>>> The breakout effect would be exacerbated with any kind of caffeine consumption on the same say.
>>>> After learning the two aforementioned roles of molybdenum, I have intentionally raised my caffeine, red meat, and molybdenum intake to yield a (seemingly) conclusive result that both my red meat and caffeine tolerances were dramatically lowered by years of caffeine intake through the degradation of xanthine oxidase activity. Repletion feels great.

-Taking too much activated charcoal and stimulating too many bile dumps can result in actual soreness/pain around the liver. If this is the case, soluble fiber, starch, and sugar should be eaten as the next priority as soon as possible. Bear in mind the paper-and-log theory of digestion: digestion is a burning fire, carbohydrates are paper which stoke the flame and protein sources are logs which should be thrown on a hot fire. Putting too many logs on a weak fire will result in constipation/stagnation/lowering the flame of the fire.

-Looking at the sun with eyes closed upon first walking outside each day always feels helpful.

-D o n o t take straight nicotinic acid on an empty stomach unless you want to deal with burning nausea for 10-15 minutes.

-After applying topical magnesium chloride (magnesium oil), it's a good practice to wash the hands with soap and water so that the magnesium chloride doesn't create a slimy spread on everything else you touch.

-I drink Sunfiber through a straw so that it doesn't touch my teeth. I think that it is prone to stick to the teeth, especially the problematic crevices. When I'm feeling unwise, I'll apply the same straw-tactic to energy drink consumption.

-Foot placement and driving/screwing the feet into the ground is just as essential as squeezing/turning the weight in the hand when performing any exercise.

-Eggs applied topically to burns, including sunburn, help to immediately alleviate pain and expedite the healing process.

-Whenever I have a feeling of depression that seems to be a result of too much physical exertion (overexercising while also getting too much sunlight and burning too many calories), 1-4 cups of apple juice has been especially helpful. [Rare occurrence]

-On a similar note to the previous point... if my energy is very low and I specifically have a feeling of bags under my eyes... and no foods, charcoal, or anything else is helping to reverse this issue, the remedy has been to sit in a sauna for 12-20 minutes. It could well be that the skin occasionally gets overwhelmed with crap it's trying to get rid of and a few minutes of heavy sweating will clear things up. This congested and fatigued feeling I'm describing has likely been the result of using conventional sunblock products. The fatigue symptoms usually set in around 2-3 days after their use.

-Sleepyti.me is a sleep calculator I use when I'm trying to avoid waking up drowsy when I know I'll be getting less sleep than I normally get. [For use when changing sleep schedule]

-The rule of opposing muscle contractions:
Imagine that you're contracting the opposite muscle from the one you're training for a better 'mind-muscle connection.'
For example: when doing a bicep curl, focus on flexing the tricep throughout the entire movement.
Or when performing a row, concentrate on contracting the chest during the rowing movement.
Something, something, people with a big bench always have a big back~
-Cooked bread consumed in a liquid tends to digest better than uncooked and dry versions.

-Splitting up supplement doses to be taken frequently throughout the day, i.e. every 3 hours, seems to increase their effectiveness.

-Keeping fruit in the diet will help to make the formation of bowel movements more uniform.

-Sauna use will temporarily shrink pores, leading to an appearance of a tighter complexion.

-I believe Sunfiber greatly and quickly (within 5 days) improved my GI tolerance to soluble fiber. Eating a cup of oats and 2 cans of beans daily became no problem shortly after introducing this prebiotic fiber.

-In the presence of high protein and high fiber, all manner of 'cravings' are just about gone. Recently, I got a craving for cabbage and every now and then for a fruit, but that's honestly it. Having a pound of meat and 1-2 cans of beans each day has this wonderful side effect of making me feel satiated pretty much all the time. What's borderline confusing to me is that despite feeling so consistently satiated, I still look forward to every meal moreso than I ever have in the past. All foods have become more enjoyable in light of employing the LYL guidelines.

-Toe symptoms of gout have steadily reduced.

