CNN: What's the point of ever leaving home again?


Jun 13, 2019
I think a UBI could work if all the money was generated through an increase in capital gains taxes on transactions greater than a million. currently the upper range of capital gains is 20% which is absurd considering thats where all the billions of dollars are being held. Makes no sense to give 1400 stimulus checks to a population being taxed like 20-40% of their income, just cut all the taxes for the middle class if they actually cared to do something useful..


Jun 7, 2019

What's the point of ever leaving home again?”

I ask myself this every day. My quality of life would shoot way up if I were able to just stay at home and not be stressed out from having to spend most days around other people. The relief alone would be amazing, not to mention the amount of time I could spend on other things in a UBI scenario.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Did you see how santa Klaus' wife's, Hilde Stoll, family business is and was poised at every nook n cranny, soup to nuts, of Covid and 4IR?

Yep, she owns a robotics company that has offices in 60 countries around the world. All of her brothers and I think Klaus' brother too work at that company and are directly enriched by everything "pandemic". How is it not a requirement for Klaus to disclose a financial conflict of interest when he does all these speeches and writes books advocating for the "Great Reset"?? I mean, even the corrupt brokers/analysts on Wall Street have to disclose holdings in companies if they hype or bash a specific company publicly. I am pretty sure the same requirement applies to Klaus as Europe has it too, but somehow he never publicly mentions his conflicts...


Oct 21, 2013
The only way to have a future as human species is to cultivate humanity in people. Then, even if corruption/totalitarianism raises its ugly head somewhere it would an aberration rather than "normality". Peat spoke of this reality when he was a little child - i.e. there was an aura that the govt was doing its best to help people, not enslave them.

I think someone is seen as doing their best to help someone when they are seen as making a sacrificial effort eg the 'helping' has some cost to them. So that perception of government I think can only exist when government is small, especially as relative to the people it governs. A government as huge as the monstrosity that controls our world today cannot be seen in any sort of sacrificial sense. Unfortunately, when government is small enough to really be seen as helping, people who look to that favorably, with a (probably good) intention to give it more ability to act in that capacity, only succeed in feeding what it becomes.


Aug 17, 2016
Yep, she owns a robotics company that has offices in 60 countries around the world. All of her brothers and I think Klaus' brother too work at that company and are directly enriched by everything "pandemic". How is it not a requirement for Klaus to disclose a financial conflict of interest when he does all these speeches and writes books advocating for the "Great Reset"?? I mean, even the corrupt brokers/analysts on Wall Street have to disclose holdings in companies if they hype or bash a specific company publicly. I am pretty sure the same requirement applies to Klaus as Europe has it too, but somehow he never publicly mentions his conflicts...

good interview re: Klaus and the Fourth Reich


Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Yet another example that this whole "pandemic" is nothing but a smokescreen for the ushering in of the deliberate digitization and isolation of society. The former for profit, and the latter for security. Except, we are being gaslighted that the "security" portion is all about protecting us - i.e. who knows what kinds of dangerous germs we may catch when mingling with others. /s
The sad reality is that the security attained from isolation is for the powers that be. When we don't meet in person, we cannot really organize a resistance. Communication over digital channels is completely controlled/censored at this point, and even if it was useful, effective resistance still requires physical action by large groups of people. Staying at home 24x7 is exactly what allows the powers that be to keep pushing/deploying their antihumanistic technologies (aka "Great Reset"), while at the same time staying relatively safe from social unrest. I am reminded of a scene from the movie "Shawshank Redemption". There was an old felon (Brooks) who had stayed in prison for pretty much his entire life. When he got out of prison on parole, the world had changed so much that he simply could not fathom surviving in it and...committed suicide shortly after, as a result of constantly living in fear. He had become institutionalized and was better off inside prison than out in the real world. In the words of his friend Red (Morgan Freeman):
Red : These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.
Heywood : ***t. I could never get like that.
Ernie : Oh yeah? Say that when you been here as long as Brooks has.
Red : ******* right. They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take. The part that counts, anyway.

It seems the powers that be are pursuing exactly such an agenda - institutionalizing us - into our own homes, by creating a fake but reassuring environment inside, while changing the world outside in such ways that we feel alienated and threatened by it and predictably retreat back into the "safety" of our homes. This is also the main theme of the great movie series "The Wire" - i.e. everybody living in the city had become institutionalized - even though the series claimed it was an unintended consequence of how society was structured. If the last year has taught us anything, it is that it has ALWAYS been deliberate!

