Almost Everyone On This Forum Is Highly Misinformed


May 11, 2020
I am also from a (an organic) farm.
Cows/dairy and fruits are so much superior to growing vegetables, nuts and seeds. Not only from the nutritional aspect.
Unfortunately I only browse this forum on my mobile while in public. Would like to contribute more
You're super right. The veggie garden was a total nightmare this year. Having to weed a quarter acre twice a week took forever. We have another 6 acre field but leave it empty just because I'd rather spend the money on buying produce lol. It would be like getting paid $5/hr to do all that work. As a prepper it would hold tremendous value though.
The apples trees produced like crazy and we did absolutely zero work for them. I ran an apple over with the lawnmower and I was like "oh yeah, I should probably get some of these". We should probably just start a peat farming thread lol


I know why most people are on this forum in the first place because I'm here for the same reason. Our health was messed up so we started scouring the net trying to look for answers that western medicine couldn't give.

But the problem is, not many people even here really know why your health is so messed up. You want to know why? It's simple, your food and water is devoid of nutrition at the source and is contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and worst of all endocrine disruptors. The air you breath is polluted. You're bombarded with EMFs 24/7 and light pollution that disrupts your sleep and doesn't let you see the vastness of the stars (this latter part is very important for your mental health that no one seems to talk about). You probably don't get enough sun light and you probably never walk on bare Earth. You probably work some modern, pointless, and stressful job and don't enjoy the little moments with your family enough.

To sum it up, you are living a very corrupted modern life, far removed from our ancestors. It's as simple as that.

But you probably know all that already, the problem with this forum is the 'solutions' offered for this issue.

There's no magic pill or supplement that is going to fix this. No, aspirin, a man made synthetic chemical with dangerous side effects, is not going to fix this. No, progesterone, a female hormone often used to change your gender, is not going to fix this. No, red light therapy or some other bull**** you order on Amazon from your little room that comes in a plastic box from a lifeless factory, is not going to fix this.

I know we are all desperate here and we just want a quick solution that works but there is no such thing in life ever.

You want to truly fix these problems? Get out of the city, go live on a farm, grow your food and raise your own animals, drink pure water, walk on earth, swim in a lake with the sun beating down on you and stare up at the stars and galaxies as you fall asleep.

You've read this online, you have no idea whether it's either true or works.

Personal experience trumps theory.

Tell us about your own experience, what has worked for you, not what you are fantasizing about and wish to try.


Jul 24, 2018
I think OP is misinformed about why people discuss isolated remidies to different issues that they have. Obviously there will be benefits to moving to a farm with stress free environment with sunlight, reduced emf ect.. however given that most don't have that option, they will have to identify and then mitigate the negative effects of the modern environment in the best way that they can.

For example there are many people that are chronically stressed but are not even aware of it.

By researching here, a user could then start using an isolated supplement such as cypro to reduce their response to stress and slow down their decline.

Therefore they will experience positive health benefits in the context of modern society.

I do not beleive people here think they can fix all of their problems, but merely slowing down or haulting multiple health issues is a massive success. I can't see what is so misinformed about this? How is this not a solution?


Aug 30, 2012
Leaving everything behind to buy a farm may be an option for you, but not for a lot of us. The air and water quality on all corners of the earth have been affected, so there's nowhere to run to. So what's left for the rest of us to do? We do the best we can with what we've got, food-wise, as well as lifestyle. A lot of us have had to resort to supplementation and targeted corrective action when that proved to not be enough. I'd be very sick or maybe even dead by now if I didn't have that available to me. Maybe you can look beyond your privilege and judgement to see that we're not all in the same boat as you.


Mar 9, 2018
Wow ... so many salty responses to OP! I don’t think he’s at all wrong in pinpointing many causes of poor health in modern man. And I don’t think he’s suggesting that the solution is easy or cheap — just that, in his opinion, isolating certain factors and twiddling with them seems myopic and ineffective given the scale of the environmental problems modern man faces that are damaging his health.

No, it isn’t easy to give up modern conveniences and live away from society. It is also becoming more expensive (though, if you are determined and prepared to move, you can find a way, at least in America where there are still some somewhat inexpensive pieces of land. Also look into land and home foreclosures).

