Could this be a copper issue?


Jan 6, 2019
Jason addresses the copper pipe subject. Says that fluoride leeches copper out of the pipes. Copper will bind to fluoride
An anecdote regarding a non-fluoridated water supply: if I go a couple of weeks between washing my water mug (Sir is disgustingly lazy), I can eventually see a faint cyan ring of copper appear onto the interior walls of the mug, which from what I understand points to copper being leeched from the pipes. In order to counter this, I've been occasionally supplementing zinc and frequently enjoy its effects (basically the same effects OP has from copper), but reading this thread is making me second-question my approach. I think I'll continue going by feel, only supplementing zinc to the extent of its ability to sustain wellbeing.


Feb 3, 2020
Even though there is a lot of controversy around the theory, I anecdotally agree with Charlie Barker (CEO of MitoSynergy) that Cu(I) is superior to Cu(II). Global disruption of soil composition due to agricultural farming methods is a major factor in this issue.

I experimented with MitoSynergy‘s product, Global Healing‘s product („Cu1“) and last but not least selfmade copper (I) and they all feel the same and look the same. But selfmade is waay cheaper.


Feb 21, 2021
Interesting about the arthiritus. My dad has bad arthritis in his hands and I’m looking for ways to try to help him. What form/brand/dosage of copper do you use that helped relieve your symptoms?
I bought a small bottle ionic copper. It's copper sulfate. Also bought some Nano copper. Taking 2mg about 5 times a day. So about 10mg total. I had some copper salicylate after reading this article.

I'm putting copper salicylate on hands and arms to get copper without going through stomach. Jason says that if you get nauseous form ingesting copper, it's because copper attracts fluoride to bind to it. So with continued use, fluoride will be detoxed, nausea goes down and copper will continue to fix things. I don't have fluoride in my water in my town, I still use reverse osmosis then add minerals, I take no medication, and try not to eat factory farmed meat. Things I've learned about fluoride. Of course we know it's a neurotoxin and put into water supplies, fluoride is used in the pharmaceutical industry, factory farmed chickens feed has fluoride in it. And wine. US wine has glyphosate we know. But in the United States, the growers spray a fluoride based antifungal. In Europe, the growers spray a copper based anti fungal. Is that why Europe has less heart disease than the US? Could be.

To continue my copper experiment, I have ordered a 10 pound bag of copper sulfate which is recommended by Jason. These are blue crystals that dissolve in water to ingest or put on skin. I'll slowly increase to what I don't know. I think Jason takes at least 30-50mg per day. And has taken higher like 70-100mg per day. The cost of buying a 10 pound bag are ridiculously cheap. I forget the exact numbers but something like 3 cents per year for this copper supplement. We'll see what happens.


Feb 3, 2020

„Copper supplements taken in a dose of 30-60 mg/day during 3 years caused severe liver cirrhosis necessitating orthotopic liver transplantation.“

Better be safe than sorry!
I’d personally keep it to max. 10mg a day. Just because it‘s good, more is not always better. Jason is taking extreme doses of other minerals aswell, which I disagree with too.


Jan 15, 2022
I'm reading Jason Hommel's book on copper right now and listened to Matt Blackburn's podcast. But Morley Robbins has been talking about copper for years. Morley says that if you were going to make a population sick, you'd mess up their copper. Jason is saying much the same thing. Meaning the government is lying to people about the benefits of copper and the studies on copper toxicity are all bull****. Not sure if I believe the conspiracy theory thing but I guess it's plausible. The government is involved in virus research and vaccines too. But new information on that front makes me think that the entire virus thing is bull**** too. I believe viruses do not cause sickness, but viruses are created by the cells of the body to deal with a sick body, from bad food, poisons, toxins, stress, emf. But having viruses is a good way to sell vaccines and control the population as we saw on this last covid scare.

But back to copper. The government does studies where they'll give a small animal a certain dose of copper and something bad happens, like kidney damage, liver damage or death. But that dose translated to a person's body size could be 1000s of mgs, like 30-40,000. So, it's a disingenuous study. Jason says there was one report of a man taking 30mg for 2-3 years, then upped it to 60mg for not sure how long and he died. Other than that, there are no studies that show toxicity until maybe in the thousands of mgs.

Jason speaks a lot of fluoride and that copper, iodine, and boron detox fluoride. And much of the copper you injest will go to detox fluoride. And after much of the fluoride is gone, then your body will start to hold onto it. Fluoride is a known toxin but the daily allowance from the government is higher than the daily allowance for copper. BS. Now sure of the exact figures but an average person as around 2500mgs of fluoride in the body and only 75mgs of copper. He says for sure copper need to be higher than fluoride.

