Record numbers of Western citizens identify as LGBTQ



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Are more of them coming in because there are more of them, or because they’re visiting the doctor more often? Homosexual men for example have pretty bad health as a group, both physical and mental, and maybe visits are up because in the current cultural climate they don’t feel as embarrassed about visiting a physician for a STD as was the case 10 years ago.

The reason I don’t think this is driven by gays but rather the wishy washy self identification of alternative sexual and gender identities is because the percentages fluctuate by so much by generation, and also the boom took off right when gender identity first started becoming a thing in mainstream discourse, right around 2010. I find it hard to believe that generation A is gay at a 2% rate but generation B five times as gay, and the generation after that twice as gay again.

I think it’s more likely that the way the smorgasbord of gender identities is defined virtually anyone can find an identity they can identify with whenever they want to - there’s no objective physical or biological standard - it’s all about “feelings”. This is how the percentages jump so rapidly from Gen to Gen and also over the space of just 10 years. It’s not biology, it’s social behavior.

There’s a journalist called Abigail Schrier who wrote a good book on transgenderism in teenage girls and her conclusion is that it’s a craze, because of how ultra concentrated these incidences are within circles of friends, usually groups of girls who have low social status, and also how they come exclusively (she interviewed 70+ families) from left wing families. She compared it to the craze of anorexia a couple of decades ago.

Adolescents are highly impressionable and the queer lifestyle is being pumped to the max now in the media. Many can choose to identify as whatever (for now) and then abandon it a few years from now - the bar to entry and exit from the LGBT club is so low now that virtually anyone can hop in and hop out of the club at a moments notice.

Remember the common knowledge that 10% of the population is gay? I’ve heard that umpteen times over the past two decades but very few people know that this statistic was a fabrication created by a gay activist called Luke Sissyfag, which was picked up without question by gay-friendly journalists and repeated around the world until it became a “fact”. I think they overstate their numbers whenever they can for political reasons.

Also I don’t think homosexual behavior is as fixed as you suggest. I personally know a woman who became lesbian for 4 years after being in a relationship with a ghetto dude who used to beat her, then decided she wasn’t and has had a boyfriend again for the past 5-6 years. In her case it was definitely a choice, not an innate urge. She’s kind of whacky and swings from extremes to extremes in many areas of her life, not just relationships.

I know of another dude who hooked up with a girl, who turned out to have a dong once “she” pulled her skirt down. He related the story as realizing that the she was a he halfway through foreplay, but decided to just go through with it anyway since he was already horny and in the heat of the moment. This was a choice. He’s not attracted to men. He didn’t see anything weird about this - I guess that’s just how he was raised - he was attracted to what looked like an Asian female but turned out to be a ladyboy, but even after realizing this figured “eh, a hole is a hole”.

The first link in my original post has a study on the LGBTQ rates in 25 other countries, both developed and underdeveloped. The general rate of non-heteroxesuality seems to be indeed about 10%, but that is an increase over the "traditional" rate of 1%-2% globally. So, unless people in all those other countries are also embracing the fad then there does seem to be a genuine increase in rates. Also if there is fluctuation, have we ever seen numbers as high as 20% in young people, as the study above suggests?

I agree that there is a fad component. Some people are clearly also using it for personal benefit too. I am sure you have seen the news about male rapists suddenly identifying as female to either get a more lenient treatment or get sent to a female prison. The question is what portion of the increase is a fad and what portion is genuine. The T levels of males have been dropping since the 1970s and now are in the range of 10-year old boys at the age when they should be the highest.

So, it is hard to deny that there is shift in endocrine profile in both sexes. As discussed in the other thread on gender wars, males are becoming more feminized and women more masculinized. Estrogen (and estrogenic endocrine disruptors) are known to cause precisely that in the respective gender. There is also a well-established link between endocrine disruptor overload (which can explain the low T) and homosexual behavior and gender ambiguity (i.e. born with either underdeveloped gonads for their sex, or with both female and male gonads) in animals.
I guess, as usual, time will tell. If in another five years another study finds a decline then we will know it is/was a (periodic) fad. I, personally, was just taken aback at the magnitude - roughly 1 in 5 of young people.
Dec 28, 2021
Have you guys read The Testosterone Hypothesis by Roy Barzilai? It's a super fascinating book that would undoubtedly be of interest to people on this forum. He discusses how many of these trends in society we frequently debate here are cyclical in nature, being driven by the changing hormonal profile of society's inhabitants. For example, he maps these changes going back thousands of years and explains how many periods in history (think the Dark Ages on the bad end of the spectrum and The Renaissance on the good end) were the result of society-wide hormonal changes.