-General discomfort from clothing waistbands being too tight when going from sitting to standing has gone away. Might have something to do with this vitamin A/isotretinoin and sacroiliac pain correlation.
[Blemish improvements from the last 3 months]
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Jeremiah 31:3 (KJV)
“The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”


Forum Supporter
Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
A quick summary of how much your lower back / back pain has improved in 6 months please, I may have missed it. It looks like a lot of things changing together. My back and hip pain has improved just by avoiding playing tennis, though the low A may be kicking in too.
Apr 22, 2019
A quick summary of how much your lower back / back pain has improved in 6 months please, I may have missed it. It looks like a lot of things changing together. My back and hip pain has improved just by avoiding playing tennis, though the low A may be kicking in too.
I just don't really feel it or think about it anymore. Even after a 10 hour day of standing it's only a 3/10 sore for a few hours at the worst. Also, it no longer bothers me when doing longer drives (1-2 hours seated).

The core strength that comes from doing single-limb movements has been the most helpful thing, without a doubt.


Forum Supporter
Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
I just don't really feel it or think about it anymore. Even after a 10 hour day of standing it's only a 3/10 sore for a few hours at the worst. Also, it no longer bothers me when doing longer drives (1-2 hours seated).

The core strength that comes from doing single-limb movements has been the most helpful thing, without a doubt.
Yes I can now sit again for longer and drive. But I took up low a and stopped tennis at the same time so I dunno how much it is one or the other. I still have back pain from standing though but at least I can stand and lie down again haha
Apr 22, 2019
Yes I can now sit again for longer and drive. But I took up low a and stopped tennis at the same time so I dunno how much it is one or the other. I still have back pain from standing though but at least I can stand and lie down again haha
Progress is progress. Good to hear :D


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Twohandsondeck, Thanks for your detailed write up sir. I really enjoy cucumber and strawberries too. I’m glad to read you’re having such great results!


Forum Supporter
May 20, 2013
Fantastic post! Please keep sharing more.

I'm a few months in and just got my thyroid lab numbers back. My TSH (for what it's worth) has been a roller coaster this last year, going high then normal-high then high again. And now after a few months on the Low Toxin lifestyle, it is TOO LOW according to the range provided. Have my follow-up Dr's appointment next week and I'm thinking it's time to reduce T3/T4 doses. Yay!! Goal is to get off meds entirely.

I also have a little wart of the side of my chin that has been shrinking daily and is almost gone. So exciting.


Forum Supporter
Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom

What kind of bread? And is it fortified?

I eat a lot of white rice but have just switched to brown rice due to beri beri ( vit b1 deficiency) concerns.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Hello forum. Stoked about the "low-toxin" movement. Special thanks to @charlie_ and @Blossom for preserving the spirit of the forum beyond Ray Peat.
I have been following his dietary & supplemental guidelines for the last 6-8 weeks, of which I now consider to be more precious than diamonds.
Exactly. Dr. Garrett Smith is showing us the way out of the captivity of big pharma and big nutrition lies. Big nutrition had us focused on what we put in, when it should have been focused on what you do not put in. This movement was promised by God in Joel 2:15-27 and I have been waiting for it for years.....it has finally arrived.
Within the first week I supplemented the "big 5" minerals with increasing generosity only to feel better and better each day.
And that is what life does in this movement. It just keeps getting better and better and better........
Activated charcoal (1/4-1/2 teaspoon taken 2-3x daily - 10 mins before coffee in the morning, before bed in the evening, and occasionally in the middle of the day, especially to combat odd symptoms such as body odor or nausea)
I am finding charcoal to be a game changer. I also am testing modified citrus pectin now.
However, perhaps my favorite revelation about applying the "love your liver" guidelines is that it feels as though my potential for physical improvement directly correlates with the amount of fiber I take in on a daily basis.
Yup. The more toxic bile you get out, the better and stronger you feel.

Such a great all around post, thank you so much for sharing this with us. I will be referring back to it often as you have introduced some things I want to blend into my life now.

The movement continues....the Healing intensifies.


