Unlimited Oxygen Intake Is Crucial But Taken For Granted Until Your Lungs No Longer Provide It



Mar 29, 2016
Great idea. Do you think it can take the place of carbogen therapy? I hour of 10%carbogen pro ides me with 5 g of CO2.


Mar 29, 2016
I feel light-headed today, and as a result I have poor appetite. Could it be too much caebogen?

I couldn't set the device for 5% carbogen, as it's stuck at 10% no matter what value I program into the app.

Perhaps I have to change the input valve for CO2 from a ball valve to a needle valve. Have ordered a needle valve bit it will be a week before I receive it from China.

I also have a problem sleeping. I get only 2 hours sleep a day. Sleep hasn't been a problem for me until this issue with bronchitis.

First, it was the hiccups. Then I solve it. Then the phlegm, which has been solved.

I would use Cyproheptadine but it won't work so probably it's not a serotonin issue. Benadryl worked the other night, but last night it didn't.

I have no blood sugar regulation issues. Maybe it has to do with my nerves, given I have neuromuscular issues. Will GABA calm my nerves?
I have my Redlightman Infrared Light Device with me for awhile. For a long time, I have been figuring out where I could hang it so that has kept me from using it. Ray says red light therapy xN help with insomnia.

I finally found where to hang the red light device. Underneath an unfolded folding A-ladder.

I'll be giving my brain and my lungs separate daily sessions and if it doesn't work, I'll buy the GABA supplement.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
That seems to be the singular focus of modern western medicine. It isn't to develop an individual to the peak of his health and abilities, but to save him from falling into an abyss.
So True, medicine is generally only focused on disease management and heroics and not prevention. Please forgive me for making my primary focus on hopefully helping you stay as far away from the hospital as possible. Your in a particularly unique situation with your knowledge to be able to stay in your own home as captain of your health. I applaud you and have the utmost confidence that if anyone can overcome this it’s you. I think we are similar (and similar to Peat) in that we would rather go out on our own terms when it’s our time (hopefully a long time from now) in the comfort of our own home with our dignity intact. Thanks for continuing to update us.
P.S. I’m a huge fan of thiamine as well. I simply did not mention it due to a comment you made about not being interested in supplement recommendations. :)


Oct 28, 2019

Glad you were able to fix yourself of asthma. As my problem isn't asthma, it is a different approach to fixing it. You may have missed the part where my bronchitis orginated- exposure to cinnamon bark oil- and the cause is known, but fixing it is a matter of helping the bronchi go back to its precious state where it is no longer irritated and still producing mucus for protecting the delicate alveoli where has exchange takes place. For this to happen, the phlegm has to be continually cleared and excreted and energy restored to the lungs. Providing the body with the means to generate energy to power the lungs for its recovery is important.

That is what I can do at the very least. I'm getting better, and I hope the final outcome is as desired and as successful as you were in fixing asthma.

Could you elaborate more on the iron connection to your asthma?
Ah my bad I thought the cinnamon oil had just exacerbated an already existing issue. Still, I think checking hemoglobin is still a useful thing to do in any issue that involves breathing. I would also be interested what your result is because you are having sleep issues now which is what happens to me when my hemoglobin is low.

Regarding the iron I've actually just found this High levels of iron in the lung linked to increased asthma severity


Mar 29, 2016
Yes. And it is helpful. It is like taking acetazolamide but better due to the fact that there are no side effects.
I wonder.

If we can only use oxygen and not carbogen, with your method of internally producing CO2 in place, breathing oxygen would be accompanied by CO2 internally produced. Would't there be the benefit that comes close to breathing carbogen?


Mar 29, 2016
So True, medicine is generally only focused on disease management and heroics and not prevention. Please forgive me for making my primary focus on hopefully helping you stay as far away from the hospital as possible. Your in a particularly unique situation with your knowledge to be able to stay in your own home as captain of your health. I applaud you and have the utmost confidence that if anyone can overcome this it’s you. I think we are similar (and similar to Peat) in that we would rather go out on our own terms when it’s our time (hopefully a long time from now) in the comfort of our own home with our dignity intact. Thanks for continuing to update us.
P.S. I’m a huge fan of thiamine as well. I simply did not mention it due to a comment you made about not being interested in supplement recommendations. :)
Thank you for helping me stay focused. Looking back, I backslid in my follow thru on the bronchitis thing. I for better initially but the remaining bronchitis came roaring right back.

Last night, my use of infrared therapy for me some 3 hours of sleep only because the effect kicked in late into the night.