Nothing is easy. Everything is a trade off. Some people want/need to adapt to the environment they are in, contaminants and all. Others are open to a radical shift, a big gamble. Some people even try to go back to living as our ancestors did (I think there’s a German woman I saw on YouTube who does like Stone Age living retreats ... they’re out there!). It is not a guarantee of health, but maybe the problems that come with such a lifestyle are more bearable for other reasons (ie it’s nature that’s screwing you over, not some big corporation. Must be easier to handle mentally — we are all powerless against nature in many ways, so it’s easier to accept one’s inferior position, and maybe even come to respect what we can’t fully understand or alter. But to be pushed around unjustly by a human creation is much more difficult to deal with. So many things in society can create A sense of learned helplessness in those who are unwell to begin with.)

I would also just add to the list of things that are leading to degrading health in modern humans:
- loss of a true sense of community
- loss of a true sense of spirituality and meaning beyond one’s own life
- loss of methods of community catharsis (singing, dancing, celebration of non consumer related events)
- aseptic, institutional methods of child care and education, twisting outcomes in development
- loss of essential purpose with regards to our bodies, in particular with women losing connection with childbearing role and men with using their bodies for more than just sitting at a desk or staring at a screen. Wrt women, this was started with birth control, but now, given the skyrocketing rates of infertility and reproductive disease, many can’t become mothers even if they wanted.
- loss of essential certainty
- atomization and isolation

All of the above has led to a more stressed and fragile creature.
Amen to that. In addition to that I see homo sapiens as the earth's endotoxins -- we are parasites, germs, bacteria on the face of the earth and the earth is at a stage where she has become "Mad as Hell and she's not going to take it anymore." O, and it's too late to change her mind.


Jul 30, 2020
I think OP is misinformed about why people discuss isolated remidies to different issues that they have. Obviously there will be benefits to moving to a farm with stress free environment with sunlight, reduced emf ect.. however given that most don't have that option, they will have to identify and then mitigate the negative effects of the modern environment in the best way that they can.

For example there are many people that are chronically stressed but are not even aware of it.

By researching here, a user could then start using an isolated supplement such as cypro to reduce their response to stress and slow down their decline.

Therefore they will experience positive health benefits in the context of modern society.

I do not beleive people here think they can fix all of their problems, but merely slowing down or haulting multiple health issues is a massive success. I can't see what is so misinformed about this? How is this not a solution?

Completely agree. Taking something like cypro can be the leverage someone needs to get out of a deep hole. It might take them years to fix their underlying issues but just not feeling like complete crap all the time frees up your mind and gives you the energy to start to find long term solutions.


Jan 4, 2019
I used to have this hopeless view, too. Then, without changing where I live or work, without supplementing or increasing exercise, I became completely well and a permanently optimal weight.

I changed these two things:

1. Stopped limiting carbs
2. Stopped limiting calories

That's it. It is always good to know what is possible. The situation is not hopeless. It does not require changes which are impossible for most people.


Apr 15, 2020
I know why most people are on this forum in the first place because I'm here for the same reason. Our health was messed up so we started scouring the net trying to look for answers that western medicine couldn't give.

But the problem is, not many people even here really know why your health is so messed up. You want to know why? It's simple, your food and water is devoid of nutrition at the source and is contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and worst of all endocrine disruptors. The air you breath is polluted. You're bombarded with EMFs 24/7 and light pollution that disrupts your sleep and doesn't let you see the vastness of the stars (this latter part is very important for your mental health that no one seems to talk about). You probably don't get enough sun light and you probably never walk on bare Earth. You probably work some modern, pointless, and stressful job and don't enjoy the little moments with your family enough.

To sum it up, you are living a very corrupted modern life, far removed from our ancestors. It's as simple as that.

But you probably know all that already, the problem with this forum is the 'solutions' offered for this issue.

There's no magic pill or supplement that is going to fix this. No, aspirin, a man made synthetic chemical with dangerous side effects, is not going to fix this. No, progesterone, a female hormone often used to change your gender, is not going to fix this. No, red light therapy or some other bull**** you order on Amazon from your little room that comes in a plastic box from a lifeless factory, is not going to fix this.

