Please, Scalp Itch And Hairloss Driving Me Insane


Mar 9, 2014
Hi there, I suffer from scalp itch and hairloss, im 25 year old male, I need it to stop :(
Father and his bro are bald, my grandpa bald, my mom's father aka the other grandpa is a NW3
What can I do? it seems im doomed to be bald.

Things I tried are ketoconazole 2% shampoo 2 time a week for months and its doing nothing
I tried all kind of shampoos really, did nothing

I have hypothyroidism, TSH around 4-5, im taking 50mcg of T4 at night, I think I need higher dose as perfect TSH should be 0.
FT4 is usually a bit on the lower end but in range, FT3 in the middle of the range.

I did a full lab with a lot of stuff, heres all I got:

DHT: 1.42 ng/ml - range: 0.25 - 1.00 *
free test: 20pg/mL - range of 8.4 - 42.3
total test: 3.70ng/ml - range of 1.55 - 8.76
prolactin: 6,30ng/ml - range: 2.6 - 18.1
LH: 1.70 mUI/mL - range: 1.80 - 8.20 *
E2: 24.0 pg/ml - range: 11 - 44.0
progesterone: 0.63 ng/ml - range: < 0.2 *
androstendione: 2.61 ng/ml - range: 0.5 - 3.0
androstenediol glucuronide: 5.7 ng/ml - range: 3.4 - 22.0
vitamin D1,25: 35.1 pg/ml - range 18 - 78 pg/ml
vitamin OH25: 8.00 ng/ml - range: severe deficit < 10 ng/ml, moderate deficit 10-29 ng/ml, recomended value 30-100 ng/ml, toxic value > 100 ng/ml

I dont know what to do. DHT seems too high, I need finasteride? I've heard a lot of people getting good results and healing scalp itch besides hairloss. It seems DHT is connected with this scalp itch coupled with the hairloss.
Minoxidil also helps as a vasodilatator, im gonna buy 5%.
I heard some people talking about topical finasteride, does this work? I heard some people got results, they also healed scalp itch with it it seems.

Another recomended products i've heard is clobetasol propionate foam and indometacine.

I tried 10mg of cetirizine daily, and I didnt notice any changes whatsoever, so discontinued it.
Please, anyone knows if there is a way to measure:

vitamin K2
cortisol or any other stress hormones

I have asked a lot of people and docs and some say its impossible to measure histamine, dopamine and serotonine. Then how the hell do you know if you need meds for it? Like, how do I know I need the cetirizine? or something to boost dopamine and reduce serotonine or something?
I also need what to ask for to measure K2 and cortisol. Is salivary cortisol test the best? I also heard some people saying it's not as accurate.

Another thing i've noticed is my legs tell me to move. I can stop if I want, but I feel better if i move specially when I listen to music.

Ive been very sedentary lately, barely go out. I walk a bit daily on the treadmill. Im very lean, so im not a fat ****.

Final question: I see conflicting arguments for the vitamin D levels. Some say I need vitamin D levels, some say I don't because what matters is D1,25 levels, and since my levels are okay D1,25 wise, I would be doing more harm than good.

My diet is good, I drink OJ daily, I dont smoke or drink alcohol. Please help me with these questions and finding why this is happening? I think the only way out from this is going to be finasteride even if in foam form and clobetasol or indometacine. If I start mentally masturbating too much about finding the exact cause I think i'll be bald by then, because the only thing proven to work are these things, other than that is like trying to find Wally.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
Goofy if you really want to get deep into this I would hit Danny Roddy up. He does consults and is a big Ray Peat fan. He'd look at your blood work and suggest things to do and look for.

EDIT: And I would be cautious when anything like Finestride/Propecia. Too many horror stories out there on those. Minoxidil IMO will do nothing for the itch and scalp inflammation.


Jul 24, 2013
goofy said:
Hi there, I suffer from scalp itch and hairloss...

I have hypothyroidism, TSH around 4-5, im taking 50mcg of T4 at night

vitamin D1,25: 35.1 pg/ml - range 18 - 78 pg/ml
vitamin OH25: 8.00 ng/ml - range: severe deficit < 10 ng/ml, moderate deficit 10-29 ng/ml, recomended value 30-100 ng/ml, toxic value > 100 ng/ml

...Final question: I see conflicting arguments for the vitamin D levels. Some say I need vitamin D levels, some say I don't because what matters is D1,25 levels, and since my levels are okay D1,25 wise, I would be doing more harm than good.

There's lots of topics in here. I will just mention a few. It's understood that hair loss is no joke.

For best evaluation of thyroid function, please start tracking resting pulse and temperature and go through a check list of low thyroid symptoms, to see which may fit, aside from the hair/scalp issues. If already done, you might post the findings.