As per Morley's info, to increase copper, I've been taking whole food vitamin C. Whole Food vitamin C has copper in its core. Jason says that vitamin c decreases ceruloplasmin (a copper transport) and Copper but I think he's talking about ascorbic acid, which Morley says yes, ascorbic acid will lower your copper. So wanted to clear that up a bit. For a week now, I've been taking about 10mg orally and putting more on my skin. Not sure how much is absorbed. I'm guessing another 10. So maybe I'm getting 20mg. And I have to say, I feel freakin fantastic. I can see skin looking better. Mood is great. Energy is great but relaxed too. Completed those nagging projects that we procrastinate on, like cleaning garage and shed. I ordered Copper Sulfate inbulk which is the form Jason recommends cause it's very cheap. And I'll probably work up to a bit higher, like 30mgs and stay there a while. See what happens. I think it will be even greater results.

I highly recommend listening to Matt Blackburn's podcast with Jason. Jason's book is worthy too. Hope this helps.
With 2 mg I absolutely noticed my face changing, I’m much less pale now.

Now I didn’t have a huge amount of symptoms before but I’m noticing I can feel more with copper. Emotion, senses, everything got a little boost. More energy for sure, but overall nothing life changing yet.

I do feel I have less rumination too. It also must’ve killed something in my gut because I got some symtpoms resembling antibiotic die off in my throat but it resolved this morning.


Jan 15, 2022
Actually, I should mention I have a huge increase in dream recall. Normally I recall my dreams 3-4 times a month maybe but it’s been a daily thing now with 2mg Copper Gluconate.

Today at work someone asked me what I’m taking for my skin… I’ll take that as a good sign too.

It is just a little bit stimulating so I’m taking it really early going forward.

The last thing is, it’s doing something I can’t quite describe. I feel like life almost slowed down a bit and I’m more in the moment and I can hear things better? I notice more subtle things in my environment like sounds and smells. At work I was a bit faster today too.

I started taking it originally because it could aid in iron regulation which I suspect is affecting my circulation to my extremities and I get a brief window of relief every time I take it.


Jan 15, 2022
I also will be right here awaiting your experience with copper.

I tested my copper few years ago with the Full Monty panel and my serum and ceruloplasmin both were great. However, on the toe nail analysis recently, my copper was very low.

I wear a copper bracelet. There was an old study showing that the body does absorb small amounts of copper jewelry.

Keep us posted and mind the nausea.
Normally absolutely nothing induces nausea in me… until today. I took it on an empty stomach and while driving I had to pull over and wait it out. Luckily I didn’t throw up and it passed. With food I got zero nausea.


Oct 20, 2021
United States
Actually, I should mention I have a huge increase in dream recall. Normally I recall my dreams 3-4 times a month maybe but it’s been a daily thing now with 2mg Copper Gluconate.

Today at work someone asked me what I’m taking for my skin… I’ll take that as a good sign too.

It is just a little bit stimulating so I’m taking it really early going forward.

The last thing is, it’s doing something I can’t quite describe. I feel like life almost slowed down a bit and I’m more in the moment and I can hear things better? I notice more subtle things in my environment like sounds and smells. At work I was a bit faster today too.

I started taking it originally because it could aid in iron regulation which I suspect is affecting my circulation to my extremities and I get a brief window of relief every time I take it.
That sounds great, any particular brand of copper gluconate you are using?


Jan 15, 2022
That sounds great, any particular brand of copper gluconate you are using?
Still using the handful my buddy gave me, I believe it’s GNC brand. I’m also looking for a good brand if anyone can recommend one.


Jan 15, 2022
Sounds good. Have similar experience!

„Copper supplements taken in a dose of 30-60 mg/day during 3 years caused severe liver cirrhosis necessitating orthotopic liver transplantation.“

Better be safe than sorry!
I’d personally keep it to max. 10mg a day. Just because it‘s good, more is not always better. Jason is taking extreme doses of other minerals aswell, which I disagree with too.
Yeah I don’t think I could convince myself to go over 2-4mg but I’m just gonna stick with 2 for a while. How long did you take it for? Any particular effects you’d like to share?


Feb 3, 2020
Yeah I don’t think I could convince myself to go over 2-4mg but I’m just gonna stick with 2 for a while. How long did you take it for? Any particular effects you’d like to share?
Higher body temperature, higher pulse, better blood flow, easier to get out of bed, more motivation, mild euphoria, music gives me goose bumps, much better mood, better outlook on life, steady energy even after work. (being able to workout immediately after work)

Also fixed my chronic paleness.

