Still Hypersexual Help Me Cure This


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Can you elaborate please? I have same problem as OP, cold sweats, hot sweats, nothing (Supplement or diet) has ever helped. I am only 'dry' in the morning and before bed.

Coffee exacerbates it, but eliminating coffee does not resolve it.

Hey man yeah basically what seems to work for me (some steps may vary for you, though)

- Eating ample carbs (emphasizing fruit/sugars, maple syrup, some OJ, and some starch seems to be OK)
- Liberal use of salt
- Eat low PUFA, but a high SFA/PUFA ratio, with beef being my main fat but mind the fats, don't go too crazy with dietary fat, even high SFA/PUFA fats, and maybe some coconut oil. I do cook my beef in coconut oil but I don't have it directly otherwise.
- Consider avoiding dairy fat (dairy fat is fattening for me)
- Consider avoiding milk/whey/cheese entirely (Tryptophan is fattening for me and also anti-metabolic)
- Eat low tryptophan/low fernstrom proteins. For me, because I have a lot of metabolism damage to fix, I'm going to extreme measures. I ONLY eat beef and gelatin for protein. That's it. Beef is virtually the lowest fernstrom ratio protein you can eat.
- Gelatin is an awesome food, and absolutely helps and I use it every day, but it is not enough to counter-act the effects of tryptophan. Ray thinks it does, in my experience, it does NOT.
- Get enough sleep (don't wake up to an alarm if you can avoid it), sunlight, and avoid stress as much as you can
- Eating the right caloric amount for you (about 4000 for me but may vary for you)
- Take it easy with exercise. I only take 30 min walks, and no weightlifting currently.
- I highly recommend taking detailed notes on your day to day life.

I don't take supplements anymore so I am literally not going to recommend a single one. Dietary manipulation should bring you to 98.6F+ temperatures for all but the most broken metabolisms IMO. My temperatures were 96F starting off, so there's always hope haha.

On caffeine, I do have coffee and mexican colas. Sometimes I still feel off from them, but I think part of that is the liberation of fats from the liver, that caffeine can cause. I don't know that caffeine is critical to the process though if you want to ditch it.

The last point was the gamechanger for me. I also was floundering over and over until I started tracking everything basically. Knowing all the rules is nice, but you have to make the plan individualized for you (Learn precisely how much sugar/fat/protein/calories work for you). By taking detailed notes, you are basically becoming your own coach and know how to course correct. Detailed notes are what I should have done from day one and if there is one thing I'd suggest to people, it's that. They are truly gamechanging. Don't let yourself get locked into what works for me. If a high fat moderate carb diet works for you, for example... Go for it. Basically:

Go for whatever diet/lifestyle ultimate results in consistent 98.6F+ temperatures, feeling good, and staying/getting lean etc.
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Jun 26, 2018
Finasteride and masturbating twice a day: you’re on a path that will turn very nasty sooner or later.


Jan 26, 2016
@GorillaHead on methylene blue: "Yes I have. It’s amazing. But idk if it’s safe to use everyday." just lol. says the guy taking FINASTERIDE- unbelievable. Can't believe only one person addressed OPs finasteride use and even then it was in the context of revealing their own demented psyche... equating masturbating twice a day with taking one of the most toxic pharmaceutical drugs of the last 50 years... This forum.....

Finasteride Causes Physical Damage To Nerves, Depression, ED, Steroid Imbalance

5-AR Inhibitor Drugs Like Finasteride Cause Persistent ED And Lower Testosterone

Hair-loss Drugs (Finasteride) May Be Carcinogenic
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Mar 26, 2014
Hey man yeah basically what seems to work for me (some steps may vary for you, though)

Thank you Cirion, so in your experience it is not hormonal? That was my main assumption, I was hoping things like CortiNon, 5aDHP, and Androsterone would help.

Where do you get calcium? I was vegan for a couple of years many years ago (Still sweated - I really have done the lot :D) so avoiding dairy would be no real challenge for me. I consider it a treat anyway, rather than a keystone of my diet.


Oct 21, 2018
@GorillaHead on methylene blue: "Yes I have. It’s amazing. But idk if it’s safe to use everyday." just lol. says the guy taking FINASTERIDE- unbelievable. Can't believe only one person addressed OPs finasteride use and even then it was in the context of revealing their own demented psyche... equating masturbating twice a day with taking one of the most toxic pharmaceutical drugs of the last 50 years... This forum.....

Finasteride Causes Physical Damage To Nerves, Depression, ED, Steroid Imbalance

5-AR Inhibitor Drugs Like Finasteride Cause Persistent ED And Lower Testosterone

Hair-loss Drugs (Finasteride) May Be Carcinogenic

Uh finasteride is a drug that has been studied and used by many safely for years. And the side effects are documented. I went in using fin knowing the risks. There’s like nothing on methylene blue to outline its long term use safety profile and side effects

You cant compare the use of a drug that’s outlined by lots of research on humans versus a drug that’s has little data on human daily use.