Lab tests are not the be all and end all, but even some conventional organizations will classify TSH values above 2.5-ish as being hypothyroid. Over the long term, IMNHO, people do best with a combination of T4 & T3. ... nfused.htm

I am one who would be concerned about low 25-OH vitamin D levels. Dr. Peat suggests that adequate vitamin D will (helpfully) keep the PTH (parathyroid hormone) levels low. It would be good to test the PTH level promptly if possible, since other thorough testing has been done. It would be pretty unusual for a young person to be quite low in vitamin D, especially in July in the northern hemisphere. Are you indoors almost all the time? ... vitamin-d/

If you are very lean with high TSH and possibly low thyroid function, what is tolerance of cold like? Do you feel chilled to the bone in winter, do the the fingers/toes/nose/ears get cold easily? These symptoms might reflect high adrenaline compensation for low thyroid function.

Have you ever used coconut oil to the scalp? It relieves itching for some. You might see if a small bit on one side is helpful, in comparison to another. The "refined" i.e. deodorized (76 degree melt) coconut oil is fine. I do not say that this is the main thing for reducing hair loss.


Mar 9, 2014
Gl;itch.e said:
Goofy if you really want to get deep into this I would hit Danny Roddy up. He does consults and is a big Ray Peat fan. He'd look at your blood work and suggest things to do and look for.

EDIT: And I would be cautious when anything like Finestride/Propecia. Too many horror stories out there on those. Minoxidil IMO will do nothing for the itch and scalp inflammation.

Im not enterly familiar with Danny Roddy, but judging from his approach for hairloss i dont have much hope. I think anyone that thinks doing some changes on the diet and using natural remedies will revert MPB is just delusional. I've seen tons of good results with fin and minoxidil without sides (and including IRL). I have never seen irrefutable evidence of anyone getting legit results with Danny's approach for MPB. Yes, of course diet is important, of course stress is important, of course thyroid condition is important... but that for me is just an extra, the rest is pure genetics that will **** you up unless you do something anti-natural about it (finasteride-like compounds, minoxidil... etc). Basically what im saying is: If you do NOT lower your DHT scalp levels, you are in for a hard awakening when you realize everything else is pointless. Someone please prove me wrong, otherwise I will still consider 5ar-inhibitors as a pilar against the hairloss battle.


Mar 9, 2014
aguilaroja said:
goofy said:
Hi there, I suffer from scalp itch and hairloss...

I have hypothyroidism, TSH around 4-5, im taking 50mcg of T4 at night

vitamin D1,25: 35.1 pg/ml - range 18 - 78 pg/ml
vitamin OH25: 8.00 ng/ml - range: severe deficit < 10 ng/ml, moderate deficit 10-29 ng/ml, recomended value 30-100 ng/ml, toxic value > 100 ng/ml

...Final question: I see conflicting arguments for the vitamin D levels. Some say I need vitamin D levels, some say I don't because what matters is D1,25 levels, and since my levels are okay D1,25 wise, I would be doing more harm than good.

There's lots of topics in here. I will just mention a few. It's understood that hair loss is no joke.

For best evaluation of thyroid function, please start tracking resting pulse and temperature and go through a check list of low thyroid symptoms, to see which may fit, aside from the hair/scalp issues. If already done, you might post the findings.

Lab tests are not the be all and end all, but even some conventional organizations will classify TSH values above 2.5-ish as being hypothyroid. Over the long term, IMNHO, people do best with a combination of T4 & T3. ... nfused.htm

I am one who would be concerned about low 25-OH vitamin D levels. Dr. Peat suggests that adequate vitamin D will (helpfully) keep the PTH (parathyroid hormone) levels low. It would be good to test the PTH level promptly if possible, since other thorough testing has been done. It would be pretty unusual for a young person to be quite low in vitamin D, especially in July in the northern hemisphere. Are you indoors almost all the time? ... vitamin-d/

If you are very lean with high TSH and possibly low thyroid function, what is tolerance of cold like? Do you feel chilled to the bone in winter, do the the fingers/toes/nose/ears get cold easily? These symptoms might reflect high adrenaline compensation for low thyroid function.

Have you ever used coconut oil to the scalp? It relieves itching for some. You might see if a small bit on one side is helpful, in comparison to another. The "refined" i.e. deodorized (76 degree melt) coconut oil is fine. I do not say that this is the main thing for reducing hair loss.

Hi, I live in france so summers are hot here, and yes i've been indoors and barely go out. I feel tired specially in the morning. Should I start getting some sun? Im scared of premature wrinkless and melanoma, even tho i've read about 20 minutes of sunbathing without any sunscreen is healthy. Im also considering going back to the gym. I just need to stop feeling tired and find motivation.

Yeah as well for the cold thing, i tolerate hot water much better than cold water, even tho i can start raising the temperature and I can adapt to cold water, but getting myself directly into cold water is a pain in the ****. Yeah I did test for PTH: 26,0 pg/mL, it says serum: 11- 67 pg/ml, plasma EDTA: 16 - 86 pg/ml
I've read on a book that you must be careful with vitamin D supplementation as it may lead to vitamin D receptor blockage, that's why im scared to supplement with vitamin D and why im prone to think dossing by OH25 levels doesn't make any sense (you should look at your 1,25). Wouldn't you agree?

