40 Day Waterfast, Wish Me Luck!



..it doesnt work.
Autophagy is a scam,and fasting is just starvation.
Do you have a history of anorexia or similar.
Go all other avenues,every Animal tries to avoid starvation,
there are reasons,it aint healthy for Humans also.
Dry starvation is even worse.

I too had tremendous health and cognitive benefits after a 4 day dry fast.
My gallblader and liver dumped a lot of stones, my mental clarity and my sense of relaxation improved greatly and have lasted to this day.


..but it only worked one time,this was maybe starvation-euphoria,
maybe he shitted out half his colon,the alleged clay-stuff.
starvation is self-dissolution,it isnt known how much you can gain back,
after losing your structure.
Starvation by malabsorption is what seems to be the vegan deterioration syndrome
that comes with a vegan lifestyle,and the so afflicted dont come off as healthy.
If you are indeed vegan,a lot of individuals with that diet-choice have implemented
ever more severe indeas of detox and cleansing.I dont know what causes it,
but there is an uptick of such choices,maybe it has to do with poisoning from
plant-based food sources,maybe it is the start of neurological deterioration.
It is a common starting point for onset of mental disorder.
Try to look up exvegan stories and see if that resonates with you,and if you lost already
too much weight.
There is no fronting from me,im just saying that vegan diet is maybe working only
for a fraction of people,adherence for longer time of this diet is only 15% of users.
85% bounce back,for reasons of health.
Maybe resistance to plant-poison and handling of xenobiotics is what causes it.

Two completely different things between being a vegan ie suffering from chronic malnourishment vs a month long fast which is temporary privation.

Temporary vs chronic. As for everything in health, makes the whole difference


May 30, 2018
I too had tremendous health and cognitive benefits after a 4 day dry fast.
My gallblader and liver dumped a lot of stones, my mental clarity and my sense of relaxation improved greatly and have lasted to this day.

Cool story :):

Was it a soft or a hard dry fast?


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Some people eat extremely low nutritional diets their whole lives and are surprisingly well.
I don,t recall I ever met such a person in my life.

Thanks for the update.
Dec 18, 2018
I don,t recall I ever met such a person in my life.

Thanks for the update.

lol,so true!
If i go shopping for groceries,i almost know how people look and probably feel
just based on the stuff they have in their carts.


Oct 2, 2018
No, it takes at least 2-3 days for the body to fully switch over metabolism and start the body wide "clean up". Caloric restriction, time restricted eating, keto etc have very different effects, not comparable to periodic full fasting.

Once again these questions are answered in the studies - nervous tissue regenerates. We mentioned that above with the hippocampus regenerating, remember. Clearly their brains didn't turn into "scar tissue."

The body builds new cells from stem cells etc, in a completely coordinated and natural program, much like embryonic development, that our bodies haven't experienced since their growth during youth. Because guess what... it's not an "ascetic like diet that we've never seen before" - it's been broadly practiced by long lived populations for hundreds of years, and it is how humans have lived for millions of years.

Of course, it can be dangerous, and people taking advice over the internet are almost always going to do it badly, IMO. That's why the pre made fasting mimicking diets are good, or having supervision from a doctor.

You have to be careful making broad statements that “nervous tissue regenerates in response to fasting”. The only areas of the brain that I’m aware of that have shown to regenerate are the hippocampus and amygdala, two small regions. Cell turnover in other areas hasn’t been found, meaning in those other areas, as far as we know, once it’s gone it’s gone. So avoiding any process or substance which damages the brain and CNS is a good thing.


Sep 29, 2019
I don,t recall I ever met such a person in my life.

Thanks for the update.

I knew a model that had a real radience about her, what she did eat was absolute ***t. I have had many friends and aquaintences who were high level basketball players or soccer players, also are like ***t. Literally the most nutritious thing they'd eat all day would be the lettuce in their Big Mc.


Mar 2, 2019
You have to be careful making broad statements that “nervous tissue regenerates in response to fasting”. The only areas of the brain that I’m aware of that have shown to regenerate are the hippocampus and amygdala, two small regions. Cell turnover in other areas hasn’t been found, meaning in those other areas, as far as we know, once it’s gone it’s gone. So avoiding any process or substance which damages the brain and CNS is a good thing.

Yep that's a good point. But I think those areas that are "once it's gone it's gone" are "spared" by fasting in the first place, as long as the fast isn't too extreme.

