Unlimited Oxygen Intake Is Crucial But Taken For Granted Until Your Lungs No Longer Provide It


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thank you Blossom! I told my sister how much I'm being helped by a skilled respiratory therapist, and I'm in good hands. Your prayers are very much appreciated.
Thank you, that’s very kind. Now only if I could get my boss to agree with your assessment! :lol:


Mar 29, 2016
Thank you, that’s very kind. Now only if I could get my boss to agree with your assessment! :lol:
Your boss is part of the miseducated caste of high priests of the authoritarian order. His approval only matters in a pecuniary way.

Last night, my sleep was accompanied by oxygen from a tank. Set at 2 lt/min, it wasn't enough to move the needle as far as my spO2 chart goes. Barely lessened thr spO² drops and frequency.

I had to cancel my order for a cheaper oxygen concentrator this morning as I would need a unit that even at the max flow rate of 7 lpm of oxygen, the oxygen concentrator would stay high at 93%.

It seems that for a stretch of time from midnight to down, my immune system is using a lot of oxygen, far more than I imagined, pulling down my spO2 values. My O²ring app would keep grading my charts a "0.0" grade. Without the ring, app, and grading system, I would wake up o livipus to what is going on. But if I showed the chart to a doctor, he would just attribute it to sleep apnea.

The nights in the near term would become my lab as I apply different tests as I sleep. With oxygenation at different flow rates on those troublesome hours. I would also breathe carbogen concurrently with the oxygen streams.

Perhaps when I improve tissue oxygenation levels, if they had become depressed over these few months, have been restored would I then see my general well-being restored. Right now, it is falling apart.

Could the solution be this simple?
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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Your boss is part of the miseducated caste of high priests of the authoritarian order. His approval only matters in a pecuniary way.
I take it as a compliment even though it makes life difficult. :)

What I would do is really simple. If you were my husband or brother (which you are in Christ) I’d have you add a small amount of PEEP (starting @5cm/h20) via a cpap machine short term-not for sleep apnea but to help the carbogen/O2 get to the alveoli where it can be picked up by your blood and utilized. I suspect your mucus is possibly blocking gas exchange in some areas to a certain degree and after this long drawn out ordeal you may have a bit of atelectasis which the peep would help correct. The issue with breathing/gas exchange is it’s one of the primary fundamental things that has to be adequate for everything else in the body to function so in a situation like yours I think zooming out to the big picture and ensuring you overcome the physical block in your lungs will help everything else fall into place. Only clearing the mucus doesn’t appear to have been enough thus far so this might be worth researching to see if it’s something that makes sense to you. Best wishes.


Mar 29, 2016
What I would do is really simple. If you were my husband or brother (which you are in Christ) I’d have you add a small amount of PEEP (starting @5cm/h20) via a cpap machine short term-not for sleep apnea but to help the carbogen/O2 get to the alveoli where it can be picked up by your blood and utilized.
It is an excellent idea, but I don't know if I can borrow a CPAP unit or should I use a new unit if a used one carries the risk of infection. I haven't used one myself but I trust your experience and recommendation on it.

I suspect your mucus is possibly blocking gas exchange in some areas to a certain degree and after this long drawn out ordeal you may have a bit of atelectasis which the peep would help correct.
I don't know about the atelectasis but even without it I agree the mucus is still blocking gas exchange and the peep would help.

I have already started using a mullein leaf tincture and would give it about 3 days to see if it does a thorough job of rejuvenating my lungs. Thereafter, if it doesn't work, I still want to give @Jam's photodynamic therapy involving the use of iodine with methylene blue under the influence of red light therapy.

Then, if they don't succeed, then I can use your suggestion using the cpap machine with a small amount of PEEP. Since I haven't used a CPAP machine, would I be needing the services of a respiratory therapist to get me set up using one?

It could very well be that the high spO2 drops and the high frequency it happens is more the effect of .my lungs' poor gas exchange, and less my immune system's penchant to use a lot of oxygen to carry out phagocytosis.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Sounds like a good plan.
I don’t think with your capabilities you’d need a respiratory therapist in person to help. There’s a lot of information online for setting up the units. If you decide to go that route and I happen to know a RT that could answer any technical questions for free. A new machine would be optimal but if you do decide to get a used machine you can add a hepa filter to the air outlet side. Atelectasis is definitely just a possibility and not a certainty.


