How I feel on day 1 of NoStarch


Dec 1, 2021
United States
Today I didn't eat any starchy carbs, I ate beef meatballs with mangos this morning, and I had tangerine juice after. I feel different, like a weight being lifted off my brain. This is similar to how I felt on the keto diet, but it's even better because on keto there were side effects like severe demotivation, numbness and boredom. Now I have all of the benefits of keto, but I don't have the negatives of it. So maybe all these people saying they feel better on a low carb diet are really just saying that they feel better on a low STARCH diet. It seems like carbs are not the problem, rather it's the type of carbs (in this case starch)

It's really hard to explain how I feel, but it's like this sort of bliss. I feel zoned out but focused at the same time, and a lot of the noise in my brain seems to be turned down. I'm guessing that the starch I was eating was feeding endotoxin and raising serotonin, because I'm getting a whole host of low serotonin symptoms. I don't know if I'll avoid starch forever because it's hard to do with all the people who eat starch in my household, but I'll probably eat starch later in the day instead of in the morning so that I can feel this good during the day and tired/apathetic in the night.

When I eat starch I notice that my brain feels like something is stuck inside it and I'm about to explode at any minute, that's what seems to be gone right now.
Mar 10, 2021


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Feb 13, 2021
I can't be bothered to make my own meatballs, just gonna have pure steak or something
Making meatballs can literally be as easy as taking minced meat and rolling it into a ball, then put in the oven and throw cream and salt in there at the end. You can make 20 meatballs in 2 minutes
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