Dr Robert Morse Take On Nutrition - Similar To Ray Peat - Your Opinion


Jul 8, 2014
@Jennifer I remember in one of your earlier posts, you were concerned about your thinning hair/hair loss.
I remember you asking me this previously on my log and I answered your question, but you didn't respond so I'm not sure you saw it?

Hi @Jennifer
You didn't reply to my question yet about your thinning hair on the diet you follow? I'm happy that you experienced a lot of improvement, tbh I don't have much faith in Dr Morse, I'm familiar with his teachings. My hair definitely thinned as well when I followed a predominantly raw vegan low fat lifestyle and I can see the same pattern in many other people who follow the same. (My hair was mid thigh length and it thinned out to almost see through from mid back down.)

Hi @Rosie,

That's strange, I never received an alert. I just looked back over the thread and didn't see your question. Would you mind repeating it?

I can't really respond when it comes to the experience of those people you mention since I don't know their context, but I do know of people whose hair thinned greatly on the diet and eventually grew back healthier as they healed. They've documented their healing so I'm able to know their context such as weaknesses they had prior to following the diet, exactly what they ate and how much, herbs they were taking, amount of sleep they were getting, updated blood work etc. Would you mind sharing your experience with following a fruitarian diet/Dr. Morse's advice?

My hair only thinned while following 80/10/10 and during a brief period while Peating. Following a fruitarian diet/Dr. Morse's advice, my hair is thick like it has been the majority of my life — my digestion is also spot on when eating this way so absorption is good. When I add back cooked veggies or go too high in fat, I start to shed but not to the point I did while following 80/10/10. With 80/10/10, my hair fell out in thin clumps and oddly, turned a copper color. In fairness, I was at my sickest and lowest weight when I came to the diet, unknowingly dealing with the mold.

Another thing to note about my time following 80/10/10 — I was consuming 2+ pounds of greens a day believing I needed the extra minerals and by the end of my second year on the diet, my digestion was a mess. It was so bad I ended up getting a comprehensive stool test through Genova Diagnostics — TMI warning — I had developed chronic diarrhea. I was also exercising daily trying to "burn off the sugar" so I wouldn't get diabetes — this was a belief promoted in the 80/10/10 community, at the time. However, I don't do well with greens, certainly not 2+ pounds of them daily, and I needed to rest not exercise.


Jul 8, 2014
You can eat local meat just as nature intended but wouldn't be able to do the same during winter with fruits. How would the Eskimos survive? Animals live in harmony with nature, most humans don't.
Move south? If you're appealing to nature, I never would of left the tropics. ;)

Kidding aside, humans have been using preservation methods for ages so assuming I had to make it work here, I would be sun drying and salt curing fruit, herbs, nuts and seeds. To make a living, I would start peddling my locally sourced, organically grown, solar charged dried vegan primal bars to the...err...one other raw vegan. Huh. I'll have to rethink this. Hehe!


Dec 8, 2016
That's amazing, @lisaferraro !!!
I was thinking about the same and Ray Peat recommended me some courses. All the best for you! :):
If you’re comfortable - would you post your Q/his A in the Ray Peat Email Advice Expository thread?
I’m quite interested at multiple levels.


Dec 28, 2015
Has anyone sent pictures to Ray and asked him what he thought the sediment could be?
I sent him all about kidney filtering in Jan 2016. No reply. Most probably my first email to Ray was way too long...
Among others, it included www.grapegate.com/resources/urine-sediment

I asked on the former "Move Your Lymph" Robert Morse forum for more hints or evidence. There was a know-it-all moderator that always needed to have the final word, but in short I would describe his communication as, "It is so. Take it or leave it."

I myself did find related ideas in a few of Arnold Ehret's books...

Arnold Ehret: "All disease is finally nothing else but a clogging up of the smallest blood vessels, the capillaries, by mucus. / Nature alone heals, cleans, “unmucuses” best and infallibly sure, but only if the supply or at least the mucus supply is stopped. Each “physiological machine,” man like beast, cleanses itself immediately, dissolves the mucus in the clogged-up vessels, without stopping short, as soon as the supply, of compact food at least, is interrupted. Even in the case of the supposedly healthiest man this mucus, as already mentioned then appears in the urine where it can be seen after cooling off in the proper glass tubes! Whoever denies, ignores or fights this uniform fact, because, perhaps, it goes against him or is not scientific enough for him, is jointly guilty of the impossibility of the detection of the principal cause of all diseases, and this, in the first place, to his own detriment."

Arnold Ehret: "The coated tongue is evidence of a constitutional encumbrance thruout the entire system, which obstructs and congests the circulation by dissolved mucus, and this mucus even appears in the urine. / This "mirror" on the tongue's surface reveals to the observer the amount of encumbrance that has been clogging up the system since childhood, thru wrong mucusforming foods. After observing the urine during this test, by allowing it to stand for a few hours, you will note the elimination of quantities of mucus in same."

Arnold Ehret: "Waste will show up in the urine with clouds of mucus, and mucus will be expelled from the nose, throat and lungs as well as in the feces."

Arnold Ehret (Rational Fasting, 1926): "We need only to give a patient of any-kind nothing but “mucusless” food, for instance fruit or even nothing but water or lemonade: we then find that the entire digestive energy, freed for the first time, throws itself upon the mucus-matters, accumulated since childhood and frequently hardened, as well as on the “pathologic beds” formed therefrom. And the result? With unconditional certainty this mucus which I mark as the common basic and main cause of all diseases will appear in the urine and in the excrements. If the disease is already somewhat advanced so that in some spot, even in the innermost interior, there have appeared pathologic beds, i.e. decomposed cellular tissues, then pus is also being secreted. As soon as the introduction of mucus by means of “artificial food,” fat meat, bread, potatoes, farinaceous products, rice milk, etc., ceases, the blood-circulation attacks the mucus and the pus of the body themselves and secretes them through the urine, and in the case of heavily infected bodies, even through all the openings at their command as well as through the mucus membranes."
- - -
Morse doesn't recommend rebounding when kidneys aren't filtering...

