Carbs - Amount And Type


Mar 5, 2018
I eat 2kg of purple sweet potato and snack on fruits (mostly pineapple/tomatoes) and juice (usually cranberry juice/coconut water) through the day. Total carbs come to 600-700g/day, which is a lot but I tend to burn through them pretty quickly - I know this because I test my blood glucose regularly. I think the avoidance of dietary fats while I eat/digest carbohydrates allows me to eat quite a lot without putting on excess weight (look into the randle cycle). I eat carbs during the day while insulin sensitivity is high. And fats four hours after my last carbohydrate meal, which usually means in the night.
I feel great and I’m never hungry. Because I eat large amounts of micronutrient dense carbs I can avoid having to rely on supplements. I have 3-4 solid bowel movements a day. Energy is high. Body temp is high, my girlfriend often refers to me as a heater.
what are your carb/protein/fat ratios ?


Mar 9, 2014
" snack on fruits (mostly pineapple/tomatoes) and juice (usually cranberry juice/coconut water)"

Can I ask why you snack on pineapple/tomatoes and drink cranberry?

I am assuming the coconut water is for the potassium?


May 17, 2018
" snack on fruits (mostly pineapple/tomatoes) and juice (usually cranberry juice/coconut water)"

Can I ask why you snack on pineapple/tomatoes and drink cranberry?

I am assuming the coconut water is for the potassium?
Cranberry juice is high in vitamin e and low in PUFA - a rare combination.
Pineapple contains bromelain, is high in vitamin c and tastes good.
Tomatoes are high in vitamin e and low in PUFA, as well as a good potassium source.
Coconut water is high in potassium and adds a nice sweetness to coffee without the need for sugar.

Ron J

Oct 5, 2016
I have a few questions, if you don't mind:
-Are you worried about the anti-androgenic effects of lycopene from tomatoes?
-Have you tried other diets? If so, what were the macro ratios, calories and foods? I assume they didn't work out, or were inferior in some way.


Mar 5, 2018
So a usual day might go like this:
7AM - pea protein in cranberry juice + snack on fruits
8:30 - potato, spinach, tomato paste + coconut water
10AM - potato, sea bass
12PM - fruits + coconut water
4+ hour fast
4:30PM - shellfish
8:00PM - grass fed red meat
9:00PM - 90% dark chocolate
Interesting that you are protein back loading kind of (i assume that 8pm meal is your largest in terms of protein) and front loading carbs.
Did you try eating more protein in the AM and more carbs in PM ?


May 17, 2018
I have a few questions, if you don't mind:
-Are you worried about the anti-androgenic effects of lycopene from tomatoes?
-Have you tried other diets? If so, what were the macro ratios, calories and foods? I assume they didn't work out, or were inferior in some way.
I’m not too worried about it. I’m plenty androgenic; widows peak, hairy torso, thick facial hair, insatiable libido, deep voice.. I’m running out of androgenic traits, I think the only one I lack is acne/oily skin which cleared up after I quit dairy.

I’ve tried other diets. I did the chicken, rice, brocolli, protein powder bodybuilder diet for a while. Then typical peat; red meat, fruit juice, broth, dairy diet for a while. Both left me feeling bad for different reasons. I felt stronger on Peat but the subsequent weight gain, insulin resistance and laboured breathing quickly became an issue. Also, all the diary caused acne as I described above.

My skin, hair, mood, bowel movements and digestion are far better now then ever before on any other diet.

Interesting that you are protein back loading kind of (i assume that 8pm meal is your largest in terms of protein) and front loading carbs.
Did you try eating more protein in the AM and more carbs in PM ?
Insulin sensitivity is highest in the AM. We should eat according the the circadian rhythm, so carbs in the AM is preferable.


Feb 3, 2019
I’m not too worried about it. I’m plenty androgenic; widows peak, hairy torso, thick facial hair, insatiable libido, deep voice.. I’m running out of androgenic traits, I think the only one I lack is acne/oily skin which cleared up after I quit dairy.

I’ve tried other diets. I did the chicken, rice, brocolli, protein powder bodybuilder diet for a while. Then typical peat; red meat, fruit juice, broth, dairy diet for a while. Both left me feeling bad for different reasons. I felt stronger on Peat but the subsequent weight gain, insulin resistance and laboured breathing quickly became an issue. Also, all the diary caused acne as I described above.

My skin, hair, mood, bowel movements and digestion are far better now then ever before on any other diet.

Insulin sensitivity is highest in the AM. We should eat according the the circadian rhythm, so carbs in the AM is preferable.
Intesting olive, might have to try that sometime, though I don't have a problem with dairy


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri

How much fructose do you get a day?


Feb 13, 2016
RP in an interview a few days ago said he gets over half his daily calories from fruit, which is about 1500-1600 calories from sucrose.


Feb 13, 2016
I tried introducing potatoes into my diet but I got endotoxin problems within just a few days, so looks like I'm going to have to stick to getting the majority of my carbs from OJ.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
RP in an interview a few days ago said he gets over half his daily calories from fruit, which is about 1500 calories from sucrose.

That would be about 400 gram of sugar or 200 gram fructose and 200 gram glucose. That puts you just under the threshold from DNL from sugar, so that's probably fine. But I got myself into trouble by having 300-400 gram fructose, which is where DNL starts to really happen in earnest. I don't think 750 gram all from sugar is sustainable or healthy (clearly it's not though, as he has potatoes). Hence my question to olive.


