Coronavirus Better To Stay In Mexico Or Return To The US?


Jan 31, 2017
Hello everyone

I was curious with the coronavirus risk if it is better to stay in Mexico.I am in a town of about 30,000 people called Oxkutzcab which is an hour and a half south of Merida which has a population of about 700,000

My is passort expires on May 22 and seems like embassies are closed.

My parents send me a monthly allowance of a few hundred dollars while recovering from CFS.I am 34 years old.I was planning to go to the beaches but it seems like everything is closed.

I have an April 30th assessment scheduled in the bay area and I am afraid of traveling with this coronavirus threat.

Fear of being trapped and death is one of my concerns

Thank You
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Aug 28, 2018
Only your heart can tell you the answer, but I personally would go back to the US.
Dec 18, 2018
Hello everyone

I was curious with the coronavirus risk if it is better to stay in Mexico.I am in a town of about 30,000 people called Oxkutzcab which is an hour and a half south of Merida which has a population of about 700,000

My is passort expires on May 22 and seems like embassies are closed.

My parents send me a monthly allowance of a few hundred dollars while recovering from CFS.I am 34 years old.I was planning to go to the beaches but it seems like everything is closed.

I have an April 30th assessment scheduled in the bay area and I am afraid of traveling with this coronavirus threat.

Fear of being trapped and death is one of my concerns

Thank You

SF bay area seems as infection hot-spot right now?
maybe ride it out in mexico?
Your current Loc seems remote to the evil virus,maybe go back after first wave
hit,and maskproduction for usa is up to speed?


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Travel Restrictions - Fact Sheet | U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Mexico
COVID-19 Related Travel Restrictions across the U.S. Borders with Canada and Mexico
  • The United States will temporarily limit inbound land border crossings from Canada and Mexico to “essential travel”.
  • This action does not prevent U.S. citizens from returning home.
  • These restrictions are temporary and go into effect on March 21, 2020. They will remain in effect through 11:59 pm on April 20, 2020. This decision has been coordinated with the Governments of Mexico and Canada.
  • The following categories do not fall within the definition of “essential travel:”
    • Individuals traveling for tourism purposes, such as sightseeing, recreation, gambling, or attending cultural events in the United States.


Mar 18, 2020
Stay where it is warm AND sunny and the lessed polluted.


Jan 31, 2017
It's about 100 degrees where I am in mexico.

Have been here for about 4 months.

2 more and that would be 6 months which

is the maximum you can stay in Mexico.

I have a passport expiring May 22.

Just hoping to avoid.a disaster where I have

to travel back to the US where I am 5x more

likely to catch the virus getting back to the

bay area.

Thank you


Jun 19, 2014
The big question is guessing whether it will become impossible to return before May22/6 mos. If not, you may be better off. But if coronavirus starts to spread in your area all bets are off. Merida has large professional hospitals. But the AMLO administration is as dysfunctional as the Trump administration. Locally, the QR authorities are pretty competent. So, if it starts to spread in your area, I'd get out. If it starts to look like flights out will cease, get out. If you end up staying past 6 mos, I would not expect kindness nor reason from local bureaucrats. Some would, for sure, but it would literally be rolling the dice. When you try to leave, they are liable to arrest you for a visa violation instead of letting you board. Even with a very plausible excuse.


Jan 31, 2017
The big question is guessing whether it will become impossible to return before May22/6 mos. If not, you may be better off. But if coronavirus starts to spread in your area all bets are off. Merida has large professional hospitals. But the AMLO administration is as dysfunctional as the Trump administration. Locally, the QR authorities are pretty competent. So, if it starts to spread in your area, I'd get out. If it starts to look like flights out will cease, get out. If you end up staying past 6 mos, I would not expect kindness nor reason from local bureaucrats. Some would, for sure, but it would literally be rolling the dice. When you try to leave, they are liable to arrest you for a visa violation instead of letting you board. Even with a very plausible excuse.

Appreciate your reply Managing

What are some options for staying past the 22nd?

Or better question maybe options to move to
a location good for health and well being as the place I am at now has lots of emf.

Intent is to move somewhere to improve health.Nature.Low emf.

I am down to 20 klonopins at 0.5mg and take about 0.25 a day.Looking to get a refill somewhere as I am going through withdrawl

I made mistake of trying to get back with girlfriend and am in a an area right now with lots of emf.

Reason I want to stay in Yucatan is to get closer to the island Progresso for health.Grounding on the beach like Dr Kruse recommends

There is an Airbnb in Chelem for rent.I came to Mexico to escape from Emf and experiment with smaller doses of UV during the day and red light and grounding in the evening.