I know we are all desperate here and we just want a quick solution that works but there is no such thing in life ever.

You want to truly fix these problems? Get out of the city, go live on a farm, grow your food and raise your own animals, drink pure water, walk on earth, swim in a lake with the sun beating down on you and stare up at the stars and galaxies as you fall asleep.

Lol salicylate-rich plants (willow trees...) have used as sources of Salicylic Acid for thousands of years. acetyl chloride with sodium salicylate produced acetylsalicylic acid which is Aspirin


Apr 18, 2020
Lol salicylate-rich plants (willow trees...) have used as sources of Salicylic Acid for thousands of years. acetyl chloride with sodium salicylate produced acetylsalicylic acid which is Aspirin

? bingo! So glad someone said this!


Jun 7, 2016
I was in the Amazon jungle on one of those ayahuasca retreats in a remote area and the shaman said that the cerebral cortex is too big to go back to the wild and that we will leave this planet to find another one.

Farming is too boring and some of the first agriculturalists were prisoners who had to raise animals or crops in a pen as a punishment as everyone was nomadic at the time.

I think the problem is humans are great travelers and when we stopped being nomads is when everything got worse. Everything is designed to lock you down as some prisoner in society, its very rigid system if you ever try not submitting to it.

Often ‘novelty seeking’ gets blurted out but it would have been a regular part of life and survival before agriculture and modern civilization. Peoples health improves when they go on holiday and if your a farmer there are no holidays.


Jul 31, 2020
I know why most people are on this forum in the first place because I'm here for the same reason. Our health was messed up so we started scouring the net trying to look for answers that western medicine couldn't give.

But the problem is, not many people even here really know why your health is so messed up. You want to know why? It's simple, your food and water is devoid of nutrition at the source and is contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and worst of all endocrine disruptors. The air you breath is polluted. You're bombarded with EMFs 24/7 and light pollution that disrupts your sleep and doesn't let you see the vastness of the stars (this latter part is very important for your mental health that no one seems to talk about). You probably don't get enough sun light and you probably never walk on bare Earth. You probably work some modern, pointless, and stressful job and don't enjoy the little moments with your family enough.

To sum it up, you are living a very corrupted modern life, far removed from our ancestors. It's as simple as that.

But you probably know all that already, the problem with this forum is the 'solutions' offered for this issue.

There's no magic pill or supplement that is going to fix this. No, aspirin, a man made synthetic chemical with dangerous side effects, is not going to fix this. No, progesterone, a female hormone often used to change your gender, is not going to fix this. No, red light therapy or some other bull**** you order on Amazon from your little room that comes in a plastic box from a lifeless factory, is not going to fix this.

I know we are all desperate here and we just want a quick solution that works but there is no such thing in life ever.

You want to truly fix these problems? Get out of the city, go live on a farm, grow your food and raise your own animals, drink pure water, walk on earth, swim in a lake with the sun beating down on you and stare up at the stars and galaxies as you fall asleep.
BehcetsBoy, I agree; "There's no magic pill or supplement. No aspirin, a man made synthetic chemical with dangerous side effects, is not going to fix this. No progesterone, a female hormone often used to change your gender is not going to fix this." I agree.

I live in the country on 3 acres. But, the first thing my neighbors do when they move around me is install a tall pole with a bright light to block out the stars. Their lights stay on all night. I don't know, maybe fear, but I wish these "yard lights" would be outlawed. Seeing the stars should be a protected right, IMO., at least in the country areas.
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Apr 14, 2013
You want to truly fix these problems? Get out of the city, go live on a farm, grow your food and raise your own animals, drink pure water, walk on earth, swim in a lake with the sun beating down on you and stare up at the stars and galaxies as you fall asleep.
Naa, there's no way this work to fix health issues for most people. You'd have to leave your friends, family, and entire social and support networks; it would be agony. There's no amount of healthy diet and fun in the sun that could replace that horrible deep feeling of separation.
I know, I had the opportunity to do this. Other people I know also had the opportunity and went for it, ended up in a cult. Point being, that life you talk about comes with it's own set of stressors and hardships and it is far from a guarantee that you will achieve great health.
Mar 10, 2021
I know why most people are on this forum in the first place because I'm here for the same reason. Our health was messed up so we started scouring the net trying to look for answers that western medicine couldn't give.

