
  1. haidut

    Playfulness, Novelty, And Leisure Are Vital For Progress And True Knowledge

    About a year ago I made a post arguing that leisure, desire, playfulness and relaxation are vital for learning and knowledge. Leisure And Desire Required For Intelligence, Knowledge And Progress The study below now argues that unstructured play similar to the way children play is absolutely...
  2. haidut

    Hobbies Trump Science

    ...at least when it comes to learning highly sophisticated, life-saving surgical skills, which in my opinion makes the thread title that much more valid. In fact, I would make the sweeping generalization that it applies to all science and that one of the reasons we are currently in a scientific...
  3. haidut

    SSRI Drugs Impair Judgment, Wisdom, Understanding, Love And Empathy

    I bet this revelation on national news is not what any person expects to hear are the effects of drugs prescribed for every age group starting at age two (2). SSRI, together with PPI are the most commonly prescribed drugs in the USA and probably most other Western countries as well. In addition...
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