Breathing has improved a lot as I can see spO² hit 98% without the heart rate being so high 90s upward, which for me indicates a heart being stressed doing its job. Mainly from reduces phlegm blocking gas exchange. But there is still phlegm and without carbogen, I would go back to having hiccups. So the routine continues, and I have to play it by ear, as in the case of nebulized NAC, it irritates and causes my lips to peel, and I could not use it as frequently as I imagined. I guess that as long as I diligently keep ridding the lungs of phlegm, eventually I will be fully healed as long as I provide the lungs with the energy to heal itself. What do you think?

I also have to split my focus on two stressors that have come up- ankle edema on both legs, and insomnia. The former is caused by an overactive immune system (high wbc with 90% neutrophil differential) that causes diapedesis on a daily basis, where a lot of plasma gets into the ECF, overwhelming the ability of the lymphatic system to clear debris from phagocytosis. The latter is likely symptomatic of nervous imbalance consistent with my Parkinson's nerves.

I am addressing both with infrared light therapy plus EMF Zapper therapy using a device called Biotrohn. Luckily, there is a program for each of them that provide frequencies suitable to the condition. This, and red light therapy, falls under a wide umbrella called energy medicine.

There isn't much else I am actively doing for my neuromuscular issues except to continue with my b-vitamin mix (b1, b2, b3, b6) intake, and vitamin E and vitamin C. A lot more nutrients come from food, which I count on to keep from being overwhelmed with supplement. @Jam suggested caprylic acid, of which my diet incorporating coconut milk in curry dishes meets. Food such as weekly liver and daily gelatin made from beef tendons helps. So on and so forth.

And the energy medicine I am, especially red light, will also benefit on the neuromuscular aspect. And without a doubt, tissue oxygenation coming back optimally with myblungs healing, altogether will provide the energetic environment for neuromuscular healing to occur.


Mar 29, 2016
Ah my bad I thought the cinnamon oil had just exacerbated an already existing issue. Still, I think checking hemoglobin is still a useful thing to do in any issue that involves breathing. I would also be interested what your result is because you are having sleep issues now which is what happens to me when my hemoglobin is low.

Regarding the iron I've actually just found this High levels of iron in the lung linked to increased asthma severity
Ah my bad I thought the cinnamon oil had just exacerbated an already existing issue. Still, I think checking hemoglobin is still a useful thing to do in any issue that involves breathing. I would also be interested what your result is because you are having sleep issues now which is what happens to me when my hemoglobin is low.

Regarding the iron I've actually just found this High levels of iron in the lung linked to increased asthma severity
My Hgb is at 142. This is normal. As you have a lung issue that you associate with your having low Hgb, I hate to disappoint you as I won't be able to share notes with you on a common cause.

My lungs had been doing well until I made a careless mistake taking cinnamon bark oil orally. But iron is something that is involved in many pathologies, and the study you shared shows the lungs as one organ affected.

Ray Peat has written a lot about iron and its bad effects. The July 2021 newsletter has a brief mention of hepcidin as a squencher of free iron, and which is available more when there is enough progesterone.

I have high ferritin, and I believe it is because I have lead toxicity, and is the reason my ferritin is high, to keep iron from mingling with lead, as together they could create highly toxic reactions and products that lead to tissue destruction.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
What do you think?
I think you’re on the right track and doing an excellent job. NAC can be irritating to some people especially when it’s used regularly and long term. I’ve also known people though who were on it for years as part of their home treatments without any problems so just keep listening to your body. Nebulized saline is another option to consider if NAC is irritating for you. Guaifenesin is an oral medicine to help mucus clearing that has been around for 90 years. The max dose for adults is a total of 2400 mg daily in divided doses taken every 4-6 hours. It might be worth researching if you haven’t already. I have no idea if it would be right for you though and never asked Peat his thoughts on it unfortunately.
My concern about the repeated low spo2 episodes was just the related to the potential for collateral damage but you’re already aware of that and doing everything you can to mitigate it. If I were personally dealing with excessive mucus, low spo2 and edema I’d probably do everything you’re doing and consider adding methylene blue and urea but that might not be appropriate for your situation-only you know the answers to that. I’m rooting for you. I’m just throwing out some additional thoughts. Forgive me if any of them don’t seem appropriate for your situation. I’m of course approaching this from a pretty aggressive angle with the goal of clearing out the lungs.


Mar 29, 2016
@Blossom I was hoping that I could wait for my lungs to heal before I get back to taking Emeramide as a lead chelator. As I had believed that the Emeramide activated neutrophils and caused high oxygen demand in carrying out phagocytosis of sequestered lead toxins that led my sick lungs gasping for breath.

