The Agenda Being Pushed: the Normalization of Sex with Children


Mar 12, 2018
Well put. I'm with you in calling it demonic. That has more explanatory power, strange as it may sound to a secular person. In Romans 1 you have a description of the stages that lead to the abandonment of nations by God: a sexual revolution, a homosexual revolution and finally a revolution of sanity. We're in that third stage now.


Sep 9, 2019
It's one thing to ask for acceptance, it's quite another to have it shoved down your throat. It's so bizarre. Aren't they ashamed to cycle around town with their dongs hanging out for everyone to see? Of course it's a blatant attack on traditional family values, it's all part of project chaos. To confuse children, to alienate and atomise society. It's never been about acceptance, it's always been part of an agenda to abandon Judeo-Christian values. And here we are, how long before you're ashamed of being heterosexual? Being a Christian is already shameful, psst, not too loud, someone might hear that I actually believe in the resurrection of Jesus.
Returns are diminishing though. A lot, maybe even a majority, including us, are looking at this kind of thing for what it is. Even many of the so called "allies" of groups engaging in these extremist expressions aren't really. They'll say one thing while doing or at least thinking another. They're in it to to belong and win points. I even keep close a few "pride" attendee types and it's relatively trivial to rhetorically trip them in to expressing how they really feel. Humans are a bit weird like this, having a tendancy to be a bit socially cryptographic. Not unlike ChatGPT depending on how unconsciously a person's living their life.

The real problem here to my mind is self censorship. It's rife. I do it all the time. Even if only to occupy a frame of attention in another where I can test the water so to speak. Minding my intention as I go. In pursuit of the conveyance of truth. That's truth I can rarely be sure I'm actually in possession of though. So best make it a discussion and find it together.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Returns are diminishing though. A lot, maybe even a majority, including us, are looking at this kind of thing for what it is. Even many of the so called "allies" of groups engaging in these extremist expressions aren't really. They'll say one thing while doing or at least thinking another. They're in it to to belong and win points. I even keep close a few "pride" attendee types and it's relatively trivial to rhetorically trip them in to expressing how they really feel. Humans are a bit weird like this, having a tendancy to be a bit socially cryptographic. Not unlike ChatGPT depending on how unconsciously a person's living their life.

The real problem here to my mind is self censorship. It's rife. I do it all the time. Even if only to occupy a frame of attention in another where I can test the water so to speak. Minding my intention as I go. In pursuit of the conveyance of truth. That's truth I can rarely be sure I'm actually in possession of though. So best make it a discussion and find it together.

I am not sure the returns are diminishing. They seem to have almost achieved what they wanted. When a crowd of freaks can freely walk around and profess their desire to (sexually) assault children, and nobody (authorities or regular people alike) even dares confront them then the goal of normalizing degeneracy has been achieved, even with diminishing returns of further action.



Keep in mind, publicly expressing a desire to (sexually) assault children (even non-specifically, as in all/any children) is a felony in many (most?) states...yet nothing is happening to these monsters, and they are even being applauded for being "progressive". Won't be surprised if the next step is mandating homosexuality, or at least passing laws strongly discouraging heterosexuality. The fact that the "incel" movement is most likely a deliberate govt policy and psyop (last link below) speaks volumes to where we are headed. If you think about it, the LGBTQ+ movement has always had a significant subset that is very much against families and children. Their standard derogatory word for a heterosexual person is "breeder", so not surprising that they view children with disdain or even consider them legitimate targets.
"...Many state laws include verbal threats and emotional abuse as child abuse."
"...As an adult, if you make threats of physical violence to another adult or minor, you can be charged with a crime."

