

Sep 3, 2016
I don't know if this is the right location for this post, but i wanted to post some sincere gratitude to this forum, and specifically folks such as @haidut @DaveFoster @tyler @Stryker @sladerunner69. I am fairly astonished by how much my health has improved within the last couple of months. Some of this probably has to to do with weather, but i feel the best i have felt in probably half a decade at 28 years old.

I was in a state of learned helplessness for years without knowing it, and finding this forum has gradually led me back to being a productive powerhouse. I think all of us found Peat for different reasons. For me, it was fairly unbearable OCD that is barely present anymore. I had severe fear of food, didn't even want to have sex (which for me is unthinkable), lost a lot of my natural athleticism etc. Honestly it sucks to think about it now that i am better. Ashamed of how bad things got. I try to refrain from being a "know it all" when i hear friends say things like "man i have such bad anxiety or i can't tolerate coffee" when i know right away it is related to lack of liver health, and being fat adapted opposed to being able to burn glucose & sugar. As @haidut once said to me, "raising metabolism is really the only proven commodity in terms of health we have come across." I may be paraphrasing a bit, but he is right. Just remember, when you are lost, come back to a lot of the principles on this forum.

Part of having a high metabolism is being grateful, and paying it forward. Help others because honestly most people need it. Even some of your "healthy friends" who probably crush nuts & soy. Eventually they will crash and you will be a rare resource that can bring them back to solid function.


Sep 3, 2016
You have any summary of everything you've done to feel better anywhere?

Yeah, i would first add that it has involved a lot of experimentation. It has honestly been somewhat similar to what @haidut indicated his journey was like. I was lean and "fit" to start with and felt like ***t. When i initially found Peat, i added in gelatin, energin, tocovit, eat more sugar & eliminated PUFA. All very positive. Immediately i felt better. This involved running on less stress hormones, and being a bit more tired but no more anxiety and or occasional depression and improved OCD. I still didn't feel very anaerobic or androgenic yet however. Sex drive had marketedly improved, but didn't feel as lean and vital as i wanted. I would say overall the most important step of this process was getting more in touch with my body. I should note that i still eat pretty strictly by Peats standards but once in a while incorporate stuff like this...which is delicous. I opt for Lemon or butter. Butter Bella Gourmet Cookies - Natural and Freshly Baked Really really good with a glass of milk. I think my man @tyler would enjoy.

This first step involved a little bit of weight gain as my fat intake was pretty high. A lot of haagan daaz, cookies, cheese etc. I got up to 209 lbs and i am 6'1. I didn't feel my best as i am naturally lean and felt relatively bulky. I started to cut fat a bit lower and immediately the weight shed off. I am down to 198 and am pretty ripped right now. The supplements i currently dabble with often/daily are Dr Rons NDT, oxidal, caffeine, preg, k2, energin while more occasionally Keto, Andro, aspirin, pansterone, retinil, tocovit, mildronate (thanks stryker - incredible pre workout, and occasionally cynomel.) I don't feel too much on cynomel as i have come to the conclusion that my issues were related to an eating disorder and being underfed. Once i fixed that, my metabolism essentially came back to speed. I already have my appetite back, so cynomel doesn't add a whole lot to my repetoire. I do ok with it when i take it once per day, with my afternoon snack. For some reason that works best for me. I would say that my favorite supplements so far are KetoDHT (get crazy ripped and androgenic from this.) Oxidal, Energin, caffeine. Preg is also very solid. Besides oxidal, energin & caffeine i kind of microdose all other supplements and am very conservative. I probably consume anywhere from 300-400 g of carbs and it probably should be higher as i am active, lean and have a big appetite. Protein is probably 120-160 on a given day and fat is probably 40-75 on a given day. I don't track and never would as it is so anti metabolism it is ironic. Staples of my diet are mexican coke or pesi, chipotle steak or barbacoa, eggs, scallops, shrimp, kale, mushrooms, butter, coconut oil, 1% milk, homemade cookies like the ones above, haagan daaz cofee ice cream, coffee itself, white sugar, cherries, liver, OJ, Naked Casein, maple syrup, potatoes and white rice etc. Nothing revolutionary. I try to limit starch to 1-2 servings a day, but i have really no issues with it. I feel pretty confident saying white rice and potatoes are safe for mostly everyone. The most important aspect of the foods above is i thoroughly enjoy all of them. It is re assuring knowing they are approved by an intelligent community, but my body craves them and derives energy from them. Overall, i am impressed at my speed of recovery, and look forward to the trend continuing.