Today I had time to examine my spO² charts to get the facts straight. I found I was mistaken. Emeramide wasn't guilty. And what I feared would happen, that my recovering lungs at its current state, would not take to the stresses involved in ridding my system of lead toxins, with the use of Emeramide, was misguided.

It is a long story explaining the details, so I will skip it for later. But what is more important is knowing that delaying Emeramide will only further harm my body to a point where it will be much harder to recover from.

I am having edema in my ankles, and it is going up my calves. I have trouble sleeping. I have diarrhea. And my appetite isn't what it uses to be, as I find myself eatingh alf of what I regularly eat. My ailments are adding up and I need to arrest this disease progression.

What I believe to be going on is that when I started taking Emeramide, it began a process that needed to be continued till completion, or worse outcomes result. Lead toxins buried in tissue have come to the surface, and are constantly being attacked by the immune system. The problem is that with the Emeramide intake stopped, the immune system cannot destroy the lead toxins, and it is stuck in a quagmire expending so much energy in a failed effort to subdue the enemy, so to speak.

And this is why, day after day, the resources in my body are wasted and will eventually be used up in a futile cycle of failed efforts. I've seen the spO2 charts turn from bad to worse as spO2 drops become deeper and more frequent. And where these drops uses to be confined to certain hours at night, I am seeing these drops occurring during the day when it used to be free from drops.

It has been 75 days since I last took Emeramide. I hope I can resume taking it and still be able to turn the tide in my favor. I'm confident it will, as my body is still strong even as it sends me signals to act.

This is what I expect to see: The spO² drops will get smaller and leas frequent and eventually be reduced to insignificant. My blood pressure will lower and become normal. As I would no longer be wasting resources in futile efforts, I will be able to direct this energy towards more productive pursuits.

My neuromuscular and breathing issues will be deleted by a more energetic metabolism from within.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@yerrag, you certainly have my prayers and best wishes. You are dealing with a very intense and complicated situation that most people definitely couldn’t handle on their own so you also have my deepest respect.
You’re exactly correct that you need to arrest this process and get your body into a more stable condition.
Nov 21, 2015
I wonder.

If we can only use oxygen and not carbogen, with your method of internally producing CO2 in place, breathing oxygen would be accompanied by CO2 internally produced. Would't there be the benefit that comes close to breathing carbogen?

I think so. But the benefit of the breathing exercises like Frolov is that they raise the body’s natural setting for CO2, to higher. So the body gets accustomed to higher CO2 levels, which induce better blood flow and oxygenation.

I’m not sure that carbogen does that. It may, I am just not sure.


Jul 7, 2020
I recommend Rosen Method and Feldenkrais sessions!


Mar 29, 2016
I think you’re on the right track and doing an excellent job. NAC can be irritating to some people especially when it’s used regularly and long term. I’ve also known people though who were on it for years as part of their home treatments without any problems so just keep listening to your body. Nebulized saline is another option to consider if NAC is irritating for you. Guaifenesin is an oral medicine to help mucus clearing that has been around for 90 years. The max dose for adults is a total of 2400 mg daily in divided doses taken every 4-6 hours. It might be worth researching if you haven’t already. I have no idea if it would be right for you though and never asked Peat his thoughts on it unfortunately.
My concern about the repeated low spo2 episodes was just the related to the potential for collateral damage but you’re already aware of that and doing everything you can to mitigate it. If I were personally dealing with excessive mucus, low spo2 and edema I’d probably do everything you’re doing and consider adding methylene blue and urea but that might not be appropriate for your situation-only you know the answers to that. I’m rooting for you. I’m just throwing out some additional thoughts. Forgive me if any of them don’t seem appropriate for your situation. I’m of course approaching this from a pretty aggressive angle with the goal of clearing out the lungs.
Guaifenesin is new to me, though in the past I may have used it. Though I may not. Cough formulations have come and gone, mainly because some ingredients that were very effective had been used to snort for drug addicts. But it's good to know to look for guainefesin in future trips to the drugstore.

I've used methylene blue for nebulizing for my current situation but I didn't feel its effect. It may be that I needed to clear the phlegm first.

How is urea used? I've thought about using it for nebulization but was afraid it would not be suitable, not having come across this way of using it. Seems a good way to deal with infection, but my lunfa show no sign of infection.


Mar 29, 2016
@yerrag, you certainly have my prayers and best wishes. You are dealing with a very intense and complicated situation that most people definitely couldn’t handle on their own so you also have my deepest respect.
You’re exactly correct that you need to arrest this process and get your body into a more stable condition.
Thank you blossom! I am very capable of making mistakes still. Taking the cinnamon bark oil orally as you know. All the more reason to be very liberal in caution, but not to give up.