Nov 13, 2020
@yerrag on a related note I am curious if you tried nebulized hydrogen peroxide, I recall some time back in another thread you had mentioned that you were contemplating it(?) but I think that was some time ago.


Mar 29, 2016
@yerrag on a related note I am curious if you tried nebulized hydrogen peroxide, I recall some time back in another thread you had mentioned that you were contemplating it(?) but I think that was some time ago.
I had tried that earlier in this same episode, but it didn;t seem to have any effect. I think it's because my issue isn't microbial-related. I was actually intoxicated by a good anti-microbial agent - cinnamon bark oil. My tongue is pink and has little white, probably because of it.


Mar 29, 2016
Sounds like a good plan.
I don’t think with your capabilities you’d need a respiratory therapist in person to help. There’s a lot of information online for setting up the units. If you decide to go that route and I happen to know a RT that could answer any technical questions for free. A new machine would be optimal but if you do decide to get a used machine you can add a hepa filter to the air outlet side. Atelectasis is definitely just a possibility and not a certainty.
Observing my phlegm this morning, it doesn't appear that my lungs have stayed in a rut. It looks to be improving since I am not draining that much phlegm anymore when I do my postural draining exercises.I get some mucus which barely covers the glass bottom. It is unlike the beginning where mucus just flows out by itself. But I will resume taking suppositories to make sure that even with the mucolytic and expectorant action of the essential oil in the suppositories, no lingering issues are in the body.

I have also been able to sleep lying down lately at night, which had been difficult in the early stage of bronchitis.

So there is a strong probability that my low spO2 could be related to a strong demand for oxygen coming from my putative overactive immune system.

There is delay and I'll get my oxygen concentrator on Friday. This gives me about 3-4 days to try mb and iodine in red light - photodynamic therapy.

I've tested the mullein leaf tincture in a max quantity, and didn't get any reaction from the lungs. That may just be because my issue isn't microbial.

I'm crossing my fingerbI won't have to go the PEEP-CPAP route. It's another equipment I hope I don't have to be BH burdened with buying and using. But when push comes to shove, I am open to using it.


Mar 29, 2016
Just want to mention I've been having qeirs dreams for awhile already. Keep forgetting to being it out. Like last night there would be this smart but cultish guy who would was my roommate for the night, who says he has the knack for putting things (assembling) things together in record time. But his story is that he assemble apocalyptic signs and predict what's up next. I couldn't help but get carried away as I try hard to keep up as well as help him discover new connections. I woke up and it felt real because I was wondering where the hell he went lol.

I think this is what happens when my brain is low in oxygen.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm crossing my fingerbI won't have to go the PEEP-CPAP route. It's another equipment I hope I don't have to be BH burdened with buying and using. But when push comes to shove, I am open to using it.
I hope you don’t need that as well.
It looks to be improving since I am not draining that much phlegm anymore when I do my postural draining exercises.I get some mucus which barely covers the glass bottom.
That’s a really positive sign!


Mar 29, 2016
This is interesting. I did a 1 hour session where I breathed in oxygen at 1 lpm as well as 10% carbogen.

After the session, my head felt better and my drooping neck syndrome was no more. I think the droopy neck was the brain telling my neck to droop so the head would be In lower height so blood an get thru more easily. With the carbogen aiding brain tissue get oxygenated, the brain must have dropped the drooping head signal.

After I refill my CO² tank tomorrow, I'm going to do carbogen plus oxygen for as many stretches as I possibly and practically can. It'd be interesting to see the impact of this on my body.

Note: The carbogen I use is not really 95‰ oxygen with 5% CO² but air w/4% CO². As air has 21% oxygen, this comes out as oxygen:CO² ratio being about 10:1. I just approximate that when I mix "my" carbogen stream with a 1lpm oxygen stream, I get carbogen with 10% CO2. With a 2lpm oxygen stream, I get carbogen with 5% C0².
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Mar 29, 2016
Good news on two fronts. The first one is about my bronchitis.

