18 Years Old Testicular Atrophy Post DHT (Help)


Apr 5, 2018
Hello everyone, maybe someone knows me and has already read some of my posts about DHT and issues that gave me.

Now I will try to explain well what happened to me and I would like your help because I am very worried.
It all starts when in November 2017 I decided to try taking Titan 12% (a DHT gel dissolved in DMSO and Polythene Glycol) for penis enlargement goals.

I took it for a few weeks and had an increase in libido, an increase in hair and beard and a slight voice deepening.
Even my flaccid penis was increasing and by 5-6 weeks I saw a real increase in length and girth when erect.
I was happy, it was working (I was also doing stretching and jelqing).
But at 6-7 weeks I saw testicular shrinkage and then stopped Titan 12% immediately.
I did some calculations and it turns out that every drop of Titan 12% contains 3.6 mg DHT, I applied 4 drops per day, so about 15mg DHT per day.
RussianStarPeptides guys told me that Titan 12% would not suppress HPTA and would not shrink testicles, but they told me bull****.

My testicles were shrunk, my sperm decreased and my mood was down.
Testicular volume was 9 and 10 ml. Before Titan 12% it was about 15-17ml.
I don't take anything anymore, I wait 3 months and in April I do the blood tests.
LH : 4.5
FSH : 1.9
TT : 500 ng/dl
Prolactin : 21.5 ng/ml
I don't have E2.
Months go and my testicles and my sperm don't seem to be recovered.
I do not understand why, I consult 2 andrologists and both say that in their view 15 mg of DHT per day for 7 weeks can not have shrunk my testicles, they don't understand.
Here on the forum I read that some people say that 15 mg of DHT is not suppressive for HPTA but then how is it possible that it has shrunk my testicles in 7 weeks?

- Does DMSO play a role in this? Does DMSO enhance or boost trandermal DHT effect and suppression?

I repeated blood and did sperm tests 2 months ago and they say:
LH : 5.0
FSH : 1.9
TT : 600 ng/dl
E2 : 41 pg/ml
Prolactin : 9.5 ng/ml
Inhibin B : 217.2 pg/ml
AMH : 18.9 ng/ml (very high)

My current testicular volumes are 10.5 and 12ml.
and my sperm tests say:
Volume : 4.0 ml
Continence : 62 hours
Ph : 7.5
WBC : 300/ul
Total sperm count (TSC): 15.0 Million/ml
Progressive Motility : 20%
Normal forms : 16%.
Motile sperm concentration (MSC) : 3.0mil/ml
Functional sperm concentration (FSC) : 1.2 mil/ml
Sperm motility index (SMI): 45
DNA fragmentation index (DFI) : 27%
Hyaluronic Binding Assay (HBA) : 50%.

- I wonder, if I took HCG in low doses throughout those 7 weeks on Titan 12 would I have avoided testicular atrophy? Right?

Is there anything I can take to recover my testicular size and sperm?
I'm taking Vitamin E, D, Astaxanthin, Multivitamin and Omega-3 but it doesn't seem to do anything.
I read about HCG, Nolvadex, Pansterone, Gonadin, K2 MK-4 but I don't understand which one will work for me.

I'm only 18 years old, I'm worried and all I want is to recover my testicles.
Thanks to all those who have read and who will answer me...


Oct 5, 2014
Sorry to hear about that. I have done some damage to my testes also doing the stupid practice of applying things to the scrotum. Never again.

DMSO can potentiate up to 10x steroids applied topical. And if it is in the scrotum, even more. Make the numbers.

I would stay away from idealabs products like hormones, gonadin, K2, etc. for now, they are too powerful and it is easy to take more than needed if you are not experienced or know EXACTLY what you are doing.

What is the proposed solution by the urologists? Do they know about the 10x potentiation effect by DMSO ? Maybe that is why they don't understand the effects.

Maybe you can ask them what the solution would be if you would have taken 50 or 100mg of DHT instead of 15mg.

Please let me know what they say about it. I would really appreciate knowing it.

I would also post in a bodybuilders forum, bodybuilders are used to deal with stuff like that. Maybe they can give you some advice if they see your labs.
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Aug 15, 2015
Peat has told me the worst place you can apply hormones is the testicles. Never will I do that. That thing increased my estrogen too much and increased my weight. Too stupid not to stop when I saw the early signs.


Mar 17, 2018
Peat has told me the worst place you can apply hormones is the testicles. Never will I do that. That thing increased my estrogen too much and increased my weight. Too stupid not to stop when I saw the early signs.
+1 to crazy context specific conversions.
Orchic tissue, some eggs, and some fortifying foods go a long way.


