How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal


1 The four organizations have spent almost $10 billion on Covid since 2020 – the same amount as the leading U.S. agency tasked with fighting Covid abroad.

2 The organizations collectively gave $1.4 billion to the World Health Organization, where they helped create a critical initiative to distribute Covid-19 tools. That program failed to achieve its original benchmarks.

3 The organizations’ leaders had unprecedented access to the highest levels of governments, spending at least $8.3 million to lobby lawmakers and officials in the U.S. and Europe.

4 Officials from the U.S., EU and representatives from the WHO rotated through these four organizations as employees, helping them solidify their political and financial connections in Washington and Brussels.

5 The leaders of the four organizations pledged to bridge the equity gap. However, during the worst waves of the pandemic, low-income countries were left without life-saving vaccines.

6 Leaders of three of the four organizations maintained that lifting intellectual property protections was not needed to increase vaccine supplies – which activists believed would have helped save lives.

The difference between a conspiracy theory and a fact is on average six months.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Feb 18, 2016
With all this coming out in a coordinated fashion from MSM we have to ask if its a ruse, we suspected it may be part of the script with what we seen with the SPARS pandemic scenario document.
Gates is clearly compromised by Epstein, he is one of the fall guys, we suspected this is another attempt to undermine nation states and government in the name of ushering in a world government?

Many of the names around the alt media disclosure like Dr mccullough all have links to the ruling class including fuellmich and his corona committee.

We also see Professors in the politico article are from the jesuit run georgetown university.

So whats the endgame here? Is it a double ruse to bring back nationalism and usher in the right or is it do anything to avoid the growing jeffrey epstein narrative, if it is about epstein then somebody in a government body forced their hand by bringing epstein back into the light.
We also see the word "equitable access" for developing nation used a lot which leans again to global governance.


Feb 18, 2016
The politico article is a puff piece for mRNA vaccines, it creates the dialectic of the "poor" being ignored, equitable access for vaccines is the overall narrative, money recklessly thrown about but nothing nefarious here, the rich north being greedy and capitalist as usual, not the ruling class creating vaccines that kill and neuter the population.
Hugh Johnson

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
The politico article is a puff piece for mRNA vaccines, it creates the dialectic of the "poor" being ignored, equitable access for vaccines is the overall narrative, money recklessly thrown about but nothing nefarious here, the rich north being greedy and capitalist as usual, not the ruling class creating vaccines that kill and neuter the population.
Like in the Soviet Union, you need to learn to read between the lines. Even the msm tends to reveal the truth inadvertently.


Dec 3, 2015
With all this coming out in a coordinated fashion from MSM we have to ask if its a ruse, we suspected it may be part of the script with what we seen with the SPARS pandemic scenario document.
Gates is clearly compromised by Epstein, he is one of the fall guys, we suspected this is another attempt to undermine nation states and government in the name of ushering in a world government?

Many of the names around the alt media disclosure like Dr mccullough all have links to the ruling class including fuellmich and his corona committee.

We also see Professors in the politico article are from the jesuit run georgetown university.

So whats the endgame here? Is it a double ruse to bring back nationalism and usher in the right or is it do anything to avoid the growing jeffrey epstein narrative, if it is about epstein then somebody in a government body forced their hand by bringing epstein back into the light.
We also see the word "equitable access" for developing nation used a lot which leans again to global governance.
Watch WATCH: “The Amazing Parallels Between 9/11 and Covid19” especially towards the end.
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