I know a guy used it 20 years. Not a single problem.

It’s changed my life for the better so much. Every side effect has been desired so far. Alcohol is literally poison people drink that every day. Hell a study came out saying it was the most damaging drug humans consume regularly.

Also the study that outlines that testosterone went down in long term usage of finasteride in bph men was done for almost 4 years on guys who were at least 45, as you get older testosterone goes down they had no control bad study.

Furthermore they were taking 5mg. I am taking 1/5 of that

If I end up with issues that’s my own choice and a risk I am willing to take.

Your mockery isn’t appreciated.
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Jan 26, 2016
@GorillaHead my point was merely to highlight your insanity and cognitive dissonance, I was not saying that methylene blue is safe to take everyday for an indefinite amount of time just that it’s vastly safer then finasteride. You do realize that Merck admitted within the last decade that it can lead to persistent sexual dysfunction even after discontinuing the drug... yeah that’s what Merck is comfortable to own up to... that nightmare... this being the same company that killed over 50,000 people with Vioxx. Did you even read those 3 things I linked? I guess I can’t understand why you’d take this drug knowing the risks but I guess you’re hatred of your own sexual desires provides a bit of insight. Me dogging you out here is for the sake of your health and as a public service announcement for this forum that now really seems necessary considering the BS you just spewed in your last post. I don’t care if you don’t “appreciate it”.


Oct 21, 2018
Just so you know cats do not like you
@GorillaHead my point was merely to highlight your insanity and cognitive dissonance, I was not saying that methylene blue is safe to take everyday for an indefinite amount of time just that it’s vastly safer then finasteride. You do realize that Merck admitted within the last decade that it can lead to persistent sexual dysfunction even after discontinuing the drug... yeah that’s what Merck is comfortable to own up to... that nightmare... this being the same company that killed over 50,000 people with Vioxx. Did you even read those 3 things I linked? I guess I can’t understand why you’d take this drug knowing the risks but I guess you’re hatred of your own sexual desires provides a bit of insight. Me dogging you out here is for the sake of your health and as a public service announcement for this forum that now really seems necessary considering the BS you just spewed in your last post. I don’t care if you don’t “appreciate it”.

As for everyone else. Thanks for giving insight and ideas. We can go ahead and close this thread


Jan 26, 2016
@GorillaHead I think there are quite a few people on RPF suffering from PFS. I think it would be a good idea to maybe talk with them to help evaluate your situation better but I have a feeling you wouldn't be open to that. Just had to weigh in.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Thank you Cirion, so in your experience it is not hormonal? That was my main assumption, I was hoping things like CortiNon, 5aDHP, and Androsterone would help.

Where do you get calcium? I was vegan for a couple of years many years ago (Still sweated - I really have done the lot :D) so avoiding dairy would be no real challenge for me. I consider it a treat anyway, rather than a keystone of my diet.

It absolutely is hormonal, but I prefer to fix things at the ground level than supplement hormones to fix my problems because that doesn't fix why your hormones are poor in the first place and I have doubts that supplementing hormones can improve a situation if the root cause isn't addressed.

I have no dedicated calcium source yet, but I do plan to experiment with something like eggshell calcium eventually.


Mar 26, 2014
It absolutely is hormonal, but I prefer to fix things at the ground level than supplement hormones to fix my problems because that doesn't fix why your hormones are poor in the first place and I have doubts that supplementing hormones can improve a situation if the root cause isn't addressed.

I have no dedicated calcium source yet, but I do plan to experiment with something like eggshell calcium eventually.

Do you think BCAA supplements could help?


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Do you think BCAA supplements could help?

Yes, Haidut has written some interesting threads that talk about amino acids in great detail, and at one point I believe he had some amino acid supplementation strategy that he played with that helped increase his androgens, with BCAA being one of them. Long story short is BCAA can help bring your fernstrom ratios down, also , directly intaking aminos bypasses the ammonia problems that eating proteins causes (Eating protein, most of the breakdown products are ammonia, with actually only a small portion being usable amino acids) so not only is it possible to be in a functional protein deficit (due to ammonia waste) but you could also be ammonia toxic.


Mar 26, 2014
Yes, Haidut has written some interesting threads that talk about amino acids in great detail, and at one point I believe he had some amino acid supplementation strategy that he played with that helped increase his androgens, with BCAA being one of them. Long story short is BCAA can help bring your fernstrom ratios down, also , directly intaking aminos bypasses the ammonia problems that eating proteins causes (Eating protein, most of the breakdown products are ammonia, with actually only a small portion being usable amino acids) so not only is it possible to be in a functional protein deficit (due to ammonia waste) but you could also be ammonia toxic.

That's really interesting, thank you


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
That's really interesting, thank you

When you look at things in this light, I think it helps to explain some discrepencies in protein recommendations. Vegans claim that you only need something like 30 grams of protein a day.