Jan 18, 2020
What was your diet before?

are you taking thyroid meds?

did you see improvement in resting pulse or any other metabolic markers/symptoms?
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
did you see improvement in resting pulse?
I have seen an increase in resting pulse. I tried for years to get that increase, I could only get temperature increase. It was not until the low toxin and low "vitamin A" movement did I finally get a true metabolic rate increase. It's beautiful.


May 9, 2022
Glad things are going well for you. I think that a diet high in oats, beans, bread and even lots of fruit could be difficult for people with digestive issues and food sensitivities. That's fortunate you are able to tolerate them.
Apr 22, 2019
Have my follow-up Dr's appointment next week and I'm thinking it's time to reduce T3/T4 doses. Yay!! Goal is to get off meds entirely.

I also have a little wart of the side of my chin that has been shrinking daily and is almost gone. So exciting.
Fantastic !

What kind of bread? And is it fortified?

I eat a lot of white rice but have just switched to brown rice due to beri beri ( vit b1 deficiency) concerns.
There are 4 breads I've dabbled with. None of them are fortified.
a) sourdough from a local bakery. This is the ideal choice, but it's not exactly right next door. I'll get a loaf on average once every 2-3 weeks and it'll last about 3 days.
b) "Dave's Killer Bread - Powerseed [red label]" available in many larger grocery chains. Most of those products have seed oil in them, but for some reason that one doesn't. It digests fine for me.
c) a supermarket chain in the US called, "Aldi" carries their own versions of both a sprouted wheat bread and a whole wheat bread. Again, neither of them contain seed oils and they digest ok.

That's fair about the rice. I recall Garrett mentioning something about a guy who gave himself arsenic toxicity after a year of using mostly (if not all) rice for his starch consumption. The next thing he said was that adding charcoal and water together for the rice to soak in before rinsing it and then preparing it to consume was a way to cleanse it of the arsenic.

If white rice digests really well for you, maybe you could also consider supplementing a small amount of thiamin HCl? Like 10-20mg I would guess?
Exactly. Dr. Garrett Smith is showing us the way out of the captivity of big pharma and big nutrition lies. Big nutrition had us focused on what we put in, when it should have been focused on what you do not put in. This movement was promised by God in Joel 2:15-27 and I have been waiting for it for years.....it has finally arrived.
After reading through those verses twice, I think I have an idea of what you mean.
There are many sayings of Garrett that set him apart from every other health speaker, namely his verbal commitment to upholding the golden rule and that he has put the God of the King James Bible first and then sought to make a case for why God is correct using modern science afterwards. The sulfur and brimstone assertion, why pork and shellfish isn't ideal... all of it is such a straightforward case when the guidelines of the toxic bile theory are applied. I thank God one of us has bothered to seek out the matter as he continues to do.

Deuteronomy 4:39-40
[39] Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the Lord he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.
[40] Thou shalt keep therefore his statutes, and his commandments, which I command thee this day, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days upon the earth, which the Lord thy God giveth thee, for ever.
And that is what life does in this movement. It just keeps getting better and better and better........
It's crazy because most of the health nut community is quickly sold on the idea that you have to feel bad before you feel better, myself being none the wiser. The simple men of the world avoid what hurts them and the wise try to justify pain as gain.

1 Corinthians 3:18-20
[18] Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.
[19] For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
[20] And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.
I am finding charcoal to be a game changer. I also am testing modified citrus pectin now.
Small doses go a long way.

I still have some of that stuff on the shelf from years ago. Not sure if it's still good or not. Got it after I heard Wendy Myers do a podcast about how fantastic it is for removing some metals, namely aluminum if I remember correctly. Keep me posted, please.
Yup. The more toxic bile you get out, the better and stronger you feel.

Such a great all around post, thank you so much for sharing this with us. I will be referring back to it often as you have introduced some things I want to blend into my life now.

The movement continues....the Healing intensifies.
Yessir. Thank you. Marching on, marching on.