My parents place in the bay area has emf.


Jun 19, 2014
Appreciate your reply Managing

What are some options for staying past the 22nd?

Or better question maybe options to move to
a location good for health and well being as the place I am at now has lots of emf.

Intent is to move somewhere to improve health.Nature.Low emf.

I am down to 20 klonopins at 0.5mg and take about 0.25 a day.Looking to get a refill somewhere as I am going through withdrawl

I made mistake of trying to get back with girlfriend and am in a an area right now with lots of emf.

Reason I want to stay in Yucatan is to get closer to the island Progresso for health.Grounding on the beach like Dr Kruse recommends

There is an Airbnb in Chelem for rent.I came to Mexico to escape from Emf and experiment with smaller doses of UV during the day and red light and grounding in the evening.

My parents place in the bay area has emf.
You've only got two options for extending past 5-22. One, appeal to Mexican immigration (must be an office in Merida). Given that you can return at the moment, might be a hard sell. You could argue health exception. Who knows? Second, the Belize border isn't as close as it seems (I bet its a 6-7 hr drive from where you are), but cross over into Belize and come back, restarting your 6 mos. Not sure how long you have to be gone to restart. I don't think its long.

The good news is, most pharmacies in mexico you can just walk in and ask most drugs. Even if they ultimately say no, its not like you are going to get in trouble. Show them the bottle with your name on it, show them the prescription if you have it. But even these things will not likely be necessary.

Isla Mujeres is nice, but don't know if you'll get away from EMF there. Cozumel hs some remote areas. Lots of little towns between Cancun and Chetumal, some very primitive. There are two tiny towns around Laguna Bacalar. THe waters are incredible. Ask locals about safety. There has been some violence in Cancun, but fairly limited. Not aware of problems in the Riviera Maya. But its been awhile, so, again, ask around where you are before you travel. Oh, and don't travel at night, even in safe areas, if you have not already discovered this.

Oh, and find a remote cenote and swim in it. One of the most peaceful things you can do.


Jan 31, 2017
I appreciate it Managing

The nice thing about mexico is they are not

installing 5g and that the environment gives

you a chance to recover to 4g whereas in the

Us the development of 5G doesn't give you

an oppurtunity to adapt

I have a social security hearing on April 30th

in California (el dorado hills)

And was wondering if it would be rolling the

dice flying back to a country where there is

more individual freedom vs one here where

there are lots of beaches but potential

from beauractic militia to give you problems

as a person of color from the Us?

Appreciate it Mr.Manager


Jun 19, 2014
I appreciate it Managing

The nice thing about mexico is they are not

installing 5g and that the environment gives

you a chance to recover to 4g whereas in the

Us the development of 5G doesn't give you

an oppurtunity to adapt

I have a social security hearing on April 30th

in California (el dorado hills)

And was wondering if it would be rolling the

dice flying back to a country where there is

more individual freedom vs one here where

there are lots of beaches but potential

from beauractic militia to give you problems

as a person of color from the Us?

Appreciate it Mr.Manager
Generally speaking, Mexicans may be more likely to stare (at a person of color), but they are much less likely to discriminate or otherwise mistreat a person of color.

As an aside, when slavery was outlawed in Mexico (decades before the US), there were more Africans in Mexico than there were in the US at the end of the civil war. But in most places in Mexico, the African population just "disappeared into the gene pool" quite rapidly. There are still some remote communities in Oaxaca and Chiapas that are primarily African descended. But they are rare. My point is, Mexico simply "integrated" the former slaves into society. I used parens because that is a very loaded term in the US, but its literal meaning is quite accurate to describe what happened over the decades in Mexico.


Apr 28, 2018
Oh honey I am so sorry you feel between a rock and hard place.
I see all the suggestions here and cant imagine how you will make your decision. In all my travels 40yrs I never had to factor in all that you must right now, so I will offer only my intuitive response. Sit and stay, focus on the healing. I would retreat deep, find a place where you can somehow contribute to a homestead, maybe find an elder you can assist in some way, work tigether to survive the perceived situation. Yes, I say sit. Build new relationships instead of holding on to the old...however unlikely you think that feels right now, let her go and forge your own new path.


Jan 31, 2017
Oh honey I am so sorry you feel between a rock and hard place.
I see all the suggestions here and cant imagine how you will make your decision. In all my travels 40yrs I never had to factor in all that you must right now, so I will offer only my intuitive response. Sit and stay, focus on the healing. I would retreat deep, find a place where you can somehow contribute to a homestead, maybe find an elder you can assist in some way, work tigether to survive the perceived situation. Yes, I say sit. Build new relationships instead of holding on to the old...however unlikely you think that feels right now, let her go and forge your own new path.