Aug 17, 2016
I don't know if this is the right location for this post, but i wanted to post some sincere gratitude to this forum, and specifically folks such as @haidut @DaveFoster @tyler @Stryker @sladerunner69. I am fairly astonished by how much my health has improved within the last couple of months. Some of this probably has to to do with weather, but i feel the best i have felt in probably half a decade at 28 years old.

I was in a state of learned helplessness for years without knowing it, and finding this forum has gradually led me back to being a productive powerhouse. I think all of us found Peat for different reasons. For me, it was fairly unbearable OCD that is barely present anymore. I had severe fear of food, didn't even want to have sex (which for me is unthinkable), lost a lot of my natural athleticism etc. Honestly it sucks to think about it now that i am better. Ashamed of how bad things got. I try to refrain from being a "know it all" when i hear friends say things like "man i have such bad anxiety or i can't tolerate coffee" when i know right away it is related to lack of liver health, and being fat adapted opposed to being able to burn glucose & sugar. As @haidut once said to me, "raising metabolism is really the only proven commodity in terms of health we have come across." I may be paraphrasing a bit, but he is right. Just remember, when you are lost, come back to a lot of the principles on this forum.

Part of having a high metabolism is being grateful, and paying it forward. Help others because honestly most people need it. Even some of your "healthy friends" who probably crush nuts & soy. Eventually they will crash and you will be a rare resource that can bring them back to solid function.


Feb 18, 2016
This is great to hear:emoji_thumbsup:
Try use the newfound energy to work on the other aspect of Peat which is his philosophical leanings for construing reality,Change is always ongoing so expect it,good or bad it's down to your meanings.

(Cue the fanatical politcal types/teams on here to chime in with communism for Peats philosophical leanings)


Sep 3, 2016
Not that he probably cares but i forgot @tca300 in my shout outs. Maybe the most helpful guy i have come across so far.


Sep 3, 2016
Also wanted to mention how laughable i find the hate for @haidut and this forum on the web. Just came across some posts from people that have been kicked off and such. I understand not putting people on a pedestal but that type of negativity is a great example of low metabolism.


Apr 9, 2015
@Jsaute21 Could you speak more about your eating disorder and being under fed and how you coped with the weight gain and to now being ripped? Did your metabolism take some time to build up to the amount of calories that you eat daily now or how would you describe this? I have been and am in a similar position and would love to be able to eat as freely as you with such a high metabolism.



Jun 19, 2017
@Jsaute21 Did you have any food intolerance in the past? The classic milk intolerance (and I'm mostly talking about casein, not lactose).
And also, autoimmunity issues like back pain, joint pain, ulcers in the mouth, acne, dandruff, sphelgm, chronic sinusitis, etc etc?

I'm asking you this because I also have severe OCD issues, ADHD and so on. And, in my case, I can immediately feel a relief when I avoid certain foods (well, most of them though...) not only psychologically but also regarding the issues I've mentioned before.