We can feel alone were it not for our bond of shared goals in true health and truth, expressed in thoughtful advice and well wishes and prayers.


Mar 29, 2016
I think so. But the benefit of the breathing exercises like Frolov is that they raise the body’s natural setting for CO2, to higher. So the body gets accustomed to higher CO2 levels, which induce better blood flow and oxygenation.

I’m not sure that carbogen does that. It may, I am just not sure.
Getting the body accustomed to higher CO² levels requires training and some conviction coming from better understanding in CO², as maligned as it is in authoritarian circles of power.

For the pitiful masses, something very helpful that can be used without much training, is what carbogen provides.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
How is urea used?
I was thinking of it possibly being of help taken orally for edema. Sometimes pedal edema can coincide with fluid buildup in the lungs. I do not know of course if this is the case for you but it might be worth looking into urea further and seeing what you think. When I was in a rough patch last year I used 0.5mg/kg dissolved in fluid (water or juice). It honestly tastes terrible though.
We can feel alone were it not for our bond of shared goals in true health and truth, expressed in thoughtful advice and well wishes and prayers.
Yes, this is a great place to bounce around ideas and share our experiences for health misfits like us!


Jul 25, 2020
Thank you blossom! I am very capable of making mistakes still. Taking the cinnamon bark oil orally as you know. All the more reason to be very liberal in caution, but not to give up.

We can feel alone were it not for our bond of shared goals in true health and truth, expressed in thoughtful advice and well wishes and prayers.
Yes thank God for @Blossom
The forum would not be the same without both of you. It has been spiritually uplifting to read this thread. I hope and pray for the best for @yerrag


Oct 28, 2019
My Hgb is at 142. This is normal. As you have a lung issue that you associate with your having low Hgb, I hate to disappoint you as I won't be able to share notes with you on a common cause.

My lungs had been doing well until I made a careless mistake taking cinnamon bark oil orally. But iron is something that is involved in many pathologies, and the study you shared shows the lungs as one organ affected.

Ray Peat has written a lot about iron and its bad effects. The July 2021 newsletter has a brief mention of hepcidin as a squencher of free iron, and which is available more when there is enough progesterone.

I have high ferritin, and I believe it is because I have lead toxicity, and is the reason my ferritin is high, to keep iron from mingling with lead, as together they could create highly toxic reactions and products that lead to tissue destruction.
I mention the HgB more because of your sleep issues. If mine drops below 140 I'll get full insomnia.

Sorry to hear about the lead toxicitiy. How did that happen?


Mar 29, 2016
was thinking of it possibly being of help taken orally for edema. Sometimes pedal edema can coincide with fluid buildup in the lungs. I do not know of course if this is the case for you but it might be worth looking into urea further and seeing what you think. When I was in a rough patch last year I used 0.5mg/kg dissolved in fluid (water or juice). It honestly tastes terrible though.
I've used urea before and found it very effective for lowering liver enzymes. I was using it at 30g/day. But going past the liver first pass, urea doesn't do as much for other organs. Instead, creatinine monohydtate is used.

I've not used it for edema.


Mar 29, 2016
Yes thank God for @Blossom
The forum would not be the same without both of you. It has been spiritually uplifting to read this thread. I hope and pray for the best for @yerrag
Thanks LA. Thanks to you and Blossom:s prayers, I seem to be making clear progress as already a turnaround is happening.

The Emeramide intake resumed at a dose of 250mf/day, and I can see subtle hints of progress as far as the removal of lead toxins.

When Emeramide is not in use, my poop is solid.

In use while on carbogen, it is in broken pieces.

In use without carbogen, I get diarrhea.

This tells me that Emeramide with suboptimal tissue oxygenation does not provide enough oxygen to optimize phagocytosis (using respiratory burst) such that lead toxins are not completely eaten up by neutrophils. When the debris (consisting of dead neutrophils with the swallowed lead toxins) is processes by the liver and packaged into fecal matter and goes into the gut for excretion, the gut senses the lead toxins and is on alert, and instructs the gut walls to keep gut fluid from being reabsorbed into blood.

This causes diarrhea.

Since using Emeramide with carbogen inhaling provides me with adequate CO2 for optimal tissue oxygenation, phagocytosis is optimized. But the way feces is formed when there is lead !carrying debris is packaged into feces- as smaller pieces of stools, allow me to tell if the stool I produce contains lead. Without diarrhea.

These are subtle signs that show a turnaround is underway. There are other signs as well, such as my ankle edema slowly subsiding, and my appetite herring back. I am hoping my insomnia goes away too, as I have a feeling that the diarrhea is affecting my nerves, given that the gut is our third brain (the enteric nervous system).
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