Nov 1, 2012
@thebigpeatowski Thank you for sharing your t3 dosing details. I need to convince my son now. Since I’ve been drilling it into his head for years about not taking too much at one time, this may take a while. Do you take your t3 with meals? This is another point I have emphasized to him since he doses 12.5 mcg at a time.


Nov 28, 2014
I worry about stupid sh*t like getting in some sort of accident and ending up unconscious in a hospital bed for days with NO T3. I would go downhill quickly.
Sadly, the thought has crossed my mind as well. If something like that happened to me I'd be a goner lol. My husband has no clue and like a lot of people believes "the doctor knows best." I should implement some of Blossom's ideas.

It's great that you found a good doctor. I wonder how he manages to keep his license. I read recently of a doctor in my area who got her license pulled for thinking outside the box and actually helping people get better. We can't have that!

I'm curious what your labs are like at that level of t3, if you don't mind sharing
Jan 24, 2014
@thebigpeatowski Thank you for sharing your t3 dosing details. I need to convince my son now. Since I’ve been drilling it into his head for years about not taking too much at one time, this may take a while. Do you take your t3 with meals? This is another point I have emphasized to him since he doses 12.5 mcg at a time.

Hi @HDD....Yes, I usually take it with food. For years I've been told that I should be taking my thyroid hormone on an empty stomach. I find waiting for an hour before eating (after not eating all night long) to be pretty stressful, so I asked Peat about that too. His response was it was better to take it with food since that's how people were getting it historically (fish head stock, chicken neck soup, etc.). My first dose in the morning is always accompanied several cups of coffee with gelatin and goat milk.

There have been times where I feel very very cold and depleted, usually after too much exercise or waiting too long between doses, where I will take some T3 with only OJ or a Red Bull to get it into my cells quickly. Taking a dose without solid food can make it crystal clear how quickly the T3 gets to your cells, which for me is 20 minutes to a half hour.
Jan 24, 2014
Hi! I'm still impressed by that picture of yourself exhibiting your teeth.

Ha ha! Hello @Amazoniac!!!

Speaking of teeth, I went to the dentist right before I left on my bus trip. I hadn't had a check-up or cleaning in like 7 or 8 YEARS (gross, I know), but I don't like dentists, generally speaking. But guess what? My dentist and hygienist were amazed at how healthy my mouth was. I previously had one spot on one tooth that they were watching closely for decay. This spot was completely healed with normal enamel. Best check-up I've had in years (mostly cuz I don't go for years, lol) and they were worried because it had been sooooo long.

I'm DIRECTLY contributing enamel renewal to copious quantities of goat milk, T3 and K2.
Jan 24, 2014
Sadly, the thought has crossed my mind as well. If something like that happened to me I'd be a goner lol. My husband has no clue and like a lot of people believes "the doctor knows best." I should implement some of Blossom's ideas.

It's great that you found a good doctor. I wonder how he manages to keep his license. I read recently of a doctor in my area who got her license pulled for thinking outside the box and actually helping people get better. We can't have that!

I'm curious what your labs are like at that level of t3, if you don't mind sharing

I don't mind sharing labs. I only get them done once a year, so I have some comparisons here from March of 2018 and these are the labs I sent to Dr. Peat, nearly one year ago. I'm due for another draw soon.

For context, there have been times when my my endocrinologist had ordered me off all thyroid supplements, which was "okay" during Spring and Summer, but by October all HELL breaks loose all my metabolic markers go wonky. I get orders to start Metformin, Lipitor, anti-depressants and beta blockers immediately....or they can give me T3 and all that sh*t goes away.

My vitamin D 25-OH in mid-March 2018 was 59 ng/mL. Back in 2014 (when I first wrote to Peat) my vitamin D was good improvement there.

My HgbA1c went from 6.2% on NO thyroid medication in October of 2016 to 5.0% this past March with the T3 only. It has been 5.5% in past experiments with Cynoplus T4/T3 medication. It's consistently 5.0% on T3 only.

Total Cholesterol went from 267 mg/dL to 185 mg/dL
HDL went from 62 to 59
Triglycerides went from 148 to 58
LDL went from 185.7 mg/dL to 112 mg/dL (calc)

TSH went from 6.47 uIU/mL to 0.01...looks to be fully suppressed with the Sigma T3
T3 UPTAKE - 35 ref.range 22-35
T4 <0.7 (verified by repeat analysis)
FREE T4 INDEX (T7) DNR....not sure what that means.
REVERSE T3 <5 ref. range 8-25
T3, TOTAL 85 ref. range 76-181 ng/dL
T4, FREE 0.3 ref. range 0.8-1.8 ng/dL
T3, FREE 2.9 ref. range 2.3-4.2 pg/mL

HS CRP is 0.4 mg/L

Homocysteine is 5.7

DHEA SULFATE is 144 ref. range 8-188 mcg/dL
Testosterone, Total is 43 ref. range 2-45 ng/dL
Progesterone is 1.4
Estradiol is 59

Iron, Total is 94 ref. range 45-160 mcg/dL
Ferritin is 28 ref. range 10-232 ng/mL
Iron Binding Capacity 315
% Saturation 30

Uric Acid 3.8

I had a ton of blood work done a year ago, not sure what other labs you might be interested in.

I'll be going in next month.


Nov 28, 2014
Thanks for sharing. I was mainly interested in your thyroid labs, though everything else looks good.

It's interesting that your t3 levels aren't even mid-range on the dosage you're taking. I expected it to be over the top. Kinda makes you wonder where it's all going lol.
Jan 24, 2014

And you keep ditching the toothbrushes for apfels?

I do enjoy fresh apfels in season and applesauce with cinnamon out of season. You have an amazing memory @Amazoniac, truly!

Honestly, I'm trying to brush more frequently, but I have a tendency to be too aggressive. This is a lifelong pattern for me, so I'm not sure how to break that habit. But to be quite candid, since my erratic haphazard method seems to be resulting in excellent oral health, nothing is going to change in that department.

There are certain foods that I think are terrible for my teeth, so I avoid them completely: spinach, swiss chard and grains for starters.

I'd really like to believe that I'm going to start going to the dentist more regularly and I even said as much when I was there in 2016, but deep down, I know I won't go in annually.

Septennially, maybe.
Last edited:
Jan 24, 2014
Thanks for sharing. I was mainly interested in your thyroid labs, though everything else looks good.

It's interesting that your t3 levels aren't even mid-range on the dosage you're taking. I expected it to be over the top. Kinda makes you wonder where it's all going lol.

Yeah, where IS all that T3 going? It's not lingering in my blood stream....into the cells, maybe? Who knows, I'm makin stuff up here because I actually have NO idea. I didn't take any T3 on the morning of the blood draw (which was earlyish in the a.m.), but I did take my evening dose with food the night before.


Apr 28, 2018
Reading@RP Forum continues to bless my life. This long thread, going back years was informative and touching to read. I love it that our Mods like Blossom and other members make this a safe place to share our very human foibles, errors and lessons learned. Thankyou everyone, grateful me.


Mar 15, 2014
After trying a few Nystatin enemas as per dvjorge’s protocole, I don’t have any compelling evidence of « white stringy » stuff coming out
Where did you hear about white stringy stuff coming out?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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