Sure, some of their kind are only doing it for acceptance/coolness or even social benefits (job, school, etc) but when more than a third of the "youth" identifies as LGBTQ+, society is beyound doomed, at least in its current state. The reason I don't think it is just pretending is that the health of the "youth" has been completely destroyed and now many/most of them have the "health" of somebody in his/her 70s. The rapid rise of LGBTQ+ rates mimics perfectly the rise of chronic disease rates in the young. So, it is most certainly not just a fad that they'll grow out of as many people here and in society are hoping. Another indication that this is real and physiological, and not just a fad, is that the LGBTQ+ rates in most Western societies are almost identical and the growth curves over the last 10-20 years are also identical across those countries. This suggests the LGBTQ+ phenomenon is a symptom of a more or less uniform environmental degradation, and the latter is fairly well-documented in "developed" countries, and discussed at length by Peat and this forum.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe


Dec 8, 2016
Let's see how the media will spin this or if it will even be willing to cover it.
NBC News defended them today in a


The event organizers said:
“It’s just words”.


Sep 9, 2019
Latest news suggests the returns are actually increasing.
I may be coping a little too hard Mr Georgie. And extrapolating to demographics and population centres I have no real visibility of.


Ours is a psyop circus today 🤦‍♂️



Nov 1, 2021

Occultists for sure. In support of nwo agenda (aligned with Xrebellion etc.)

Definitely some weird ritualistic stuff in their marches. Not quite sure how deep it all goes...

Front page of that website:

We illuminate the magic realm beneath the surface of all things and we invite people to enter in

Illuminate -> illuminati -> enlighten -> lightbringer -> lucifer

The magic realm beneath -> their Underworld -> welcome to hell.

They claim that the red symbolises blood as in "if you don't stop the climate change, the suffering (blood) of future generations is on your hands" (that's my paraphrase, not a direct quote) - but esoterically (rather than exoterically), who knows... definitely ritualistic.


Dec 8, 2016

Occultists for sure. In support of nwo agenda (aligned with Xrebellion etc.)

Definitely some weird ritualistic stuff in their marches. Not quite sure how deep it all goes...

Front page of that website:

We illuminate the magic realm beneath the surface of all things and we invite people to enter in

Illuminate -> illuminati -> enlighten -> lightbringer -> lucifer

The magic realm beneath -> their Underworld -> welcome to hell.

They claim that the red symbolises blood as in "if you don't stop the climate change, the suffering (blood) of future generations is on your hands" (that's my paraphrase, not a direct quote) - but esoterically (rather than exoterically), who knows... definitely ritualistic.
Thank you

It was 2019 i see
Prior to lockdown.

These aren’t silly demonstrations
(root word: demons. Hmmm)

These are powerful occult rituals
Hate to see this


Sep 9, 2019
Never heard of these people but I know the crop/types. They probably consider themselves performance artists and along with XR, JSO and others you can probably trace at least some of their funding back to Arts Council England. A weird, bizarre and undoubtable very powerful organisation that essentially gatekeeps the formation of cults and the casting of spells here. I'm not denying the existence of art, grassroots and freeform, it just isn't what they're concerned with.

There's a near endless stream of failed (many because they never had a career to begin with) actors, dancers and generally starry eyes little twerps itching to be reprogrammed and take marching orders from one of their offshoots. I may or may not have a family member working for one of their outfits, they may or may not have just gone through a "carbon literacy" program, and unwinding this kind of thing in them may or may not be a constant game of mental whac-a-mole.


Never heard of these people but I know the crop/types. They probably consider themselves performance artists and along with XR, JSO and others you can probably trace at least some of their funding back to Arts Council England. A weird, bizarre and undoubtable very powerful organisation that essentially gatekeeps the formation of cults and the casting of spells here. I'm not denying the existence of art, grassroots and freeform, it just isn't what they're concerned with.

There's a near endless stream of failed (many because they never had a career to begin with) actors, dancers and generally starry eyes little twerps itching to be reprogrammed and take marching orders from one of their offshoots. I may or may not have a family member working for one of their outfits, they may or may not have just gone through a "carbon literacy" program, and unwinding this kind of thing in them may or may not be a constant game of mental whac-a-mole.
This is the reason why I’ve had to reconsider my relationship to the arts/arts organisation post 2020. I’ve had to detach for the time being – sad!
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