Jul 13, 2017
I think Ray has recommended taking 100mg of Pregnenolone and 5mg of DHEA to people who got suppressed from steroid use.
I don't have personal experience with pct, so i can't make any recommendations. Like Makrosky said, experienced steroid abusers or a good endocrinologist could give you some advice.


Apr 17, 2018
Hello everyone, maybe someone knows me and has already read some of my posts about DHT and issues that gave me.

Now I will try to explain well what happened to me and I would like your help because I am very worried.
It all starts when in November 2017 I decided to try taking Titan 12% (a DHT gel dissolved in DMSO and Polythene Glycol) for penis enlargement goals.

I took it for a few weeks and had an increase in libido, an increase in hair and beard and a slight voice deepening.
Even my flaccid penis was increasing and by 5-6 weeks I saw a real increase in length and girth when erect.
I was happy, it was working (I was also doing stretching and jelqing).
But at 6-7 weeks I saw testicular shrinkage and then stopped Titan 12% immediately.
I did some calculations and it turns out that every drop of Titan 12% contains 3.6 mg DHT, I applied 4 drops per day, so about 15mg DHT per day.
RussianStarPeptides guys told me that Titan 12% would not suppress HPTA and would not shrink testicles, but they told me bull****.

My testicles were shrunk, my sperm decreased and my mood was down.
Testicular volume was 9 and 10 ml. Before Titan 12% it was about 15-17ml.
I don't take anything anymore, I wait 3 months and in April I do the blood tests.
LH : 4.5
FSH : 1.9
TT : 500 ng/dl
Prolactin : 21.5 ng/ml
I don't have E2.
Months go and my testicles and my sperm don't seem to be recovered.
I do not understand why, I consult 2 andrologists and both say that in their view 15 mg of DHT per day for 7 weeks can not have shrunk my testicles, they don't understand.
Here on the forum I read that some people say that 15 mg of DHT is not suppressive for HPTA but then how is it possible that it has shrunk my testicles in 7 weeks?

- Does DMSO play a role in this? Does DMSO enhance or boost trandermal DHT effect and suppression?

I repeated blood and did sperm tests 2 months ago and they say:
LH : 5.0
FSH : 1.9
TT : 600 ng/dl
E2 : 41 pg/ml
Prolactin : 9.5 ng/ml
Inhibin B : 217.2 pg/ml
AMH : 18.9 ng/ml (very high)

My current testicular volumes are 10.5 and 12ml.
and my sperm tests say:
Volume : 4.0 ml
Continence : 62 hours
Ph : 7.5
WBC : 300/ul
Total sperm count (TSC): 15.0 Million/ml
Progressive Motility : 20%
Normal forms : 16%.
Motile sperm concentration (MSC) : 3.0mil/ml
Functional sperm concentration (FSC) : 1.2 mil/ml
Sperm motility index (SMI): 45
DNA fragmentation index (DFI) : 27%
Hyaluronic Binding Assay (HBA) : 50%.

- I wonder, if I took HCG in low doses throughout those 7 weeks on Titan 12 would I have avoided testicular atrophy? Right?

Is there anything I can take to recover my testicular size and sperm?
I'm taking Vitamin E, D, Astaxanthin, Multivitamin and Omega-3 but it doesn't seem to do anything.
I read about HCG, Nolvadex, Pansterone, Gonadin, K2 MK-4 but I don't understand which one will work for me.

I'm only 18 years old, I'm worried and all I want is to recover my testicles.
Thanks to all those who have read and who will answer me...

Lobo99, you already got all the reasonable answers you need to hear from Mesorx, I don’t know what else you need to hear from here you haven’t heard already.

1) at 18 you are too young to mess with hormones

2) why is your concern fertility at 18? Your TT was restored to normal levels, time will do the rest as far as fertility is concerned.

3) you already harmed yourself with hormones: why try to recover with more hormones?


Sep 16, 2017
I bought some of that Russian Titan gel stuff and I did about three days worth of application but it didn’t feel good to me. DHEA to the testicles has an estrogenic reaction for me, and this stuff felt like super charged DHEA application to the testicles. So in my own mind I thought ‘is this even DHT?’ Isn’t DHT supposed to be irreversible and won’t turn into estrogen?

Does this Russian Titan guy provide evidence that it’s actually DHT? I never investigated further.

When it arrives it’s just a see through liquid in a see through bottle. He calls everyone ‘bro’ in emails, and gets quite touchy when you ask certain things (although, I cannot recall what I questioned him on now).

But I also made the mistake of putting stuff on my scrotrun in DMSO, etc.

Maybe DHEA/preg would be ok in tocopherols (in those very low dosages due to the absorption) for hormone production when applied to testicles?

I guess only time could heal a shut down of the sex hormones from the DMSO application of direct sex hormones?