While it is hard for me to be certain that my chemical-induced bronchitis no longer irritates my bronchioles and alveoli and produces phlegm, the volume of phlegm has reduced tenfold. This outcome does not change regardless of the mucolytic/expectorant agent used- spike lavender essential oil steam therapy, or creeping hyssop-thyme(linalool)-based suppositories, and even the use of photodynamic therapy involving red light, iodine and methylene blue.

Especially with the use of photodynamic therapy, I have been having nonproductive cough, which is tougher phlegm attempting to be expectorated, to which the way to coax out is to use of NAC with a nebulizer skillfully. The toughest phlegm is then budged with some hot water, followed by the use of a Malaysian cough remedy with the 'sea coconut' Brand, which thins out the phlegm, rendering it much for the nebulizer to induce a cough with to expel.

The next few days will give me more definite results as to whether the bronchitis is resolved. Mitochondrial energy needs to be restored for this to come about, so that the ciliary cells in the bronchi be restored, as it is the ciliary cells' natural sweeping/brushing action that clears mucus off critical gas exchange apparatus in the alveoli. Photodynamic therapy will help do that, as well as the efforts described in the next paragraph towards increasing oxygen saturation.

Last night, I tested the effect of supplementing my regular sleep breathing with 3 lpm of oxygen, as well as with 2lpm oxygen with carbogen. These were done in sessions ranging from 1 to 1-½ hour sessions. The goal was to see if such aid would keep spO² drops from occurring, and if using carbogen use is superior to just using oxygen.

The answer to both was in the affirmative. Furthermore, the test allowed me to determine whether most of the spO² drop is due to mere low oxygen input from the lungs (given the bronchitis condition). On the basis of the value of the heart rate, I would see these spO2 drops occurring when the heart rates are rising. My gut says they are showing immune system activity associated with the strong use of oxygen by the immune system's phagocytes in carrying out the respiratory burst to create ROS to destroy or deactivate toxins or pathogens.

I am thus more certain now how the final stages of solving my breathing, impaired muscular movement, and the later developing ankle edema issue.


Mar 29, 2016
I'm back!

Guys I'm doing so much better this morning having slept well last night . Back to sleeping lying down on bed and having to fall sleep easily as I used.

Considering I am under the usual medication for the first time ever, I'm not feeling so bad.

My spo2 is 96-98 where a weak ago it was 88-96. No longer hard of breathing.

Pre-ICU, I wondered if neuromuscular issues would ever disappear as I was feeling very old walking so feebly and always trying to find my balance, and I was occasionally having to cough up what I ate because my sensorium on my throat felt messed up. All these are just a blur move as they are all gone.

Now I know I was severely hypoxic and the lack of oxygen in mubbody tissues was the main driver for my pathology.

It had to take an ICU visit to overhaul me, starting with two IV doses of broad spectrum anribiotics for a week to make sure both gram negative and gram positive bacteria were eliminated. Thankfully, those antibiotics didn't have to be changed as bacterial cultures revealed I was sensitive to all antibiotics appropriate to the culprit bacteria.

Which really turned our to be a commensal gut bacteria (enterobacter) that simply turned pathogenic simply because my body had become unfit and imbalanced that natural processes became activated that deemed be fit to expire and become one with the soil by the process of decay.

Yet thanks to technology available to the ER and the ICU that doctors use to straddle the interface between the intertwining relationship between the heart, the lungs, and the brain, I csm back from beikg without a pulse for 15 minutes to making leaps in recovering in 2 days in the ICU to being back home in one week.

Thanks for your prayers and attempted bunter interventions and for visiting me now I am back in fighting form .

Will dill you in on details.


Aug 10, 2018
I'm back!

Guys I'm doing so much better this morning having slept well last night . Back to sleeping lying down on bed and having to fall sleep easily as I used.

Considering I am under the usual medication for the first time ever, I'm not feeling so bad.

My spo2 is 96-98 where a weak ago it was 88-96. No longer hard of breathing.