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @boris @Giraffe
"...A year ago, this was our last normal weekend and we didn't even know it. Now, we're deep into a pandemic, with ever-rising Covid-19-related deaths, a new strain on the loose and news of people still experiencing symptoms months after testing positive. But as more people get vaccinated, it finally seems like there's hope on the horizon. Eventually, someday soon, the joys of normal life will return. And yet, we have to ask: Why bother? What's the point of ever leaving home again? Getting dinner, grabbing drinks, working out, seeing a movie. All these comforts of middle class existence in the Before Times are gone, and it could be another year until it's completely safe to return. And after months of pandemmy life, those of us who are lucky enough to work from home have gotten really good at this stay-at-home thing. Bars? Simply overpriced drinks. Concerts? Too many sweaty armpits, way too close to your face. Gyms? A house party for germs. Of course, the pandemic has been a tough time for millions of people -- as many are out of work and mental health struggles continue. Here are some ways you can help. But still, maybe introverts were right all along: Why go out when you can stay in?"
I am from Europe but my friend is hockey player and was playing for some american team, he told me that he was told by his manager to do not go out if its not really important. He was getting food deliveries and all he needed so he had no reason to go out much because it was unknown country for him without friends but he went out few times but told me that people were looking very unfriendly and some were reacting like they wanted to rob him so he was at home most of the time. Its big difference, I am living in a village and there is alot of social events during summer so really nobody is at home much even at night. I cant imagine being at home for most of the time for the rest of my life and i am very happy that I am working at city where I can go to park even I must wear mask but I dig small holes into it so I am breathing fine.
This article is for the billionaire class where their private estate is the size of a small town, their yachts are the size of a small council housing estate.

Not that I want to read the entire article but did they add climate saving virtue to the reasons to become a hermit?
You can save the climate these days by doing anything that limits your individual freedom and wealth while making the ruling class richer.

This is what life is like in countries that are economically backward, there isn’t really anything outside to do, they are probably social engineering from this type of model.
I didnt read all the comments but the countries with lower economy are much more socialising like Ukraine and other eastern european countries. I am working with these people and they are very social based, like they are eating together most of the time at work or like to talk alot, listen to music, sing while working. Working with them is real pleasure to be honest. The reason for this is that when people dont have much money, they are forced to help each other and that is a reason they are used to it.


Jan 27, 2021
CBS: Experts say Covid-19 is never going to end.

Comment section is FIRE.
Apr 25, 2018
Yet another example that this whole "pandemic" is nothing but a smokescreen for the ushering in of the deliberate digitization and isolation of society. The former for profit, and the latter for security. Except, we are being gaslighted that the "security" portion is all about protecting us - i.e. who knows what kinds of dangerous germs we may catch when mingling with others. /s
The sad reality is that the security attained from isolation is for the powers that be. When we don't meet in person, we cannot really organize a resistance. Communication over digital channels is completely controlled/censored at this point, and even if it was useful, effective resistance still requires physical action by large groups of people. Staying at home 24x7 is exactly what allows the powers that be to keep pushing/deploying their antihumanistic technologies (aka "Great Reset"), while at the same time staying relatively safe from social unrest. I am reminded of a scene from the movie "Shawshank Redemption". There was an old felon (Brooks) who had stayed in prison for pretty much his entire life. When he got out of prison on parole, the world had changed so much that he simply could not fathom surviving in it and...committed suicide shortly after, as a result of constantly living in fear. He had become institutionalized and was better off inside prison than out in the real world. In the words of his friend Red (Morgan Freeman):
Red : These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.
Heywood : ***t. I could never get like that.
Ernie : Oh yeah? Say that when you been here as long as Brooks has.
Red : ******* right. They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take. The part that counts, anyway.

It seems the powers that be are pursuing exactly such an agenda - institutionalizing us - into our own homes, by creating a fake but reassuring environment inside, while changing the world outside in such ways that we feel alienated and threatened by it and predictably retreat back into the "safety" of our homes. This is also the main theme of the great movie series "The Wire" - i.e. everybody living in the city had become institutionalized - even though the series claimed it was an unintended consequence of how society was structured. If the last year has taught us anything, it is that it has ALWAYS been deliberate!