But no argument about being careful and cautious from me - I believe being incredibly careful with fasting is not only a good idea, but necessary, as I've said many times in this thread already.


May 30, 2018
You're really splitting hair when asking whether to brush teeth or shower, it's going to make zero difference.
It's an uncharted territory.
I've personally always dry fasted and brushed my teeth but I'm open to the idea that it could have an impact on the results.
I don't want to make the same error than water fasters do about dry fasting, thinking that it's useless.


May 30, 2018
While I doesn't agree with all what he says, Dr Filonov who is specialized on dry fasting claims that:

"The recommendation to fully avoid contact with water refers only to those who want to obtain the maximal medicinal effect from the fast being conducted, and it's not at all a stringent requirement. If you have, in fact, wet your hands, or came under the rain, nothing terrible will happen to you."

Not a proof of course.


While I doesn't agree with all what he says, Dr Filonov who is specialized on dry fasting claims that:

"The recommendation to fully avoid contact with water refers only to those who want to obtain the maximal medicinal effect from the fast being conducted, and it's not at all a stringent requirement. If you have, in fact, wet your hands, or came under the rain, nothing terrible will happen to you."

Not a proof of course.

Filonov has had enough people in his fasting center over the last decade for anything he says to constitute proof.
If he says getting in contact with water doesn't make a difference, then it doesn't


Dec 11, 2018
There is a point where you feel better. At first your tongue covers over with mucus but after it clears away you feel much better. I also found 2 days really difficult at first, almost impossible but it does get easier as long as you build back properly.
I went and did a 96h fast on whim, I felt so lethargic and weak that I started having balance issues. I remember feeling exactly the same when I was working out way too much and eating too little 8 or so years ago. Walking was exhausting. I couldn't sleep. Had to stop the fast.

Who knows why I tried this with my health issues.
Dec 18, 2018
I went and did a 96h fast on whim, I felt so lethargic and weak that I started having balance issues. I remember feeling exactly the same when I was working out way too much and eating too little 8 or so years ago. Walking was exhausting. I couldn't sleep. Had to stop the fast.

Who knows why I tried this with my health issues.

Huge issue that isnt talked about is that you still need all micronutrients,because you still engage in metabolism,but using yourself as material.By fasting,you accrue micronutrient debt,and because the diet isnt particularly rich in these substances,and you have very limited uptake %centage per-session,you will get deficiencies that will sneak up on you.


May 30, 2018
And didi work for you for something?
Besides malnourishing yourself?

I am not doing it for weightloss. I am revisiting waterfasting because I remember during my last 28 day fast (which I did about 10 years ago) that my colon filled up with this clay stuff. When I shitted it out, I had incredible health benefits. Since then I've mostly dry fasted but never had that kind of health rejuvination experience. I'm going to give it another go. I will build back up using RP principals afterwards. I just think RP eating creates a lot of metabolic waste even though it's very good at boosting metabolism and muscle mass, it seems to clog up the system pretty quickly. I feel like I need a good fast to get rid of all this metabolic waste.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
I thought I'd provide my first update (encase people started to think I died). I had an interesting revelation, basically the body uses the most toxic ***t first to get it out the body when it metabolises fat, for instance it's widely known around here that PUFAs get used up before saturated fats. I always wondered how the body does this and I realised that it does it because the cells prioritize tasty food and PUFA foods and basically junk food is very tasty so your cells will prioritize that first. It also answered my long standing question about why bad food tastes so good, it's a survival mechanism and a priority system within the body to figure out what is best to burn and what's best to hold onto.

Though I've fasted many times before, this is my first salt water fast. I am not going back! It's just so much easier and especially emotional issues are so much easier to deal with, they're almost flowing out of me during my sleep (and it's the best I've slept the best on a fast). Last night I had what seemed like a boss fight with a demon that had been plaguing me for years, he wasn't intimidating, a very weak person but was the master of illusions and would dangle anything which would distract me in order to get my attention so I could be controlled. He used my dreams and desires to do this. During this dream I decided not to pay any attention to the drama that was unfolding around me, I decided to walk away from it and not let anyone distract me, it was like I was on a film set and the drama playing infront of me was designed to make me play a roll in it but I just walked off the film set through a door. I went through this door and into a hallway where I had to find a way out, the music on the film set and distractions tried to pull me back but I kept going. I went through another door and into a lobby; this was when the demon came to me. I said hi and he said, you are damn near undefeatable. I then traced a daoist banishment sigil over him and he blew away with a very blood curdling scream.

That’s called pride
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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