Amino Acid Supplementation For People With Poor Digestion

I think that 30 gram may be correct now. sort of. The bodily needs of protein per day is probably 30 grams of AMINOS. Not 30 gram of animal meat protein or whatever. Looking at it this way, and referencing Haidut's quite "Studies often quote numbers on protein utilization and it seems that the highest utilization from food sources is for eggs (45%), followed by milk (30%), meat (25%) all the way down to plant protein (<15%)" we can infer the following:

Minimum protein intake per day by food
Eggs: 66.66 gram
Milk: 100 gram
Meat: 120 gram
Plant Proteins: 200 gram

Fernstrom ratios by food:
Eggs: 0.041
Milk: 0.042
Meat (Beef, lowest fernstrom ratio meat): 0.021
Plant Proteins (potato, as example): 0.061
Gelatin: 0.00

Fernstrom ratios times minimum protein intake by food:
Egg: 2.73
Milk: 4.2
Beef: 2.52
Potato: 12.2

Conclusion: Gelatin > Beef > Egg > Milk > Potato for protein sources. However, keep in mind that most meats are worst than beef in fernstrom ratio so on average it'd probably be Gelatin > Egg > Meat/Milk > Plants for protein, and you can't really use gelatin exclusively since it is missing some AA's.

Doing some more calculations:

Ammonia and other generated (waste) while intaking required proteins by food source
Eggs: 37g
Milk: 70g
Meat: 90g
Plant: 170g

So maybe, eggs might be the best protein source since the fernstrom ratio is only marginally higher than meat but the ammonia generated is far less. Unfortunately, using eggs for your protein source also comes with the problem of PUFA's, unless you wanna just have egg whites I guess.
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May 30, 2018
I don’t think getting an urge to masturbate twice per day necessarily indicates hypersexuality, but instead could just be a symptom of loneliness or boredom. The urge for oxytocin release daily through secure bonds with other people is an even more powerful instinct than sexual instincts. From the time we are born and probably before a primary drive is to seek comfort through secure bonds with our mother then others as we gain more independence. A daily lifestyle that doesn’t involve renewing secure bonds is not really natural for humans and many other social animals. So I think part of the compulsion for frequent masturbation can often be loneliness rather than an abnormal sex drive.

Primates don’t masturbate nearly as much in the wild as they do in captivity without adequate companionship and interesting environments. Not hard to make a parallel to the isolated human zoo like lifestyle that many find themselves in today. A lot of people, myself included, could use more close friendships and meaningful time together.


Apr 13, 2019
What is optimal estradiol levels. I posted my levels in the original post.

Well my acne is gone since I got on Finasteride. Finasteride has helped a lot but not entirely

As @Cirion mentioned excess ”masturbation” seems more to be a stress response than an hypersexual state. I think estrogen plays a major role in both. But also a lack of dopamine and the motivation to break free and achieve more in life than just relying on the unhealthy habits. A jerk off is just a temporary quick fix even to you know it’s bad. If you have healthy neurotransmission you should get aroused when you need to but not the random ”I need relief” sort of arousals. Its just a compulsion. My advice would be to try and change your life to live and focus on being present in reality and not just a by stander. If you go on autopilot that is a stressed state. You do it because you dont enjoy those moments. You have to learn to enjoy even the smallest of things. It’s doable but its not easy. Live is not ment to be easy and we have to figure it all out. Even if you feel like you already should had figuered it out.


Oct 21, 2018
I don’t think getting an urge to masturbate twice per day necessarily indicates hypersexuality, but instead could just be a symptom of loneliness or boredom. The urge for oxytocin release daily through secure bonds with other people is an even more powerful instinct than sexual instincts. From the time we are born and probably before a primary drive is to seek comfort through secure bonds with our mother then others as we gain more independence. A daily lifestyle that doesn’t involve renewing secure bonds is not really natural for humans and many other social animals. So I think part of the compulsion for frequent masturbation can often be loneliness rather than an abnormal sex drive.

Primates don’t masturbate nearly as much in the wild as they do in captivity without adequate companionship and interesting environments. Not hard to make a parallel to the isolated human zoo like lifestyle that many find themselves in today. A lot of people, myself included, could use more close friendships and meaningful time together.
As @Cirion mentioned excess ”masturbation” seems more to be a stress response than an hypersexual state. I think estrogen plays a major role in both. But also a lack of dopamine and the motivation to break free and achieve more in life than just relying on the unhealthy habits. A jerk off is just a temporary quick fix even to you know it’s bad. If you have healthy neurotransmission you should get aroused when you need to but not the random ”I need relief” sort of arousals. Its just a compulsion. My advice would be to try and change your life to live and focus on being present in reality and not just a by stander. If you go on autopilot that is a stressed state. You do it because you dont enjoy those moments. You have to learn to enjoy even the smallest of things. It’s doable but its not easy. Live is not ment to be easy and we have to figure it all out. Even if you feel like you already should had figuered it out.

Wow guys super helpful information here. I really appreciate the time you guys put in your responses. I can resonate with a lot said
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