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @boris @Giraffe
"...A year ago, this was our last normal weekend and we didn't even know it. Now, we're deep into a pandemic, with ever-rising Covid-19-related deaths, a new strain on the loose and news of people still experiencing symptoms months after testing positive. But as more people get vaccinated, it finally seems like there's hope on the horizon. Eventually, someday soon, the joys of normal life will return. And yet, we have to ask: Why bother? What's the point of ever leaving home again? Getting dinner, grabbing drinks, working out, seeing a movie. All these comforts of middle class existence in the Before Times are gone, and it could be another year until it's completely safe to return. And after months of pandemmy life, those of us who are lucky enough to work from home have gotten really good at this stay-at-home thing. Bars? Simply overpriced drinks. Concerts? Too many sweaty armpits, way too close to your face. Gyms? A house party for germs. Of course, the pandemic has been a tough time for millions of people -- as many are out of work and mental health struggles continue. Here are some ways you can help. But still, maybe introverts were right all along: Why go out when you can stay in?"
Organize a resistance?

Americans are happy eating fast food, getting obese and accepting ***t jobs for low pay while the 1% reap all the benefits.

In other countries, they riot when they raise the retirement age. In America, it is just accepted.


Jan 27, 2021
Organize a resistance?

Americans are happy eating fast food, getting obese and accepting ***t jobs for low pay while the 1% reap all the benefits.

In other countries, they riot when they raise the retirement age. In America, it is just accepted.
Suppose thats what happens when you claim a country with genocide, build it with chattel slavery, and stack the ethos of the "rugged individualist" on top of it. Everyone is out for themselves and there's no unity so long as they have scraps on their own plates.


Jun 13, 2019
Suppose thats what happens when you claim a country with genocide, build it with chattel slavery, and stack the ethos of the "rugged individualist" on top of it. Everyone is out for themselves and there's no unity so long as they have scraps on their own plates.

i highly reccomend this adam curtis doc that recently came out. kinda delves into the individualization of culture and the rapid confusion of what's going on preventing any organized resistance. be warned though if you've never watched a adam curtis film it can be incredibly confusing, which is also kind of the point he's trying to get across
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Mar 2, 2021
Everything globalist and commoditized sucks. It reminds me of the skit on Saturday Night Live back in the 70s. Cheeseburger and Pepsi.
Example: Go to Netflix and there's thousands of options for the same thing. A thousand versions of the same movie.
Apr 25, 2018
Suppose thats what happens when you claim a country with genocide, build it with chattel slavery, and stack the ethos of the "rugged individualist" on top of it. Everyone is out for themselves and there's no unity so long as they have scraps on their own plates.



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Everyone is out for themselves and there's no unity so long as they have scraps on their own plates.

This is probably the single most obvious indicator that the rationale for lockdown/restrictions is a scam. In a world where everything around us is a stark reminder that everybody is out for themselves, the claim "'re gonna kill grandpa if you don't quarantine" is laughable. The entire system is built on the idea of dog-eat-dog, and has been run like this for centuries and suddenly it's all "we are all in this together", and it is the most genocidal companies screaming about altruism the loudest. Not to mention that the system would love for grandpas and grandmas to die off and not require support through Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. So, any claim for a greater good sacrifice in such a system should be presumed as fraud from the start until very, very strong evidence to the contrary emerges.


Jan 25, 2014
Organize a resistance?

Americans are happy eating fast food, getting obese and accepting ***t jobs for low pay while the 1% reap all the benefits.

In other countries, they riot when they raise the retirement age. In America, it is just accepted.

But which parts of America?

South Dakota did do much fighting back, because they didn't need to. They had a governor that never issued any sort of Treasonous Mask Mandates in the first place.

In Florida, most people ignored any sort of mandates put in place, and Governor DeSantis fought against this nonsense more than any other political leader or head of state that I've seen. Him and the President of Tanzania seemed very active in exposing the fraud.

It was mostly in the larger metropolitan areas and their related states that you had the most compliance and the most overreaching sorts of power. But you can even find resistance in places like California, with the Newsom Recall Petition, and certain businesses denying the lockdown order, like Basillicos in Huntington Beach that never shut down, and actually banned masks in the restaurant.
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