Apr 5, 2018
Hi I've asked some questions too but they seem touchy.
I have re-ordered a bottle of Titan 20% and I can have it checked in a laboratory to really understand what it contains.
It's been 1 year but my testicles have not recovered their size, what can I do?

In your opinion, if I would take HCG at 150IU ED for a few weeks, would I see my testicles recover their size?
Their current size is 10.5ml and 12ml and I am 18 years old.
Is there any hope that HCG will work?
I'm very worried, I've tried 12.5 mg of Clomid for 2 days but it gives me vision problems and mental confusion.


Apr 5, 2018
Lobo99, you already got all the reasonable answers you need to hear from Mesorx, I don’t know what else you need to hear from here you haven’t heard already.

1) at 18 you are too young to mess with hormones

2) why is your concern fertility at 18? Your TT was restored to normal levels, time will do the rest as far as fertility is concerned.

3) you already harmed yourself with hormones: why try to recover with more hormones?

Because my balls have shrunk and are no longer recovered.
I always feel a feeling of cold / dull ache to my testicles and this stops me from being happy and doing the things that all eighteen-year-olds do.
I also feel ashamed because it seems that I have the genital tract of a twelve-year-old.

Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
Because my balls have shrunk and are no longer recovered.
I always feel a feeling of cold / dull ache to my testicles and this stops me from being happy and doing the things that all eighteen-year-olds do.
I also feel ashamed because it seems that I have the genital tract of a twelve-year-old.

You mess with this stuff you pay the price as already mentioned. Stop playing with hormones at your age. Youre not fully developed and this might stop that whole process. The fact that your T levels are increasing means you dont need to worry as your testicles are back in production. The rest will fix itself. You are young and at ypur age the body can heal almost anything. There’s a lot of people out there thats has done far worse damage to themselves with steroids. You need to stop obsessing for now and let time to its job. The only way to get fast results is using steroids again like clomid etc. and thats just dumb coz you already went down that road and see what happened. So man up and be patient. Good luck to you! Dont worry it will fix itself in a couple of months.


Apr 5, 2018
You mess with this stuff you pay the price as already mentioned. Stop playing with hormones at your age. Youre not fully developed and this might stop that whole process. The fact that your T levels are increasing means you dont need to worry as your testicles are back in production. The rest will fix itself. You are young and at ypur age the body can heal almost anything. There’s a lot of people out there thats has done far worse damage to themselves with steroids. You need to stop obsessing for now and let time to its job. The only way to get fast results is using steroids again like clomid etc. and thats just dumb coz you already went down that road and see what happened. So man up and be patient. Good luck to you! Dont worry it will fix itself in a couple of months.
My andrologist also told me to wait and repeat the blood tests in April.
The problem is that he is convinced that was not titan to shrink my testicles, he thinks that 15mg of DHT per day for 7 weeks, cannot cause this shrinkage.
Do you think that DMSO can potentiate up to 10x steroids applied topical and therefore it made the difference in shrinkage?
Could I try explaining it to my andrologist?
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Aug 1, 2017
wasnt the titan gel exposed (as in not containing DHT but something else) a few months ago?


Jul 29, 2014
wasnt the titan gel exposed (as in not containing DHT but something else) a few months ago?

I think it's an ester form of DHT. Undecanoate from what I remember. At least that is what they say... Could be holy water for all I know.


Aug 1, 2017
I think it's an ester form of DHT. Undecanoate from what I remember. At least that is what they say... Could be holy water for all I know.

i seem to remember there was a big thread on here where someone stated whats actually in there


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Couple of things. To @Makrosky and @milk_lover - I do not see anywhere in his post that he has been applying the Titan gel on testicles or that he has been using our products. So, the shrinkage seems to be from using the Titan product only, topically somewhere on the body.
To @alex00 - there are some doctors on this forum like @RisingSun and @Rhino who may be able to respond better but here is my 2c. Since your T levels are about mid-range, I don't think there has been much testicular suppression. The DHT simply tanked your estradiol and it may take some time for it to recover. Steroids can make the scrotum shrink but as long as your serum levels of T do not drop below range, and LH/FSH are in range, then I don't think much suppression has occurred.
And finally, in support of what other people in this thread have been saying - why are you messing with hormones at 18 years of age?? Your T is around 500 AFTER heavy DHT usage, so without it your baseline T was/is likely much higher. With these numbers there is no need to mess with exogenous steroids.
Just my 2c.


Oct 5, 2014
Couple of things. To @Makrosky and @milk_lover - I do not see anywhere in his post that he has been applying the Titan gel on testicles or that he has been using our products. So, the shrinkage seems to be from using the Titan product only, topically somewhere on the body.
Hmmm then either he edited the post or, most probably, I missunderstood him on that.