Ah!, and I'm happy that you are feeling better! I hope that you can keep it up long-term, because that's when you are sure that all this is working. I've seen this same speech short-term, right @lampofred (sorry lampofred, nothing personal, it's just you were the last story I've accompanied how your progress immediately changed like a roller coaster).
I don't want to sound pessimistic, just be careful and always cautious :p

And what I've said applies to every forum I've been. The classic results on doing intermitent fasting and then crash. Vegan, then crash. Ketogenic then crash. I have been there, sadly.
I know many experienced people here know how, unfortunately, some stories develop.
Last edited:


Sep 3, 2016
@Jsaute21 Could you speak more about your eating disorder and being under fed and how you coped with the weight gain and to now being ripped? Did your metabolism take some time to build up to the amount of calories that you eat daily now or how would you describe this? I have been and am in a similar position and would love to be able to eat as freely as you with such a high metabolism.


Sure. This may be a bit long winded but i feel it is necessary to provide some insight. I am an unusual case, as i had a six pack from the age of 8 years old onwards. I was an athlete my whole life, and that ended abruptly three years ago. I think this led to mental boredom and i almost needed to fixate on something. This ended up being food. Due to living in the health neuroticism capital of the world, LA, this made things worse. I was pretty ripped but never satisfied. Due to meeting with a sports nutritionist to aid my pro lacrosse career, i was under the impression that all one should eat are nuts, meat, veggies, never sugar, and occasionally some starches. Combine this with working out real hard and you start to lower metabolism. On came some anxiety as well as moderate sexual dysfunction (two things i knew nothing about) and i started to think what the **** is going on? The one constant was neuroticism towards food. If i didn't eat what i regarded as healthy, i had trouble not thinking about it. I then got my hormones tested and they came back in the 400's, which is entirely due to good genes. I know that score sucks but i truly believe most people would have been in the 100's or 200's with how underfed and over trained i was. From there, i started researching hormones, and unfortunately it took me about another year to find Peat.

Since finding RPF, it has been an essential step in the process. Adding sugar, and other carbs, has been the biggest thing. It is also important to remember that we are all prone to certain quirks. I am a bit OCD by nature. For instance, even though i am in much better health, i saw a post earlier today on how instant coffee may have pesticides as of course i am drinking a cup of instant coffee. It of course bothered me, but now due to having an improved metabolism i am able to say "**** it, i doubt this one cup of bad coffee will have a noticeable effect. Just don't drink instant as often." I think in a state of low metabolism, it is much harder to think with such clarity, positivity and reason. I have always been a happy & positive person, so when my metabolism dipped, it was very perplexing. It threw off my whole world and i was shocked. I had a great life, a lot going for me, and all of a sudden i just wasn't very happy. The minute i read about Peat's theories and heard some stories on here, i started putting the pieces together and realized why i wasn't performing at a high level.

Here are a couple pieces of advice for those struggling with orthrexia nervosa or moderate to severe eating disorders: 1.) Step back & prioritize how ******* stupid of a thing it is to care so much about. Life is fascinating, and food is not. It doesn't deserve your extensive time. 2.) Since you are on this forum, you have all the pieces to the puzzle you need. We are all different, but you surely have a general perspective of what you like, and what is proven to be good for you. Sugars, coconut oil, etc. I find a hard time believing that people don't enjoy the foods that are accepted on this forum. It is an enjoyable & sustainable way to eat. 3.) Don't be afraid to try stuff. This is tricky as you don't want to be a science experiment, and some supplements can't be trusted, but honestly most of Haidut's supps i have used have done me good. I'm not a fan of DMSO, but everything else has improved my metabolism. 4.) This is obvious and stated several times by Peat but hitting micronutrients can't be over valued. Get adequate sugars as well, hopefully some glycogen if you strength train, and adequate protein. I do better with some fat in the diet as well. Other then that, just pay attention to what works for you. Hope this helps.


Sep 3, 2016
@Jsaute21 Did you have any food intolerance in the past? The classic milk intolerance (and I'm mostly talking about casein, not lactose).
And also, autoimmunity issues like back pain, joint pain, ulcers in the mouth, acne, dandruff, sphelgm, chronic sinusitisetc etc, etc?