Jun 24, 2022
United States
@Twohandsondeck very helpful info, well done. Can relate to a lot of that.
No Bvitamins?
How do you get calcium, the whipped cream? Have you tried anything with k2 for dental health?
Since I have been pausing all dairy, liver, and other things... my dental health is not going well.
Apr 22, 2019
What was your diet before?

are you taking thyroid meds?

did you see improvement in resting pulse or any other metabolic markers/symptoms?
The last diet that I was trying to get to work for me was: cucumber, celery, zucchini, yellow squash, chicken breast, olive oil, raw milk, coffee, bananas, and whatever I ate while I was out - tacos, sandwiches, etc. I attempted to cut down on fructose and saturated fat as much as possible and increase the "alkalizing" foods, namely the veggies and chicken. It helped but it wasn't solving my deficiencies in the big 5 minerals and likely wasn't giving me as much fiber as I need to progressively expel fat soluble problems - bile or otherwise.

Never took any thyroid meds. Tried dried NDT a handful of times and one of Georgi's thyroid products once. Seemed to speed up my metabolism more than coffee and left me burnt out in a hurry.

I haven't tracked resting pulse but yes, as I mentioned in the post, every aspect of life is better. The most direct correlation I can think of here is that my resting time between lifting sets is consistent and a bit shorter than it historically has been... But perhaps more importantly. my relative strength from one set into the next feels like it wanes in a slow descent. For most of my life, my perceived energy for each working set would drop abruptly - like a descending staircase if it were plotted on a graph - until I just hit a wall in the workout where I could barely walk around in continual soreness for the next 3 days.

That doesn't really happen now. I'm beating the brakes off myself as I always have but just some carbohydrates and electrolytes will preserve my energy in a (self-perceived) miraculous way compared to how things were just 5 months ago.
Glad things are going well for you. I think that a diet high in oats, beans, bread and even lots of fruit could be difficult for people with digestive issues and food sensitivities. That's fortunate you are able to tolerate them.
I understand. Not too long ago I myself suffered greatly with respect to most fiber intake. It would give me joint pain, brain fog, skin breakout... yeah, not a good time. Besides the big 5 minerals, I think the Sunfiber was a game-changer to help improve my fiber tolerance recently.
I appreciate this post so much! Thank you for taking the time to be so thorough.
Apr 22, 2019
@Twohandsondeck very helpful info, well done. Can relate to a lot of that.
No Bvitamins?
How do you get calcium, the whipped cream? Have you tried anything with k2 for dental health?
Since I have been pausing all dairy, liver, and other things... my dental health is not going well.
I did a bit of B12 (like 2,000mcg/day) as a 50/50 blend of adenosylcobalamin and hydroxycobalamin for a couple of days but didn't feel anything.
Garrett has a pretty wild story about using B12 as a remedy for hydrogen sulfide (sulfur) toxicity. For him, it's classified as an acute antidote... and if it doesn't do anything for you immediately, then you shouldn't take it.

Vitamin B1 is said to be an acute remedy for aldehyde toxicity. I have been experimenting with taking some before coffee in the morning, anywhere from 25-100mg as thiamin hydrochloride. I definitely notice that it impacts my physical exercise for the day in a positive way.

I haven't considered calcium since following this template. I might not be the best person to ask because over the course of basically the entire 2022 year, I consumed a large amount of raw cheese and raw milk. It was most of my calories... most of the time. If it can be stored, I'm probably stocked, lol.

The only thought that comes to mind is that when magnesium, sodium, and potassium are supplied in greater amounts, the calcium metabolism will normalize.

One of the side effects of dumping bile could be tooth corrosion. Ideally, the bile being dumped would bond with soluble fiber or charcoal and leave via the bowels, but if it cant, the excess will leak into the blood whereby the kidneys will try to get it out of circulation. If the kidneys are also overwhelmed, it is thought to come out of the skin. This last avenue would include the salivary glands, too. That's corrosive material being deposited on the teeth.

To cite the Aajonus Vonderplanitz theory, declining dental health is caused by heavy metals being pushed through the salivary glands. The heavy metals were previously taken up by the cerebrospinal fluid which runs through the brain and spinal cord.

