"Bad thinkers" - Why do some people believe conspiracy theories?


Jan 16, 2023

View: https://twitter.com/Bando099/status/1667952177623564288


Excellent article - worth the time



May 13, 2015
Excellent article - worth the time

I prefer to read it on ZeroHedge because then I get to read the Comments:


Many times the Comments on ZeroHedge are superior to the articles themselves. But suit yourself.
I did read the comments to the article you posted. It made zero difference to my understanding of the article. I thought it was a great article before reading the comments and I still think so



From the article -

What actual facts have been established?

  • First, it is a fact that the LM has exploited the allegations and has deployed the composition fallacy to discredit both Brand’s and his social media followers’ opinions.
  • Second, it is a fact that the allegations about Brand emerged at the same time that the Online Safety Bill passed its final reading stage. The Brand allegations grabbed all the headlines, leaving virtually no room for prominent coverage of the imminent UK censorship law by the LM. Thoroughly distracting the UK public.
  • Third, it is a fact that the purpose of the Online Safety Act is to shore up the dwindling reach of the LM and censor its independent media competition.
  • Fourth, it is a fact that Brand and his followers are considered part of the independent media, which the LM accuses of being conspiracy theorists.
  • Fifth, it is a fact that formative figures in the UK government have used the allegations published by the LM to attempt to limit the reach of someone who has millions of followers and whom they accuse of being a conspiracy theorist.
  • Sixth, it is a fact that limiting the reach of popular conspiracy theorists is exactly what the Online Safety Act is designed to achieve.


Jan 16, 2023

From the article -

What actual facts have been established?

  • First, it is a fact that the LM has exploited the allegations and has deployed the composition fallacy to discredit both Brand’s and his social media followers’ opinions.
  • Second, it is a fact that the allegations about Brand emerged at the same time that the Online Safety Bill passed its final reading stage. The Brand allegations grabbed all the headlines, leaving virtually no room for prominent coverage of the imminent UK censorship law by the LM. Thoroughly distracting the UK public.
  • Third, it is a fact that the purpose of the Online Safety Act is to shore up the dwindling reach of the LM and censor its independent media competition.
  • Fourth, it is a fact that Brand and his followers are considered part of the independent media, which the LM accuses of being conspiracy theorists.
  • Fifth, it is a fact that formative figures in the UK government have used the allegations published by the LM to attempt to limit the reach of someone who has millions of followers and whom they accuse of being a conspiracy theorist.
  • Sixth, it is a fact that limiting the reach of popular conspiracy theorists is exactly what the Online Safety Act is designed to achieve.
I agree with you for this specific article
Many times the Comments on ZeroHedge are superior to the articles themselves. But suit yourself.
I agree with you in general


May 13, 2015

From the article -

What actual facts have been established?

  • First, it is a fact that the LM has exploited the allegations and has deployed the composition fallacy to discredit both Brand’s and his social media followers’ opinions.
  • Second, it is a fact that the allegations about Brand emerged at the same time that the Online Safety Bill passed its final reading stage. The Brand allegations grabbed all the headlines, leaving virtually no room for prominent coverage of the imminent UK censorship law by the LM. Thoroughly distracting the UK public.
  • Third, it is a fact that the purpose of the Online Safety Act is to shore up the dwindling reach of the LM and censor its independent media competition.
  • Fourth, it is a fact that Brand and his followers are considered part of the independent media, which the LM accuses of being conspiracy theorists.
  • Fifth, it is a fact that formative figures in the UK government have used the allegations published by the LM to attempt to limit the reach of someone who has millions of followers and whom they accuse of being a conspiracy theorist.
  • Sixth, it is a fact that limiting the reach of popular conspiracy theorists is exactly what the Online Safety Act is designed to achieve.
People are accused of being conspiracy theorists by the Overlords when they speak of inconvenient things that are obviously true but you aren't allowed to notice, much less verbalize about them. Like saying, "Look! What's that giant elephant doing here in the living room?", or "How did two airplanes knock down three buildings?" "Conspiracy theory" as a derogatory term was invented by the CIA back in the 1960's after the JFK assassination. People are sick to death of the ridiculousness of it. So it doesn't work anymore for the Powers that Be and they really don't like that. This is why they have tried so hard to shut down free speech. Well, it won't work. The truth seems to just keep seeping out on the internet. They CAN'T shut it down. They've lost control and that terrifies them. So they create the Online Safety Act? It won't work. They can't get that genie back into the bottle.