I'm asking you this because I also have severe OCD issues, ADHD and so on. And, in my case, I can immediately feel a relief when I avoid certain foods (well, most of them though...) not only psychologically but also regarding the issues I've mentioned before.


Ah!, and I'm happy that you are feeling better! I hope that you can keep it up long-term, because that's when you are sure that all this is working. I've seen this same speech short-term, right @lampofred (sorry lampofred, nothing personal, it's just you were the last story I've accompanied how your progress immediately changed like a roller coaster).
I don't want to sound pessimistic, just be careful and always cautious :p

And what I've said applies to every forum I've been. The classic results on doing intermitent fasting and then crash. Vegan, then crash. Ketogenic then crash. I have been there, sadly.
I know many experienced people here know how, unfortunately, some stories develop.

Thanks for the cautious optimism, and i agree. I am not a finished product yet. I have always had some dandruff and allergies but none of the other issues. I forgot to mention that i got into fasting for about a year as well. This was one of the worst things i did.


Jun 19, 2017
that i got into fasting for about a year as well. This was one of the worst things i did.
Right? Wtf I was doing back to those days. Yay, I am less hungry. And less, and less... Where is my hunger signals? I want them back!
Then we read other people telling us that doing that is unhealthy, but we are so confident about our ignorance (not knowledge) that we don't want to listen to them and they are all wrong.

But, you didn't answer my questions, sorry.
In the past, did you have any issues with foods?
The reason is because I really like to read your results and other people results, though I still need to study Ray Peat more. Moreover, I seem to struggle to find a person with my issues and said that RP saved all his problems (including food intolerance, autoimmunity, etc). Some even get worse after 'peating'.


Sep 3, 2016
Right? Wtf I was doing back to those days. Yay, I am less hungry. And less, and less... Where is my hunger signals? I want them back!
Then we read other people telling us that doing that is unhealthy, but we are so confident about our ignorance (not knowledge) that we don't want to listen to them and they are all wrong.

But, you didn't answer my questions, sorry.
In the past, did you have any issues with foods?
The reason is because I really like to read your results and other people results, though I still need to study Ray Peat more. Moreover, I seem to struggle to find a person with my issues and said that RP saved all his problems (including food intolerance, autoimmunity, etc). Some even get worse after 'peating'.

I don't really have issues with foods tbh. I think it is possible to overdo specific foods and bring on an allergy of sorts but for me, i am not that sensitive to different food choices.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Also wanted to mention how laughable i find the hate for @haidut and this forum on the web. Just came across some posts from people that have been kicked off and such. I understand not putting people on a pedestal but that type of negativity is a great example of low metabolism.

Much appreciated, thanks for the nice words! I did what I could to alleviate those people's concerns but, as I suspected, removing DMSO from the supplements did nothing to appease them. Anyways, hopefully one day we can all live in peace.


Aug 15, 2015
Much appreciated, thanks for the nice words! I did what I could to alleviate those people's concerns but, as I suspected, removing DMSO from the supplements did nothing to appease them. Anyways, hopefully one day we can all live in peace.
DMSO is the real deal. I really hope whatever new carrier you're going to introduce doesn't displace DMSO.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
DMSO is the real deal. I really hope whatever new carrier you're going to introduce doesn't displace DMSO.

It will stay for some supplements as the ingredients do not dissolve well in fat+alcohol. MelaNon is one of them we know for sure.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Are Pansterone and Andro safe?

Well, they already use the new solvent and it seems to be working pretty well. I think the absorption is pretty close to what DMSO was providing. Maybe we can add DMSO as a third option for the steroids.


Aug 15, 2015
Well, they already use the new solvent and it seems to be working pretty well. I think the absorption is pretty close to what DMSO was providing. Maybe we can add DMSO as a third option for the steroids.
Oh cool. I haven't ordered from the new batches yet. It would be interesting to see how I react to the new solvent. Thanks haidut for listening to your customers' needs and requests :)
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