Acute Arsenic Poisoning. Help

Yi at LDT

Feb 17, 2019
In trying to make hydrogen rich water I bought quite a few '99.99% pure' magnesium rods. One rod oxidised black as it should, bought from amother vendor. The others hardly oxidosed at all, all 20 of them...

Split into two 600ml batches with about 5g malic acid total I reacted the rods for an hour each batch and drank the water, hydrogen, and metal salt mix.

An hour later I felt off. I then had a seizure in the emergency department after I realised something wasn't right about the non oxidising rods.

Arsenic is commonly used to greatly increase magnesiums resistance to oxidation corrosion. I have ingested quite a bit of arsenic and feel as though I have too...

I left the hospital at 4am as I was feeling slightly better, wasn't going to be treated before dawn and thought the rods may have just been Zinc. They arn't, both react with boiling water and are definately magmesium. I'm not doing much better today with a few new symptoms appearing.

I'm wondering if anyone has any gems of knowledge thay may be helpful. Longterm damage could be pretty nasty.



Apr 13, 2019
In trying to make hydrogen rich water I bought quite a few '99.99% pure' magnesium rods. One rod oxidised black as it should, bought from amother vendor. The others hardly oxidosed at all, all 20 of them...

Split into two 600ml batches with about 5g malic acid total I reacted the rods for an hour each batch and drank the water, hydrogen, and metal salt mix.

An hour later I felt off. I then had a seizure in the emergency department after I realised something wasn't right about the non oxidising rods.

Arsenic is commonly used to greatly increase magnesiums resistance to oxidation corrosion. I have ingested quite a bit of arsenic and feel as though I have too...

I left the hospital at 4am as I was feeling slightly better, wasn't going to be treated before dawn and thought the rods may have just been Zinc. They arn't, both react with boiling water and are definately magmesium. I'm not doing much better today with a few new symptoms appearing.

I'm wondering if anyone has any gems of knowledge thay may be helpful. Longterm damage could be pretty nasty.


Lesson learned I guess? Dont try to experiment with dangerous chemicals. I would just follow doctors advice if they have you any. Rest, eat, hydrate and sleep.
Jan 20, 2017
A good place to ask for advice regarding heavy metals is the Andy Cutler group on Facebook: Andy Cutler Chelation: Safe Mercury and Heavy Metal Detox

Usually the first step is to take large amounts of antioxidants. 1 to 2 grams of vitamin C 4x per day and 1000 or more IU of vitamin E. Keep track of stool colour to make sure bile flow remains good. Check with the group first though, I'm not familiar with acute poisoning so maybe it is different.
Yi at LDT

Yi at LDT

Feb 17, 2019
A good place to ask for advice regarding heavy metals is the Andy Cutler group on Facebook: Andy Cutler Chelation: Safe Mercury and Heavy Metal Detox

Usually the first step is to take large amounts of antioxidants. 1 to 2 grams of vitamin C 4x per day and 1000 or more IU of vitamin E. Keep track of stool colour to make sure bile flow remains good. Check with the group first though, I'm not familiar with acute poisoning so maybe it is different.

This is really helpful. Thank you so much. Unfortunately I think acute is more harmful. The symptoms are certainly apparent

0.01% would of been okayish, it's more like 0.4% arsenic unfortunately. Safe to say I'm pretty angry with the vendor.


Oct 11, 2016
Ya drink lots of quality water, fresh juice, and go to a sauna. Add some other light chelation as you go. And make sure to have enough of various essential minerals.
Jun 16, 2017
Doesn't succinic acid help chelate heavy metals from the body? Can't remember if it chelates all heavy metals. You could try that.
Yi at LDT

Yi at LDT

Feb 17, 2019
Water is probably one I need to focus on. I've always been a bit iffy with my kidneys. And I hardly drink fluids (not complaining).

Added ALA in today and my god has it made a difference! Dosing every 3 hours with Vit C and E. Also taking zeolite (thankfully I loaded up an hour after drinking the arsenic) and humic and fulvic acid which are both very safe chelators that I've been using profilacticly for years.

Succinic acid is definately on the list. Absolutely going to order some.

Got my urine and blood arsenic tests done today, unfortunately theres a 5 day turnaround. It will establish somewhat of a baselime which is great. Hospital and GP habe been useless.

I feel lile I may be able to fix this, completely. Hope has returned. Thanks so much for the support.
Jan 20, 2017
You started a bit sooner than I expected, but I can understand the urgency. No need to panic but it's best to go steady especially with ALA.

With mercury exposure people are advised to wait 3 months before adding ALA, or wait 4 days for DMPS or DMSA. Something to do with letting the blood clear so the concentration falls lower than in the cells, as the ALA will move it across the gradient. I would assume the same applies to arsenic except for any difference in half life. You can take the DMPS or DMSA sooner as they remain in the blood and don't cross the blood-brain barrier.

I don't know if it is advisable for you to be taking ALA yet, but since you already started it is imperative you take it through the night also.
ALA can make you feel good but also hit you like a truck when it drops off again.

Assuming you weren't advised by the group to start ALA yet:
- Stop once you pass about 64 hours total.
- If you have amalgam fillings then stop it immediately.
- If you have missed your last dose by more than 30 minutes, stop taking any more.
- Keep taking the antioxidants regardless of whether you continue or stop.