But the problem is, not many people even here really know why your health is so messed up. You want to know why? It's simple, your food and water is devoid of nutrition at the source and is contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, and worst of all endocrine disruptors. The air you breath is polluted. You're bombarded with EMFs 24/7 and light pollution that disrupts your sleep and doesn't let you see the vastness of the stars (this latter part is very important for your mental health that no one seems to talk about). You probably don't get enough sun light and you probably never walk on bare Earth. You probably work some modern, pointless, and stressful job and don't enjoy the little moments with your family enough.

To sum it up, you are living a very corrupted modern life, far removed from our ancestors. It's as simple as that.

But you probably know all that already, the problem with this forum is the 'solutions' offered for this issue.

There's no magic pill or supplement that is going to fix this. No, aspirin, a man made synthetic chemical with dangerous side effects, is not going to fix this. No, progesterone, a female hormone often used to change your gender, is not going to fix this. No, red light therapy or some other bull**** you order on Amazon from your little room that comes in a plastic box from a lifeless factory, is not going to fix this.

I know we are all desperate here and we just want a quick solution that works but there is no such thing in life ever.

You want to truly fix these problems? Get out of the city, go live on a farm, grow your food and raise your own animals, drink pure water, walk on earth, swim in a lake with the sun beating down on you and stare up at the stars and galaxies as you fall asleep.
I was a supplement chaser, thinking I could fix my issues just adding something, but it is more about subtracting. There has never been wise words saying “More is more”. With supplements, they work until they don’t and then they backfire. This is why Peat says to only take them until the issue is resolved, but instead people get to feeling good with them so they keep it up.Less is more. I stopped playing God with my body trying to fix things and instead started being a protector of my temple, thinking more about my environment and I stopped the supplement madness and my body got back to doing what it was designed to do, heal and get strong. I was never this healthy at twenty and I am sixty now. I love grounding and staring up at the sky!


May 10, 2018
I was a supplement chaser, thinking I could fix my issues just adding something, but it is more about subtracting. There has never been wise words saying “More is more”. With supplements, they work until they don’t and then they backfire. This is why Peat says to only take them until the issue is resolved, but instead people get to feeling good with them so they keep it up.Less is more. I stopped playing God with my body trying to fix things and instead started being a protector of my temple, thinking more about my environment and I stopped the supplement madness and my body got back to doing what it was designed to do, heal and get strong. I was never this healthy at twenty and I am sixty now. I love grounding and staring up at the sky!
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Words of true wisdom. We appreciate you.


Aug 27, 2022
Living on a farm and growing nutrient dense food doesn't mean great health at all. I follow about a dozen homesteaders who eat the most nutritious food you could possibly get and one has lost teeth and deals with lyme disease, one lost their appendix and had mental illness, another got an eye disease and lots of mental illness and their kids get sick quite frequently despite living closer to the earth than 99% of us. Now I do think it's a good lifestyle, but they are also misled. It's not just nutrient density and sunlight that saves anyone. Sometimes those nutrients overload the body and cause disease (vitamin A).
Interesting thoughts and examples. I grew up living on a homestead.
My theories about potential illnesses from living close to "earth" lifestyle.

Pesticides, very few states have tough regulations.
Parasites, from farm animals including pets. Someone has to clean up the poop!
Parasites from water.
Mold from animal feed.
Chemicals from leaking into well water.
Being close to manufacturing sites.
Nov 26, 2017
I was a supplement chaser, thinking I could fix my issues just adding something, but it is more about subtracting. There has never been wise words saying “More is more”. With supplements, they work until they don’t and then they backfire. This is why Peat says to only take them until the issue is resolved, but instead people get to feeling good with them so they keep it up.Less is more. I stopped playing God with my body trying to fix things and instead started being a protector of my temple, thinking more about my environment and I stopped the supplement madness and my body got back to doing what it was designed to do, heal and get strong. I was never this healthy at twenty and I am sixty now. I love grounding and staring up at the sky!
View attachment 58418
Hey Rinse, I am glad to hear that!

