
  1. haidut

    Pancreatic Cancer Driven By Bacteria/endotoxin; Antibiotics Can Prevent/treat

    I just posted a seminal study showing that possibly ALL autoimmune conditions may be caused by a chronic low-grade infection. This infection stems from a gut bacteria, which has translocated from the gut to the liver/lymphs due to compromised gut barrier and lingers there chronically thus...
  2. haidut

    Workplace Stress Is Literally Killing People; Mass Lawsuits Are Imminent

    It is good to see that even business school people - that bastion of workaholism - are finally opening their eyes to what the modern workplace is doing to the health of the populace. Even though I think this realization will fall on deaf years when it comes to executives changing the work...
  3. haidut

    GERD Drugs (PPI) Cause Esophageal Cancer - The Very Disease They Should Prevent

    Forum users who follow my posts have probably noticed the number of threads I have posted exposing the fraud and ineffectiveness of the PPI drugs commonly prescribed for GERD. Another user who likely shares my passion against the PPI is @aguilaroja who will likely find the study sadly...
  4. haidut

    Medical Errors Are The Third-leading Causes Of Death In The US

    As many of you know, CDC maintains a list of leading causes of death in all developed nations that share data with the US. In the US, the leading causes of death for over the last 5 years are as follows: Heart disease. Cancer (malignant neoplasms) Chronic lower respiratory disease. Accidents...
  5. haidut

    Estrogen Causes Asthma; Progesterone, T, DHT, And DHEA Are Protective

    Most of the forum members probably know that the incidence of "autoimmune" conditions is much higher in women then in men. This fact gets consistently ignored by doctors working in the field as a mere fluke, or due to "unknown hormonal interactions" which are nonetheless deemed not causative of...
  6. haidut

    Fungi / Bacteria, Not Autoimmunity, Cause IBD (Chron's, UC) And IBS

    I posted a study recently that chronic alcohol consumption increases Candida overgrowth in the gut while simultaneously decreasing the number of benign bacteria. Candida Overgrowth Is A Major Factor In (alcoholic) Liver Damage / Cirrhosis Actually, the term "benign bacteria" is wrong as there...
  7. haidut

    Serotonin Causes Liver Cancer And Metastases In Colon Cancer

    The role of serotonin in fibrosis is well-known despite the public lies thrown around by Big Pharma. I opsted about the behind-the-scenes acquisition of the serotonin antagonist terguride, which Pfizer is now hoping to be able to treat ANY fibrotic condition (as shown by a recently filed FDA...
  8. haidut

    Breast Implants Can Cause Lymphoma

    The study only discussed one specific type of localized lymphoma but the underlying cause (inflammation) is generic enough for me to wonder how many other cancer are caused by breast implants. At least the message is loud and clear that it was inflammation due to the body trying to contain the...
  9. haidut

    Higher Serotonin Availability May Be The Cause Of Cognitive Impairment / Dementia

    Some of you may have seen this study in the news lately. However, it is being presented as the exact opposite as what my title says. The media titles all over the Internet proclaim that "John Hopkins study shows low serotonin causes dementia". However, if you look at the actual study you will...
  10. haidut

    SSRI / Serotonin Worsens Tinnitus

    Most of the people on this forum know about the connection between gut irritation and tinnitus. Ray said a few times that endotoxin can directly cause tinnitus but I don't think he has talked about the role of serotonin as a causative agent, even tough endotoxin will increase serotonin synthesis...
  11. haidut

    High Lactate May Be The Cause Of Major Psychiatric Disorders

    The study itself has a misleading title because there are quite a few situations that can result in lower brain pH (and thus high acidity). High levels of CO2 can also cause low brain pH levels, but as I posted in a few other studies drugs that raise CO2 levels can actually treat mental disease...
  12. haidut

    Pharma Companies Lie About Drug Benefits And Hide Side Effects

    Not that this is anything new, but one of the shocking findings of the study is that officially prescribed, approved drugs are the 3rd leading cause of death in UK, after cancer and CVD. But given that many of the cancer and CVD cases may very well be caused by these same drugs, the scary truth...
  13. haidut

    Endometriosis Is An Estrogen-caused And Estrogen-driven Disease

    Ray has been writing about this for decades. However, the official Wikipedia page still says that the cause of endometriosis is currently unknown and probably involved genetics. Endometriosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "...The cause is not entirely clear.[2] Risk factors include having...
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