I asked Prof. Karl West (son of C. Samuel West www.speedhealing.com / lymphasizing) about this, and he replied things like, "The claim that lymph exercises are 'useless' is quite arrogant. I think a lot of Dr. Morse, but he is not the expert on lymphatics as much as he purports himself to be."

Karl was very quick to jump out of his skin with me, so I stopped thinking highly of him too ;) I hope he simply had high anxiety issues at the time, or is very frustrated that his father's work is so widely unknown. I found his replies a bit arrogant in advance and before having studied Morse a little better.

Karl West: "Having only a couple of minutes to peruse his work, I love much of what he has to say, but I it appears he does not accurately comprehend the lymphatic system when he says, 'Now, we are not denying that there might be some degree of this taking place - but it begs the question - if lymph drains back into the venous (blood) system, then what is the point of the body having lymph vessels in the first place?' I will give this more of my time later tonight, because this should be fun." [never came with more]
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Jan 6, 2015
This is very very interesting subject but saying meat and fat are not natural food is wrong! Even starch , you cant say its completely unnatural.

Many of this problem arises from bad eating habits , bad timing of food , eating fast, drinking water after your meal , not chewing enough....


May 3, 2015
Hi @JayDee

How do you think Robert Morse differs from Arnold Ehret?

Have you tried the low mucus diet?

I am suspecting that dairy, eggs and mussels give me asthma, but fish, chocolate and fruit are ok!

Allowing time for difficult foods to clear the stomach before bed may be a factor!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


May 3, 2015
Hi @charlie,

Yes keeping a little animal food may be wise, particularly for men. They were traditionally the hunters while women were the gatherers!

Dr Morse seems very caring but his talk of 'spirituality', astral travel and ascended masters comes up a lot.

This page suggests that the ascended masters may actually be descended messers!

Proof The Ascended Masters Are Demons In Disguise

We are living in times when New Yorkers openly celebrate new laws that allow 'abortion' of full term live birth babies!

The pretense of a woman's right to choose whether or not a child lives inside of them seems to have been thrown away!
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Oct 11, 2015
Hi @charlie,

Yes keeping a little animal food may be wise, particularly for men. They were traditionally the hunters while women were the gatherers!

Dr Morse seems very caring but his talk of 'spirituality', astral travel and ascended masters comes up a lot.

This page suggests that the ascended masters may actually be descended messers!

Proof The Ascended Masters Are Demons In Disguise

We are living in times when New Yorkers openly celebrate new laws that allow 'abortion' of full term live birth babies!

The pretense of a woman's right to choose whether or not a child lives inside of them seems to have been thrown away!

The first books were printed on vellum, including the skin of aborted babies! So the ones making blood sacrifices were in fact the printers of books! That is real black magic. The printing press is evil more than anything...

Even now you cannot print without animal sacrifices, because the ink does not stick to paper but the coating which is made from boiled animal connective tissue! Not to mention the glue that binds the pages together !


May 3, 2015
Hi @michael94,

Wikipedia says that vellum was once calfskin or other animal skins, though there is now a vegetable equivalent.

Are you saying occult books have been written on human skin?

If we treat humans cruelly we are really saying that there is nothing sacred about ourselves. This is nihilism. A state of despair.

We should also check our animal products come from cruelty free sources.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
A fascinating book by Arnold Ehret whom Dr. Morse speaks of quite often. In the book he explains why colds, flu's, pneumonia's are not what we are taught through allopathic "medicine". He also explains why we need a "mucusless" diet for health and how acidosis/mucus is the cause of all "disease". Very interesting read.



  • Arnold_Mucusless_Diet.pdf
    7.9 MB · Views: 43


May 3, 2015
Thanks @charlie

I found long ago that if I didn't eat enough I would start getting a runny nose.

So I would avoid eating too little and avoid long breaks between courses.

According to Arnold Ehret the runny nose is the body starting to eliminate mucus and poisons.

He teaches that we should assist this process by eating fruit and fasting, but we should also be prepared to slow the process down, by ceasing a fast with fruit or eating some mucus-forming foods, if we start to release too much poison into our circulation at once!

Ehret has a few other novel concepts like white bread leads to white skin and breathing causes the blood to circulate and the heart is merely a valve...

He died after a fall in Los Angeles when he was only 56, so who knows what else he might have written had he lived another 20 to 40 years!
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Jan 6, 2015
Thanks @charlie

I found long ago that if I didn't eat enough I would start getting a runny nose.

So I would avoid eating too little and avoid long breaks between courses.

According to Arnold Ehret the runny nose is the body starting to eliminate mucus and poisons.

He teaches that we should assist this process by eating fruit and fasting, but we should also be prepared to slow the process down, by ceasing a fast with fruit or eating some mucus-forming foods, if we start to release too much poison into our circulation at once!

Ehret has a few other novel concepts like white bread leads to white skin and breathing causes the blood to circulate and the heart is merely a valve...

He died after a fall in Los Angeles when he was only 56, so who knows what else he might have written had he lived another 20 to 40 years!
he also believes our tissues are made of sugar! accroding to his wikipedia page:
Ehret maintained new tissue was built primarily from simple sugars in fruits


Apr 30, 2021
Anyone else coming from a raw food/vegan perspective on here, that they've perhaps improved upon? Any updates from those following something in relation to this?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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