60 Day Fitness 'challenge' - Results, Plan, And Spreadsheet

Apr 22, 2019
Hey guys,

[Some relevant picture documentations]
A 60 day fitness challenge

Recently I made a bunch of checkboxes to try and fulfill each day during my spare time. If I were ever bored or unsure of what else I should be doing, I would default to the following activities listed on this spreadsheet:

sh*t getter togetherer #2

I quickly realized that physical advancement is a quandary of the nervous system. The plan became very simple... I started asking myself these questions in order of priority:
1) Can I do resistance training (heavy lifting) right now? If yes, do that... I'm in an energetic state. If no, ask question #2.
2) Can I do restorative activities such as yoga, breathwork, mobility, etc? If yes, do that... I am fatigued but still mentally alert for these exercises. If no, ask question #3.
3) Have I consumed enough calories? If no, eat to satiety and then sleep.

Anyways, this was the public write-up I did on the matter:
60 day ‘challenge’ - some fitspiration

Main goal: stay on top of dominant muscle groups by any means necessary. Prioritize heavy work when able before exhausting remaining energy with bodyweight and/or lightweight, functional movements.

Secondary goals: gain weight, improve squat stance & posture, cultivate new habits and hopefully feel better all the time.

Daily checklist boxes:
-Strength Training (15m)
-Aerobic Exercise (20m)
-Calisthenics (10m)
-Field Sprints 5 Rounds

-Qigong (10m)
-Meditation (5m)
-Breath Work (5m)

-Mobility (10 min)
-Yoga (10m)
-Fascial Release (“extended pandiculation”)

-Floss [Y/N]
-Oil Pull (10m)
-Sodium Ascorbate Rinse (1m)
-Herbal Tea [Any]

-Car Sweat (45m)
-Sauna (20m)
-Sungazing (10m)

-Sunbathe (1hr or work outside)
-Rain shower (10m)
-Face Exercises (5m)

-Blue Blockers (2 hrs before bed)
-In bed before 12AM [Y/N]
-Cold Shower (5m)
-Ball Icing (10 min before bed)
-No jerk [Y/N]
*Spreadsheet linked above in the preface

Things I learned along the way:

-Drinking coffee with adequate sugar will prevent an adrenaline response and subsequent muscle catabolism.
-Hitting protein thresholds is likely more important than maintaining overall calories.
-Doing sprints on the same day as strength training will make gaining weight challenging, however, it seems to contribute to overall functionality while maintaining relative strength. The mental high is fantastic!
-Strength training, calisthenics, and sprinting are an accelerator for the nervous system. Meditation, qigong, breath work, and aerobic exercise are the brakes. Yoga and mobility work is somewhere in the middle and can be applied in either direction. More breathing and recuperative aerobic exercise (note: less than 60% of max heart rate) will expedite recovery times between heavy workouts.
-Sleep is a big deal!
-Testosterone status lends itself towards sleep quality, workout intensity, time to recovery, clarity of thought, and overall confidence/fearlessness. Masturbation abstinence and ball icing (nocturnal scrotal cooling) are two uh, practices, that go a very long way towards keeping testosterone up. Cold showers and red light bulbs (i.e. 250w bulb with 650-1000nm wavelengths~ @ 15-20min exposure time) also help this cause.
-Every movement is a full body movement on account of drawing towards a newfound center of gravity.
-Cell phones are workout destroyers. Moving any load optimally beckons proper posture. Throwing weight and then immediately jeopardizing spinal integrity by hunching into phone-land is counterproductive. Beyond the physical sacrifice of keeping a phone nearby during a workout is the mental sacrifice of the mind-body connection. It's easier to revert to old movement patterns that follow suite with phone posture rather than continuing to be mindful of new ones that are slowly cultivated from moving a weighted load. The structural integrity of the spine is only as strong as it's weakest point. Kind of disappointing to see so many voluntarily broken cervical spines in the gym. We all have more potential (than this).
-Face exercises can help to release emotional stress, especially sticking the tongue out.

*I did no isolated movements during this time. Compound or bust!

Bodyweight 139
Squat 45 for 30x
Deadlift 45 for 35x
Flat bench 45 for 35x
Overhand pull-up for 4x
2.88 miles in 40:00~

Day #51 [video documentation not shown in imgur link]
Bodyweight 149
Squat 135 for 15x
Deadlift 135 for 21x
Incline bench 115 for 5x, 95 for 11x, 10x, 7x
Overhand pull-up for 8x
2.88 miles in 25:56; 9:01/mile

The day #58 AM to PM comparisons were an attempt at reconditioning from a 5 day vacation. I was happy to see that the so-called "love handles" aka visceral, white fat could be burnt in a matter of hours. The workout that day aimed at complete exhaustion through AMRAP (as many reps as possible) sets:

Sept 25 (Day 58)
Standing shoulder press 45 amrap
55 amrap
60 amrap
55 amrap
45 amrap

Squat 95 amrap
145 for 5
115 amrap
95 amrap

Overhand pull-up 6, split 2-pause-4
Underhand pull-up 7

Dumbbell chest press 50 amrap
45 amrap into 8 vertical kicks with weight overhead
40 amrap into 5 vertical kicks with weight overhead

(30 minute rest outside)

Dumbbell deadlift 100 amrap 3 sets
My diet was stupid simple...
-fruit in the morning and throughout the day as desired
-nuts in the morning, usually just 14 almonds
-coffee with ample sugar as cane sugar or maple syrup, pinch of red palm fruit oil
-few tomatoes at midday with muscle meat most of the time, sometimes cheese
-white rice, butter, sweet potatoes, and/or eggs at night


Oct 1, 2019
Would you mind providing the pics on another platform? Imgur wants my phone number to see them :lol: they can't be serious.
Apr 22, 2019
Why the high reps?
The AMRAP workout was an attempt at reconditioning out of a 5 day hiatus. Tried to see if I could burn up the visceral fat around my waist my torching myself as an all-day process. Worked pretty well.

Also... The whole thing wasn't aimed at any specific category, but rather to stay physically fatigued and see what comes of it.
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