Thanks Akkgrl I do appreciate it

This is a new game for me as I have never

been this far isolated from the us on my own

I know you have lots of experience traveling

There is some concern about being jailed

if I stay past 6 months

I can see if I can get refills and maybe a hold

of someone in the consulate office.Seems like

everything is in Spanish which is

understandable since its their country but

communicating with these people who like

to be absent during coronvirus seems

difficult.Tommorows monday I can try

contacting someone and hope I can get a hold

of an english speaker


Apr 28, 2018
Time to educate yourself in another language not so different from your own. It shows respect for where you are, and to each if them you encountrr. Your story is reak, you came to their contry to heal. Away from pollution and inner city travails. Soften your stance as an outsider and aporoach everything in the most basic, human way you can.
I see your moment of blossoming. You made the decision to leave home for a better chance at healing. This is it. Step outside your door, and, be ready to help someone or something that is struggling just like you. The connection to your path is waiting for you, to take that next step. It is not far!


Jan 31, 2017
Time to educate yourself in another language not so different from your own. It shows respect for where you are, and to each if them you encountrr. Your story is reak, you came to their contry to heal. Away from pollution and inner city travails. Soften your stance as an outsider and aporoach everything in the most basic, human way you can.
I see your moment of blossoming. You made the decision to leave home for a better chance at healing. This is it. Step outside your door, and, be ready to help someone or something that is struggling just like you. The connection to your path is waiting for you, to take that next step. It is not far!

Thanks Akgrrl,

Traveling from Atlanta to the Desert in

Arizona was one thing.

Being in this country

I worry about being jailed if I stay longer

than 6 months

I know in the Us they wouldn't hold you long

if they jailed you for camping too long

(I think)

I try to treat people with respect and I am not

sure if authorities would do the same in the

time of a coronavirus event here.

Appreciate it akgrrl

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
You've only got two options for extending past 5-22. One, appeal to Mexican immigration (must be an office in Merida). Given that you can return at the moment, might be a hard sell. You could argue health exception. Who knows? Second, the Belize border isn't as close as it seems (I bet its a 6-7 hr drive from where you are), but cross over into Belize and come back, restarting your 6 mos. Not sure how long you have to be gone to restart. I don't think its long.

The good news is, most pharmacies in mexico you can just walk in and ask most drugs. Even if they ultimately say no, its not like you are going to get in trouble. Show them the bottle with your name on it, show them the prescription if you have it. But even these things will not likely be necessary.

Isla Mujeres is nice, but don't know if you'll get away from EMF there. Cozumel hs some remote areas. Lots of little towns between Cancun and Chetumal, some very primitive. There are two tiny towns around Laguna Bacalar. THe waters are incredible. Ask locals about safety. There has been some violence in Cancun, but fairly limited. Not aware of problems in the Riviera Maya. But its been awhile, so, again, ask around where you are before you travel. Oh, and don't travel at night, even in safe areas, if you have not already discovered this.

Oh, and find a remote cenote and swim in it. One of the most peaceful things you can do.
Why not just cross over to Guatemala?


Jan 31, 2017
Ultimately the goal was to get good sunlight

year round and live in the tropics to use

sunlight to help some of my brain/body.

I came here because of the latitude.

Let's look at some options

1)Contact the embassy and try and get passport

renewed here and visa(which I lost at the beach)

extended.Get a place at the beach if the passport

gets renewed and delay social security hearing

in California

2. Go back to california before April 30th to the

37th latitude in the bay area attend a

hearing.Stay with my parents at their house

while waiting for determination.Suboptimal

environment with cell towers and less stronger

Sunlight than mexico.

3.Get passort renewed and go to Belize and

comeback.Stay in the tropics and go to belize

every 6 months for re-entry

This passport thing is a concern since it expires may 22
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Jun 19, 2014
I am in Northern California also. As a native, you'll be aware that our rainy season is just about over. Not as strong UV as the tropics of course. Perhaps you can come back fro awhile, get done what you need to and return to the tropics. I messaged you about Guatemala. But they will have to open their borders first. Another option could be San Miguel de Allende. Not as affordable as Antigua/Lake Atitlan, but high elevation, and a prevalence of English spoken if that is important (but learn Spanish while there--its fun!).


Jul 23, 2018
If SHTF in Mexico, a cartel or local guerilla is going to take over, especially in remote areas. Say goodbye to supply chains. Whatever is local you can get, whatever isn't, you can't. What is your social standing in the community?

Do other people think you are wealthy or that you store food? If they do, it would make you a prime target, though most mex-gans forbid locals from attacking USA turists.
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