Whatever the case may be, I would suggest trying to take small amounts of activated charcoal, replenishing the big 5 minerals, and getting whatever soluble fiber you can tolerate to sequester whatever toxicity is being circulated and ultimately deposited on the teeth.

I haven't taken any vitamin K2 in appreciable amounts for a long time, so I can't comment on if it would help.

At this point, I'm inclined to believe the big 5 minerals (selenium, molybdenum, zinc, potassium, and magnesium) are kind of like a mineral panacea which stabilize the body however it needs to be stabilized at any point in time, under whatever stress it encounters.
Apr 22, 2019
Adding the "perfect hang" to the exercise list.
It's excellent for engaging the thoracic (middle) spine and improves posture better than anything else I've tried.

The short instruction is:
> Hang from a bar
>> Engage the scapula to bring yourself up an inch ('tighten the back')
>>> Grip hard and turn the hands clockwise into the bar to feel the lats engage
>>>> *Without bending the elbows, do a 'pulldown' maneuver as if you're trying to bring a weight in your hands to the front of your body.

The result will cause the top of your body to arch backwards as the thoracic spine becomes increasingly tense.

Here's a 5 minute video that offers instruction and demonstration:

View: https://youtu.be/2--KFAU-nOE?si=xrhh226sSA0kNqv_
Apr 22, 2019
Updates through May 16, 2024

In the last several weeks, I have streamlined the variety of foods I'm eating. I have stopped mixing fruit with meats and/or starches at the same meal.

The food list is as follows:

Sourdough bread from Breadofheaven.com (unleavened bread, digests the best out of any bread I've ever had, highly recommend)
Black or pinto beans
Ground sirloin (beef)
Chicken breast
Peeled apples
Green grapes
Prune juice
Psyllium Husk
Coffee with maple syrup

*Previously I was having a small amount of dairy (as half & half or heavy whipping cream), but I have now cut it out entirely. The primary issue with the dairy was that it was triggering (minor) body acne breakouts in addition to stagnating digestion. Things are better without it.

All of the originally posted supplements are still valid, however, in the last few weeks, I have also cut down the variety of supplements to just potassium chloride, topical magnesium, nicotinic acid, and activated charcoal.

> Nicotinic acid is dosed in small amounts throughout the day, always alongside food.

>> When I'm feeling 'good' I'll take a soluble fiber supplement where I was previously taking charcoal. This is either first thing in the morning and/or last thing before bed.

SunPrune Psybomb -
8 oz 100% prune juice
1 scoop Sunfiber (7g)
1 tablespoon psyllium husk

> Mix together and consume

Net fiber content = 16-24g depending on psyllium product

Mag-(k)a-hol [as taken from the Nutrition Detective forum] -
1 cup magnesium chloride flakes
1 tablespoon potassium chloride
3/4 cup distilled water
1/2 cup silver tequila or vodka
*Optional: 1-1.5 teaspoons of arrowroot starch/powder

> Mix together and apply topically

+ I added arrowroot starch to cut down on the greasy residue magnesium chloride can leave behind. Rinsing and drying the hands with water after application should be enough to prevent the magnesium chloride from making everything else you touch slimy.
front pose.jpg deadlift variations.jpg

Regardless of what is being trained, I have become increasingly convinced that the crux of furthering physical strength and stability is wholly dependent on spinal maintenance throughout any given movement.

Shortly put, this is
a) repurposing the slack of mental focus that is fixated on things outside the body,
b) maintaining even force distribution across the feet as they drive force through the top of the spine, and
c) maintaining an inward force of pressure throughout the entire spine during the entirety of any given movement.

Here are more words on the matter -

*A universal exercise form:

The age-old cue for strength training is the simple phrase of, 'GET TIGHT!'

To the physically gifted folk out there, they intuitively understand this phrase. Just those two words can be sufficient to guide a person into perfect form relative to their own bodily structure and limitations as it moves through the range of motion of any given exercise.

In the first 30 seconds of this notorious training video of Tom Platz, he expresses this idea with a little more description.