If you've read Fourth Turning and enjoyed that book, you are likely to enjoy Testosterone Hypothesis. Highly recommend.


Of course, i don't care--but for the long term agenda and how it is insidiously engineered.
Of course, they are welcome really. Because they don't bring crime.
The vacationers are largely mild-mannered Canadians and Minnesotans.
Anything artsy is always welcome. And retirees just don't want any trouble.

Gay kids are much preferred to the damaged bitter and angry white male.
Most of the families here do have a gentle morality.
But there is some percentage of violent crime. And it is committed by violent white men.
They do and are not done-to. They have records (brutal wife beatings and strangulations; fentanyl; armed robbery; stabbings).
If local girls do not marry one of the many nice moral men, this is tough place for an unwanted girl.

We have bike week that brings 10,000's of harley riders. But they tend to only breeze through the family areas.

So immigrants and LGBTQ will be welcomed.

"there is a percentage of violent crime. And it is committed by violent white men."

This statement is factually true, while being misleading - or at best, unknowably nuanced.

YES, if a place is primarily white, almost all crime will be committed by white males. Especially if it's impoverished or blue collar (a lot of self made and hard labor men of any race, are more prone to abusiveness - not an excuse) - but, this doesn't even tell us how much crime gets committed. According to all data on the matter, Hispanics commit twice the crime whites do (the men can also be incredibly abusive, and Hispanic women seem less likely to report it).

I don't ever want to be disparaging about a race, but since you fired the first shots against my skin, I must say that, I too grew up and still live in the rural, white, "Christian," South. There have been many unsavory white characters my family has dealt with, but it truly pales in comparison to the mass migration of Hispanics in the last 20 years. crime has skyrocketed. (yes, I also have many very good Hispanic neighbors, and honorable members of the township). For what it's worth, the original Hispanics who lived here, called "Tejanos," hate the mass migration of Hispanics more than anyone, and are staunchly Republican and anti-migration - they say that this migration has ruined any environment the Hispanics have moved to.

Our new migrant neighbors shoot our neighbor's cattle; drive by our property in the middle of the night and shoot onto our property (the cops say they are testing black market guns for gang use); burn rubber and wiring (most likely stolen copper), aside from all the trash burning constantly; steal from neighbors; liter EVERYWHERE; deal drugs and then try to kill each other, on our road; several even followed my mom while she was out walking, and by all appearances, tried to kidnap/rape her - if she hadn't called me and I came pealing down the road, I can only imagine what would've happened; they also dump who-knows-what toxic sludge from their black market garages in the stock tanks; they also dump construction waste materials in the ditches, to keep the payment for waste disposal, instead of rightfully dispose construction waste at the dump - which they are paid to do.

Yes, there are good Hispanics who I have no problem with, but before you start denigrating a whole race, and say they ought to be replaced by migrants (!?!?!?), consider the whole story.


The study is actually about the US, but other studies show the numbers for other "developed" countries are at least as high. Here is a study that compared the US to other countries.

Make of that what you will, but since most of the LGBTQ won't have/raise children, these numbers are probably thrilling for the depopulation crowd at Davos. The discussions going on in the thread on gender conflicts below touched upon some related issues such as endocrine disruptors, stress, etc.

Oh, and once again the young are leading the pack - about 1 in 5 (20%) GenZ/Millennials identify as LGBTQ. So, it looks like the stereotype about the "closet gay Boomer" is not backed up by the evidence, Btw, the rates in younger people may be even higher than the study reports because the youngest subjects of the study also had the highest rates of refusing to provide info on their sexual orientation.

"...The number of adult Americans who identify as something other than heterosexual has risen to a record 7.1%, a new Gallup phone survey revealed on Thursday. The metric has more than doubled since 2012, the first year the company started tracking such data. Then, 3.5% of respondents who volunteered their sexual orientation and/or gender identity said they were part of the LGBTQ community. The increase reflects a wider relevance of such identities among younger generations, the polling agency said. Among GenZs, or people born between 1997 and 2003, 20.8% of people identified as LGBTQ. For comparison, only 2.6% of Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, responded that way. Millennials (born 1981-1996, in Gallup’s terms) were the second-largest age group in terms of LGBTQ representation, but were also among the least likely to name their identity. Some 7.1% declined to answer that question, on par with people born before 1949. Among GenZs, only 3.5% didn’t want to divulge this information. Most of the growth in LGBTQ identification was among GenZ and Millenials, with the percentage of such people among older generations remaining stable over the years. For GenZ, it doubled since 2017, when the metric stood at 10.5%. Over the years, a greater portion of the generation reached adulthood and became eligible for Gallup’s poll, it noted."