Pre-ICU, I wondered if neuromuscular issues would ever disappear as I was feeling very old walking so feebly and always trying to find my balance, and I was occasionally having to cough up what I ate because my sensorium on my throat felt messed up. All these are just a blur move as they are all gone.

Now I know I was severely hypoxic and the lack of oxygen in mubbody tissues was the main driver for my pathology.

It had to take an ICU visit to overhaul me, starting with two IV doses of broad spectrum anribiotics for a week to make sure both gram negative and gram positive bacteria were eliminated. Thankfully, those antibiotics didn't have to be changed as bacterial cultures revealed I was sensitive to all antibiotics appropriate to the culprit bacteria.

Which really turned our to be a commensal gut bacteria (enterobacter) that simply turned pathogenic simply because my body had become unfit and imbalanced that natural processes became activated that deemed be fit to expire and become one with the soil by the process of decay.

Yet thanks to technology available to the ER and the ICU that doctors use to straddle the interface between the intertwining relationship between the heart, the lungs, and the brain, I csm back from beikg without a pulse for 15 minutes to making leaps in recovering in 2 days in the ICU to being back home in one week.

Thanks for your prayers and attempted bunter interventions and for visiting me now I am back in fighting form .

Will dill you in on details.
Holy cow, what an ordeal. 15 minutes without a pulse?! Glad to hear you are well on your way to recovery!


Mar 29, 2016
Holy cow, what an ordeal. 15 minutes without a pulse?! Glad to hear you are well on your way to recovery!
They had already intubated me so my brain was adequately supplied with oxygen. That kept my brain alive.


May 24, 2013
Glad you are back Yerrag!! I appreciate your detailed sharing, only wish I could have helped.


Feb 18, 2018
I'm back!

Guys I'm doing so much better this morning having slept well last night . Back to sleeping lying down on bed and having to fall sleep easily as I used.

Considering I am under the usual medication for the first time ever, I'm not feeling so bad.

My spo2 is 96-98 where a weak ago it was 88-96. No longer hard of breathing.

Pre-ICU, I wondered if neuromuscular issues would ever disappear as I was feeling very old walking so feebly and always trying to find my balance, and I was occasionally having to cough up what I ate because my sensorium on my throat felt messed up. All these are just a blur move as they are all gone.

Now I know I was severely hypoxic and the lack of oxygen in mubbody tissues was the main driver for my pathology.

It had to take an ICU visit to overhaul me, starting with two IV doses of broad spectrum anribiotics for a week to make sure both gram negative and gram positive bacteria were eliminated. Thankfully, those antibiotics didn't have to be changed as bacterial cultures revealed I was sensitive to all antibiotics appropriate to the culprit bacteria.

Which really turned our to be a commensal gut bacteria (enterobacter) that simply turned pathogenic simply because my body had become unfit and imbalanced that natural processes became activated that deemed be fit to expire and become one with the soil by the process of decay.

Yet thanks to technology available to the ER and the ICU that doctors use to straddle the interface between the intertwining relationship between the heart, the lungs, and the brain, I csm back from beikg without a pulse for 15 minutes to making leaps in recovering in 2 days in the ICU to being back home in one week.

Thanks for your prayers and attempted bunter interventions and for visiting me now I am back in fighting form .

Will dill you in on details.

Very glad to hear you are alive and doing better. I know priorly we had some conversations of the usefulness of going to the hospital/doctors. How has this event impacted your perspective?


Mar 29, 2016
Very glad to hear you are alive and doing better. I know priorly we had some conversations of the usefulness of going to the hospital/doctors. How has this event impacted your perspective?
They are good.

In acute cases. And are very useful at saving you from falling from the edge of the cliff.

We still need them as a fallback and as a lifeline

Once you are restored to life, you can't count on them to put you on a state of optimal health.

The meds I am on make me hypothyroid, in a low metabolic state, and in a reductive state.

I shook the hands of an attending doctor, and I remarked how cold she was. And my temp that time was 35.8°C, because of the meds I was on, far from my normal of 37°C. She sheepishly admitted as much.
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