May 17, 2018
@olive what is the reason for making your carbs from potatoes rather than fruit? Blood sugar?
Fruits are expensive and less micronutrient dense as potatoes calorie:calorie.
I like fruit but I think it’s best snacked on throughout the day. Fructose can be a burden on the liver if liver glycogen is already full, so I like to strategically time fructose consumption upon waking (when liver glycogen is low) and post exercise. Outside of those windows fructose is best snacked on in small quantities as to not over stress the liver - in my opinion.
Dried apricots, dried figs and medjool dates have been my breakfast choices of late. Occasionally the odd papaya.
I’ve also been doing kiwi fruit and pineapple to aid digestion after large meals.

Tomato is also technically a fruit and I eat the equivalent of ~1kg of it per day between raw/purée/juice/paste. And I drink 1L of coconut water per day which is also fructose heavy.


May 17, 2018
I tried introducing potatoes into my diet but I got endotoxin problems within just a few days, so looks like I'm going to have to stick to getting the majority of my carbs from OJ.
Try the sweet kind, peel carefully, cook thoroughly and salt heavily.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Fructose can be a burden on the liver if liver glycogen is already full, so I like to strategically time fructose consumption upon waking (when liver glycogen is low) and post exercise. Outside of those windows fructose is best snacked on in small quantities as to not over stress the liver - in my opinion.

I think you're right man. The best day I ever had in tracking was on a day with 440 gram sugar total. Fructose seems to be very apt for DNL when you get to around the 500 gram mark, both from studies and my own experiences. Since I am metabolically dysfunctional, I have to be extra careful not to burden my liver. But, my carbohydrate needs are very high precisely because I'm still not well, so it's a catch 22 so I opt to have the max fructose I can, without running into problems, which seems to be no more than 200-250 gram fructose a day for me.

Most people don't eat really really high carbs like you or I, so most people don't run into this fructose limit, but when I eat 1,000 gram of carb in a day, it's super easy to hit this limit.

Deleted member 5487


That’s me - about 12 months ago. I look pretty much the same now but my weight is up 1-2kg and my body fat is down enough to see some veins popping up through my lower abs.

Fats come from coconut oil, eggs, red meat, cocoa and occasionally olive oil if I make a salad or pesto sauce. 20-40g a day.

I eat at least 20g of protein 4 times a day, at least three hours apart in order to spike muscle protein synthesis - based on this study: Timing and distribution of protein ingestion during prolonged recovery from resistance exercise alters myofibrillar protein synthesis. - PubMed - NCBI

So a usual day might go like this:
7AM - pea protein in cranberry juice + snack on fruits
8:30 - potato, spinach, tomato paste + coconut water
10AM - potato, sea bass
12PM - fruits + coconut water
4+ hour fast
4:30PM - shellfish
8:00PM - grass fed red meat
9:00PM - 90% dark chocolate

Purple sweet potato has no real benefit over the normal orange sweet potato as far as I know but I prefer the taste and texture. But sweet potato is undoubtedly superior to normal white potatoes. Sweet potatoes are not part of the nightshade family and do not have issues with solanine - which becomes an issue pretty quickly if one wanted to consume a large portion of their calories from potatoes like I do.

I supplement with calcium carbonate and glycine with each protein meal.

This is very intresting, I started eating Pea-Protein and seen a significant weightloss.

I believe it has to do with amminos, milk/eggs/meat are for growth. Gelatin/Plant protein for loss.

I also know seafood is superior in regards to glycine/taurine, which further adds to this.


Feb 12, 2020
Depends on what you got going on in your gut. I cant eat a single sweet potato or yam without blowing up like a balloon and passing enough gas to put a cow to shame. I also get massive joint pain all throughout my spine. On the flip side I can drink 300-400g of sugar from fruit juice (grape, pineapple) without a problem.

I have done a few stool tests and each time my gut comes back positive with +4 klebsiella growth. Klebsiella is a starch fermenter, a known opportunistic pathogen and the suspected cause of both rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.

Its not the type of carbs you eat per say, atleast if your choosing between fruit and tubers, its the bacteria you house in your gut.
Did you ever solve the starch problem? It's killing me man


Sep 15, 2017
Did you ever solve the starch problem? It's killing me man

I solved the joint pain issues and bloating for the most part. The worst that I get at this point is some gas from sweet potatoes and sluggishness from white potatoes. I can eat white rice without issue. I continue to drink large quantities of certain fruit juices and eat large quantities dried/ fresh fruit without issue. I also eat specific veggies without issue.

I still have some lingering gut issues particularly in my left lower quadrant, however with cyclic use of anti-microbials (not antibiotics, those have only exacerbated issues for me. I've been using cinnamon oil, oregano oil, bacillus subtilis, monoloaurin and testing other herbs) and discipline in maintaining my diet (meat, seafood, tallow, fruit juice, whole fruit, dried fruit, white rice, specific vegetables) I've continued to slowly chip away at the gut issue. I most likely wont eat grains, processed foods, etc ever again. However, I'd like to increase the variety of fruits I can eat and be able tolerate white potatoes and yams better so in situations where I cannot adhere to the ideal, I have a greater degree of flexibility.

Also, a large factor in my specific gut issues was a decreased blood flow to my gut due scar tissue from surgeries I had growing up. Breaking up this scar tissue manually made a pretty significant impact on my gut function and health overall.
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