If it's any consolation, homeschoolers and Amish are vastly out breeding everyone else, and Gen Z conservatives are getting married younger, and having more kids than, baby boomer conservatives and Christians.

based on some data I read a few years ago, Evangelical homeschoolers, Amish, Menonites, and Ortho Jews, could make a permanent majority in America in 40 years.

according to the data, anywhere 3rd world migrants move in America, they make a major voting block, but by generation 3, they are consistently under producing families, and seamlessly transition into the leftist childless ideal, and purpetual new migrants in these regions literally keep this migrant demographic from fading away.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
If it's any consolation, homeschoolers and Amish are vastly out breeding everyone else, and Gen Z conservatives are getting married younger, and having more kids than, baby boomer conservatives and Christians.

based on some data I read a few years ago, Evangelical homeschoolers, Amish, Menonites, and Ortho Jews, could make a permanent majority in America in 40 years.

according to the data, anywhere 3rd world migrants move in America, they make a major voting block, but by generation 3, they are consistently under producing families, and seamlessly transition into the leftist childless ideal, and purpetual new migrants in these regions literally keep this migrant demographic from fading away.

A friend of mine lives in Lancaster, PA (Amish country) and says the "joke" in town is that the Amish used to depend on the town for making a living, now it is the other way around.


Feb 13, 2021
Some of the healthiest females I know (at least based on perceived energy and progesterone levels) are bisexual.

With men, tho, that's probably not the case.

Not sure what explains this discrepancy.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Some of the healthiest females I know (at least based on perceived energy and progesterone levels) are bisexual.

With men, tho, that's probably not the case.

Not sure what explains this discrepancy.

Multiple studies have shown that females are much more fluid sexually than males. A healthy female will have spikes of estrogen during estrus and around that time they are sexually "aggressive" - i.e. both inviting advances and hitting on others themselves. Around estrus, "hetero" females have been shown to be most open to making out with other girls, though the data shows that in general females are a lot less opposed to it than males, even outside estrus. Males, in general, do not have such large, regular hormonal swings.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Have you guys read The Testosterone Hypothesis by Roy Barzilai? It's a super fascinating book that would undoubtedly be of interest to people on this forum. He discusses how many of these trends in society we frequently debate here are cyclical in nature, being driven by the changing hormonal profile of society's inhabitants. For example, he maps these changes going back thousands of years and explains how many periods in history (think the Dark Ages on the bad end of the spectrum and The Renaissance on the good end) were the result of society-wide hormonal changes.

If you've read Fourth Turning and enjoyed that book, you are likely to enjoy Testosterone Hypothesis. Highly recommend.

Sounds like he is preaching to the choir. However, that raises the question what is causing those fluctuations in population T levels over time. Nowadays, it is pretty certain the toxins around us and the stressful environment are responsible. What was causing a T decline population-wide say in a Roman province in 2nd century AD? What about the entire Roman empire?
If those changes are cyclical in nature then the only plausible explanations are changes in Earth and/or solar activity. Does he propose any explanations?


Jun 14, 2020
I finished high school roughly a decade ago and everyone was heterosexual; sexual education was absent, fully. Ideological education is the biggest factor in this, the toxins just add insult to injury. There has been a huge push in my country to teach about the 40 genders and the so-called fluidity of it.


Dec 8, 2016
Primary and secondaty education are the culprit. Private schools are on the state's leash. The only solution is to homeschool.
I agree with your assessment.
And for us- I don’t believe the only solution is the solution you state.

After our incident with publicly stating pronouns at her school-
How did I find out?
She told me!
She intuitively knew something was amiss.
She thinks it’s weird.
She sees the disconnect. The silliness. The manipulation. Or whatever she would define it as.

To me: this has her preparing for our ruthless and fallen world.

As long as she keeps talking- I have to rest in that.

But not without a silver lining.

Im proud of her.

A future at a university is totally not in our plans however.


Mar 8, 2019
@PxD It's made even worse with "trendy" crap like TikTok and other "social media." I've been doing substitute teaching to keep busy lately and I have the ground rule that the topic isn't even open for discussion. Also I agree with your later post in that culture being permissive is a huge factor, whether it's just identifying or not.

