Mike wolff

Nov 13, 2020

down 5 pounds in 5 days on 500 mg/day

i do some light cardio (15-20 min on stairmaster)

I train full body everyday 1-2 sets per muscle group with light weight to just maintain my muscle. i find that the full body training with light weights feels more like an aerobic workout which is great for burning more calories.

diet is mostly coffee (in milk), eggs (cooked or in a shake), hamburger patties, cheese, occasional rice/potatoes, fruit, honey, & coconut water / grape juice for hydration.

Also, my sleep is amazing because i take all my DNP for the day w/ my breakfast without any nausea. In previous cycles i would always have a problem sleeping if i took it later in the day, Sometimes taking it too late would cause me to wake up at 3 am and vomit. Taking it earlier in the day has been a game changer for me.

im not supplementing with anything this time not even vitamin E, i cant be bothered really, i dont see any side effects with my vision.
How long are you running this dose and how much have you loss . Am planning on doing 250 Ed but for longer duration with 50 mcg T3


Nov 16, 2018
Ingesting an explosive to lose weight must be a great idea.
Dec 23, 2022
How long are you running this dose and how much have you loss . Am planning on doing 250 Ed but for longer duration with 50 mcg T3
ive ran 500mg + for over 21 days without problem. imo you could go on as long as you feel is safe. Personally i get really annoyed with being sweaty and smelly around week 3. i bet @ 250mg you could probably run it for all of winter and then some. If your goal is fat loss theres nothing really stopping you from taking 100mg-200mg for a whole year and getting peeled to the bone, but everyday on DNP is a day youre not building muscle in the gym, which is a downside if ur a meathead like me. 50mcg t3 is alot unless youre on steroids i wouldn't recommend going that high. 25mcg is usually what peat recommends anyways and taking in small doses with meals helps. i do personally feel taking t3 with DNP made me lose weight a lot faster and i didnt notice signs of losing muscle either (im natural) but ive never done more than 20-25mcg a day.
Dec 23, 2022
Ingesting an explosive to lose weight must be a great idea.

Mike wolff

Nov 13, 2020
ive ran 500mg + for over 21 days without problem. imo you could go on as long as you feel is safe. Personally i get really annoyed with being sweaty and smelly around week 3. i bet @ 250mg you could probably run it for all of winter and then some. If your goal is fat loss theres nothing really stopping you from taking 100mg-200mg for a whole year and getting peeled to the bone, but everyday on DNP is a day youre not building muscle in the gym, which is a downside if ur a meathead like me. 50mcg t3 is alot unless youre on steroids i wouldn't recommend going that high. 25mcg is usually what peat recommends anyways and taking in small doses with meals helps. i do personally feel taking t3 with DNP made me lose weight a lot faster and i didnt notice signs of losing muscle either (im natural) but ive never done more than 20-25mcg a day.
How much weight were you losing weekly
Dec 23, 2022
How much weight were you losing weekly
well when i take 500mg i usually end up losing .5 lbs a day, & when i did 875mg-1gram i was losing 1 lbs a day (this is how much i was losing with basically no cardio or dieting). the first few days when its accumulating so it might be less but after youve accumulated .25lbs lost perday for every 250mg DNP you take is a safe estimate. So if youre gonna stick to 250mg which i would recommend then do just do lots of nature walks or stairmaster and you can easily bump your weight loss up to .5 lbs/day. I read on some bb forum that you spend like 3x amount of calories doing anything that requies energy so you if you go on a 200 calorie walk its basically a 600 calorie walk. If i were to run DNP in the future i would stick to 375mg per day and just do a lot of walking, i dont think i would ever go 500mg+ every again its pure hell how much your sweat and smell sulfer no matter how much you shower.

Mike wolff

Nov 13, 2020
well when i take 500mg i usually end up losing .5 lbs a day, & when i did 875mg-1gram i was losing 1 lbs a day (this is how much i was losing with basically no cardio or dieting). the first few days when its accumulating so it might be less but after youve accumulated .25lbs lost perday for every 250mg DNP you take is a safe estimate. So if youre gonna stick to 250mg which i would recommend then do just do lots of nature walks or stairmaster and you can easily bump your weight loss up to .5 lbs/day. I read on some bb forum that you spend like 3x amount of calories doing anything that requies energy so you if you go on a 200 calorie walk its basically a 600 calorie walk. If i were to run DNP in the future i would stick to 375mg per day and just do a lot of walking, i dont think i would ever go 500mg+ every again its pure hell how much your sweat and smell sulfer no matter how much you shower.
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How was the water retention and at 250 ED do you think it would be bad
Dec 23, 2022
How was the water retention and at 250 ED do you think it would be bad
i was losing so much weight i couldn't really notice water retention on my physique, although i was going from 30% bodyfat to 20%, so it could be different if youre already super lean 15% bodyfat and trying to get shredded you might notice some.


Nov 16, 2018
DNP starts being fatal from 250mg a day. For the uneducated, the way it works is by disrupting the electron transfer chain in the mitochondria thereby depleting the cells energy reserve, the potential energy up to the citric cycle stage where hydrongen ions are accumulated inside the mitochondria leak outside the electric gradient, and that energy is released as heat through really powerful uncoupling, the feeling you get on DNP. The depletion of energy forces more glycolysis and burning of fat stores to keep up energy reserves, leaving millions of slightly slower cells dying in the process. That probably starts at doses much less than what is used for fat loss. The fatalities that come from several billions of cell death and cause organ failure, start from around 250mg/day.


Mar 26, 2014
DNP starts being fatal from 250mg a day. For the uneducated, the way it works is by disrupting the electron transfer chain in the mitochondria thereby depleting the cells energy reserve, the potential energy up to the citric cycle stage where hydrongen ions are accumulated inside the mitochondria leak outside the electric gradient, and that energy is released as heat through really powerful uncoupling, the feeling you get on DNP. The depletion of energy forces more glycolysis and burning of fat stores to keep up energy reserves, leaving millions of slightly slower cells dying in the process. That probably starts at doses much less than what is used for fat loss. The fatalities that come from several billions of cell death and cause organ failure, start from around 250mg/day.

Thanks for the explanation. I don't think I'd ever be brave enough to try it but it's interesting.


Jun 30, 2020
DNP starts being fatal from 250mg a day. For the uneducated, the way it works is by disrupting the electron transfer chain in the mitochondria thereby depleting the cells energy reserve, the potential energy up to the citric cycle stage where hydrongen ions are accumulated inside the mitochondria leak outside the electric gradient, and that energy is released as heat through really powerful uncoupling, the feeling you get on DNP. The depletion of energy forces more glycolysis and burning of fat stores to keep up energy reserves, leaving millions of slightly slower cells dying in the process. That probably starts at doses much less than what is used for fat loss. The fatalities that come from several billions of cell death and cause organ failure, start from around 250mg/day.
You should maybe read the studies again because your reasoning is flawed.
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