10 Years Of Depression


Jun 30, 2017
I haven't recoverd yet. I have come in terms with it and accepted the reality that it can take from months to years, or may be I will never recover. Only time will tell. However I am open to experiment with different things all along.

Mr. Sick

Apr 21, 2017
You might want to look into serotonin receptors. Especially 5-Ht2a and 5-ht2c. They can activate the stress systems in your body pretty harshly. You took a serotonin reuptake inhibitor for years. Chances are very good that your serotonic system got bend over in the process if they havent been screwed before.
i guess the lavender oil is succesful in calming you down and you notice the difference, when you don't take it?

Why arent you looking into yout hyperthyroidism? With your symptoms that should be taken into account. Having to much t3 brings well known problems along the line of panic attacks. In part this is because it is desensitizing 5ht1a receptor (bad), probably increasing the 5ht2a receptor (bad) and increasing some histamine receptors in the brain (qhich would cause overtly agitation), if I remember right. That's why an anti histamine could be beneficial as well.
Are you implementing lots of selenium in your diet by any chance? Supplements or brazil nuts.

To tackle the receptor you could try opipramol if you want to go with drugs. it's an anxiolytic which tackles 5ht2a and histamine receptors. But I guess you are taking too much already...


Mar 29, 2014
I would recommend considering basic nutrition and lifestyle factors before going for drug approaches.

... but labs alone are not sufficient.
The lab tests give some relevant data, but you can monitor your own body, too. Have you had a go at monitoring your body temps? (It typically takes 5-10 mins for thermometer to stabilise to body temperature, so give it time.)
The lab result shows high T3. I'd be wanting to know whether that's reflected in signs of a hyperthyroid state, or whether its just (to use a phrase of Peat's ) 'metaphysical'.

How many calories do you eat per day? What foods do you eat?
Have you answered this anywhere?

How's your breathing at rest? Relaxed, small, diaghragmatic, nasal? Or large, stressed, mouth, chest?
If panic attacks are a key problem for you, this may be important. I think panic attacks can be created by breathing habits.


Jul 17, 2022
st louis mo
I'm a little confused by your timeline of quitting Effexor and reinstating it, but since you mentioned quitting Effexor and anxiety, I'm wondering if you're going through Effexor withdrawals.
Mar 10, 2021
Hi !

Just to tell you my story, 1à years ago I was a student, a suddenly, one night as i was coming back home I had my first panic attack and went to the ER.

From this day, i had panic attacks everyday, became hypocondriac, saw my GP 3 times a week, and finally went to a psych.

He gave me Prozac, wich didnt work, Zoloft, didnt work, Paxeel, made me fat, and finally Effexor that i took at 75mg, for 9 years.

I still had some panic attacks, and phobias but it was manageable, i had a work, and was the best in my job.

I stopped Effexor las year, with the help of CBT i cured it.

And i took finasteride end January of this year. And guess what ? Everything came back but 10 times more potent.

It is 3 months now that i am on sick leave. I m back on Effexor 75 mg, but i doesnt really help.

I wake up every morning ******* anxious, and restless.

Here are my latest labs :

Total T : 276 ng/dl
Estradiol (ELISA assy) : 16 pg/ml (vs 19 last month) (22-50)
SHBG 21 (vs 18 last month) (18-54)
DHT : 1.44 nmol/l (vs 0.77 last month) (0.86-3.44)
FSH : 1.7 (vs 2) (2.1-18.6)
LH : 1 (vs 1.3) (1.7-11.2)
IGF1 : 260 vs 241 (94-246) Inhibine B : 351 pg/ml (80-325)
TSH : 0.573
Ft4 : 13.8 pg/ml (7-16)
Ft3 : 3.37 pg/ml (2-3.2)

I don't know what to do anymore, i have no more joy in life since february, and have suicidal toughts everyday.

Please help me.
My son’s girlfriend suffered with bad panic attacks, from a prolactinoma tumor, and one attack was so bad it caused her a seizure, and paralyzed her, leaving her unable to move or talk. We had to carry her in the car and rushed her to the hospital. When she got back, I started her on Progest-E and she hasn’t had one since, and that has been two years now. I have dealt with them myself during stressful times in my life and they are terrible. I feel for you.
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Dec 20, 2016
Lol this guys posts were from 6 years ago. I remember talking to him as we both took fin.

Man people just chase their tails with drugs having no clue. There’s no such thing as an ssri deficiency. Pharma just brainwashes these people.

When a car or television malfunctions… do you fix it with similar pieces that made it work originally? Or do you design a whole new substance completely foreign to it- to try and start it back up again?

Human bodies are meant to be built back up with the pieces that made it go originally. No need for something new. Pharma is such a joke.
Mar 10, 2021
Lol this guys posts were from 6 years ago. I remember talking to him as we both took fin.

Man people just chase their tails with drugs having no clue. There’s no such thing as an ssri deficiency. Pharma just brainwashes these people.

When a car or television malfunctions… do you fix it with similar pieces that made it work originally? Or do you design a whole new substance completely foreign to it- to try and start it back up again?

Human bodies are meant to be built back up with the pieces that made it go originally. No need for something new. Pharma is such a joke.
Pharma is no joke….

“The word "pharmacy" has a fascinating origin story that's as complex as the practice itself.

It comes from the Greek word ‘’pharmakeia’’, which referred to ‘’the practice of the druggist’’. But here is the twist: ‘’phármakon’’, the root of the term, was a double-edged sword – it meant a plant or herb that could be used for either healing or harmful purposes, blurring the line between medicine and poison.”

“The Greek word pharmakeia appears in Galatians 5:20 and Revelation 18:23. Terms from the same root word appear in Revelation 9:21, Revelation 21:8, and Revelation 22:15. These are typically translated into English as “sorcery,” “witchcraft,” or “sorcerer.” Ancient Greek uses of pharmakeia closely mirror the generic modern English word drugs ; the same Greek root word produced English terms such as pharmacy and pharmacist.

Modern use of the word sorcery evokes images of supernatural power and spells; biblical use of pharmakeia doesn’t fit well with such ideas. Rather, the term suggests various forms of drug abuse. Those might include drug use in pagan worship, as an addiction, or as a poison used to manipulate and control others.”

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