I take between 4-8 mg a day. :)


Oct 20, 2021
United States
Higher body temperature, higher pulse, better blood flow, easier to get out of bed, more motivation, mild euphoria, music gives me goose bumps, much better mood, better outlook on life, steady energy even after work. (being able to workout immediately after work)

Also fixed my chronic paleness.

I take between 4-8 mg a day. :)
Do you eat zinc rich foods to balance the ratio to a 8:1 ?


Jan 15, 2022
Higher body temperature, higher pulse, better blood flow, easier to get out of bed, more motivation, mild euphoria, music gives me goose bumps, much better mood, better outlook on life, steady energy even after work. (being able to workout immediately after work)

Also fixed my chronic paleness.

I take between 4-8 mg a day. :)
Great, thanks!


Feb 21, 2021
Higher body temperature, higher pulse, better blood flow, easier to get out of bed, more motivation, mild euphoria, music gives me goose bumps, much better mood, better outlook on life, steady energy even after work. (being able to workout immediately after work)

Also fixed my chronic paleness.

I take between 4-8 mg a day. :)
Agree 100% on the positive changes. And all good advice on the dosage. Thanks for the input. I think I'll still keep it up to 10-20mg for a little while to detox whatever fluoride, aluminum or other junk I have. Then probably reduce it to under 10 longer term. While also making sure I get enough zinc.


Oct 18, 2021
Actually, I should mention I have a huge increase in dream recall. Normally I recall my dreams 3-4 times a month maybe but it’s been a daily thing now with 2mg Copper Gluconate.

Today at work someone asked me what I’m taking for my skin… I’ll take that as a good sign too.

It is just a little bit stimulating so I’m taking it really early going forward.

The last thing is, it’s doing something I can’t quite describe. I feel like life almost slowed down a bit and I’m more in the moment and I can hear things better? I notice more subtle things in my environment like sounds and smells. At work I was a bit faster today too.

I started taking it originally because it could aid in iron regulation which I suspect is affecting my circulation to my extremities and I get a brief window of relief every time I take it.
Interestingly my dream recall improved as well and my hearing too!


Feb 3, 2020
Jason‘s facebook group first disabled me to post comments and now completely banned me out of the group.

Just because I was openly discussing and questioning the proposed narrative.
Be careful with such echo-chamber groups.


Oct 6, 2020
Jason‘s facebook group first disabled me to post comments and now completely banned me out of the group.

Just because I was openly discussing and questioning the proposed narrative.
Be careful with such echo-chamber groups.

That doesn't sound good. Reminds me of the Chlorine dioxide facebook groups where they urged people to keep taking it in high dosages despite them vomiting, bleeding and destroying their mucosal walls.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Jason addresses the copper pipe subject. Says that fluoride leeches copper out of the pipes. Copper will bind to fluoride. So the story could be more of a fluoride story but the government doesn't address that. In Jason's book, he tells of a government study on copper and drinking water but in the entire study, the government does not mention "fluoride" even though majority of municipal water in this country has added fluoride. Disingenuous.

Also, for me personally, I forgot maybe the most important part of my copper story. I have arthritis in my hands, mostly in base of thumb area. It's very depressing as I'm only 56. But seems, arthritis may be a copper deficiency. Taking copper for only 8-9 days, my hands feel 65-70% better. I hope with continued copper supplements, I get to 100% pain free.
Hi valzim, interesting that you mentioned fluoride. Copper is a semi-precious metal, it does not tarnish as quickly as iron (rust). Its chemical bonds are probably not as strong, so the fluoride could be released in the body. I am not a chemist, so someone else may comment on this.

Regarding arthritis, try chlorine dioxide (MMS), back in 2012 when I visited my mom in Germany, I noticed that her caretaker had swollen finger knuckles, I asked her whether she had arthritis, and she said yes, and showed me that two of her fingers (pointing and middle) of her right hand were stiff. I asked her if she would like to try chlorine dioxide, I had my small bottles (travel kit) with me. She took 4 activated drops (4 from each bottle) each day and when we came back five days later I asked how she was doing. She put a big smile on her face, lifted her hands and made repeatedly fists with both hands! The stiffness and swelling was gone after only five days! Amazing. In 2013, my mom passed away and I kept in contact with the caretaker for two years. She still took the drops (they are available in Germany) and the arthritis did not return.

I think that arthritis comes from infected gums or teeth or root canal treated teeth, where anaerobic bacteria can live inside the millions of micron-sized channels in the dentin of the dead tooth, that then can enter the blood stream. I buy it from KV lab in Florida.
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