“For many years, I have been seeing more symptoms relieved by stopping all the chemical supplements, than by using them.” -Ray Peat

And I agree with your take on supplements. But it's worth mentioning that whether one should take supplements and/or meds from time to time (preferably not on a daily basis, rather "cycling" them so one uses each of them 2-3 times per week to avoid tolerance) also depends on the physiology and environment one finds himself in. It is a matter of caution and using one's "inner-guidance system".

DANNY: Last thing on this some people are saying like you know if your nutrition is so good why do you need to add hormones?, and maybe a good response to that would be our environment is so terribly awful that maybe just even taking thyroid isn't enough kind of defense from kind of the onslaught of metabolic problems we're faced with day-to-day.

RAY: Yeah, even thyroid and milkshakes and quesadillas aren't always enough to to make up for the the horrors that are imposed on us and some of the natural defects of the environment, like we probably should live more like naked mole rats, sleeping in burrows in family clusters where we would be producing a a proper amount of carbon dioxide so that we would be soaked in carbon dioxide for a good part of our lives making up for the the natural imbalance created by geological changes.

GEORGI: I read a book recently about how people the difference is sleep between these days and and back in the middle ages and apparently people back then were sleeping in barnyards with animals 15 to 20 people all huddled together and i guess the rate of degenerative disease maybe that's not a reason why it was much lower they were living like naked mole rats.

RAY: Yeah, yeah, having a cow and a pig in the house when you're asleep it seems to help and..

GEORGI: Makes makes life more fun.

DANNY: You completely stole that out of my brain!, I was just gonna i was gonna make a joke about right a long time ago you said like a optimal society would include our animal friends and i was gonna make a joke about that and then you said it georgie that's really wild.

GEORGI: That's how they used to live apparently i mean that's it's it was a book on anthropology i don't remember the author names right now but he said that it's drastic our current mode of life is drastically different and judging from the you know from the archaeological findings and the the the examinations they did on bones and and whatever records other records they could they could unearth that he's saying that apparently their lifestyle was conducive to much better health they didn't have these diseases back then.

RAY: Yeah I think carbon dioxide is always a basic factor of stress relief or stress production depending on the concentration.

Min 47:17

Ray: The only mistake that I think Hans Selye made in all of his work on stress, he, in some places talks about a limited ability to adapt to stress, because we are born with a certain amount of ‘adaptive energy’ or stress resistant energy, but I don’t think there is such a thing as ‘adaptive energy’. I think of such things as sugar, sucrose and fructose, which let us deal with these menacing things such as serotonin, starches, indigestible fibers, various plant irritants. The sugars are directly oxidized to energy, and inhibit the interfering substances, such as oxidized unsaturated fats. I think what the equivalent of a lack adaptive energy that Selye proposed, I think what it is, is that we have such a bad environment to adapt to that we get worse as we adapt to bad things, such as polyunsaturated fats and chronic excess of serotonin defending us against those irritants. So I think these immediate adaptive substances that in the short range protect us when we have to keep adapting with these short range measure, for example, serotonin increases collagen production, leads progressively to fibrosis of blood vessels, liver, kidneys, even the brain develops collagen under excessive stress and serotonin. So, too much adaptation to a bad environment I think is what causes ageing and degeneration, rather than the lack of this hypothetical ‘adaptive energy’.

[follow-up: Is this effect on electronic resonance just related to its anti serotonin effects or is it somthing more? Would cyproheptadine or lisuride have this effect?] Things that protect against “reductive stress” (an excess of metabolic electrons) protect the sensitivities of cells that make coherent integrated function possible. Szent-Gyorgyi talked about an intracellular integration made possible by maintaining a partially oxidized state of proteins, and I’m thinking about intercellular communication of this electronic state. Stress shifts metabolism away from this condition. Once the state exists, it tends to be stable by itself, without drugs, in the absence of stress.