In the book, 'Ideal Physical Culture and the Truth about the Strong Man' by 1900 strongman William Bankier, he highlights that great strength is sourced from nervous potentiation:

"What is the source of the great strength which well-known performers exhibit to the public? It has its origin in a perfectly sound and healthy body, which, of course, means that the muscles are in good condition; but the true source of the abnormal strength is the nervous force which excites the muscles to action." [pg. 25-26]
I insert the above precursor to say that I have not been someone who has intuitively understood this idea of 'get tight' and so I've been trying to figure out a system to teach myself this universal concept as it applies to every exercise, whether running, lifting, or otherwise.

This is a process I've come up with that has been helpful for me and I'd therefore like to share -

1) relax the eyes before attaining foot and grip placement.
> Myopic focusing will force the body into a weaker position than it's natural setting.

>> There are 12 cranial nerves which dictate all of our sensory perception from smelling to walking to hearing. This is where nervous force is generated. FOUR of those twelve nerves (optic, oculomotor, trochlear, abducens) are used for eye function.

2) find balance across the feet and try to maintain this throughout the duration of each movement.
> This is easier said than done, but it's of the utmost importance. Learning this skill will literally give stable ground to the performer, incorporate the entire body into any given movement, (mostly) prevent injury, and help cultivate a mind-muscle connection to every part of the body as it is stressed throughout the range of any given movement.

3) take the biggest breath you can before proceeding to step #4.
> Imagine that you're putting air in the top of your head and the bottom of your feet for maximum oxygen capacity. Regardless of how momentarily bloated this might make you feel, rest assured that this extra air will go to good use during the next set of repetitions.

>> Air is a crucial component for creating compression around the joints.

>>> Consider that muscle tissue is gaseous in nature (nitrogen).

4) imagine squeezing the spine into itself horizontally as a means of generating internal stability and power.
> The spine is the root, the limbs are the branches, and moving weight is like resisting a strong gust of wind.

>> Figuring out how to maintain compression across the entire length of the spine is the secret sauce of resistance training, in my opinion. In order for the tailbone to be stable, the quads and the glutes have to be engaged. In order for the cervical (near the brainstem) spine to be stable, the upper back/trapezius has to be engaged. Compressing the core will stabilize the thoracic (middle) spine.

>>> Try to minimize head movement during an exercise. Keep the head in line with the spine. Your head is attached to your spine and if it is crooked, the entire kinetic chain is hindered. The kinetic chain ought to remain as tight as possible for maximum force production.

+ There's a Russian powerlifting/strongman seminar I watched a long time ago that exhibited a demonstration which comes to mind. The instructor called the biggest, strongest guy in the room to stand with his arm outstretched. The big guy was asked to keep his arm stretched out while resisting the force of the instructor who was trying to cause the man's elbow to cave inward. While the man's head was in a normal, straight position, his arm could not be budged. The instructor then asks him to look at the ceiling while keeping his arm extended. The instructor then causes the man's elbow to cave with little effort, regardless of the strong man's attempt at keeping it stabilized.
*I'd link it to show the demonstration but I have no idea how or where to find it... I'm sure it's still on YouTube somewhere.
A recent workout template:

I have been keeping a minimalistic, high-volume workout log.

Each workout is a base of one movement with one weight with one repetition goal.
If the repetition goal is met, I will increase the weight by 5 pounds for the next workout that I use that movement for.
If the goal is not met, I will attempt it again as a workout session on another day.
Regardless if the base workout goal is met... I will do more accessory work after. The amount of accessory work can vary greatly from one day to the next.

If I am forcing myself to execute anything after the 3rd set of a workout, I will strongly consider doing cardio, 'pump work' (very light resistance training) or cutting the workout short in favor of recovery. "Forcing myself" means that I feel as though I'm putting more strain on my joints than my muscle in order to get the weight to move.
After several days of hard exercise, I will eventually feel like a fried skeleton with an empty stomach. This warrants at least one day of recovery, sometimes two.