Regarding Idealabs, I never said his problems had anything to do with idealabs products :shock:. Me mentioning idealabs was because of this :
I read about HCG, Nolvadex, Pansterone, Gonadin, K2 MK-4 but I don't understand which one will work for me.
Using products without knowing what you are doing is not a good idea, and specially idealabs ones since they are VERY strong. That's all I said.


Apr 5, 2018
Couple of things. To @Makrosky and @milk_lover - I do not see anywhere in his post that he has been applying the Titan gel on testicles or that he has been using our products. So, the shrinkage seems to be from using the Titan product only, topically somewhere on the body.
To @alex00 - there are some doctors on this forum like @RisingSun and @Rhino who may be able to respond better but here is my 2c. Since your T levels are about mid-range, I don't think there has been much testicular suppression. The DHT simply tanked your estradiol and it may take some time for it to recover. Steroids can make the scrotum shrink but as long as your serum levels of T do not drop below range, and LH/FSH are in range, then I don't think much suppression has occurred.
And finally, in support of what other people in this thread have been saying - why are you messing with hormones at 18 years of age?? Your T is around 500 AFTER heavy DHT usage, so without it your baseline T was/is likely much higher. With these numbers there is no need to mess with exogenous steroids.
Just my 2c.
So, thank you to everyone who's replying.
I applied Titan 12% to my penis and never to my scrotum.
I took Titan 12% to try increase my penis size because I had read that androgen receptors at 17 years old can still be sensitive and give penis growth.
To be honest it was also working but as soon as I saw my testicles shrink I stopped Titan 12%, I didn't follow any PCT and during this year because of Hpta suppressed and therefore low serum androgens I missed my gains and my penis (especially when flaccid) as my testicles have shrunk.
I also suffered from insomnia from 15 to 17 years and therefore may have affected my genital development.
Titan 12% DHT was an experiment. Ended badly...

The thing I don't understand is why FSH and my sperm are still so low after 1 year of suspension from Titan.
I safely say that before taking Titan my testicles and my sperm were much better.
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Douglas Ek

Feb 8, 2017
So, thank you to everyone who's replying.
I applied Titan 12% to my penis and never to my scrotum.
I took Titan 12% to try increase my penis size because I had read that androgen receptors at 17 years old can still be sensitive and give penis growth.
To be honest it was also working but as soon as I saw my testicles shrink I stopped Titan 12%, I didn't follow any PCT and during this year because of Hpta suppressed and therefore low serum androgens I missed my gains and my penis (especially when flaccid) as my testicles have shrunk.
I also suffered from insomnia from 15 to 17 years and therefore may have affected my genital development.
Titan 12% DHT was an experiment. Ended badly...

The thing I don't understand is why FSH and my sperm are still so low after 1 year of suspension from Titan.
I safely say that before taking Titan my testicles and my sperm were much better.

Sperm quality goes up and down i feel your concern but its easy to improve. You havent suppressed your hpta since you still produce test as haidut mentioned. If i was you i would focus on increasing sperm health and best way is through a healthy diet and eating enough. Eating antioxidants like vitamin C and E does wonders for sperm health. Get your vitamin C from orange juice better and easier than from supplements. Vitamin E i would get a good supplement with mixed tocopherols or the idea labs tocovit. Taurine, glycine and also a good Vitamin B complex. Taking these i promise within 3 months youll have much better sperm and these are very safe supplements that do work


Apr 5, 2018
Sperm quality goes up and down i feel your concern but its easy to improve. You havent suppressed your hpta since you still produce test as haidut mentioned. If i was you i would focus on increasing sperm health and best way is through a healthy diet and eating enough. Eating antioxidants like vitamin C and E does wonders for sperm health. Get your vitamin C from orange juice better and easier than from supplements. Vitamin E i would get a good supplement with mixed tocopherols or the idea labs tocovit. Taurine, glycine and also a good Vitamin B complex. Taking these i promise within 3 months youll have much better sperm and these are very safe supplements that do work

I'm taking Vitamin E, D, Astaxanthin, Multivitamin and Omega-3 since two months but it doesn't seem to do anything.
The thing that worries me the most is the size of my testicles that hasn't almost changed since I interrupted Titan 12%.
They have a volume of 10-12ml, before the cycle they were 16-17ml.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Hmmm then either he edited the post or, most probably, I missunderstood him on that.

Regarding Idealabs, I never said his problems had anything to do with idealabs products :shock:. Me mentioning idealabs was because of this :

Using products without knowing what you are doing is not a good idea, and specially idealabs ones since they are VERY strong. That's all I said.

Agreed. I am just mentioning it because I received a few emails already from people saying "hey, this guy says he got suppressed when applied idealabs products to his scrotum":): So, I guess some people somehow read between the lines to make a connection where there was none and I wanted to make a post just to clarify.
Not attacking you or anything :):
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