If you are far from the euphoric condition then it means you're basically degenerating structurally, aging, deteriorating, and maintaining the euphoric state is therapeutic. That's what happens when you eat progesterone, take active thyroid, T3, or pregnenolone, or sugar, or breath the right amount of carbon dioxide. Everything that doesn't cause injury and does cause energy or stability is going lead you towards a greater stability.

From the podcast Generative Energy #33 @ 22:50.

This is my correspondence with Peat over the years... my comments are in <>.

<on severe headaches/migraines caused by supplements> Have you tried a large oral dose of progesterone? A very large amount of sugar will usually relieve a migraine; ice cream (about a quart) or milk shakes with some fat and protein make it easier to assimilate the sugar without stomach upset. Caffeine sometimes makes the aspirin and sugar more effective. Did any of the magnesium chloride get on your lips? In my own migraine experience, I found that a very small amount of either vitamin A or magnesium chloride could cause big headaches for two or three days. If I had put vitamin A anywhere on my face or arms, enough would touch my lips to cause the headache. It wasn't the vitamin A or magnesium itself that did it, but some very powerful allergen in the chemically manufactured products. It's possible that some such substance has entered the T3 during its manufacture, so using a different brand might avoid the effect. What brands of T3 and desiccated have you used? Is cyproheptadine available where you are? It's probably the safest of the antiserotonin drugs; here are some articles about it.

Cyproheptadine might be helpful for reducing sensitivity to intestinal irritants.

<on anti-serotonin drugs> I have known a few people who had very good results with tianeptine, and a couple who got side effects from it. I think any of the antiserotonin drugs will eventually cause side effects, and should only be used until a problem is corrected, for example when an enlarged pituitary is normalized. I think the same effects can be produced with nutrition and hormones, without the possible problems.

<can anti-serotonin drugs permanently fix a problem, even if taken only for a short while?> Yes, but it's important to keep adjusting thyroid and progesterone according to temperature, pulse, etc.

Thyroid is the best thing for controlling serotonin's effects. The drugs that act on "receptors" act simultaneously on many things; one effect of some of them is a selective "agonist" effect on the "receptor" which is involved in negative feedback, turning off the cells that produce serotonin. Wikipedia is a function of consensus; according to them, serotonin is a happy hormone, and there are no conspiracies of government officials and bankers.

I avoid fluoridated water carefully because, without thinking about it, during a stay in San Francisco – wasn’t aware that the water was fluoridated – I started getting extreme hypothyroid symptom. And I realized that the water that I drank, had enough fluoride in it to totally destroy the thyroid supplement that I was taking. So the first place that fluoride can act is by destroying nutrients and hormones that you might be taking. But to the extent that fluoride circulates in your bloodstream, where T3, the active thyroid hormone, is also circulating; it just takes one fluoride atom to ruin the T3 molecule. So my own experience with it is as a thyroid toxin.

Nov 26, 2017
Ray Peat - Autism Newsletter notes - May 2018
Things in the environment, or substances produced in reactions to environmental stress, that might cause autism, include prenatal and neonatal exposure to radiation, including isotopes from the power industry, bomb testing, Chernobyl, and Fukushima; exposure to air pollution, including nitrogen oxides, ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and particles (Jung, et al., 2013); aluminum (Mold, et al., 2018), lead, mercury, manganese, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, manganese, and nickel (Windham, et al., 2006); acetaminophen, infections, endotoxin, exogenous and endogenous estrogens, hypothyroidism, progesterone deficiency, agmatine deficiency, serotonin excess, endogenous nitric oxide (Sweeten, et al., 2004), and vitamin D deficiency. All these have established associations with the risk of autism.

When energy is deficient, cells are susceptible to damage from normal levels of stimulation. Restraining excitatory reactions is at least protective, and it often improves functioning. Anti-excitotoxic substances include progesterone, memantine, minocycline, and agmatine.

An environmental factor which has increased parallel to the autism epidemic, and which contributes to brain swelling, inflammation, reduced energy production, increased excitability, oxidative damage and undesirable shifts in hormones, is the use of polyunsaturated fats as food. People with autism have been found to have abnormally
high levels of prostaglandin, isoprostanes, and leukotrienes, which are associated with lipid peroxidation and brain inflammation (El-Ansary and Al-Ayadhi, 2012; Ming, et al., 2005).

