Supplementing Zinc & TMG has eliminated a lot of my issues


Aug 22, 2019
Was your diet low in zinc when you got into this?

High doses of zinc is safe for a short amount of time if you were truly deficient and zinc has known anti-depressant properties through many effects. Though light sensitivity is not specific to zinc. Zinc potentiates cholinergic neurons and upregulates muscarinic receptors in the brain. Acetylcholine helps block out stimulus from our environment, including light so this is why zinc can help light sensitivity. You may do well getting more choline in the diet so you don't have to supplement excessive amounts of zinc. This is why copper increases light sensitivity though, not because you didnt need it but because it enhances noradrenaline synthesis. Higher noradrenaline will increase light sensitivity because it will allow more stimulus to come in.

Also, cholinergic receptors making the pupils restrict while alpha adrenergic receptors promote dilation which also affects light sensitivity.
Redsun, choline seems to be the cause of more freckling, moles, and broken capillaries close to the skin surface. Any idea why that might be?


Feb 4, 2018
I started taking TMG again in early June after quitting it a few years ago. In january of this year I was taking a lot of magnesium (sometimes up to 1000 mg) in pill form and bicarbonate. I was also drinking a lot of milk and occasional beef liver. Then I began introducing B vitamins into my routine with copper supplementation as well. Some of the "everyone is deficient in copper" posts you see around the internet got into my head a little bit. But I was experimenting as well. During this time I caught the flu (possibly covid) and it was pretty bad. I had breathing issues for a month or two. I couldn't breath through my nose and had general fatigue. It slowly got better but never completely healed. I was taking B1,B2,B3,B6, copper, selenium, magnesium, and occasionally boron. I even experimented with iodine. None of this really changed much. I had read that the B vitamins create more C02 so you can breath better. My breathing had gotten somewhat back to normal but I was getting dry skin and rashes and still was fatigued.

That is when I came across some articles that I had read before about TMG and undermethylation. This was absolutely the key and probably the key for most people. From my research, most people are undermethylated which means you have an increase in homocysteine in your body that can't be broken down without methyl groups. B vitamin supplementation only makes the problem worse, because they use up the methyl groups. From the very first day of taking TMG I felt more calm, grounded, clearer thinking, my skin has improved some (not totally), and I have energy to do things. I also sleep extremely deeply. Also my bowel movements are regular and sometimes a couple times a day, where before I was constipated sometimes. Basically a complete game changer. Not sure why it isn't reccomended more as I don't think it is very common to be naturally an overmethylator.

I have also added a calcium, vitamin d, boron supplement along with starting to supplement zinc again. The zinc copper supplement also has some b6, vitamin c, and vitamin a in it.

So I guess to sum up this post I believe that I am copper toxic, zinc deficient, undermethylator. TMG has helped assist my liver with detoxification everything i was doing before was just making the problem worse.

The best way to see if it is for you is to stop all supplements and take about 500 mg of tmg by itself for a day and see how you feel. Give yourself a day or two and you'll know. TMG is naturally in beats and not dangerous at all, unless you were supplementing huge does. 500 mg is barely anything.

Does anyone else supplement TMG or have any experience with it?
Did you continue with TMG and if so does it still deliver positive results for you?


May 30, 2018
I seem to have a very hard time utilizing both copper and zinc. As if my transporter proteins aren’t functioning well. The minerals don’t seem to get into my cells or stay there whether from food or supplements. Would a zinc ionophore like quercitin help make up for my mineral transporter protein issues? I’ve always noticed that when my thyroid and ATP levels are good and magnesium is utilized well, then zinc and copper are effortlessly utilized too. But this state has been elusive for me and hard to replicate. Any body noticed anything similar and been able to improve the issue? Did ionophores help?


Jun 15, 2022
United States
Did you continue with TMG and if so does it still deliver positive results for you?
Nope. I take just regular glycine sometimes. I take zinc, molybdenum, B1, B6, B12, magnesium, boron, Selenium, K2. And cut out all beta carotene from my diet. And I am experimenting with lactoferrin. I had breathing issues for a long time, and that completely disappeared. Working to completely get rid of my skin issues. I took accutane back in the day so I’m on a low vitamin a diet. I still eat some eggs and drink goat milk though.


Jun 15, 2022
United States
Nope. I take just regular glycine sometimes. I take zinc, molybdenum, B1, B6, B12, magnesium, boron, Selenium, K2. And cut out all beta carotene from my diet. And I am experimenting with lactoferrin. I had breathing issues for a long time, and that completely disappeared. Working to completely get rid of my skin issues. I took accutane back in the day so I’m on a low vitamin a diet. I still eat some eggs and drink goat milk though.
Oh and I take kelp


Jan 6, 2019
I seem to have a very hard time utilizing both copper and zinc. As if my transporter proteins aren’t functioning well. The minerals don’t seem to get into my cells or stay there whether from food or supplements.
How are you concluding this? By an absence of effects?


Nov 27, 2019
I seem to have a very hard time utilizing both copper and zinc. As if my transporter proteins aren’t functioning well. The minerals don’t seem to get into my cells or stay there whether from food or supplements. Would a zinc ionophore like quercitin help make up for my mineral transporter protein issues? I’ve always noticed that when my thyroid and ATP levels are good and magnesium is utilized well, then zinc and copper are effortlessly utilized too. But this state has been elusive for me and hard to replicate. Any body noticed anything similar and been able to improve the issue? Did ionophores help?
i once took zinc with some chocolate and i felt more confident than usual, every other time i supped zinc nothing happened. never heard of zinc ionophores before
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