This bloodwork is a year old tho. But that's all I got.

How would you go about the thyroid? Do I add T3 too?

And please, someone answer me to how to measure these:

vitamin K2
cortisol or any other stress hormones

in addition, libido is OK and I can get raging hardons. Must be my super high DHT??


Nov 26, 2012
Hi goofy,

Sorry for your scalp and hair problem.
Have you ever tried a solution of zinc sulphate and B6 ( in P5P form) applied topically?
You said that you live in France so you can try to contact the pharmacie de l'Europe , boulevard d'Amsterdam in Paris ( 75009) and ask them to make the following formula:

-440 mg of zinc sulphate (not the zinc oxide) + 150mg of B6 in 60ml of purified / distilled water. You can use this lotion up to 2x/day.

I recommend the pharmacie de l' Europe because they are one of the few with high quality sourcing raw material that one can find in France.
The other option is to do it yourself via purchasing the raw material through purebulk.
You can also rub , like aquilaroja said, refined coconut oil (or olive oil) the night before washing your head ( I had better results from rubbing olive oil instead of coconut oil, though.)
If you choose to use olive oil please be sure to buy one which is very light in odor and not too "green" in color ( Alziari blue canister olive oil is perfect for this) as I found some olive oil very irritating to the scalp.

A bientôt sur le forum. ;)


Nov 9, 2012
Wilfrid said:
-440 mg of zinc sulphate (not the zinc oxide) + 150mg of B6 in 60ml of purified / distilled water. You can use this lotion up to 2x/day.

Why zinc and B6? I've read DHEA, copper, aspirin etc but not these two.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
goofy said:
Gl;itch.e said:
Goofy if you really want to get deep into this I would hit Danny Roddy up. He does consults and is a big Ray Peat fan. He'd look at your blood work and suggest things to do and look for.

EDIT: And I would be cautious when anything like Finestride/Propecia. Too many horror stories out there on those. Minoxidil IMO will do nothing for the itch and scalp inflammation.

Im not enterly familiar with Danny Roddy, but judging from his approach for hairloss i dont have much hope. I think anyone that thinks doing some changes on the diet and using natural remedies will revert MPB is just delusional. I've seen tons of good results with fin and minoxidil without sides (and including IRL). I have never seen irrefutable evidence of anyone getting legit results with Danny's approach for MPB. Yes, of course diet is important, of course stress is important, of course thyroid condition is important... but that for me is just an extra, the rest is pure genetics that will f*** you up unless you do something anti-natural about it (finasteride-like compounds, minoxidil... etc). Basically what im saying is: If you do NOT lower your DHT scalp levels, you are in for a hard awakening when you realize everything else is pointless. Someone please prove me wrong, otherwise I will still consider 5ar-inhibitors as a pilar against the hairloss battle.
IMO this is a strange attitude. If you believe that simply reducing one variable (in this case DHT) is all thats required then you could make a case for finasteride etc working. But if you believe one variable is all it takes to make a profound change then why would a broader holistic approach that effectively targets multiple variables (prolactin, aldosterone, cortisol, serotonin etc) not also work?

Perhaps check out the all-things-male or immortal hair forums for some other ideas and opinions from people who have actually tried a lot of different things.

And also consider the mental and emotional aspect to hairloss. IMO it is just hair after all and it doesnt impede your life in the same way that losing a foot to diabetes would.


Mar 9, 2014
Never said DHT is the only thing that matters, I said DHT scalp activity is one of the fundamental reasons of MPB. Not admiting this as dumb as blaming it all on diet for instance.

And yes, my life is over as I know it without hair, im still in my 20's for god's sake.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
goofy said:
Never said DHT is the only thing that matters, I said DHT scalp activity is one of the fundamental reasons of MPB. Not admiting this as dumb as blaming it all on diet for instance.
Thats only if you believe "conventional wisdom". Correlation does not imply causation. Im more inclined to believe that MPB is due to structural changes in the scalp that impede nerve and blood flow. Even if DHT is a player in this, increasing blood flow would prevent the "stagnation" or "pooling" of it from occuring so severely and more effectively nourish/feed the hair and scalp tissues.

And yes, my life is over as I know it without hair, im still in my 20's for god's sake.
What does the amount of hair on your head actually do thats going to stop you from achieving or doing what you want in life? Yes I admit it can be a shock to your self esteem, but you can find plenty of other things in your life to make you feel good about yourself.


Mar 9, 2014
DHT shrinks hair follicles, this seems clear nowadays. Blood flow is also a factor, thats why minoxidil can be so effective in some cases (probably in cases where DHT activity isn't as high, because sometimes minoxidil does nothing, thats probably because DHT scalp activity is delivering hell on there no matter how much you improve blood flow).

You stop being actractive to females on their physical prime (18-21). You are also seen officially as an "old man". I look 5 years younger thanks to my good skin and HAIR, I want to perpetrate this as long as possible.
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