Example core movements:

Barbell back squat 12 sets of 5 repetitions
Dumbbell flat chest press 8 sets of 10 repetitions
Dumbbell reverse lunges 10 sets of 10 repetitions
Barbell conventional deadlift 20 sets of 2 repetitions
Standing, alternating dumbbell curl, 8 sets of 10 repetitions

-If lower back pain is being caused by strength training, a) unilateral exercises and b) psoas strengthening and/or stretching exercises will help overcome this dilemma.

-When going through a rough patch of detox and/or digestion, I've learned to temporarily restrict food combinations. What this translates to is having a starch like bread or oatmeal as one meal, meat as one meal, and fruit as one meal. When everything is at its best, I will eat meat and starch together and keep fruit separate by at least an hour.

-Dry brushing achy or stiff joints can provide some relief. For example on the knees, hips. Sometimes I'll do this as a last practice before falling asleep.

-Coconut water has a tendency to give me a white coating on the tongue similar to excessive dairy consumption, so I have eliminated it from the diet.

-Nicotinic acid can cause prolonged flushing on select areas of the body which will go away with time. It will appear as a mild sunburn but won't cause irritation. I experienced this around my stomach and left wrist. The redness lingered for about 4 days before vanishing. It has not recurred.

-After going through several periods in which I excluded fruit from the diet, I have come to think of it as a youthening tonic. It can uplift not only the face, but also the entire countenance of a person. Might be a vitamin C, potassium, and/or fructose thing. I'm not sure, but nonetheless I now respect it enough to keep it in the diet on a bi-daily basis at the least.

-Overdoing caffeine consumption will turn my eyelids purple and eventually cause a burning sensation of the eyes which takes a day or two of sleep to course correct.

-Food debris stuck in the teeth can limit sense of smell.

-If feeling as though a large bile dump is happening, sometimes a 20 minute sauna session can feel like a miracle cure.

-Taking too much psyllium too quickly can create an uncomfortable feeling of an impacted intestine for several hours. I've never been pregnant, but the feeling of my intestines stretching for 12 hours might be as close as I'll get. Allowing psyllium to fully 'gel' with liquid before consuming it can aid the overall effectiveness of the supplement and prevent this occurrence.

-When doing the unilateral version of any exercise, the core will be developed more than anything. When doing the bilateral version, the traditional muscle groups will develop. For example, a barbell deadlift will notably develop the trapezius while a single-arm dumbbell deadlift will show a greater impact on the obliques.

-Tensing the entire body during any exercise will always improve overall stature.

-Taking less than 200mg of nicotinic acid while still sporting some circulating beta alanine turned me into a living tomato for 8 hours. Itchy, burning, no fun.


-All lymphatic fluid is said to drain around the area of the left and right clavicle. When divided into quadrants, the left clavicle is responsible for the drainage of everything on the left side of the body as well as the lower-right region. A common graph to show this division would imply that the liver has it's own dedicated lymphatic drain in the upper-right quadrant of the body. Talk about intelligent design!
lymph quadrants.jpg

-Since adding in more fiber with the prune juice + psyllium husk + sunfiber combo, I sweat considerably more during each workout. I'm not sure why.

-Regular and substantial (more than 500mg/day) dosing of nicotinic acid will reduce my appetite for meat.

-My body odor has decreased significantly. I've skipped deodorant application several times on accident only to remember later, check, and then realize that I'm not broadcasting any strong or pungent aromas.

-Physique aesthetic directly correlates with high volume (many sets) training. Strength on specific movements can be progressed with a relatively low volume of working sets, but without several repetitions, the physique will appear 'average' or 'chubby.'

-I have stopped losing strands of hair when running my hands through my scalp.

-When submerging meat in boiling water, using more water will lessen the chance of accidentally turning the meat into shoe leather.

-I've noticed a reduction in eye floaters.

-Even a strong body will appear weak if it is carried with slack posture.
Dr. Bronner's Unscented Castile Soap - hypoallergenic. Good stuff.
Proverbs 24:5
“A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.”

Proverbs 1:7
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Proverbs 9:10
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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