I think that the article would have been improved if it had been distilled down from 5-6 pages to 3-4 paragraphs. Maybe it's because I'm in the U.S. and not in the UK so I'm not directly affected by the Online Safety Act. Maybe I'm just sick of the topic because we are way past the torches and pitchforks stage now and lots of people are just now noticing there might be a problem because they were lulled into a sense of complacency by late night TV comedians feeding them the "news" as punchlines.

Humanity was much better off when people were able to attain full adulthood with an intact intellect and the capacity for discernment. The Department of "Education" has made such a wretched mess of things. What has been done to humanity is horrific.


People are accused of being conspiracy theorists by the Overlords when they speak of inconvenient things that are obviously true but you aren't allowed to notice, much less verbalize about them. Like saying, "Look! What's that giant elephant doing here in the living room?", or "How did two airplanes knock down three buildings?" "Conspiracy theory" as a derogatory term was invented by the CIA back in the 1960's after the JFK assassination. People are sick to death of the ridiculousness of it. So it doesn't work anymore for the Powers that Be and they really don't like that. This is why they have tried so hard to shut down free speech. Well, it won't work. The truth seems to just keep seeping out on the internet. They CAN'T shut it down. They've lost control and that terrifies them. So they create the Online Safety Act? It won't work. They can't get that genie back into the bottle.

I think that the article would have been improved if it had been distilled down from 5-6 pages to 3-4 paragraphs. Maybe it's because I'm in the U.S. and not in the UK so I'm not directly affected by the Online Safety Act. Maybe I'm just sick of the topic because we are way past the torches and pitchforks stage now and lots of people are just now noticing there might be a problem because they were lulled into a sense of complacency by late night TV comedians feeding them the "news" as punchlines.

Humanity was much better off when people were able to attain full adulthood with an intact intellect and the capacity for discernment. The Department of "Education" has made such a wretched mess of things. What has been done to humanity is horrific.
Again, the article was excellent. It does not need distilling. It's UK specific for a reason. Clearly the UK context was being missed. Also I think understanding the historical context of the British press helps.

What on earth is that last sentence about?
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May 13, 2015
No I know about this. I am asking why is that sentence there in your reply to me?
Humanity was much better off when people were able to attain full adulthood with an intact intellect and the capacity for discernment. The Department of "Education" has made such a wretched mess of things. What has been done to humanity is horrific.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it appears to me that there seems to be an inordinate focus by people in general (not you) on relying on the Authorities who control the propaganda (main stream media) to tell them what to believe. Most people don't want to take the time or make the effort to discern for themselves what is actually real. This is an extremely dangerous trend. People need to be exposed to multiple points of view. They need to learn to exercise discernment.

I'm frustrated that this con game that the power elites are running is continuing on and on. Maybe I've developed a hypersensitivity to the topic of propaganda vs. "conspiracy theories". I wish people (not you) weren't so brainwashed.

Mass formation is dangerous and seems easy to pull off when no one is paying attention or has access to multiple points of view.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmloBdLnX3A


Apr 28, 2018
Many times the Comments on ZeroHedge are superior to the articles themselves. But suit yourself.
I am glad someone else finds zerohedge comments fascinating. Where else could we find men who are managing millions or billions in funds for the big players, keeping track of world events as they affect markets and investment trends. Do you think some of those hedge fund mgrs trade info not just with each other but perhaps influence the elite power brokers as well?


May 13, 2015
I am glad someone else finds zerohedge comments fascinating. Where else could we find men who are managing millions or billions in funds for the big players, keeping track of world events as they affect markets and investment trends. Do you think some of those hedge fund mgrs trade info not just with each other but perhaps influence the elite power brokers as well?
Well, I dunno. The array of posters has morphed over the years and it seems to be less finance oriented than in days of yore. But I still enjoy the discussions. News stories' links get posted in the Comments that you wouldn't find otherwise. The Comments provide a variety of perspectives that I find interesting.
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