@haidut I don't actually take issue with your HIV point but I'd like to broaden it. I also don't condone a lifestyle that has such rigorous health requirements. That said, many HIV stats are massaged: "probably contact"; not differentiating between sexual and drug-based transmission (though the LGBT do have a major issue with the latter); reported vs. tested; is it a local stat vs. State or National, etc. This list is not exhaustive. I also have to agree with PxD in that getting tested or prevention is not the same thing. Currently, I think a lot of it is a scare tactic to muddle the "vaccine" fallout. My wife asked me to add her question "why do you know about different kinds of porn?"


Nov 5, 2021
when it comes to seal the deal a lot of these psyoped self identifying bisexuals will recoil in disgust
Dec 28, 2021
Sounds like he is preaching to the choir. However, that raises the question what is causing those fluctuations in population T levels over time. Nowadays, it is pretty certain the toxins around us and the stressful environment are responsible. What was causing a T decline population-wide say in a Roman province in 2nd century AD? What about the entire Roman empire?
If those changes are cyclical in nature then the only plausible explanations are changes in Earth and/or solar activity. Does he propose any explanations?
You got it right! He does indeed propose solar activity as the source.

This link shows a chart with solar output overlayed with relevant events starting in 3000 BC:

This link zooms in and shows solar output (with commentary) since 1950:


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
My wife asked me to add her question "why do you know about different kinds of porn?"

I don't really know about the different kinds of porn. I just noticed that the mainstream porn sites have changed from offering mostly "vanilla" content to highly twisted and bizarre media, and label that media accordingly. Check out front page of any major porn outlet such as and you will see yourself. I guess you won't be able to see what it was like in the past but the present bizarro world is there to see.
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Aug 13, 2020
The first link in my original post has a study on the LGBTQ rates in 25 other countries, both developed and underdeveloped. The general rate of non-heteroxesuality seems to be indeed about 10%, but that is an increase over the "traditional" rate of 1%-2% globally. So, unless people in all those other countries are also embracing the fad then there does seem to be a genuine increase in rates. Also if there is fluctuation, have we ever seen numbers as high as 20% in young people, as the study above suggests?
I would LOVE to see the overlap between sexual and gender identity and political leanings. I’ll bet ten bucks the vast majority of those who identify as non-straight have leftist views to begin with.

I think the homosexual component of that 10% is still the traditional 1-2%. The other 8-9% is gender identities and transgenderism, which was virtually nonexistent 15 years ago. The timing of the rapid rise coincides way too closely with the media push to mainstream this stuff. I really think it’s social behavior driven, not biological. I mentioned two examples but I have so many more. E.g. A classmate of a friend’s nine year old daughter recently caused a stir at school by declaring that had determined that she would grow up to become a lesbian, because her single feminist mother had explained to her how badly men oppress women.

If you’re a low status male with poor libido, you can now make yourself feel special by “coming out” as an “aromantic” or “demiromantic” identity - stunning and brave, the world will applaud. You’re not a loser any more! If you have to back out of it, that’s also easy to do, since you didn’t make any kind of lasting commitment to “the cause”.

If you’re a teenage female with weight and acne problems and can’t attract boys, but you happen to like video games - no problem - you can declare that your “authentic self” is male, and now you can be one of the bros! No more angst and awkwardness! So stunning, so brave.

I think 10 years from now we’re going to have a cohort of twentysomethings and thirtysomethings who realize they were misled by this BS and boy will the pendulum swing back the other way then.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
You got it right! He does indeed propose solar activity as the source.

This link shows a chart with solar output overlayed with relevant events starting in 3000 BC:

This link zooms in and shows solar output (with commentary) since 1950:

Fascinating! Thanks for bringing this up. I like how in the first link it shows out current civilization's peak is being dwarfed by Sumerians and Minoans. Apparently, we have not progressed much since the dawn of mankind:):
The second link is a bit baffling. He says high-T period in 1987 but low T period in 2057!? I'd say we are in pretty low-T position even now and it has been declining since the 1970s (based on published studies).
Anyways, very interesting, I will try to get the book and read it.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I think 10 years from now we’re going to have a cohort of twentysomethings and thirtysomethings who realize they were misled by this BS and boy will the pendulum swing back the other way then.

I am afraid it will swing back into full-blown mental breakdowns and suicide waves. For most people, realizing their prime years were more or less wasted and based on a lie does not really translate into most of them moving on and just brushing it aside.
Let's hope you are right and it is just a temp phenomenon that Reddit calls "the blunder years".
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Sep 27, 2018
My mother is gay. Had two kids, biologically. Both her exes have two kids biologically too. I know plenty of gay parented families... Millenials arent having kids whatever their orientation because we're broke lol
you're mom gay
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