Just in case, I have asked on the group and I'll update with their response regarding the ALA. My gut feeling is you should wait for the blood test before retrying it.

Depending on your country you can order DMPS and DMSA from Living Supplements. DMPS is supposed to be better for arsenic than DMSA. You will probably want to start on low doses to get a feel for it. Some people have an allergic reaction to DMPS which you'll want to keep an eye out for, it usually starts with a mild rash but gets worse with subsequent exposures. Again do not take it if you have amalgam fillings and take according to the half life all day and night.

Also if you have tattoos, some inks may contain heavy metals and may require similar precautions to those with amalgam fillings.
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Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Some things I go to if metal detox is a concern: bentonite clay, zeolite, modified citrus pectin, diatomaceous earth, IP-6, various herbs that facilitate detox, i.e. burdock, dandelion root essiac tea, chaparral, etc., nutrients like glutathione, NAC, vitamin C, selenium, etc.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Zinc is essential for detoxification and carnosine is a very safe heavy metal chelator.
Jan 20, 2017
Brian on the group responded and said as long as you have no mercury exposure in the last 3 months, ALA is fine to use as arsenic doesn't get trapped in brain like mercury does. Mercury exposure would be things like amalgam fillings, flu shot or broken CFL bulb. Still probably best not to go too far beyond 64 hours yet though, maybe keep below 72 hours or so.

Magnesium and zinc supplementation is also considered essential for Cutler-style chelation. For the chelators keep the dose the same for each round, start low and work up until you feel tolerable side effects, then hold the dose until they mostly subside. Chelate at least 64 hours per round and take the same amount of time off in between each round.
All that is covered in the Cutler guidelines, but figured I'd post to make sure.
Yi at LDT

Yi at LDT

Feb 17, 2019
Your an absolute life saver Peatnik Boetry. I really appreciate your advice and recommendation, I am following the Cutler guidelines loosely. I've known for a long time chelation therapy is risky territory and I completely understand and respect any concern regarding 'loosely'.

Zeolite, and humic and fulvic acid barely touched my symptoms where as ALA has been REMARKABLE. I feel this is probably a better outcome then being chelated in hospital. I spent a long time waiting for that possibility to eventuate, maybe it's a good thing it didn't. I would have liked to have started a day earlier, still it was within 48hrs of exposure which is pretty good I think. I'm also taking garlic in large doses as that does have a major effect on arsenic toxicity and motabolism.

No mercury toxicity to report other then a broken CFL bulb a few years ago. freaked me right out at the time. I've also been using humic, fulvic and zeolite on and off for years so with a bit of luck my load should be low.

I've been supplementing vitamin C, E and magnesium. I just ran out of zinc, I think it will be worth picking some up tomorrow. I've been consistent with my dosing so far, I'm tolerating around 70mg-100mg per dose fairly well. symptoms do change throughout those 3 hours though they are fairly minor and infrequent. I'm thinking I will push 72hrs. my gut tells me to go longer but we will see. one things for sure, I'm glad I didn't wait 3 months. I know this is different to chronic mercury toxicity.

I am 1000% on what I was even yesturday. I can't thank you enough. I had forgetten all about ALA after writting it off as a regular supplement to incorporate due to redistribution issues.

Will post test results when they come through. samples were taken before using ALA and when symptoms were at there best that day, 2nd day after exposure.

I think I've had my fill of hospitals and doctors for quite some time..


Dec 3, 2015
Good idea to use some milk thistle to ram up the liver but go slowly.


Jul 23, 2019
Arsenic tends to be more of an issue for chronic, low dose exposure, as the half life of arsenic is so low that a constant supply is needed to cause problems. An acute arsenic is also therefore only problematic if large dose is consumed. Did you have a blood test to confirm arsenic poisoning?


Jul 10, 2016
Zinc is essential for detoxification and carnosine is a very safe heavy metal chelator.

Hans... Which form of Zinc would you recommend? Not only to keep copper in check but what about Arsenic? Your wise advice is much appreciated.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Hans... Which form of Zinc would you recommend? Not only to keep copper in check but what about Arsenic? Your wise advice is much appreciated.
Food is my go to, but since most zinc rich food also has lots of copper, zinc glycinate.

I Am

New Member
Aug 21, 2022
Costa Rica
In trying to make hydrogen rich water I bought quite a few '99.99% pure' magnesium rods. One rod oxidised black as it should, bought from amother vendor. The others hardly oxidosed at all, all 20 of them...

A friend and I want to find a source for 99.99% or maybe 99.95% purity magnesium rods to make hydrogen-rich water. I do not know if 99% is pure enough. But we require some kind of certification/verification of purity, not just some vendor's unsubstantiated claim. Granted, it is easy enough to fake such a document these days but if the company is big enough and/or has a huge number of sales and a very high satisfied customer rating on Ebay, or is not just a small vendor on Amazon, that may suffice. My friend and I prefer a supplier in the US to avoid brutal shipping charges. I am in Costa Rica so something in my area would work for me also but is extremely unlikely.

We just want maybe 6 - 10 rods to start so the order will not be quite large and we are individuals, not a corporation, and want the rods for personal use.

Please write with details asap if ANYONE has a solid source or any good leads. Thanks in advance.
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