Anyone Know How To Cure/Help Sciatica?

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I have just been hit with my first case of sciatica and not sure what to do besides the exercises on Youtube. I think I have a herniated disk rather than a perfomis muscle issue. Has anyone figured out any treatment regimen for this or have any ideas.?

symptoms, hurts when I stand or sit. Pain is relieved when lying down or slouching at desk with my feet up on another chair.

I am taking MSM and Glycine to hopefully repair my disk issues. I also am using IR and red light.
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ProgestE - three drops every ten minutes till symptoms are gone. Works for frozen shoulder too.


Jun 7, 2016
I have 2 herniated discs in lumber spine and sometimes get sciatica pain (left side) if I don't have good office ergonomics.

if I start to get the sciatica its because on an alignment issue with the pelvis, sacroiliac joint and the spine and I visit an osteopath and a couple of visits and all is well again.

Ive tried the progest e and dhea and gelatine but it doesn't do what an osteopath can do.

I have also visited chiropractors but prefer osteopaths.
x-ray peat

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
@lisaferraro I think my issue may be from my not having done yoga for over a year. Thanks for the link and reminder:)
@marikay I am taking pregnenolone and DHEA so my progesterone levels should be good. Havent seen much help though its early
@BenjaminBullock So do you think I need to get an MRI? Its my understanding that osteopaths dont need them


Aug 9, 2013
Thyroid (google Ray's views on water and swelling, I think I've quoted it in the past on the forum.. the nerves and sheaths can swell and retain water causing nerve impingement).

Also not sitting at a computer all day. I had it bad about 3 years ago, no issues for more than 2 years now


Jun 7, 2016
@BenjaminBullock So do you think I need to get an MRI? Its my understanding that osteopaths dont need them[/QUOTE]

Osteos don't need them.

I would get the scan if you just want to know and see what has happened to your discs, it can be life changing because when I did the scan, I changed careers and started looking after myself in ways I hadn't before.
x-ray peat

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Thyroid (google Ray's views on water and swelling, I think I've quoted it in the past on the forum.. the nerves and sheaths can swell and retain water causing nerve impingement).

Also not sitting at a computer all day. I had it bad about 3 years ago, no issues for more than 2 years now
what did you do to fix it? I am already taking 2grains NDT
x-ray peat

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Osteos don't need them.

I would get the scan if you just want to know and see what has happened to your discs, it can be life changing because when I did the scan, I changed careers and started looking after myself in ways I hadn't before.
thanks I will probably make an appointment but am not expecting much besides the MRI and a PT referal


Oct 29, 2015
Foundation training rocks. I do this work out three times a week. You could also try some Melt Method with foam rollers, there's a few really good specific moves that work well.


Jun 7, 2016
what did you do to fix it? I am already taking 2grains NDT

I don' think it can be fixed as apparently the tear in the discs don't heal but keeping the spine in natural alignment is what keeps the nucleus inside the disc and stopes it coming out and compressing nerve roots which can lead to sciatica but sciatica can be caused by tight/weak piriformis musles and other muscles around the pelvis.

I don't lift heavy things anymore just because I don't have the structural integrity I used to and is risky.

Having organ inflammation and other inflammation down will keep pressure off the spine.

Having high energy state in the body will have the body erect with good posture and strong enough against gravity. If the body is high stressed, low energy it will fall to the force of gravity and hang off the spine. Having high energy will stop the force of the head and gravity from compressing the spinal discs keeping the nucleus inside the disc. the more hunched over someone is the more sheering force is on the spine.

If the body is healthy the muscles will be functioning correctly which will keep the spine in alignment and protected from being exposed and pushing the disc nucleus outwards. That doesn't mean being able to deadlift heavy its about the small stabilising muscles actually functioning correctly with enough energy and haven't eroded from stress and under nourishment.

Taking thyroid and going down the path of having highly functioning energy systems and healthy endocrine system and low stress will help with a spinal injury.


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
Osteo here- firstly, your symptoms of 'sciatica' haven't really been discussed. What do you mean? Where are you getting symptoms and what are they? Where, what type? Pain? What type of pain? Can you describe it? Or is it hot/cold sensations?
Is there and change in skin sensation? Do you have weakness in any areas? And how did this happen? Did you just wake up with it or where you like this after an event etc?

Sometimes I'll send someone for an MRI but generally history and physical findings will determine a *likely* diagnosis. If there are any red flags present I'm more inclined to seek further clarification.

Osteopath's treat his sort of stuff all the time. Having said that, try the other suggestions for sure- seems to have helped some people here. I'm probably biased re osteopathy!


Osteo here- firstly, your symptoms of 'sciatica' haven't really been discussed. What do you mean? Where are you getting symptoms and what are they? Where, what type? Pain? What type of pain? Can you describe it? Or is it hot/cold sensations?
Is there and change in skin sensation? Do you have weakness in any areas? And how did this happen? Did you just wake up with it or where you like this after an event etc?
These are really great questions and really any good practitioner needs this information to determine proper course of action. Thank you for highlighting them @teds
x-ray peat

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Osteo here- firstly, your symptoms of 'sciatica' haven't really been discussed. What do you mean? Where are you getting symptoms and what are they? Where, what type? Pain? What type of pain? Can you describe it? Or is it hot/cold sensations?
Is there and change in skin sensation? Do you have weakness in any areas? And how did this happen? Did you just wake up with it or where you like this after an event etc?

Sometimes I'll send someone for an MRI but generally history and physical findings will determine a *likely* diagnosis. If there are any red flags present I'm more inclined to seek further clarification.