Vitamin D has a broad range of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions that probably contribute to its therapeutic effects in autism (BaSalamah , et al., 2018; van der Sloot, et al., 2017; Cannell, 2008, 2017; Saad, et al., 2016). If nature is essentially interactive, interdependent, ecological, and organismic, nurturing is an essential part of nature. When science is fundamentally mistaken about the nature of causality and being, it will be problem blind, and mostly ineffective in dealing with issues such as autism.

Jose Ortega y Gasset’s famous statement is relevant for both science and autism: “I am I and my circumstance; if I don't save it, I don't save myself.”


Thanks, do you have any references I can look into regarding this topic of
Energy maintaining structure and its selectivity?

What would be the negative consequences of normalizing stress hormones through direct intervention? Without meeting the condition that got them to become elevated in the first place.


When cortisol is increased, though it does reduce inflammation and reduce leakiness, it’s antagonistic to androgens, and shifts the balance toward protein catabolism, and lowers the oxidation of glucose.

Related to selectivity of energized cytoplasm---D.N. Nasonov, V.I. Vernadsky, H.G. Bungenberg de Jong, G.N. Ling, A.S. Troshin, V. Matveev, Sidney Fox, and recently I think Jeremy L. England is working on related things, energy creating order.


If serotonin or estrogen were involved rather than cortisol, would you have the same approach?

Do you know if particular conditions could lead to high cortisol, serotonin or estrogen and unless they are addressed the need for supplemental hormones or drugs will always be present?
The only people I've seen use hormonal supplements and not need them anymore used thyroid, but most people need the supplements continuously and quite a few had troubles with dhea, pregnenolone or thyroid. Micro-dosing psilocybin or lsd appears to benefit all and relieve depression but again the benefits vanish upon cessation.


Although occasionally a short supplementation of progesterone, pregnenolone, or thyroid will decisively correct a problem, most often there has been something environmental-nutritional that had to be changed. If people don’t change their diet and/or problematic surroundings, then they are dependent on hormones, stimulants, antiinflammatories, etc.

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Mar 10, 2021
Hey Rinse, I am glad to hear that!

And I agree with your take on supplements. But it's worth mentioning that whether one should take supplements and/or meds from time to time (preferably not on a daily basis, rather "cycling" them so one uses each of them 2-3 times per week to avoid tolerance) also depends on the physiology and environment one finds himself in. It is a matter of caution and using one's "inner-guidance system".
I agree with the Ray Peat’s quote, that I posted above and now below, that supplements may help one’s issue but can often cause other issues for many reasons, so if I were to recommend any supplements to anyone I know I would have to be sure of their purity, having tried it myself, and one would have to know how to take and balance them right. Supplements really aren’t taken seriously nowadays and like medications they can put one one step forward and two steps back. If one is going the supplement rather than food route then I would suggest to do as Ray Peat suggests and take them until the symptoms subside. I think people take them too long or in too high a dose, or just because they are fearful of not getting enough vitamins in a day. I have been guilty of both of those reasons.

“For many years, I have been seeing more symptoms relieved by stopping all the chemical supplements, than by using them.” -Ray Peat
Nov 26, 2017
I agree with the Ray Peat’s quote, that I posted above and now below, that supplements may help one’s issue but can often cause other issues for many reasons, so if I were to recommend any supplements to anyone I know I would have to be sure of their purity, having tried it myself, and one would have to know how to take and balance them right. Supplements really aren’t taken seriously nowadays and like medications they can put one one step forward and two steps back. If one is going the supplement rather than food route then I would suggest to do as Ray Peat suggests and take them until the symptoms subside. I think people take them too long or in too high a dose, or just because they are fearful of not getting enough vitamins in a day. I have been guilty of both of those reasons.

“For many years, I have been seeing more symptoms relieved by stopping all the chemical supplements, than by using them.” -Ray Peat
I see. That is my approach as well. :thumbleft
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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