Osteopath's treat his sort of stuff all the time. Having said that, try the other suggestions for
Thanks Teds. Below is a short history. I appreciate any more input/thoughts you could give.

How: Ive had history of low back pain from horseplay/lifting nephew and niece 2 years ago. This had gotten much better in last 6 months. Never felt sciatica pain though. I do spend too much time sitting in front of computer and my posture is not great. leaning back with feet up.
2 weeks ago I picked up 5-7 lb object on side of me, twisting as I lifted it. Felt pain in back for 2 days but no sciatica. Then back pain completely went away but very painful sciatica started.

Pain: Shooting pain that moves around on right side from butt, to back of thigh, to calf. Sometimes it’s all 3 areas at once. Pain is definitely a nerve pain and not muscle pain and is sometimes almost unbearable. It’s most of the time in my butt. The most painful area though is when it hits my calf. - 8 on the pain scale.
- not throbbing but pretty steady.
- electric feels like a TENS turned up too high
- No hot and cold sensation.
- No change in skin sensations
- No weakness
Standing, walking and sitting all hurt. Lying on back relieves the pain

I followed a youtube video and it seems that I failed all the herniated disc tests and passed the piriformis ones.
I have been doing the McKenzie exercises and piriformis stretches but don’t see much relief and seems to be getting worse.[/QUOTE]
x-ray peat

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I don' think it can be fixed as apparently the tear in the discs don't heal but keeping the spine in natural alignment is what keeps the nucleus inside the disc and stopes it coming out and compressing nerve roots which can lead to sciatica but sciatica can be caused by tight/weak piriformis musles and other muscles around the pelvis.

I don't lift heavy things anymore just because I don't have the structural integrity I used to and is risky.

Having organ inflammation and other inflammation down will keep pressure off the spine.

Having high energy state in the body will have the body erect with good posture and strong enough against gravity. If the body is high stressed, low energy it will fall to the force of gravity and hang off the spine. Having high energy will stop the force of the head and gravity from compressing the spinal discs keeping the nucleus inside the disc. the more hunched over someone is the more sheering force is on the spine.

If the body is healthy the muscles will be functioning correctly which will keep the spine in alignment and protected from being exposed and pushing the disc nucleus outwards. That doesn't mean being able to deadlift heavy its about the small stabilising muscles actually functioning correctly with enough energy and haven't eroded from stress and under nourishment.

Taking thyroid and going down the path of having highly functioning energy systems and healthy endocrine system and low stress will help with a spinal injury.
Thanks man. All great points.
x-ray peat

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Foundation training rocks. I do this work out three times a week. You could also try some Melt Method with foam rollers, there's a few really good specific moves that work well.

Thanks HLP. This will be great when I can get the sciatica under control.


Nov 1, 2012
What is your cholesterol? How much pregnenolone are you taking?

"Thyroid activates the conversion of cholesterol to the steroids pregnenolone, DHEA, and progesterone, and those are important stabilizers of the connective tissues, as well as the nerves. (If thyroid is chronically low, cartilage is easily deformed, and ligaments are likely to be loose.) If the cholesterol is already low, too much cytomel will intensify stress because, when pregnenolone and progesterone are lacking, it increases cortisol sharply. Using some novotiral every day probably reduces the effects of irregular amounts of cytomel, but the important thing is to have enough cholesterol, or to supplement pregnenolone."

(This wasn't specifically about sciatica but thought it was relevant since Ray Peat was speaking of ligaments, nerves.)
x-ray peat

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
What is your cholesterol? How much pregnenolone are you taking?

"Thyroid activates the conversion of cholesterol to the steroids pregnenolone, DHEA, and progesterone, and those are important stabilizers of the connective tissues, as well as the nerves. (If thyroid is chronically low, cartilage is easily deformed, and ligaments are likely to be loose.) If the cholesterol is already low, too much cytomel will intensify stress because, when pregnenolone and progesterone are lacking, it increases cortisol sharply. Using some novotiral every day probably reduces the effects of irregular amounts of cytomel, but the important thing is to have enough cholesterol, or to supplement pregnenolone."

(This wasn't specifically about sciatica but thought it was relevant since Ray Peat was speaking of ligaments, nerves.)
I haven't tested my cholesterol for a couple of years but it was high back then; 275 total 77HDL 176 LDL 112 TG
I have been taking 2 grains of NDT for the last year so I imagine my cholesterol has been lowered. I also take DHEA and Pregnenolone but just started that in last 2 months


Nov 1, 2012
I haven't tested my cholesterol for a couple of years but it was high back then; 275 total 77HDL 176 LDL 112 TG
I have been taking 2 grains of NDT for the last year so I imagine my cholesterol has been lowered. I also take DHEA and Pregnenolone but just started that in last 2 months

I would think your cholesterol would be ok, but might be good to check. How is your metabolism on 2 grains NDT? Temperature and pulse good? Peat recommended 200 mg of pregnenolone to be safe if I wasn't sure about cholesterol.
x-ray peat

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I would think your cholesterol would be ok, but might be good to check. How is your metabolism on 2 grains NDT? Temperature and pulse good? Peat recommended 200 mg of pregnenolone to be safe if I wasn't sure about cholesterol.
temp didnt really change with the ndt; waking still around 97.4F, Heart Rate did go from low 60 to high 70s.
200 mg preg sounds very high. where did ray say that? Im taking about 5 mg dhea and 25 mg preg.
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